#'house bloodroyal' is just the tei uraani equivalent of a ruling family there are seven of them!
belafujoshisdead ยท 2 years
6, 21, 37
oc questions!
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
a lot of the character dynamics and drama in the story my characters are from comes from the interactions + inner workings of a bunch of royal and noble families from another world, so i'm not sure if any of my characters really fit this! usually when characters from this story look alike it's because they're related. but i bet a lot of royals or nobles use body doubles from time to time and that's something i should explore more maybe ๐Ÿ‘€
21. Your most artistic OC
virenina and asaau, who are executioners, both consider themselves as artists in the way they carry out their role (as do most executioners - on tei ura it's referred to as the red art). vene, the main antagonist and virenina's father, calls what he does science, but works more like an artist or magician than any legitimate scientist, especially after he goes from 'single person' to 'sea of cloned bodies.' he's descended from a house bloodroyal that's basically a clan of mad scientists it's fun
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
virenina and vene are both on parallel roads to monstrous divinity (or divine monstrosity. depends on who you ask)! virenina is bound to an entity called ai naa that slowly eats away at her humanity and leaves something shining and terrible in its place. vene is forging his own artificial divinity through endless scientific self-cannibalism (by way of constantly 'consuming' his own cloned bodies in experiments)
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