#'millennials this is how to update your wardrobe to be more current-'
little-smartass · 4 months
I hate that I keep getting videos aiming to "teach millennials how to dress cool" (ie like gen z/alpha) like. I'm sorry but if you're thirty and you're genuinely worried about getting the approval of teenagers then that is a thousand times more embarrassing than having a side parting or wearing skinny jeans. we're not The Youth anymore, and that's okay. embrace it. move on. you don't need to try and desperately emulate them. just style yourself how you like.
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I Tried Living Like a Social Media Influencer for a Week - Here’s What I Learned:
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In a world full of Instagram and Youtube, a new elitism was born: Social Media Influencers.
What are social media influencers? According to the Digital Marketing Institue, social media influencers are, “users who have established credibility in a specific industry, have access to a huge audience and can persuade others to act based on their recommendations.”
After the death of app Vine, the top users couldn’t fathom losing their daily 6 seconds of fame and get a real job, so instead, they turned to good ol’Youtube. Youtube, which was once a platform for content creators to post actual formatted-scripted-creative videos, then became a playground for inFlueNcErs to post shallow videos of themselves vlogging their day-to-day life of doing $1,000 shopping hauls and Taco Bell mukbangs.
Though these vloggers claim their content is actual ~hard~ work, from a viewers standpoint it just looks like an extreme form of the narcissism of privileged people showing off how much money they have and how much fun they can have without having to maintain a real job.
In addition to their hard work of filming themselves eating fast food, there’s also the extremely hard and tiring work of them posting pictures of themselves onto Instagram. While I personally do not understand how this is real work, other sources would argue that it is. A recent survey showed that 75% of generation z and millennials consider online content creation to be a real job, and 34% of those people want to start a YouTube channel themselves. 
Still, I can’t help but be irked when hearing about this lifestyle. But why? To figure out where this rooted irritation stems from, I decided to try to live like a social media influencer for a week. Vlogging. Instagramming. Eating like them and dressing like them. For a full week. Yeah. yeah. Here is what I learned:
1.) It Takes A lot of Confidence:
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Is it confidence or is it narcissism? Depends on the vlogger. Either way, you’ll need one of the two to get started in the influencer world.
Let’s start off with vlogging. Talking to a camera while walking in a public space with people staring at you…..not an easy feeling. Every time I started filming and a person would notice, I instantly felt self-conscience.
 Even when I was attempting to film alone, as soon as I would start talking to the camera as if it was an actual person, I couldn’t help but to laugh. Every. Time. 
Maybe I should give more credit to vloggers who talk to their camera in public and make it look so easy and natural because it’s not. 
Going along with the self embarrassment, posting consistently on Instagram added to the feeling. 
I normally post on my Instagram one or two times a month, but posting pictures of myself WEEKLY felt like I hit the beyond cringe status. 
Pressing the post button was dreadful, and I ended up deleting most pictures an hour after they were posted.
Posting my face onto my friend's timelines every single day and updating my Insta story every minute felt like a whole new level of narcissism. It’s so silly and weird to think influencers easily post these pictures and just ~expect~ people to like them and to care about what they’re up to that day
This goes along with the majority of influencers being narcissistic. In a 2016 study, researchers interviewed 239 influencers on their Instagram habits and found that they all ranked high on the Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale. 
The researchers also said, "narcissists can post and manipulate specific photos to make themselves and their lives appear to be a certain way. Instagram appeals to narcissists because many interactions on it are 'surfacy' or 'shallow.”
The vlogging side to being an influencer is one thing because at the very least you can try to make something fun out of it, but the Instagram part? Absolutely, absolutely, not the lifestyle for me.  
2.) It’s Only Fun if You're Making Money:
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If I knew it was guaranteed I could live this lifestyle and start making the same amount of money as the top influencers do, going through the cringe and embarrassment of it all would totally be worth it.
Influencers get paid through brand deals and sponsored ads. Companies will reach out to influencers and ask them to either post a picture of them using or wearing their product, or shout out their company in a video in exchange of receiving anywhere from $200-10,000+ per post.
Social media influencer Tana Mongeau announced on her Instagram story this past week that the clothing company Fashion Nova pays her up to six figures per photo that she posts onto her Instagram wearing their clothing and tagging them in it. SIX FIGURES to post a picture on Instagram. 
Mongeau has also explained in her past videos that clothing companies send her and other influencers exclusive catalogs of clothing articles selected just for them. These items are worth anywhere from $500-5,000. She picks the clothes that she likes, they send them to her for free, she then films a Youtube video of her showing off the clothes and pretending as if she actually shops there, then she can either keep the clothes or send them back. Either way, she still receives a thicccc paycheck for giving the company an online promo.
Influencer David Dobrik stated on his vlog channel that he was able to buy 10 new cars for his friends, plus a new Ferrari for himself, within one year due to giving the company SeatGeek shoutouts on his vlog. 11 new high-end cars in one year...just for talking about a company for literally 45 seconds.  
Without the paycheck and without knowing if I’ll ever get a paycheck, I just don’t see the point in being an influencer just for ~fun~ especially knowing other people are banking off of it.
It’s like people who casually drink. Alcohol doesn’t taste good. There are zero health benefits to it. So if you’re not drinking to get drunk, what’s the point?
Being an influencer is embarrassing. There are horrible mental health benefits to it. So if you’re not posting to get paid, what’s the point? Attention?? Fans?? Feeding into narcissism???? Probably, but I still want a paycheck at the end of the day. 
3.) It Takes A lot of Time: 
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Finding the perfect picture to post on Instagram takes. a. lot. of. time. After doing a full photo shoot in my Insta-baddie outfit outside of a 711 (which ties back to the needing self-confidence part and trying to continue on even when customers are staring), I then had to go through 103 pictures and even then I had to take more to find the ~one.~
But it doesn’t stop there!
Trying to edit and FaceTune the pictures like the influencers do was even more time consuming than taking the pictures and picking out the Dolls Kills mixed with Fashion Nova outfit itself.
If it took me that much time trying to decide which picture to post, I can’t even imagine how long it takes influencers, given they have more pressure put on them to post the right one. I only have a little over 4,000 followers to impress online, but real social media influencers have a solid 500,000-1,000,000+ that’s a lot of pressure! Not to mention if they’re posting the picture through a brand deal and the brand doesn’t like the picture, they can take the paycheck back...so their post has to be perfect.
Trying to come up with vlog content also took up a lot of time.
When I wasn’t laughing or cringing at myself, I was vacantly staring into the camera lens trying to come up with something to say, annnnnd I had nothing.
Then there were times where I did think of something to say, but either the sound quality was off or the sentence was worded funny so I would have to do retakes of me talking while also trying to make it sound natural.  
AND THEN, once you FINALLY got your footage, you have to edit it all. The current trend among vloggers is to do quick edits with lots of weird effects and added sounds which took me 8 whole hours to figure how to do, and even then, the outcome was still shitty! !!!
While I still do believe vlogging isn’t real work, I WILL give them credit for their editing skills, now that I consider hard work.
*side note: while I do credit editing film as hard work, it can also be noted that there are vloggers out there who pay someone else to edit their videos for them….SoOOoOo
*side side note: I was going to add the vlog here but after this experiment, I weirdly decided I want to actually try to make a vlog channel this summer since most of my friends already do and I learned a lot from this, so I’m holding onto that content until the birth of my channel.
4.) It Does Hurt Your Mental Health:
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While doing my research on what the influencer lifestyle was like, I tried to take note of what they typically eat in a day and what they wore.
From the different “What I Eat in a Day” videos I watched, it mostly seemed to consist of ice coffee (which I already drink on a daily basis so that was easy) and avocados and other super healthy foods.
The common outfit choices I noticed from the wardrobe hauls I watched mainly consisted of crop tops, street fashion, and anything that reveals a lot of skin. 
Going back to a previous statement I made, influencers have a lot of followers and a lot of eyes on them, so it’s easy to see that they do whatever they can to always look their best.
While I did enjoy their food choices and clothing choices the most out of this entire experience (because it tasted good and looked cute), I feel like it would eventually become mentally exhausting to always be sooooo aware and conscious of what you look like at all times.
I mentioned before that I used the FaceTune app like all the other influencer do when editing my pictures before posting them. While I could write a whole other 25-page-long-essay on the dangers of FaceTune itself, I’ll just summarize it by saying this: FaceTune is an absolute evil drug that can trigger body dysmorphia within the user and within people who see the final FaceTuned pictures.
The features on that app that allows for you to look as if you lost 50 lbs, makes you look taller, fixes your skin complexion, and even alters your jawline??? are so dangerous and triggering to people who already suffer from low-self esteem, dysmorphia, and eating disorders, and I strongly suggest not even downloading the app, ever.
I also caught myself checking my phone every second to see how many likes I was getting after posting something. When posting content on social media becomes your job, I can totally see how addicting numbers can become and why people obsess over them. 
In a recent interview with influencer Alexandra Mondalek done by The Guardian, Mondalek said, “I was putting too much weight into who was viewing my Instagram, I would worry about how a post was performing instead of making important calls. I felt a certain pressure to make a brand of myself, and there was so much anxiety in that.”
I also caught myself comparing my posts to similar posts that got more likes and wondering why mine weren’t getting as many, but then would remember that the majority of the influencer’s pictures have been FaceTuned, and they don’t actually look like that in real life so I shouldn’t be comparing myself to them. 
Mondalek also said in the same interview that, “I’d be lying if I said I could look at an explore page on Instagram and not compare myself to what I see on those pages. Someone is purchasing something you can’t purchase or making connections you haven’t yet made. It’s the rat-race lifestyle boiled down into the palm of your hand, and sometimes it feels inescapable.”
Final Thoughts:
After this experience, I will give influencers a bit more credit. This definitely isn't a lifestyle anyone could pull off so props to those who can.
However, I still do not fully see a purpose or meaning in their job. And I'm pretty sure they don’t either — they just like the perks of the lifestyle.
Mongeau has stated several times in her vlogs that she knows she’s talentless and that she just got lucky, and I respect her for owning up to that. 
I guess my core issue with influencers lies within the ones who cannot be honest with themselves and admit their job is meaningless.
These people really aren’t contributing much to society or working that hard, but are still making more money than teachers and some doctor — people who actually work — and it bothers me! Nobody needs that much money! 
But....I did read in a recent study that, “narcissists tend to follow other narcissists on Instagram,” and prior to doing this experiment, I was already following these influencers on my own free will. So, maybe, if we’re being honest here, my problem isn’t the influencers work ethic, but deep down inside I see myself in these people and am just jealous that they’re living a richer life than I am. 
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manantrivedi · 4 years
The Impact of Coronavirus on Retail & How Tech Can Help!
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As the novel coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, continues to spread across the globe at an alarming rate, the world-wide ramifications of lockdown measures are hitting multinational and local retailers hard. With consumers staying home to curb the spread, various sectors within the retail industry are seeing varying degrees of lulls, spikes, and demands as human to human contact is minimized. While online ordering and shipping have increased exponentially, supermarkets are seeing a rise in sales, and supply chains are seeing major disruptions. Unsurprisingly, as our daily routines change from our normalized freedom to restriction in movement and increased anxiety, the world is changing right along with it and retailers are scrambling to adapt. Let’s take a look at the impact of coronavirus on retail and in what ways technology can help in this time of uncertainty.
Where Are Retail Execs Focusing Their Attention?
Attention is on Demand Fluctuations: As physical markets are shutting their doors due to quarantine orders, many are seeing a precarious drop off in foot traffic as individuals do not want to risk contracting the virus or breaking the law by not adhering to official health guidelines. This has led retailers to monitor the demand fall away and shift their consumer channels, while other retailers like pharmacies and grocery stores are seeing a massive spike. The ability to predict and manage the demand for the remainder of the pandemic is critical.
Attention is on Liquidity and business sustenance: We are seeing retailers with physical footprints, rethink their cash positions and access liquidity in order to pay the bills and deal with the downturn in demand. Retailers are now looking at how they can take advantage of emergency hardship funds and engaging with lenders to refinance loans in order to revive their financial stability.
Attention is on Protecting Employees: Workplace shutdowns, no human-to-human contact, and the need to wear protective gear at all times while still trying to maintain business, is difficult to say the least. Retailers are addressing the challenges by filling in gaps with temporary workers in overcrowded departments, requiring employees to wear masks and gloves at all times, and even placing up glass or plastic barriers at cash registers in essential businesses that remain open.
Attention is on Long-Term Supply Challenges: While grocery stores have a different set of problems with maintaining a high demand for supplies, non-food retailers are weathering drops in demand coupled with slow-to-move inventory. Short-terms supply is not an issue, but as more disruptions arise, retailers need to be talking with key suppliers to manage their risks for long-term supply.
Attention is on Customer Experience: Retailers are also focusing on how to maintain the trust of their customers, manage their expectations, and how to recover from the pandemic with a positive customer experience.
A Snapshot of the Retail Sector Based on Consumers
In the UK, supermarkets saw a 20.6% increase in sales during March as consumers chose to stockpile supplies and forego purchasing take out food from restaurants. Brand-owned convenience stores also saw a spike in sales by almost 30%.
Amazon sales skyrocket, experiencing volumes similar to that of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As a result, Amazon is hiring 100,000 new warehouse staff and raising the salary temporarily by an extra $2 per hour.
Millennials and Gen Z individuals are concerned about the pandemic and its effects on the economy and as a result, are stock piling food, medical, and essential items while spending less on experiences. Older generations, those coined Boomers and Gen Xers are also concerned but are not impacted nearly as much, with only 24% of Boomers and 34% of Gen Xer’s allowing the pandemic to impact their spending habits.
How Can Technology Help Us During Covid-19?
Online Ordering. With the closure of most physical retailers, online ordering is booming and thankfully too, as it is the only way to currently get items that are not from a grocery store or pharmacy. Retailers must focus on upgrading their online ordering systems so that customers have a smooth experience. Online ordering is the only way to now get contactless delivery from the majority of places and is the only way to stay completely safe from the virus. Combine this with mandatory shelter in place orders, and online ordering becomes the only way people can get access to goods and services.
Virtual Try-On With Smart Mirrors. When it comes to shopping for cosmetics or clothing, you would normally go into the shop of your choice and try on a new shade or a new dress in the fitting room. With Covid-19 causing massive rifts in both fashion and retail, many companies are integrating smart mirrors and virtual try-on software into their websites and mobile applications. This gives retailers the option to still cater to shoppers without needing them to ever leave their home. For instance, Amsale New York is catering to their bride and bridesmaid customers by offering them virtual try-ons for their complete wedding wardrobe and bridesmaids collections. It is likely that other retailers will follow suit.
Shift Management Systems. In the wake of Covid-19, hundreds of thousands of companies have had to shift into a remote working environment as having employees come into the office just isn’t practical. This sudden need to provide employees with ways to work from home has presented many logistical problems, which is where shift management software can help.Companies like Slack and Microsoft are making their cloud productivity suites free for small businesses for the next six months, in an attempt to help the world adapt to remote work. Beyond offering their productivity suites, features like business chat software, consultations, and video conferencing options have had their limitations lifted as well. It is important that businesses of all sizes look into shift management systems and collaborative programs that can aid their employees with staying on top of projects. Many of these shift management systems have timelines, task lists, collaborative chatting, and video conferencing to aid in the seamless transference of work from worker to worker.
Catalogue Apps & Websites. As a retailer, having an online catalogue website or mobile application is far more important now than it ever was before. With hundreds of thousands of more people shopping online, having your products and services easily accessible through a catalogue system is critical for making sales. A product catalogue app will show off all of your products in a gallery mode-type, which gives potential buyers the ability to track their favorite products, the pricing of products and services, as well as product descriptions and manufacturers. It offers a seamless and smooth user-experience which is necessary during heavy-traffic load times.
Digital Marketing of Products and Services. With the cancellation of trade shows, events, and little to no foot traffic, businesses are going to need to rely on digital marketing strategies now more than ever. The shift to remote work and collaboration, means that companies must embrace digital channels and transform if they want to survive the pandemic. This means launching new e-commerce channels, creating social media campaigns, using influencers, and updating websites to focus more on search engine optimization in order to reach their audiences.
It is important that businesses consider using Facebook or LinkedIn Live, partner with digital marketers, and offer virtual events as these will increase conversions and provide both leads and sales. Regardless of how long the pandemic lasts for, a shift to digital marketing of one’s products and services will not only replace opportunities lost, but it can provide long-term value. As the COVID19 outbreak continues to create havoc on the supply chain, many retailers and brands are opting for technology solution providers to help manage the crisis. Let’s join hands together to fight against this Pandemic.
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nancygduarteus · 5 years
What a Celebrity’s Instagram Can Do for a Common Illness
For better or worse, Kim Kardashian’s appearance has come to signify a particular sort of physical perfection. Kardashian might be most famous for her internet-breaking rear end, but even the minute details of how she presents herself—her glowing skin, the thickness of her eyebrows, her wardrobe—have seeped into American culture. A few posts on her Instagram account, which has 131 million followers, is enough to sell a lot of perfume, makeup, and in-app purchases.
That’s why it was all the more striking to see a photo she posted earlier this week, which showed her face not flawlessly groomed as usual, but reddened by red, puffy splotches. Kardashian has been occasionally candid about dealing with the chronic skin condition psoriasis in the past, mentioning flares on her various reality shows and even posting on Instagram about the trendy detox routines she was trying in order to calm the incurable inflammatory illness. This was the first time she’s shown a severe flare-up on her face.
Itchy, scaly skin is psoriasis’s most well-known symptom, but it’s also the thing that makes Kardashian’s preferred platform an unlikely place to see it discussed. Instagram is often a place for people to show the best and most desirable parts of their life. Its culture is one that Kardashian and other highly influential users have been instrumental in shaping—and profited from greatly. Those who do a good job of selling their lifestyle can make millions of dollars showing other people how to live like they do.
But in shining a light on a common and poorly understood disease, Kardashian demonstrates one of the most underutilized ways the internet’s most-watched people might be able to do a little good, just by being less perfect versions of themselves.
Kim Kardashian’s ubiquitous internet presence is, perhaps more than anything, a social-media Rorschach test: She not only reveals something about the person viewing her, but about what that person wants to talk about online. Kardashian posting a video of her kids inspired days of arguing about children and makeup. She and her sisters have made the debate over cultural appropriation something far more mainstream than it was just a few years ago by adopting hair and beauty practices historically used by black women. The term “news peg” is used by journalists to refer to a current event that makes a broad topic feel relevant to readers, but Kardashian, mostly seen through social media, acts as a news peg for anyone who posts their thoughts online in any form.
That’s where the potentially enormous value of the psoriasis selfie comes in, says Evan Rieder, a dermatologist and psychiatrist at New York University Langone Health. “It’s a particularly effective way to raise awareness, and it can immediately reduce stigma,” he says. “[Social media] is an opportunity to educate people on a mass level and in a very digestible way, where people are actually tuned in.” These platforms are adept in reaching millennials, he says, and because most people develop psoriasis in their 20s or 30s, it’s a demographic that needs the information.
Randy Beranek, the CEO of the National Psoriasis Foundation, thinks it’s particularly valuable when people well-known for their beauty and wealth are candid about their health issues. “Most of the time, Kim’s fans see her looking like a million bucks,” he says. “The disease can cross all socioeconomic lines, and if someone as famous and visible as Kim Kardashian can have it, it doesn’t make your disease feel so isolating.”
That Kardashian posted a photo of her psoriasis instead of just mentioning it is bold. A significant rash is fairly unsightly by anyone’s standards, and for most of Instagram’s elite, the most relatable imperfections they display are still an expertly curated part of their highly photogenic public personas. Red, flaky facial skin is several orders of magnitude more socially unacceptable than carefully tousled bed head or an artfully messy dinner spread. As Kardashian’s selfie demonstrated, psoriasis has physical symptoms that can be difficult to conceal, even for people with significant resources.
More than 8 million Americans have psoriasis, but it’s still poorly understood by the public at large, which can lead to stigma that unnecessarily ostracizes people dealing with a flare. Rieder says that often, people think they can catch psoriasis by being in proximity to those with it. “A lot of us have heard stories about people moving their children away from them so they don’t catch it,” he says. “You hear of people getting out of the pool because someone’s in the pool with psoriasis.” That sense of isolation can be exacerbated when people avoid social situations because of flares, a tactic both doctors mentioned as common. And this can contribute to emotional issues like depression and anxiety, which Rieder says are more common among people with psoriasis than the population at large.
In reality, psoriasis isn’t contagious, and it’s a lot more than just a recurring rash. The skin-based symptoms of the disease can often be treated with over-the-counter creams, but the illness can affect multiple systems of the body, mostly unseen. “People with psoriasis have much higher rates than the general public of things like cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, liver and kidney disease, lymphomas—a whole host of chronic conditions,” says Beranek.
A selfie from one of the world’s most famous women can’t convey all of a disease’s complexity, but it doesn’t necessarily need to. More than 40 percent of Americans with psoriasis don’t realize the condition is what’s causing their skin problems, according to an estimate from the American Academy of Dermatology. Seeing Kardashian’s photo might help them realize that what they have is a diagnosable problem that can be helped. “In the last 20 years, there’s been a revolution in the way we treat psoriasis,” says Rieder. He points specifically to new biologic medications, which can clear up to 90 percent of the disease’s visible symptoms. Seeing a doctor if at all possible, Beranek notes, is also the best way to start examining the less noticeable ramifications of chronic inflammation.
It’s not clear if Kardashian intended the photo of her psoriasis to be helpful, or if it was just a frustrated outburst (she did not respond to a request for comment). Either way, it demonstrates a potentially beneficial way that modern media’s new class of influencers can use their massive platforms. Many of them are already keen to share health and wellness misinformation to an apparently interested audience, and Kardashian herself has shilled prescription drugs and mentioned trying “natural” cures for psoriasis based on sketchy or nonexistent science. Celebrities aren’t the people we should be looking to for information on cures, but when it comes to stigma, they have enormous power to provide a little bit of relief instead of information about yet another juice cleanse.
from Health News And Updates https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/03/kim-kardashians-psoriasis-selfie/585451/?utm_source=feed
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
Les Basics x Novesta Le Running Shoe
London-based, Portuguese-made brand Les Basics does exactly as it says on the tin – aka the basics made as elegant as the French do them. Here, the label hooks up with Slovakian sneaker maestros Novesta for a plush running shoe with a leather upper and a suede overlay so you get two luxurious fabrics for the price of one in an opulent creamy stone colour.
Buy Now: £169.00
Superdry Orange Label Softball Ringer T-Shirt
We reckon this gold and green long sleeved tee from Superdry looks a lot like the get-up worn by ordinary teen turned crime-fighting vigilante Kick-Ass in the film of the same name (if you’ve not seen it do – it’s a modern classic). Looking like a superhero is never a bad thing, and in 100 per cent cotton too – that’s a roundhouse kick right in the style chops.
Buy Now: £24.99
R.M. Williams Chinchilla Boots
Despite the name, no chubby rodents were harmed in the making of these Chelsea boots. Instead what we get from the Australian boot-maker is a beautifully burnished leather shoe handcrafted in a sumptuous range of shades – Bordeaux or cognac, sir? We’ll have the whole case.
Buy Now: £460.00
Oliver Spencer Theobald Clarendon Navy Jacket
It really is rather difficult to get a navy unstructured blazer wrong, but it’s even harder to get it better than the rest. Oliver Spencer has somehow managed it time and time again, exemplified by this new update on its classic Theobald model. It’s still incredibly versatile – pop a tee under it and you’ll look like you woke up this chic, wear a shirt instead and you’ll be sorted for a summer wedding, while the sweat-wicking wool and cotton blend means you won’t overheat on the train as you go to and from the office.
Buy Now: £359.00
Salvatore Ferragamo Sunglasses
Sun’s too bright? Better put on the shades. Had too much to drink last night? Shades, duh. Just seen your ex across the street? Quick, whip those shades on pronto. Sunglasses can sort out any and every situation and so it pays to have some good ones to call on. Just as well then that luxury Italian fashion brand Salvatore Ferragamo has released a men’s eyewear capsule collection for such necessary moments. With a vintage design and the iconic backwards horseshoe logo on the hinges these shades are so nice, you’ll be wearing them in a pitch black room.
Buy Now: £235.00
Maison Kitsune Jacquard Dream Amplifier Socks
The AW18 collection for undeniably hip French label Maison Kitsune (they’re also an indie and disco record label – case closed) is everything you could want for when the leaves start to fall and the weather starts to cool. Sleek windbreakers, wool sweaters with foxes stitched into them, stripy scarves – you name it we want it. But it was these two-tone socks with a funky space rocket design that really caught our imagination – to autumn and beyond.
Buy Now: €35.00
YMC x Stan Ray Fanfare Blue Painter Pants
Collabs – they’re like catnip to us and we’ve just caught a whiff of another one bound to whip us into another frenzy. This time it’s impossibly cool, ready-to-wear brand YMC, which is partial to a catnip collab every now and again, and family-run workwear brand Stan Ray with an update on the classic YMC painter pant and shorts in two new colours. There’s an eye dazzlingly bright white and this overdyed turquoise.
Buy Now: £85.00
Fila Carter T-Shirt
Brand repping has reached a whole new stratosphere with the current logo trend, although for sportswear-meets-streetwear brands the look never went away. Created in Italy and now based in South Korea, Fila has been manufacturing sportswear since 1911, and its vintage style suits the trend well, as exemplified by this massive, yet still measured and precise logo tee that gives the name away from miles down the road.
Buy Now: £25.99
Aimé Leon Dore Logo-Embroidered Sweatshirt
The streets are rife with high-fashion streetwear but it takes a rare breed to get it down to a tee. New York label Aimé Leon Dore has certainly perfected the art, with millennial friendly sloganeering – the first part of its name means ‘love’ in French – mixed with timeless style. Case in point: this cotton-fleece sweatshirt with an ultra preppy red striped trim.
Buy Now: £150.00
A.P.C. Cologne Candle
As if cult Parisian label A.P.C. wasn’t satisfied with conquering the world of denim (seriously, you need its selvedge denim jeans in your life) it now wants to light a flame in the world of, erm, candles. Sure on paper it makes no sense but wave its cologne scented candle under your nostrils and then try telling us you need any other candle in your life.
Buy Now: £29.00
KJUS Soren Solid Polo
Golf attire can be shapeless and sweaty work on a muggy summer morning, so what you need is something moisture-absorbing, preferably with built-in UV protection to prevent that deadly golfer’s tan and stylish enough to wear for the obligatory post-round pint. Lucky then that sportswear brand KJUS have a new line of golf polos that tick all those boxes. That’s what we call a hole in one.
Buy Now: £69.00
Citizen Eco-Drive World Perpetual A.T Watch
When it comes to value for money watches you get a great deal of bang for your buck with a timepiece from Japanese watch brand Citizen which has the legacy and technical innovation to more than warrant a glance away from those made by the Swiss. This summer update on its flagship model, the Eco-Drive, not only looks like a watch leagues more expensive than it actually is but it can also sync the time up to 26 cities around the world which are carefully detailed around the bezel.
Buy Now: £369.00
Men-ü Matt Refresh & Moisturise Set
Besides making you down an inordinate amount of water, flight restrictions have probably also seen you cruelly torn away from your favourite toiletries. Remember, if you’re going to carry it on the flight it must be no more than 100ml although if you would rather not have to remember such tedious info, we recommend a flight-friendly dopp kit from Men-ü. This particular kit has a face wash, refresher gel and moisturiser to provide you with everything you need to fight the jet leg – at least as far as your face is concerned – as soon as you land at your destination.
Buy Now: £10.45
Frescobol Carioca Aquarella Swim Shorts
From patterns designed around the street mosaics of Rio de Janeiro to swim shorts that have been inspired by the incandescent spirit of samba, Frescobol Carioca knows how to give its top quality beach wear a top quality backstory to boot. And so we get these dazzling shorts named after ‘Aquarela do Brasil’ one of the best-loved songs from Brazil’s famous bossa nova movement, which has been covered in English by the likes of Kate Bush and Arcade Fire.
Buy Now: £160.00
Topman Pink And White Stripe Shirt
Fancy looking pretty in millennial pink this summer? As an entry-level starter to the shade, you can’t go too far wrong then this vertical stripe shirt from Topman which offsets the bold colour in a lighter, pastel hue with some calming white. Pink works well with grey so pair it with a relaxed trouser in that colour below the waist and some white sneakers for breezy summer style.
Buy Now: £28.00
Brooks England Pickwick Linen Bag
When it comes to making bike saddles Brooks England has got it down, which is just as well seeing as it has been making them for nearly 150 years. It also does a fine range in cycle bags that are designed to stay cool and light while playing piggyback on your tail end but we can’t be letting all those lycra-clad, Bradley Wiggins wannabes have all the sack carrying fun. Invest in this dapper linen carrier that can certainly lay claim to the yellow jersey.
Buy Now: £188.00
Nike Air Max 1 Premium Beach Camo Trainers
Since it was first released in 1987, there has been more iterations and colourways of the Nike Air Max then tears shed at England’s knocking out from the World Cup. And while we’re not best pleased with the latter, we can’t hide our glee at yet another version of the former, with this retro sneaker now being pumped out in a beach camo colour combo that, dare we say it, is arguably one of its best versions ever released.
Buy Now: £109.95
Tommy Hilfiger White and Green T-shirt
Trump, Clooney, Southgate. There are just some second names out there that don’t even need the first and Hilfiger is certainly one of them. So emblazon it across the front of a baseball inspired crew neck in a zingy fresh green and white and you don’t really have to say much more besides – Tommy knows best, and when it comes to summer tees, this one is up there.
Buy Now: £28.00
Mango Man Striped Cotton Jacket
Jackets are real troopers. You spend all winter relying on their comfort and then as soon as summer comes around they’re consigned to the desolate darkness of the back of the wardrobe, spurned like a used-up lover. So let’s give the jacket some summer lovin’ past the month of May, with this featherweight and sunny striped version from Mango which is all cotton, and all you need to be wearing up top this July.
Buy Now: £59.99
Clarks Originals Weaver Ocean Blue Shoes
The man who invented moccasins knew how to do summer right (apparently their origin lies with the Native Americans) and when it comes to shoes in general, well, you can never go too far wrong in Clarks. So we’re as happy as Larry to see the shoe retailer put out its new set of weaver shoes, with a classic moccasin structure and made out of top grade suede in a range of eye-popping colours they also have a raised crepe sole to elevate them above the moccasin crowd.
Buy Now: £110.00
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
Les Basics x Novesta Le Running Shoe
London-based, Portuguese-made brand Les Basics does exactly as it says on the tin – aka the basics made as elegant as the French do them. Here, the label hooks up with Slovakian sneaker maestros Novesta for a plush running shoe with a leather upper and a suede overlay so you get two luxurious fabrics for the price of one in an opulent creamy stone colour.
Buy Now: £169.00
Superdry Orange Label Softball Ringer T-Shirt
We reckon this gold and green long sleeved tee from Superdry looks a lot like the get-up worn by ordinary teen turned crime-fighting vigilante Kick-Ass in the film of the same name (if you’ve not seen it do – it’s a modern classic). Looking like a superhero is never a bad thing, and in 100 per cent cotton too – that’s a roundhouse kick right in the style chops.
Buy Now: £24.99
R.M. Williams Chinchilla Boots
Despite the name, no chubby rodents were harmed in the making of these Chelsea boots. Instead what we get from the Australian boot-maker is a beautifully burnished leather shoe handcrafted in a sumptuous range of shades – Bordeaux or cognac, sir? We’ll have the whole case.
Buy Now: £460.00
Oliver Spencer Theobald Clarendon Navy Jacket
It really is rather difficult to get a navy unstructured blazer wrong, but it’s even harder to get it better than the rest. Oliver Spencer has somehow managed it time and time again, exemplified by this new update on its classic Theobald model. It’s still incredibly versatile – pop a tee under it and you’ll look like you woke up this chic, wear a shirt instead and you’ll be sorted for a summer wedding, while the sweat-wicking wool and cotton blend means you won’t overheat on the train as you go to and from the office.
Buy Now: £359.00
Salvatore Ferragamo Sunglasses
Sun’s too bright? Better put on the shades. Had too much to drink last night? Shades, duh. Just seen your ex across the street? Quick, whip those shades on pronto. Sunglasses can sort out any and every situation and so it pays to have some good ones to call on. Just as well then that luxury Italian fashion brand Salvatore Ferragamo has released a men’s eyewear capsule collection for such necessary moments. With a vintage design and the iconic backwards horseshoe logo on the hinges these shades are so nice, you’ll be wearing them in a pitch black room.
Buy Now: £235.00
Maison Kitsune Jacquard Dream Amplifier Socks
The AW18 collection for undeniably hip French label Maison Kitsune (they’re also an indie and disco record label – case closed) is everything you could want for when the leaves start to fall and the weather starts to cool. Sleek windbreakers, wool sweaters with foxes stitched into them, stripy scarves – you name it we want it. But it was these two-tone socks with a funky space rocket design that really caught our imagination – to autumn and beyond.
Buy Now: €35.00
YMC x Stan Ray Fanfare Blue Painter Pants
Collabs – they’re like catnip to us and we’ve just caught a whiff of another one bound to whip us into another frenzy. This time it’s impossibly cool, ready-to-wear brand YMC, which is partial to a catnip collab every now and again, and family-run workwear brand Stan Ray with an update on the classic YMC painter pant and shorts in two new colours. There’s an eye dazzlingly bright white and this overdyed turquoise.
Buy Now: £85.00
Fila Carter T-Shirt
Brand repping has reached a whole new stratosphere with the current logo trend, although for sportswear-meets-streetwear brands the look never went away. Created in Italy and now based in South Korea, Fila has been manufacturing sportswear since 1911, and its vintage style suits the trend well, as exemplified by this massive, yet still measured and precise logo tee that gives the name away from miles down the road.
Buy Now: £25.99
Aimé Leon Dore Logo-Embroidered Sweatshirt
The streets are rife with high-fashion streetwear but it takes a rare breed to get it down to a tee. New York label Aimé Leon Dore has certainly perfected the art, with millennial friendly sloganeering – the first part of its name means ‘love’ in French – mixed with timeless style. Case in point: this cotton-fleece sweatshirt with an ultra preppy red striped trim.
Buy Now: £150.00
A.P.C. Cologne Candle
As if cult Parisian label A.P.C. wasn’t satisfied with conquering the world of denim (seriously, you need its selvedge denim jeans in your life) it now wants to light a flame in the world of, erm, candles. Sure on paper it makes no sense but wave its cologne scented candle under your nostrils and then try telling us you need any other candle in your life.
Buy Now: £29.00
KJUS Soren Solid Polo
Golf attire can be shapeless and sweaty work on a muggy summer morning, so what you need is something moisture-absorbing, preferably with built-in UV protection to prevent that deadly golfer’s tan and stylish enough to wear for the obligatory post-round pint. Lucky then that sportswear brand KJUS have a new line of golf polos that tick all those boxes. That’s what we call a hole in one.
Buy Now: £69.00
Citizen Eco-Drive World Perpetual A.T Watch
When it comes to value for money watches you get a great deal of bang for your buck with a timepiece from Japanese watch brand Citizen which has the legacy and technical innovation to more than warrant a glance away from those made by the Swiss. This summer update on its flagship model, the Eco-Drive, not only looks like a watch leagues more expensive than it actually is but it can also sync the time up to 26 cities around the world which are carefully detailed around the bezel.
Buy Now: £369.00
Men-ü Matt Refresh & Moisturise Set
Besides making you down an inordinate amount of water, flight restrictions have probably also seen you cruelly torn away from your favourite toiletries. Remember, if you’re going to carry it on the flight it must be no more than 100ml although if you would rather not have to remember such tedious info, we recommend a flight-friendly dopp kit from Men-ü. This particular kit has a face wash, refresher gel and moisturiser to provide you with everything you need to fight the jet leg – at least as far as your face is concerned – as soon as you land at your destination.
Buy Now: £10.45
Frescobol Carioca Aquarella Swim Shorts
From patterns designed around the street mosaics of Rio de Janeiro to swim shorts that have been inspired by the incandescent spirit of samba, Frescobol Carioca knows how to give its top quality beach wear a top quality backstory to boot. And so we get these dazzling shorts named after ‘Aquarela do Brasil’ one of the best-loved songs from Brazil’s famous bossa nova movement, which has been covered in English by the likes of Kate Bush and Arcade Fire.
Buy Now: £160.00
Topman Pink And White Stripe Shirt
Fancy looking pretty in millennial pink this summer? As an entry-level starter to the shade, you can’t go too far wrong then this vertical stripe shirt from Topman which offsets the bold colour in a lighter, pastel hue with some calming white. Pink works well with grey so pair it with a relaxed trouser in that colour below the waist and some white sneakers for breezy summer style.
Buy Now: £28.00
Brooks England Pickwick Linen Bag
When it comes to making bike saddles Brooks England has got it down, which is just as well seeing as it has been making them for nearly 150 years. It also does a fine range in cycle bags that are designed to stay cool and light while playing piggyback on your tail end but we can’t be letting all those lycra-clad, Bradley Wiggins wannabes have all the sack carrying fun. Invest in this dapper linen carrier that can certainly lay claim to the yellow jersey.
Buy Now: £188.00
Nike Air Max 1 Premium Beach Camo Trainers
Since it was first released in 1987, there has been more iterations and colourways of the Nike Air Max then tears shed at England’s knocking out from the World Cup. And while we’re not best pleased with the latter, we can’t hide our glee at yet another version of the former, with this retro sneaker now being pumped out in a beach camo colour combo that, dare we say it, is arguably one of its best versions ever released.
Buy Now: £109.95
Tommy Hilfiger White and Green T-shirt
Trump, Clooney, Southgate. There are just some second names out there that don’t even need the first and Hilfiger is certainly one of them. So emblazon it across the front of a baseball inspired crew neck in a zingy fresh green and white and you don’t really have to say much more besides – Tommy knows best, and when it comes to summer tees, this one is up there.
Buy Now: £28.00
Mango Man Striped Cotton Jacket
Jackets are real troopers. You spend all winter relying on their comfort and then as soon as summer comes around they’re consigned to the desolate darkness of the back of the wardrobe, spurned like a used-up lover. So let’s give the jacket some summer lovin’ past the month of May, with this featherweight and sunny striped version from Mango which is all cotton, and all you need to be wearing up top this July.
Buy Now: £59.99
Clarks Originals Weaver Ocean Blue Shoes
The man who invented moccasins knew how to do summer right (apparently their origin lies with the Native Americans) and when it comes to shoes in general, well, you can never go too far wrong in Clarks. So we’re as happy as Larry to see the shoe retailer put out its new set of weaver shoes, with a classic moccasin structure and made out of top grade suede in a range of eye-popping colours they also have a raised crepe sole to elevate them above the moccasin crowd.
Buy Now: £110.00
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
The Cords & Co x Alpha Industries Bomber
For the man who likes his classics with an on-trend edge (and that’s all of us, right?) Stockholm brand The Cords & Co and Alpha Industries have found a way to marry the two by deploying the material of the moment, corduroy, on the iconic MA-1 Fighter Pilot Jacket.
Buy Now: £240.00
Converse 1970s Chuck Taylor All Star Canvas Sneakers
Game-changing sneakers don’t come around very often, but the Chuck Taylor All Star is one model to which the term can truly be applied. Celebrating almost half a century in the footwear hall of fame, Converse has reworked the 1970s basketball style with heavy-grade off-white canvas uppers, cushioned footbeds and vulcanised soles.
Buy Now: £60.00
Triumph & Disaster Logic Toning Lotion
Gone are the days when most blokes would only use a moisturiser if it came in a bottle shaped like a spanner. The world (and our mugs) have moved on, leading modern-day apothecary and skincare foundry Triumph & Disaster to launch a unisex toning lotion that uses a natural formula to clear and tone without stripping or dehydrating the skin.
Buy Now: £26.00
French Connection Lakra Ski Knit Jogger
Attempting to dress for the slopes can quickly send your style credentials downhill, which is why many opt for après-ski (AKA ‘just meet me in the bar after’). These super-soft, stretchy joggers from French Connection will keep your look on-piste in the lodge or on lazy weekends at home.
Buy Now: £85.00
Burton Burgundy Suede Baseball Cap
Baseball caps have long been categorised as an exclusively summer accessory, but they can also be used to add some texture to an outfit in the colder months. Take this example from high-street hero Burton, which is cut from soft-touch suedette in a seasonally-appropriate shade of burgundy.
Buy Now: £10.00
Reiss Mosten Striped Cotton Jumper
The original Breton top had 21 stripes to mark every victory Napoleon had over the British. Although Reiss’ stylish crew neck jumper features significantly more, it still nods to the naval staple and so pairs perfectly with dark chinos or jeans. Just stop short of boat shoes to avoid going overboard.
Buy Now: £80.00
New Look Black Shearling Aviator Jacket
Whether on the ground below or in the skies above, it’s hard to escape the charms of military style. Originally developed in 1917 to keep pilots warm when flying in open aircrafts, these days a leather aviator jacket is just as good for channelling ‘Rebel Without A Cockpit’ vibes.
Buy Now: £59.99
Topman Black And White Blanket Scarf
It’s just a scarf, what could go wrong? Well just ask Harry Potter (or any man who’s ever uttered the word “snood”). To avoid knotting yourself a sartorial noose, stick to neutral colours and use details like subtle flecks and fringing to stand out.
Buy Now: £18.00
Philips Star Wars Special Edition Wet & Dry Shaver
Apply some Force to your grooming routine and achieve the best shave this side of the galaxy with Philips’ new series of Star Wars-themed wet and dry shavers. Launched to mark the upcoming release of The Last Jedi, it’s the closest cut you’ll get without risking a limb with a lightsaber.
Buy Now: £249.90
Umbro Projects Block Logo Crew Sweatshirt
With the menswear world currently obsessed with anything from the 1970s onwards, Umbro’s new Projects collection, which is stuffed full of subtly updated retro pieces like this block logo crew neck sweatshirt, could be the easiest way to turn your style dial up to 11.
Buy Now: £59.99
H&M Skinny Trashed Jeans
The jeans of the last few seasons have all been about hanging together by a thread. But knee slashes aren’t the only way to destroy your denim. Case in point: This handsome pair by H&M, which, as well being picked apart, have been given the Jackson Pollock treatment with paint splatters.
Buy Now: £34.99
Sneakers ER Luxury Calf Leather Dopp Bag Kit
Ever wondered how sneakerheads keep their white kicks box fresh? Aside from checking in for a restorative stay at Sneakers ER’s trainer surgery (seriously, it’s a thing), they always have the essentials to hand, which have helpfully been compiled into this soft calf leather dopp bag.
Buy Now: £44.95
Venroy Knitted Long-Sleeved Polo
Having a few well-fitting polo shirts hanging in your wardrobe is an easy way to open up your options when getting dressed in the morning. For business-casual offices, layer a long-sleeved version like this one from Australian leisurewear label Venroy under a suit or put it to work on the weekends to dress up a pair of jeans.
Buy Now: £68.00
R.E.M. x Paul Smith Navy Canvas Tote Bag
It’s no understatement to say the world would be a much less stylish place had Sir Paul Smith pursued his dream of being a cyclist or ended up in a band like R.E.M, which the British designer has collaborated with on a capsule collection of pieces screen-printed with lyrics from the rock group’s landmark 1992 album, Automatic for the People.
Buy Now: £150.00
Nicce Fishtail Parka
The parka coat received its stamp of approval from the military long before entering civilian life, making it the idea choice for doing battle against harsh weather conditions. Nicce’s all-black example features a detachable faux fur hood for added insulation, and branded zip pulls for a flight jacket touch.
Buy Now: £100.00
Adidas Consortium x Hanon New York Runners
It’s often said there are only two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter. Taking inspiration from the moody Highland skies, Aberdeen-based retailer Hanon has teamed up with Adidas Consortium to rework the 1980s New York runner with a fade pattern applied to the woven jacquard uppers and webbed midsole.
Buy Now: £125.00
Jigsaw Garment Dye Oxford Button Down Shirt
The classic Oxford shirt is a year-round staple that should be mandatory to own by law. However, to inject some much-needed personality into winter looks, restock your stash with lesser used shades like this amber version, woven and garment dyed in Portugal for a worn, lived-in look.
Buy Now: £79.00
Fish Platinum Fish Fibre
Founded in a rundown sex shop in 1987, award-winning barbershop Fish has spent the last 30 years trimming the tresses of London’s best-dressed men. To celebrate its anniversary, the brand has added a new super-matte styling fibre to its range of in-house products, offering a firm, pliable hold without the, err, sticky ending.
Buy Now: £5.99
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