#'hey so actually everythings fine and krita's layout is confusing asf. woopsies'
hellishboots ยท 2 years
why krita why
#monke.maks#unhinged rant incoming#krita is so confusing for my boomer ass#i thought i lost all my progress not one but two times#first time was kinda silly and was resolved quickly#basically i had created a new tab w compressed layers and i didnt know it was a separate tab#so i got kinda sad thinking i was gonna have to redraw it#i even talked to some friends online abt it and man was it embarrassing when i realized what had happened#i was all like 'nooo my progress boohoo'#a couple minutes later#'hey so actually everythings fine and krita's layout is confusing asf. woopsies'#and TODAY#i opened my laptop after it had died to discover my autosave file for a drawing i had spent hours on was gone#OR SO I THOUGHT#BECAUSE I COULDNT FIND THE FILE AT FIRST#AND EVERYWHERE ONLINE WAS LIKE 'yeah lol rip your progress those autosave files are gone with the wind. six feet under. peaced out'#TURNS OUT I WAS LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE#and there was nothing online talking abt if your laptop died#just if you had crashed/exited normally#so i spent a good few hours just working up to redoing the entire fucking thing#BUT THEN I LOOKED SOMEWHERE ELSE AND-#*sputters autismly*#why is krita's layout so confusing#and even worse is that most of the info online abt it is even more confusing#if this happens a third time istfg i will atomize someones skull in mild annoyance#i can handle the actual inconvienience of thinking i lost something#i just cant handle the embarrasement of crying (/hyp) to my friends abt it then being like heyyy. guess what? clown moment amiright#ugh anyway thanks for reading my dumass rant abt very first-world problems#i barely edited the whole thing so heres to hoping its like#legible and stuff
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