#'in the middle of the long pumpking weekend!'
awed-frog · 3 years
I'm sorry but you cannot possibly be whining about why the media is only talking about the palestine issue instead of focusing on every other crime committed by islamic terrorists... my god. It's like saying "hey look at all the other problems the world has to deal with! don't just talk about racism" in the middle of a BLM rally. You sound like saving the children from being bombed to death by israel equals to creating more hashtag islamic terrorists of the future.
This issue that's been deliberately ignored by the west for decades has literally been used to fuel terrorist organizations. Think about how those extremists are born for one second before trying to do exactly what will cause more hate.
I’m not whining, I’m just saying there’s dozens of terrible things happening right this minute, and while good media are talking about those, Americans on social media apparently found a hashtag they can fit in with their worldview and are running with it. I mean it’s not like the situation in Gaza was much better two months ago, but nobody cared then, did they? But now Bella Hadid tweets out some bullshit and all of a sudden everyone’s an expert on the Middle East.
Also your BLM comparison is a bit off because we’re still talking about a foreign country here? I don’t live in Jerusalem, I’m not standing with a billboard in Lod going ‘Hey remember Yemen?’ while far-right mobs wheeze past. This, to me and many others, is a foreign policy issue, and it’s urgent and horrific, but so are dozens of other things. All I’m saying is that there is no ‘the enemy of my enemy if my friend’ type of thing here. The Jewish right can no longer be reasoned with, and God knows the US has been a loose cannon for decades now, but Muslim leaders also have zero interest to help solve this issue, because they’d rather use Jews as a convenient scapegoat to rile up their own people so they forget about everything else. And this rhetoric mostly works - and is parroted so often in the West - because anti-Semitism, which is also a thing among non-Muslims both on the right and on the left. And you talk about fueling terrorism - Hamas is another rotten pawn in this rotten game and I’m not judging people who were born in such a horror for fighting back, but just to be clear it’s not Palestinians committing acts of terror in my country and many others, it’s young Algerians and Moroccans born here who listen to anti-Semitic bullshit from their families, imams and online friends 24/7. 
So, again - while we do need to talk about Palestine - and not only when it’s fashionable, btw - we can do better than this.
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