#'guys lets send jaejoong flowers'
a9saga · 1 year
SM Entertainment sends Kim Jaejoong a wreath of flowers for the opening of his new company while they are again being sued by three people for the same shit JYJ sued them for 14 years ago. This is so, so obviously calculated it's like why even bother??
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lovrodney · 4 years
Somewhere with Flowers -Changmin
This is for Anon!
Request:  Can you write a Shim Changmin scenario about him trying to impress y/n and make her fall in love with him?
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“What do I say?” Changmin groaned in frustration while trying to formulate the perfect reply to the message he had just received. 
“Are you still talking to her?” Yunho inquired as he lifted his eyes from his own phone.
“More like messaging, but yes” Changmin clarified as he scratched his head in frustration.
“What did she send you this time?” Jaejoong asked as the other members began to gather around in curiosity.
Yoochun quickly snatched the phone out of Changmin’s hands to find your profile shown on the screen, “You haven’t even messaged her yet?”
Changmin shot up, trying to reach for the phone until he shook his head in defeat, “I mean... I was going to... when I found the words...”
“So, for this past week, you have been falling in love with a profile and you haven’t even talked to her yet?” Junsu clarified as he wandered over to the group.
“That’s one way to put it...” Changmin admitted shyly.
“Message _____” Yunho pressed the button underneath your pictures as it pulled onto a new messaging screen.
“Hi _______, I think you are very cute and I would love to take you out sometime. I am famous and have a lot of money and I would love to make you happy.” Yunho playfully tapped the screen to send a message to you.
“No!” Changmin ripped the phone back from Yunho, “I’ll do it... I just need some time...”
“Have you texted her yet? It’s been almost a week” Jaejoong slid close to Changmin as they settled down for their lunch at a favorite restaurant.
“No, I just don’t know what to say... but then what do I do if she replies back?” Changmin rested his phone on the table in front of him as the other members leaned back and scratched their heads.
“Why don’t you just start off with hi, or send her a flower or something?” Junsu questioned, throwing out an idea.
“You could take a picture of a flower for her and send it her way, that is a good way to break the ice” Yunho agreed
“Now to find some flowers...” Jaejoong sprung up from his seat and ran outside to snap a few pictures of the flowers just outside of the restaurant that they were at.
Returning with pictures of flowers, he handed the phone back to Changmin.
“Just send her a message, what is the worst that could happen?” Yunho tried to be optimistic as he shrugged his shoulder to try to give Changmin some confidence. 
Pulling up your profile picture, he tapped the message button. Searching through the photos that Jaejoong took for him, he attached the photo to a small but simple message. Taking a deep breath, he hit send and then let the screen on his phone go dark.
Feeling a vibration from your pocket, you pulled out your phone, dropped down the notification menu and tapped on the unread message.
A special girl, like you, deserves a flower each and every day...
Opening up the photo, you gasped seeing such vibrant and beautiful flowers. Positioning your thumbs, you tapped the side of your screen in thought before a reply came to mind.
The phone buzzed across the table as all of the guys paused from their food. Their eyes narrowed on Changmin’s phone as the 4 pairs of eyes watched in anticipation as Changmin tapped his screen. Seeing an unread message, he quickly lifted the phone from the table and rested it between his two hands. Tapping the unopened message, his eyes dropped to the reply.
I can’t wait to see what flower you choose for me tomorrow :)
A broad smile curled onto his lips.
“Was that her?” All of the guys whispered in offset unison before silence fell over their table.
“She wants me to send her one tomorrow” Changmin beamed as the guys leaned over and patted him on the shoulder. 
Sweat covered Changmin’s palms as he twirled a small stemmed flower between his fingers. Lifting one hand up, he pressed the doorbell. Straining his hearing for any sound within the apartment, his eyes dropped down to the single flower that he was going to present to the girl on the other side of the door.
“Changmin?” A soft voice called his eyes from the flower.
“______...” His jaw slightly dropped seeing you on the other side of the door, outfitted in your favorite pair of jeans and a nice flannel shirt covering a tank top of a matching color. “I figured you would want a flower in person one of these times...”
A giggle left your lips as he extended the single flower towards you. “That would be a bonus” You carefully took the flower from his grasp as you quickly placed it in some water and met him back at the door.
“So where are we headed?” You inquired while locking up your apartment behind you.
“Somewhere with flowers”
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