#'hi are owen and beru in the au' 'yes [starts a ted talk]'
stealingpotatoes · 11 months
In your au, did uncle Owen and aunt beru help anakin with Leia’s early years?
yeah!! so for the first few months, Anakin was raising Leia alone while on the run and also trying not to be depressed about 1. the entire republic falling, 2. him almost being involved in that, and 3. losing his wife and son for the foreseeable future. this is, as it turns out, not very sustainable AND he wants to help the fight against the empire -- which he absolutely cannot do
n he realises his only option is what he considers the Ultimate Worst Option Ever: go back to Tatooine and hope the Larses will be able to help even the tiniest bit. which he hates bc tatooine and he's gotta basically beg for help -- except it doesn't come to that bc Owen and Beru take one look at this depressed ball of self hatred and recently aquired fatherhood and IMMEDIATELY are like yes come in we can help oh my we thought you died in those Jedi purges!!
so yeah for a while Anakin's basically just Recovering from the insanity of the past few months (and paying them back by upgrading the farming equipment in ways thought impossible) but after a while he gets in contact w the fledgeling rebellion n starts doing missions and Owen n Beru look after Leia during those!! but yeah she's mostly living on Tatooine, occasionally goes w Anakin places as she gets older (NOT missions, Jedi training lol)
but as with anything nice that happens to a Skywalker, it doesn't last and long story short when Leia's abt 12 someone tracks Anakin to Tatooine!!! luckily he deals w them before they get to the farm, but he realises Huh I'm Putting Owen and Beru in a Lot of Danger w harbouring 2 Jedi -- which they insist is fine but Anakin's... well he's Anakin so he's like nah ok Leia and I should stay w the Rebellion more I'm so sorry ):
Leia n Anakin still visit after that (and Luke & Padme will too, eventually! bc they don't get a new hope'd) but yeah!! Leia loves her aunt and uncle a lot they're great and Beru absolutely has a spritzer to spray Anakin w when he gets too broody lol
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