#'none of this matters because ive got work to focus on' twenty years later he sees mawrats in the corners of his eyes still
druidonity2 · 1 year
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I looked at my fanart of War Crimes with Anduin holding himself dying with Chromie, and I decided I wanted to draw more Anduin trauma with dragons...(wip)
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teamstevesass · 8 years
(I see) my future in your eyes (1/?)
Summary: An ensuing saga of cute and adorable married Finn and Rey, starting from the beginning of their marriage.
Rated: T
Warnings: None
Words: 1885
Notes: takes place in the nearish future of the sequel trilogies. 
Also on ao3
Many people dream of their wedding when they're young - the dress, the flowers, the venue, the groom - and Rey isn't excluded from this. It had always been her favorite thing to think of, because every time, no matter how different the vision, she was always off Jakku. None of the details mattered, so long as she was with people she loved and loved her in return, and they weren't on the desolate desert planet where she was forced to grow up.
As she grew older, the snippets of gossip grew dirtier, more mature, and more detailed. People stopped watching their mouths - not they ever worried about it too much before - and Rey started understanding more and more about the world. For example, her wedding night got added into her fantasies of weddings.
However, no matter how many times she envisioned it, dreamt it, planned it, Rey had never thought her wedding night would end with her on the bathroom floor after an extensive round of puking up everything she'd eaten in the past week. In fact, this event had never crossed her mind. Ever. Being sick on the happiest day of her life had never been a question.
Yet, here she is, head hunched over the toilet as Finn - her new husband she should be ravishing instead of puking on - holds her hair and offers soft words of comfort.
“Let it all out,” he's saying, rubbing circles between her shoulder blades. “It's okay. I'm here. It’s alright.”
When the bout of sickness seems to be over, at least for the moment, Rey lets her head fall against the cold toilet bowl, basking in the relief it gives her, no matter how temporary.
“This is just my luck,” she groans, holding her stomach as it rolls again. “The day I've dreamed of for so long, and I come down with the most miserable virus that wants to make me its home.”
Finn hums in agreement, but not before Rey notices his slight hesitation.
She frowns, suspicious. “Tell me. You shouldn't keep secrets from your wife.”
“It's just - what if it's not a virus?” Finn suggests with the shrug of his shoulder and a doubtful look.
“Food poisoning? I suppose it's possible.” There had been that questionable appetizer Chewie had insisted be put on the menu, but wouldn’t she have felt the effects sooner than six hours later?
“Well, maybe, but - Rey, think. You're nauseous, exhausted, and haven't had your monthly in three months. It's entirely possible you're -”
“No,” she denies, shaking her head. “I can't be. Can I? We were careful!”
“Except for that time on Corellia,” he reminds her.
All the blood drains from Rey’s face as the realization sinks in. There had been a mission on Corellia, one that had required Rey’s Jedi skills and Finn’s knowledge of First Order military tactics, and there's a chance they had gotten a little caught up in the moment of having a private hotel room.
“What about my shots?” she asks, but it’s a last ditch effort. Finn wouldn’t have brought this up if it were still a variable. “It's meant to prevent this!”
“I didn't want to say anything until I knew a bit more, but somehow the new batch of shots were less effective than promised. With the luck we have, it's entirely possible.”
Rey hopes it's not. They've been married for seven - eight? - hours, and there's still a war going on. And her Jedi training! How can she become a Jedi master when she has to run after a toddler all the time? People would suggest sticking Finn on toddler-watching duty, but that’s not fair to him. Why should she continue working when Finn’s job is just as valuable to the Resistance as her training?
But then an image pops into her mind; it’s her and Finn, only slightly older, sitting on the shore of the nearby lake, pointing out constellations to a young girl with Finn’s dark, curly hair, and the same bright smile. Somehow, she already knows who this is - feels a pull to the child as though they’re connected. Perhaps by the Force, or maybe it’s a mother-daughter connection.
Another scene replaces the first one. This time, she and Finn are in a large city - somewhere on Coruscant? - with some of their friends from the Resistance. Kids are running around the apartment, laughing and screaming with joy. Banners reading ‘Happy Birthday’ and matching balloons swallow the apartment with their bright colours, and Rey can safely assume that she’s in attendance of a child’s birthday party. There are no clear indicators, but she knows the child being celebrated is her own. (And that at least one party guest is from the Dameron clan, because damn if that kid isn’t the most confident five year old she’s ever seen. Or maybe they’re a Pava. Oh god, she hopes it isn’t both!)
The scene changes again, this time with a clear focus on two kids, both looking so similar Rey swears the younger is a clone who just hasn’t aged as quickly as the first. They’re both ten feet from the ground, sitting on a low-hanging branch of a tree on Yavin IV. A quick look around gives every indication that this is the Force Tree given to Shara Bey by Luke Skywalker all those years ago. (Also, it’s humming with power, and she knows of few trees that can do that.) Rey hears a muffled shout from Finn - something about keeping safe - before he approaches her and places a hand on her bulging stomach. (A third child?) He smiles warmly, and she seemingly falls in love with him all over again.
Soon, the images rotate through faster and faster, until Rey can only catch glimpses of what’s to come. It’s dizzying yet exhilarating, and Rey finds herself wanting more .
Once the visions end, however, she knows it’s for the best. The future is a finicky thing, and knowing too much can change everything. Besides, if her life follows this path, she’ll be able to experience the joy all over again.
She smiles softly, hand going to her abdomen, from where there’s the tiniest Force signature she’s ever felt: their child. “We do tend to have some wonderful luck.”
The next morning, all of Rey’s sickness seems to have passed, so she accompanies Finn down to the mess hall. Despite the usually busy hour, few people occupy the many tables, and it doesn’t take either very long to guess how many of their friends are nursing nasty hangovers. (There had been quite a lot of drinking the night before on their friend’s parts. Finn and Rey, of course, knew they wanted to remember their wedding, and had half a glass of some rare sparkling Alderaanian wine each.)
Halfway through their meal, Poe and Jessika saunter in, far too smug for what should be an extremely hungover Best Man and Maid of Honor, and sit themselves down beside the happy - and confused - couple.
“How are the two lovebirds this morning?” Jess asks, waggling her eyebrows.
“How are you two not dying of alcohol poisoning?” Finn retorts, obviously avoiding the question. “I saw how much you drank last night. You finished two entire bottles of Corellian whiskey. Each.”
Jess shrugs, grinning smugly. “I'm just that good.”
“And I think the better question is, why did Beebee see you two leaving the medcenter this morning?” Poe asks, poking his fork at them accusatorily.
Finn and Rey share a look that speaks a thousand words. As soon as they'd woken up, a trip to see Doc Kalonia had been in order. Although, really, it just confirmed everything they already knew. The thing is, Rey's not quite three months along, and Kalonia suggested waiting another week or so to tell people, just in case something happens, and neither are sure what to do.
“Damn, it's been twelve hours and they already have married people telepathy!” Jess loudly whispers to Poe. “Or maybe it's the force. Serious question, can you use your Jedi powers to talk to people through their minds? Or can you just read minds?”
“No, we can't talk with our minds,” Rey chuckles. Sadly, Finn’s force sensitivity isn’t enough to warrant him dropping everything to become a Jedi - not yet, at least, not while the war is still on-going  - so most Force-related things in their relationship are strictly one-way. “It's just, we have some news that we shouldn't share yet, but it's really great news that we really want to share.”
“Whatever this is, you can tell me. I am the greatest secret keeper on this base. Like, did you know that Poe had a massive crush on Kaydel when she first joined?”
“Jessika!” Poe hisses. “That was a secret!”
“That I never said out loud until now. I lasted five years, and I could’ve told Snap four years ago. So, I believe you are looking for the words ‘thank you’. Go on, say them.”
Poe huffs. “I am not thanking you for telling that secret! Next thing I know, the entire base will know about us because you’re trying to prove another point!” He exclaims as a mass of pilots, technicians, and Command staff push open the doors.
The entire mess falls silent. Even the cooks have stopped, spatulas and knives hanging in midair. No one moves for ten, fifteen, twenty seconds, as they all stare at the four friends.
Until Finn starts yelling, breaking the silence. “I kriffing knew it! I knew there was something between you two!”
Jessika smacks Poe’s arm. “Look what you did, Dameron. I would just like to say, for the record, that I said nothing! This is all Poe’s fault.”
“Worst kept secret of the Resistance, really,” Rey adds around a mouthful of brown mush.
“Speaking of secrets, care to share yours?” asks Poe.
Damn, Rey had been hoping they’d forgotten about it. Now, they have two options: tell their friends a week early and pray they can keep their mouths shut until Rey can at least talk to Luke and Leia, or make them wait until they fill out the official paperwork.
Rey knows they should wait, but there’s only a week left until Dr. Kalonia says the chances of losing the baby decrease exponentially, and she really wants to share this exciting time with her friends. And so, with one final look to Finn, she makes a decision.
“I’m pregnant.”
Jessika makes a noise resembling that of an X-Wing gearing up for take-off, and Rey sees multiple people jump, ready to step in and administer medical care or chop a finger off with the knife hidden in their boot. In the few seconds it takes Rey to recover from . . . whatever the hell that noise was, Jess has jumped over the table and wrapped her arms around the Jedi.
“I’m so happy for you! This is so exciting!” Jess screeches, squeezing Rey with her arms.
“Congratulations buddy,” Poe says, much more calmly. “I’m really happy for you both.”
Finn grabs Rey’s hand, glances down at their intertwined fingers, and looks back up with a grin. “We’re really happy too.”
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