#'how come all the famous engines are on the western half of the railway?'
Something I feel that we (the TTTE community) have not addressed enough is the fact that Vickerstown (the real life neighborhood in Barrow that Vicarstown is based on) was built mainly to support the workers at the Vickers Shipyard across the channel in Barrow, as Barrow proper did not have the room.
One can only presume that the Sodor's Vicarstown served much the same purpose once the strangely coincidentally named shipyard across the harbor was built.
The Vickers Shipyard, it should be noted, was and is the primary Shipyard for the Royal Navy, has produced nearly all of the British nuclear submarine fleet, multiple Royal Navy flagships, and literally hundreds of capital ships for navies around the world, including battleships.
Therefore, it stands to reason that each and every one of them was built, by hand, by People Who Live On The Island Of Sodor.
Yes! Agree 100%. Underrated connection.
The joint between Vickerstown (real life) and Vicarstown (fictional) is remarkably clean, if you ignore the name and the size of the islands they are on.
I think that's one reason I've gotten so stuck on this area of "RWS research" rather than moving onto other topics. Because the longer you look into this particular topic the smarter Wilbert Awdry and all of The Island of Sodor come out looking.
Barrow attracted workers from all over even before the days of Vickers Shipyard, so Sudrians were certainly among them, moving into the town or commuting there by ferry way back into the 19th century. This connection must go way back. (It is starting to make a little more sense for the island to be represented by the Cumbrian MP.)
The Walney/Jubilee Bridge was built in 1908 but it seems to have been strictly for road vehicles. I have not been able to find whether or not the tram system ran across the bridge but I doubt it. Anyway it in no way precludes the introduction of the bridge introducing a rail link in 1915.
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That there was a settlement in Vicarstown dating back centuries I don't dispute, but I reckon this etymology is a bit... post-dated. Self-serving. I headcanon they usually knew it by a different name, until Vickers arrived and started buying up and developing land. At which point it became a national point of honour to insist that Vickers hadn't named the place—they had only appropriated Sudrian history!!1!:
(It may be noted that I am deliberately spelling it as Vickerstown right now in A Hole in the Net. Because it's from Nobby's point of view and he's every inch a Barrovian—he probably has no idea there even is a competing spelling/etymology. Certainly the FR would have spelled it that way.)
Anyway. After the arrival of 'Vickerstown' company-owned housing and development dominate the area, of course, and there is no doubt that Vickers was an economic, jobs-giving gold mine for all of east Sodor. But we also know that Sudrians are very touchy about their autonomy and I reckon there was some internal strain, some conflict between economic interest and national pride. There would also have been people residing in "the town" who were not Vickers employees, too, and they might have carried the flag of resistance to the idea of being subsumed into a Greater Barrow area.
Housing in Barrow during WWI was a huge problem. Westminster launched an investigation in 1917 (if I recall the year correctly) on the danger of a workers' revolution in Barrow—they were keeping an eye on several towns regarding this issue, but only for Barrow did they feel the need to take this step. The rent inflation was insane and by the midway point in the war temperatures ran high.
That's in real life. In the RWS timeline, a rail link to the rather commodious island of Sodor would have been a great relief to everyone. Ballahoo in particular is said in IoS to be a bedroom community for Barrow. (It's a bit far away—but presumably it had empty housing already built, which was the big bottleneck. Why would it have empty housing? This implies that the town had seen a decline in population... so there are interesting details that could be filled in there about the economic history around Ballahoo...)
Interestingly, Vickers had to lay off a lot of people in the years after Armistice. This coincides with the period where the FR (and the MR, of course) are basically telling the NWR "pay up or return our stuff please, you're on your own now." The fortunes of east Sodor and Barrow that were so linked in the first quarter of the 20th century would begin to deteriorate. (That wasn't true of Walney Island, but Walney Island is much smaller and doesn't have much going on besides Vickerstown. Sodor has a bigger population and lots of other ways to earn one's daily bread.)
Now, Vickers hung on very well and is still pounding out ships to this day, so I don't doubt your proposed headcanon that the industry (largely under military contract) remains a huge factor in Sodor-Vicarstown economy.
Island of Sodor downplays this because Rev. Awdry was a pacifist and has a demonstrated history of ignoring wars as much as possible.
But I'd go further and propose that in the RWS timeline there might have been a real possibility for Vicarstown to eclipse Barrow—there comes a point where Sodor's economy seems more diversified than Cumbria's.
I wonder if the NWR-LMS Agreement was partly predicated on fears of Sodor getting too big for its britches. They didn't care if Sodor had its own railway—the LMS did great business through Sodor, and if they didn't have to bear the costs of the rail system there then all the better—but perhaps it did want to try keep it somewhat irrelevant. The lack of a depot at Vic(k)e/arstown meant fewer non-Vickers jobs based in the town, protecting Vickers' hold on the town and also shifting population and workers back to Barrow (which was otherwise emptying out fast, now that the war was over). And then, of course, the LMS insisted on keeping control of the commute into Barrow via the Norramby trains. Presumably because otherwise the NWR could have held it hostage and fucked around with it to retaliate if relations ever soured with the LMS. Or just that the LMS had an interest in regular services for workers into the mainland, an interest that the NWR might not have been able to meet on its own motive power. Remember that the LMS was not the only one involved in this deal—Westminster required Grouping and they must have also agreed to wind up overlooking the NWR. It only requires one or two Cumbrian MPs who want to protect the interest of its mainland constituents at the expense of its island constituents for the NWR-LMS Agreement to start to make a lot of sense.
(This is in complete contradiction to what was said in the latest Awdry lecture about how Westminster ignored Sodor because it was just too dang poor but that "new canon" doesn't make sense to me. You can still exploit a poor region. That's kind of the whole point of imperialism. I prefer to think that was the official face-saving narrative but the reality was that Anything to Keep Sodor Dependent and Poor While Still Giving Us Our Imports and Workers was the goal. A somewhat missed goal. Because the Sudrians are bloody creative and ungovernable, that's why.)
Anyway despite the attempts to keep Vicarstown a strictly company town and in spite of the 1925 Agreement, I think Vicarstown went on to thrive after WWII. Shipbuilding was at its heart but it did not alone dictate the town's development. That's another story, but I accept wholeheartedly that at some point we can patch in the TVS timeline whereby Vicarstown again opens a depot. The shortest version of this history? Well, part of it had to be by Sodor capitalizing on its knowledge base. The entire eastern half of Sodor is by now dominated by shipbuilders and engineers, trained for generations by Vickers and Crovan's Gate respectively. A technical education in eastern Sodor has to be a hot commodity in itself!
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tornadoyoungiron · 7 months
TRAINTOBER | Day 27 - Record Breaker
The Seagulls are excited to discover that the famous Great Western, City of Truro, is visiting Barrow-in-Furness. Coppernob is less than excited, however.
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Furness Railway’s No. 3 ‘Coppernob’ in their Glasshouse at Barrow-in-Furness
A wild storm had blown through one night. In the morning, the true extent of the damage had been revealed, roofs had flown off houses, trees had been sprayed over the roads and now lorries and cars could not use them.
The rails had been the lifeline, and within a few hours, they had been mostly cleared to allow resources to get through where they were needed most. 
Certainly, Barrow-in-Furness had the advantage of being a major port town but marine transport was far too slow for the mail or the resources would be far too costly to transport via the ocean. 
And so this was how the Great Western’s bright spark, the City of Truro found himself racing towards the North on a mercy mission with supplies and mail from the South. He was passing through LMS territory where once, the bigger engines would jeer and try to spook him, but now they cheered him on, the engine that claimed to beat the LNER’s golden boy.
To them, anything was an improvement over Flying Scotsman, such was the rivalry between the two railways so great.
“He’s here, he’s here! There he goes! The fastest engine in the West!” Came the tittering of engines as he passed and City of Truro arrogantly raised his boiler higher on its frames, basking in the Furness Engine’s praise. 
He loved it, he loved the attention, it validated him, made him strive to be better, to prove to his railway that he was invaluable.
He came upon Barrow-in-Furness station to find it empty and no one to receive him. Truro scowled, deeply annoyed. There was supposed to be somewhere here to meet him to authorise and check his mail run. Oh he did so hate being made to wait.
“This place used to run a lot better before Grouping,” a voice called to him. “Sad sorry lot these LMS fellas. Too much area to oversee makes them slack at the top. Things fall the cracks you see.”
Truro looked over to the grand structure nearby, a magnificent glasshouse with ornate designs framed an older-looking engine with a strange globe-like firebox and a boiler like that of a think barrel. 
He had heard tell of this engine. The fiery red Coopernob, they called him with a personality to match his paint.
“Well, the Great Western Railway takes pride in doing things the correct way and not allowing things to slip through the cracks,” Truro boasted. “I’m the City of Truro. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?”
The red engine’s eyes narrowed and his lips parted into a thin line as his gaze grew critical of the Great Western engine before him. 
“You boast that the Great Western way fills in its cracks yet here you are, breaking records behind their backs and making yourself a damn nuisance and a poor role model to the younger engines here,” Coppernob suddenly spoke harshly of Truro and the Great Western was shocked.
“Excuse me?” Truro spluttered. He’d heard that Coppernob could be a right ass but he hadn’t been expecting to be quite this upfront about it.
“You’ve got the young ones all a titter with your supposed Record Breaking run,” Coppernob scoffed deeply annoyed. “Now that you’re here they’ll be all caught up in their own heads rather than focusing on work.”
“Excuse me for wanting to be something more than the purpose I was created for!” City of Truro scoffed, annoyed. “What right do you to be judging me anyway, sitting pretty in your little glass house?”
“My judgement comes from decades of experience young one,” Coppernob disputed. “I have more than half a century over you and you do not look like much to me. Just another young upstart who thinks he can bend the rules due to his fame.”
Truro just snorted in response and turned his attention to a Larger Seagull approaching the station, presumably the one to takeover his train.
The Seagull squeaked at the sight of him.
“City- City of Truro! It’s an honour to meet you!” Number 24 squeaked. “My brother would be beside himself to meet you but he’s on the Island of Sodor.” 
“Haha well if you see him again then tell him I send my regards!” Truro winked and him and the Seagull made a strange noise in response. “But who knows, maybe one day I’ll visit there myself, you never know!”
“His, his name is Edward if you happen to meet him!” 
“Sudrian Number 2, I think you will find,” Coppernob interjected and Truro glanced at him. 
Ray of sunshine this one was, wasn’t he?
Not wanting to cause more fuss, Truro simply smiled and gathered his steam again.
“Well this was… fun, but I must be off,” the City Class smiled. “Cracks to fill and all that.”
Coppernob frowned but said nothing more as the Larger Seagull gave a shrill peep goodbye to the engine.
“Good-bye Mr Truro, thanks for helping us out!” 24 called and with a blast of his whistle, the City of Truro disappeared down the line. 24 glanced at Coppernob. “Interesting fellow, isn’t he? I won’der if we’ll see him again.”
Coppernob said nothing, but he had a feeling that he would end up meeting that engine again. Just in ways he would have never have anticipated.
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I always find it hard to write Coppernob. He’s so different from the other engines because he comes from a time of different values and it’s hard to mesh him with the others. He always ends up very antagonistic even when I don’t want him to be. Still, I did want to give him a little more time in the spotlight because he is a deeply important engine in history.
It’s so rare that anything like him gets preserved in the same way that he did. 
You’ll notice that young Truro is a little more like Scotsman in personality than he is currently. Before everything, Truro was full of life but sadly, a lot of things took that childish joy away from him. 
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paulrennie · 10 months
My Kind of Genius • Lord Norman Foster • Renault Swindon • 1982
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The recent issue of the Renault Owners' Club magazine had a slightly off-piste article about the Renault parts distribution centre, located in Swindon and built in 1982. It was designed by Norman Foster, and is an important step in the development of high-tech architecture during that time.
The article made me think again about what Foster was trying to do then, and what he has achieved since.
It's absolutely no co-incidence that Foster's building is located in Swindon. The town is positioned about half-way between London and Bristol, in the corridor described by IK Brunel's, Great Western Railway. Brunel had conceptualised his railway as both an engineering and business development, and as an expression of the accelerated feeling of technological development . Brunel projected a seamless continuation of this axis towards New York, by steamship, and thence across the US... Although Brunel's larger idea remained mostly unrealised, it provided a start from which the later development of Heathrow airport, the M4 corridor, freight distribution and out-of-town industrial zones were all aligned. Today, the TFLs Elizabeth Line, and the Acton Corridor, with the Old Oak Common campus development are each parts of what has become Brunel's Great Southern City, from Felixstowe to Bristol...and with Swindon at its centre.
In the 1960s, Cedric Price reconceptualised the linear city as the think-belt, and with inter-action centres at its nodes along the network's spine. Will Alsop later proposed a northern version of this that became the loose template for the Northern Powerhouse.
The architecture of infinite extension imagined by Brunel was expressed, in Victorian times, by the iron and glass structures of Joseph Paxton and the Crystal Palace. It was this kit-of-parts that inspired Foster and his high-tech colleagues to use 20C computing and materials to do more with less and to build lighter, bigger, higher and longer.
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When you look closely at Foster's Renault building it is a canopy that can be extended, through the kit-of-parts, addition of modules. Each module comprises a steel frame held in tension and with a light skin roof, and with a skylight panel in the centre. The standard module is 24m sq. The Swindon structure comprises some 40 odd modules over an irregular 20 000 m2 of warehouse space. The volume of space beneath the canopy is vast and may be configured in whatever way is required. The expression of thinking through materials is even extended to the colour of the structure, which is painted the famous Renault yellow.
The lightweight PVC roof covering allows for a relative lightness of internal support structure, and of the exterior facing walls which are not load bearing.
Once I started thinking of canopies, I realised that they form a very significant part of Norman Foster's career, including the many enclosures of courtyard spaces that followed that of the British Museum. I also started thinking about tents and self-supporting geodesic structures...it's all beautifully connected; from Paxton to Buckminster Fuller and Prouvé.
The engineering and sculptural calculus required for these new scales of structure were pioneered by Arups, especially by Peter Rice and Ted Happold. The Foster association with the greatest engineering minds has been a constant throughout.
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My own interest in Renault comes from my appreciation of the R4 as an expression of low-tech simplicity, economy and practicality in mass-market car design. The car is an exemplar of how a design brief can be taken to its logical end-point, and without compromise. Those same characteristics apply to Foster's Renault building and across his long and very distinguished career.
The BBC iplayer has a number of historic architectural documentaries listed, as parts of the Building Sights series.
Brunel's linear city concept is being proposed in its updated 21C iteration across Saudi Arabia. It's called The Line...
And you can see pictures of our R4 and van, here
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In this post you will learn about Gyula and its palace and castle. I visited Gyula to spend an afternoon at the spa but before that I visited the other two main local attractions. Watch the video (subtitled) to find out how to get to Gyula and what to do there. Underneath the video there are more ideas and photos for your visit.
Getting to Gyula, Hungary
If you are travelling from Budapest the only way to get to Gyula by train is via Békéscsaba. Békéscsaba is a major railway hub in the south of Hungary, connecting Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey to the EU. It is about two and a half hours by train from Budapest. Most Hungarian trains have bicycle loading facilities and offer a convenient way to see the country by bike. Békéscsaba is also a major freight hub, bringing goods from Turkey all the way to Germany and other parts of western Europe.
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Train Terminal in Bekescsaba, Hungary
Freight Train in Bekescsaba, Hungary
Bus Terminal and Steam Engine in Gyula
The government recently renovated the station, offering disabled access and higher platforms so you can reach the trains easier with your bicycle. The station dates back to the first half of the 20th century and is right next to the bus terminal. You can see an old steam engine on the video, which is just in front of the train station.
Things to Do in Gyula
Gyula used to be the capital of the county, until the First World War. Today the main attractions are the Almássy Palace, the former home of count Almássy and the adjacent Castle. The ticket costs 3,400 Hungarian forints to enter the castle, the palace and see all exhibitions. The cost of the ticket includes four exhibitions, one inside the palace, entrance to the tower and also to the castle. The palace has been around since the 19th century in its current form, but the original structure dates back to the 17th century. It was the main home of the Almássy Family until the Second World War.
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Gyula Water Tower, Hungary
Old Timer Truck in Gyula, Hungary
Outside of the Almassy Palace, Gyula
The Battle of Gyula
One of the most important battles in Hungary’s history was in Gyula in the 16th century against the Turkish Empire. Unfortunately Hungary lost. The battle of Gyula took place in 1566 when the Turkish Empire invaded Hungary. The tour of the castle takes about an hour during which you will learn about the battle. You will also see many rooms and displays from the medieval ages. There are signs both in Hungarian and English throughout the castle.
The Hungarian defenders managed to hold off the Turks for 62 days. Unfortunately the castle fell and it was only in 1695 when the Austrians and Hungarians retook it. Gyula is also famous for the summer theatre on the lake and during the summer the castle also functions as a theatre.
The Gyula Spa
Another main attraction in Gyula is the spa, which you can see in more detail on the video. The spa first opened in the 1960s during the communist times. The local council renovated the entire spa a few years ago, adding slides and other amusements. During communist times, Gyula was an important meeting place for Germans from eastern and western Germany. In recent years, more and more visitors from Romania and Serbia have also started to visit.
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Big Slide in Gyula, Hungary
Olympic Swimming Pool, Gyula, Hungary
The Hot Water Outdoor Pool
Gyula Spa Hungary
Almassy Palace in Gyula, Hungary
A lot of visitors buy a package holiday staying at nearby hotels for a week as the package includes access to the swimming pool and other attractions in town. There are several indoor and outdoor swimming pools at the spa with hot and cold water. Because Hungary doesn’t have direct access to the sea, a lot of people use these pools to cool down during the summer.
There is fun to be had by everyone. From young and old, every will find something to do here. And if you like sports, you can swim in the Olympic size swimming pool, or practice swimming with your kids in the smaller pools. You can also play football or just lie down on the grass and enjoy the sunshine.
The Former Almássy Palace Grounds
The spa is in the former grounds of the palace. The original owners of the palace first discovered hot water with its healing properties here during the Second World War. The water here is famous for its healing properties and a lot of patients from the nearby hospital come here for treatment.
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Hot Water Spa in Gyula, Hungary
The Hot Water Outdoor Pool
Thermal Spa in Gyula, Hungary
Relaxation Area at Hot Water Spa in Gyula, Hungary
The healing properties of the water help patients recover from arthritis and joint pain and also speed up recovery after an accident or operation. I know this personally because both my grandmother and father came here after an accident. After the spa you can go around town for an easy ride and try one of the famous cafes in Gyula.
After a fun day in Gyula and Bekescsaba, I made my way back to Hódmezovásárhely. It was on the way home when I caught glimpse of a beautiful sunset in Békéscsaba which you can see at the end of the above video. The last time I saw such a vibrant sunset was in Naples in Florida in 2017. Now, if you thought Budapest was the only place worth visiting in Hungary then I hope this video has somewhat changed your mind.
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Bekescsaba Sunset Over Train Station
Sunset at Bekescsaba New Bridge
Train Station Underneath Sunset in Bekescsaba
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be21zh · 7 years
May 12, 2017
firstly dreamt likely in airport lounge, I with my son in queue for aboard. then it broke for awhile to let cargo unload. its likely railway cargo, emergent quilts and pillows for distressed people in problematic situation. once the queue restored, the conductor persuaded us buying sapling on the way, instead of brought it from hometown to destiny, for former mostly more resilient. after peed and returned to bed, I dreamt with my old family, relatives. we criticized each other, we enjoyed chatters, we are family. esp my mean nephew, ie. only son of my passed eldest sister who committed suicide in her mid age decades ago, who is so mean that defied my small loan request several times. we disappointed by counterpart but still we expecting. this week was a bit leisure. I picked up my zohosites and sorted them into precious assets. quite some web services allow early birds privilege more gracious than its current mature clients which generate stable product income. google apps and zoho sites are such cases. previously zohosites free charge of custom domain mapping for its sites users, but now it charges. in recent years I saw zohosites potential and powerful on web building, and more and more willing making better usage of it. so this week I enable all free functions zohosites offers for free old users, like blogs, spam control, custom form, collaborators, etc. I was so contented by the gains! in final step, I collect and sort them into my local bookmarks and web linkbook. this week also specially hard for my financially coping with coming events, weekend gathering my son, woz into dining out and monthly cinema, his coming birthday celebration, his lottery experience I promised to support on the event, and my longing for a new ring mouse to replace my old Microsoft arc touch. in God's bliss, QRRS dispatched one child policy reward, ¥60, yesterday. then I gathered courage from it to contact my niece in Wuhan, central China, for aid. she generously offered ¥400, doubles my entrust. with it I immediately ordered the innovative mouse on taobao.com. but sinking PRC surveillance again exploited and delayed near 2 days in logistics: so far since last morning my order status still remains paid rather than dispatched, or relay of expresses, which quite abnormal nowadays bragging next day delivery but usual in my case in recent years shopping online. they surveillanced my vpn in accurate in seconds: most cases under surveillances my critical submission online result in immediate time out or offline. my conversation with my son, each time broke amid, esp when I urging him adopting securer connection. however, my sweet companion of google music, these days last hours daily and that eases a lot pressure. coming weekend brings many hope of joys when I gather woz, dearest son. God, dad, I'm so contented with my life here so far, that almost leaves me more silence of harmony. bring me sooner my Royal China to be more productive. bring me Asoh Yukiko for brighter future family, and our offspring that drives the eastern Asia coming centuries. thx for sunshine outside, dad God, I know summer is soon under your shine.
May 6, 2017
first dreamt in a party where cult or mythical power shown by a mojo, likely in San Francisco or western coast of US. dark magic of superpower, manipulation of mind and fate. then in my routine space when I shitting I was surveillanced. I got up for pee. then dreamt among my senior school alumni, we saw magic robot through which one's life and properties can be exported and imported. there are several robots all can export and when you delete some information it can be restored by other robot peer. most dream details lost after sleepily got up. it's a drizzling morning after 2 or 3 days windy weather, or sandstorms, which tinted sky into brown. rains seemingly due ample but this summer scarce so far. however most plants turning green. last night I refined zhone sites on zohosites, but PRC surveillance heavily blocked me. I finished near 12am and satisfied. I also blessed in success gaining loan from dorm canteen, ¥300, for new public bathroom groupon and other small bills. yesterday bankcommm buzzed in, blamed me not return credit debt as ¥2000 as planned rather ¥1500 I paid in 2 series months. I explained my life should put first, esp my with kid while my salary under expectation. she threatened to sue me. I just can't see how ¥500 means so much for a bank, and how severe I broke my promise with ¥500 less. this noon I will visit my son, which I almost can't wait, for the relief loan, for new restaurant we found last labor day holiday, railway hotel which likely a SOE with proper standard at least we saw rich ready meals in addition luxury leisure space. and for my works review in a week. but financial situation still stern: next weekend movies, 4 gathering meals in weekends before next salary day 2 weeks out, woz's birthday celebration, etc. my sites hosting plan needs renew, ¥60/month. dad God, my life so fit that I envy nobody. let me walk through difficulties like on meadow. prepare us for greater descending, and forever uprising. dad God, bring me sooner my Royal China to overcome surreal. bring me my family clean and tidy with Asoh Yukiko, for our children coming heavenly. thx for the moisture last night and now, God, for the baptism in rough of rotten atmosphere ever seen.
May 4, 2017
first dreamt my passed mother brought me, a kid, to a training center. its a bit unreal, for my childhood never had out class tutorials in rural central China. but my son, woz, he was arranged quite some by his teacher mom. in the center an elder woman teacher whose student includes Dilraba, the hot Uygur actress in PRC now, exchanged words with my mom while I was impressed by the famous girl student. then on a train, Dilraba just aboard and seated feet apart me. she is alone and a bit unease in my gaze. I watched her and her natural beauty likes neighbor door girl, clean and untouched. when a foreigner or small English talk out heard in the carriage, she complained in murmur her English not good enough to catch up it, with which I echoed in common sense. in the dream I likely feeling collegian youth. its a brown morning. the overnight sandstorm left the air dirty and tinted. but in air dusts didn't felt. my breakfast in dorm canteen still satisfying, even in 2 series days the menu less choices on it. this early summer quite chill in Qiqihar, northeastern China. I usually have to put on winter coat against coldness in dorm. last morning I napped after breakfast in boring chill and idle. amazon video, esp old time real people movies inspired me a lot with righteous moral, standard of life and loyalty. recently quite some movies on elders' life caught me in my mindless picks. I was so enchanted that I pray God to keep me the secret of the hidden treasure of meanings and gospel. my life enriched by review of my campus loves movies aroused. I saw timeless love and purity of sanity stems out independently we were young. I saw flourishing lives in my life then and now fautless brilliant. God, dad, my son, woz, Hope of China, his birthday near in May, I promised him each birthday offer him ¥150 for lottery experience. and cake for celebration. we also have cinema agenda next weekend. and our spa groupon should renewed. dad, God, free me off trap of financial problem. with my dear sister's son's aid, I got webcam as longing after a month, I greatly refreshed by its inauguration in my workspace last 2 weeks. now I want to replace my frequently ill working microsoft Arc touch bluetooth mouse with a new innovative gear, ring mouse. aid me ¥100 for it. dad God, liberate me in this month's salary. bring me sooner my Royal China, esp my Crowned Queen, Asoh Yukiko, from Japan, to cater to our family and living. bring my children in time in our hatch before lapse of my prime time. thx for the life we enjoy so far and so frontmost.
May 1, 2017
dreamt in a dorm, Nankai campus or my QRRS dorm, I busy with my desktop. likely previously I played with water and sands through my under pants and gathered on my bottom. So I took off underpants and half naked. but Zhang Chongfu, my Nankai deputy monitor, brought a girl visitor and she waiting outside of the door. I at the moment can't find my underpants and later someone thrown me it or I found it somewhere. with almost put right I woke up. this PRC international labor day holiday almost again a disaster for me: I hardly support any treat entitles it. I ate a meal a day and still worring next 3 weekends' gathering dinning out with my son, woz, Hope of China. however passed weeks proves fruitful in heavy workload. I second time install Google Apps on woz new zte android without a single error after many failures missing in wrong files and their directories, as a false response to previous google play store pending download but forever zero traffic as penalty to region like PRC where google denied. I also deleted problemed payment account lest locked out again for PRC's shame. I also found google doesn't delete its gsuite account after our purchase for zho.io 2 email accounts phrased out due to unpaid on time. encouraged by the cheat, I applied 3 new gsuites for our new 3 domains, each claimed several GA accounts under trial period and hoping these accounts' chrome sync, contacts, custom search engines and other user data/settings maintained out of free trial period. we fatally love google's web sync service. last Friday I also found time to rip spam bots, minor errors on my dynamic sites, esp forum at bbs.zhuson.com and cms at agarten.in. after near a year running the web apps roughly familiared, I more or less more experienced with their structure, system, just like I perceived and executed, like other insights in my life so far holy grants. long time pains in ass, disorder among articles on dabbog.com, also totally relinked structurally. my son now seemingly likes to bring new smartphone with him, after many times I cursed him for unreachable online. when I can't access him I wondered why it is so painful. I saw most important thing I needed to share with him is my achievement in life stream. I need treat, celebration for holy witness and double joys devil eyes stolen most. but I prepared to live alone my stuff in my darker and longer journey ahead, in my aging world of coldness, hatred thick dusty land I stood decades. I don't afraid death nor rotten time, I only care holy bliss, and my mission here in northeastern China for future millennium, for Japan, US and my vested land of China Empire from my glorious ancestor. God, dad, its lunch time now, grant us an adequate lunch for the leisure time. bring me sooner my Royal China to outpace the curious eyes upon my legend. bring me sooner my Crowned Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, for my children's cosy family space.
0 notes
chinad · 7 years
for delayed warmth of summer 2017
May 12, 2017
firstly dreamt likely in airport lounge, I with my son in queue for aboard. then it broke for awhile to let cargo unload. its likely railway cargo, emergent quilts and pillows for distressed people in problematic situation. once the queue restored, the conductor persuaded us buying sapling on the way, instead of brought it from hometown to destiny, for former mostly more resilient. after peed and returned to bed, I dreamt with my old family, relatives. we criticized each other, we enjoyed chatters, we are family. esp my mean nephew, ie. only son of my passed eldest sister who committed suicide in her mid age decades ago, who is so mean that defied my small loan request several times. we disappointed by counterpart but still we expecting. this week was a bit leisure. I picked up my zohosites and sorted them into precious assets. quite some web services allow early birds privilege more gracious than its current mature clients which generate stable product income. google apps and zoho sites are such cases. previously zohosites free charge of custom domain mapping for its sites users, but now it charges. in recent years I saw zohosites potential and powerful on web building, and more and more willing making better usage of it. so this week I enable all free functions zohosites offers for free old users, like blogs, spam control, custom form, collaborators, etc. I was so contented by the gains! in final step, I collect and sort them into my local bookmarks and web linkbook. this week also specially hard for my financially coping with coming events, weekend gathering my son, woz into dining out and monthly cinema, his coming birthday celebration, his lottery experience I promised to support on the event, and my longing for a new ring mouse to replace my old Microsoft arc touch. in God's bliss, QRRS dispatched one child policy reward, ¥60, yesterday. then I gathered courage from it to contact my niece in Wuhan, central China, for aid. she generously offered ¥400, doubles my entrust. with it I immediately ordered the innovative mouse on taobao.com. but sinking PRC surveillance again exploited and delayed near 2 days in logistics: so far since last morning my order status still remains paid rather than dispatched, or relay of expresses, which quite abnormal nowadays bragging next day delivery but usual in my case in recent years shopping online. they surveillanced my vpn in accurate in seconds: most cases under surveillances my critical submission online result in immediate time out or offline. my conversation with my son, each time broke amid, esp when I urging him adopting securer connection. however, my sweet companion of google music, these days last hours daily and that eases a lot pressure. coming weekend brings many hope of joys when I gather woz, dearest son. God, dad, I'm so contented with my life here so far, that almost leaves me more silence of harmony. bring me sooner my Royal China to be more productive. bring me Asoh Yukiko for brighter future family, and our offspring that drives the eastern Asia coming centuries. thx for sunshine outside, dad God, I know summer is soon under your shine.
May 12, 2017
first dreamt in a party where cult or mythical power shown by a mojo, likely in San Francisco or western coast of US. dark magic of superpower, manipulation of mind and fate. then in my routine space when I shitting I was surveillanced. I got up for pee. then dreamt among my senior school alumni, we saw magic robot through which one's life and properties can be exported and imported. there are several robots all can export and when you delete some information it can be restored by other robot peer. most dream details lost after sleepily got up. it's a drizzling morning after 2 or 3 days windy weather, or sandstorms, which tinted sky into brown. rains seemingly due ample but this summer scarce so far. however most plants turning green. last night I refined zhone sites on zohosites, but PRC surveillance heavily blocked me. I finished near 12am and satisfied. I also blessed in success gaining loan from dorm canteen, ¥300, for new public bathroom groupon and other small bills. yesterday bankcommm buzzed in, blamed me not return credit debt as ¥2000 as planned rather ¥1500 I paid in 2 series months. I explained my life should put first, esp my with kid while my salary under expectation. she threatened to sue me. I just can't see how ¥500 means so much for a bank, and how severe I broke my promise with ¥500 less. this noon I will visit my son, which I almost can't wait, for the relief loan, for new restaurant we found last labor day holiday, railway hotel which likely a SOE with proper standard at least we saw rich ready meals in addition luxury leisure space. and for my works review in a week. but financial situation still stern: next weekend movies, 4 gathering meals in weekends before next salary day 2 weeks out, woz's birthday celebration, etc. my sites hosting plan needs renew, ¥60/month. dad God, my life so fit that I envy nobody. let me walk through difficulties like on meadow. prepare us for greater descending, and forever uprising. dad God, bring me sooner my Royal China to overcome surreal. bring me my family clean and tidy with Asoh Yukiko, for our children coming heavenly. thx for the moisture last night and now, God, for the baptism in rough of rotten atmosphere ever seen.
May 12, 2017
first dreamt my passed mother brought me, a kid, to a training center. its a bit unreal, for my childhood never had out class tutorials in rural central China. but my son, woz, he was arranged quite some by his teacher mom. in the center an elder woman teacher whose student includes Dilraba, the hot Uygur actress in PRC now, exchanged words with my mom while I was impressed by the famous girl student. then on a train, Dilraba just aboard and seated feet apart me. she is alone and a bit unease in my gaze. I watched her and her natural beauty likes neighbor door girl, clean and untouched. when a foreigner or small English talk out heard in the carriage, she complained in murmur her English not good enough to catch up it, with which I echoed in common sense. in the dream I likely feeling collegian youth. its a brown morning. the overnight sandstorm left the air dirty and tinted. but in air dusts didn't felt. my breakfast in dorm canteen still satisfying, even in 2 series days the menu less choices on it. this early summer quite chill in Qiqihar, northeastern China. I usually have to put on winter coat against coldness in dorm. last morning I napped after breakfast in boring chill and idle. amazon video, esp old time real people movies inspired me a lot with righteous moral, standard of life and loyalty. recently quite some movies on elders' life caught me in my mindless picks. I was so enchanted that I pray God to keep me the secret of the hidden treasure of meanings and gospel. my life enriched by review of my campus loves movies aroused. I saw timeless love and purity of sanity stems out independently we were young. I saw flourishing lives in my life then and now fautless brilliant. God, dad, my son, woz, Hope of China, his birthday near in May, I promised him each birthday offer him ¥150 for lottery experience. and cake for celebration. we also have cinema agenda next weekend. and our spa groupon should renewed. dad, God, free me off trap of financial problem. with my dear sister's son's aid, I got webcam as longing after a month, I greatly refreshed by its inauguration in my workspace last 2 weeks. now I want to replace my frequently ill working microsoft Arc touch bluetooth mouse with a new innovative gear, ring mouse. aid me ¥100 for it. dad God, liberate me in this month's salary. bring me sooner my Royal China, esp my Crowned Queen, Asoh Yukiko, from Japan, to cater to our family and living. bring my children in time in our hatch before lapse of my prime time. thx for the life we enjoy so far and so frontmost.
May 12, 2017
dreamt in a dorm, Nankai campus or my QRRS dorm, I busy with my desktop. likely previously I played with water and sands through my under pants and gathered on my bottom. So I took off underpants and half naked. but Zhang Chongfu, my Nankai deputy monitor, brought a girl visitor and she waiting outside of the door. I at the moment can't find my underpants and later someone thrown me it or I found it somewhere. with almost put right I woke up. this PRC international labor day holiday almost again a disaster for me: I hardly support any treat entitles it. I ate a meal a day and still worring next 3 weekends' gathering dinning out with my son, woz, Hope of China. however passed weeks proves fruitful in heavy workload. I second time install Google Apps on woz new zte android without a single error after many failures missing in wrong files and their directories, as a false response to previous google play store pending download but forever zero traffic as penalty to region like PRC where google denied. I also deleted problemed payment account lest locked out again for PRC's shame. I also found google doesn't delete its gsuite account after our purchase for zho.io 2 email accounts phrased out due to unpaid on time. encouraged by the cheat, I applied 3 new gsuites for our new 3 domains, each claimed several GA accounts under trial period and hoping these accounts' chrome sync, contacts, custom search engines and other user data/settings maintained out of free trial period. we fatally love google's web sync service. last Friday I also found time to rip spam bots, minor errors on my dynamic sites, esp forum at bbs.zhuson.com and cms at agarten.in. after near a year running the web apps roughly familiared, I more or less more experienced with their structure, system, just like I perceived and executed, like other insights in my life so far holy grants. long time pains in ass, disorder among articles on dabbog.com, also totally relinked structurally. my son now seemingly likes to bring new smartphone with him, after many times I cursed him for unreachable online. when I can't access him I wondered why it is so painful. I saw most important thing I needed to share with him is my achievement in life stream. I need treat, celebration for holy witness and double joys devil eyes stolen most. but I prepared to live alone my stuff in my darker and longer journey ahead, in my aging world of coldness, hatred thick dusty land I stood decades. I don't afraid death nor rotten time, I only care holy bliss, and my mission here in northeastern China for future millennium, for Japan, US and my vested land of China Empire from my glorious ancestor. God, dad, its lunch time now, grant us an adequate lunch for the leisure time. bring me sooner my Royal China to outpace the curious eyes upon my legend. bring me sooner my Crowned Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko, for my children's cosy family space.
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2pqWZOM
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