#The moment someone SHOULD be talking therapy at him he runs away and dissappears for three...four....five years? by the end of Dragonflight
druidonity2 · 1 year
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I looked at my fanart of War Crimes with Anduin holding himself dying with Chromie, and I decided I wanted to draw more Anduin trauma with dragons...(wip)
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yenni19 · 3 years
Chapter 14
Sakura(frantically hugging Akamari): thank goodness you are ok (meeting her eyes) where were you hamchop....I was worried sick...
Sauske(to Akamari): you know you scared your grandmother half to death with you disappearing like that.....
Boruto: and why did you dissappear like for four days....
Akamari: I'm sorry everyone if I worried you....
Naruto(placing a hand on Akamari): I think those two need your explanation (pointing to Kawaki and Souske) I think it's time you three need to talk things through...the atmosphere between you three is scary...and you deserve closure
Naruto has everyone go to the back patio to let Akamari, Souske and Kawaki talk
Akamari: look guys im....
Kawaki(running to hug her as he cries): I'm sorry....I'm so sorry Akamari....I'm sorry for not being there.... I'm sorry for being a stupid coward and not thinking about your welfare....I should of thought of you and not myself....please forgive me Akamari....
Akamari(hugging Kawaki): I don't blame you for anything....but I can't say I'm not upset (releasing herself from his embrace) but we can try to start over ok....and forget that this incident ever occurred....is that ok?
Kawaki(hugging her and smiling): ok I'm willing to do that....for you Akamari
Kawaki leaves the room to go with the others in the back patio, Akamari places her hand on Souske's shoulder
Akamari: I'm here right in front of you daddy...and yet you won't look at me (releasing his shoulder) why daddy....why are you so terrified of me?
Souske(stands up to hug her): I'm sorry I never knew how much harm I caused you....I'm sorry for all the times you pleaded to see me and my fear didn't let me....I'm also sorry for making you believe that because you weren't my actual daughter that I didn't love you anymore (meeting her eyes as he cries) I'm sorry Akamari for failing you as your parent....I'm the one to blame here not you
Akamari(crying): that's all I ever wanted from you daddy....an explanation (drying her tears) but enough of that....can we have a traditional picnic at Senju park with both grandparents....and invite Kawaki's family and Boruto's family as well?
Souske: sure but...when though?
Naruto(barging in): how about tomorrow....
Sakura and Hinata(excited): we can prep lunch....and desserts.....ohhh and your favorite sweetened kimichi...how you like it
Akamari: thank you....grandmother.....grandmama
Boruto: and we haven't had a traditional picnic since we were kids....right Kawaki
Kawaki(smiling): no I haven't (looking at Akamari) but I wouldn't mind spending the day with you....Akamari
Akamari(smiling): thanks....father
Everyone stood silent, Kawaki started laughing as everyone stared at him
Kawaki: you sound like Sarutobi when you say that...I'd prefer a nickname
Akamari: ok....how about Kama-kun
Everyone gasped except Kawaki, he stood there silent turning red as he remembered how Himawari used to call him that nickname
Kawaki(crying and smiling): how did you know.....that nickname?
Akamari: grandmother use to say her daughter would call someone Kama-kun...now I know who he is......
Kawaki(walking over to hug her): thank you....thank you for existing.....and becoming a good person like your mother
Akamari(smiling): your welcome....Kama-kun
It's the day of the traditional picnic, Akamari along with both her grandparents and Souske are at Senju park waiting for Boruto and Kawaki's family to arrive, moments later Kawaki arrives with his family
Sumire(with Saphire crying): I'm sorry we're late Saphire won't stop crying......
Akamari(offering a hand): can I try....I promise to be gentle
Sumire hands Saphire over to Akamari, she massages her left foot with her hand, and then massages her back causing her to release gas....she then calms down falling asleep
Sumire(impressed): how did you do that
Akamari: I would visit the hospital from time to time and help the nurses when there was special cases involving orphaned newborns being left there because the parent was a teenager who got pregnant
Sumire: oh I've heard that happening more often...has there been a resolution?
Akamari: my grandmama talked to the hokage and said he will consider sexual education as a required course for both male and female audience of ages fourteen to sixteen...and also several clinics have offered thier safe rescue plan just in case being a parent is overwhelming....its even on the entry windows....its been working since that proposal was passed and more babies have been safely handed over and the teenage girls are offered free therapy and good family planning
Akamari hands over sleeping Saphire to Sumire,she then stands up picking up a soccerball
Akamari: Sarutobi let's play soccer (to Kawaki) your invited to join us too.....Kama-kun
Sumire(staring at Kawaki): kama-kun....where did that come from?
Kawaki(smiling): it's just a nickname....that's just starting to grow on me (to Akamari and Sarutobi) so let's go have fun
Akamari & Sarutobi(excited): yeah let's go...
Sarutobi: but I don't think it's fair two on one...
Souske(interrupting): then let's make it even....me and Kawaki....against you two
Akamari: you got it dad.....but be aware...this is my favorite no contact sport...and I'm good at it...so your on
Kawaki(sighing): what are you not good at...
Sarutobi(admitting): chess....she sucks at it....I win all the time....she gets annoyed because I don't let her win
Akamari: you really had to say that....Terrubi
Sarutobi(blushing): stop calling me that...I sound like a poodle
Akamari(laughing): but your a cute poodle (touching his nose) with a cute little snout
Sarutobi(angry while running): I'll get you for that Akamari
Akamari(laughing as she runs from Sarutobi): come on purple eyed boy...come and catch me
Souske & Kawaki(annoyed while watching): this gentle affection annoys me....why are they acting wierd
Sauske(coming behind them): it's just a sibling affection...what's wrong with it?
Souske & kawaki: well...from the looks of it...it looks more romance than....
Sauske(smaking them both of them): if you ever bring it up again I'll make sure to castrate both of you!
Souske(to Kawaki): let's go play before we get murdered...
Kawaki: that assh....
Souske(pushing him away from his dad): let's go...trust me he's more capable of more than just a smack on the head
Both fathers join Sarutobi and Akamari for a fun game of soccer...they play a good two hours before they are called to eat
Hinata(handing Kawaki his lunch): here you go sweet heart
Kawaki(accepting it): thanks mom....honey did you eat?
Sumire(smiling): yes I did now I'm....
Kawaki takes off his shirt and four women passing by stop and stare....Sumire gets uncomfortable as everyone sees the situation
Akamari(grabbing a large towel and covering Kawaki): here....be more aware of your surroundings...your making your wife uncomfortable Kama-kun
Sakura(smiling): wow....this is the first time she is considerate to someone besides us or her father
Naruto: it's amazing to see....by the way where's Boruto with the boys
Boruto(tired as he joins the group): we are just getting back from a fierce game of tag....I kept losing
The twins(arriving behind him): he lost everytime...because he kept moving hiding spots
Sarada: I'm glad you guys had fun...so what's on the agenda Akamari?
Akamari: I was thinking a movie in the park....they are showing one tonight here at Senju park
Sumire: that would be lovely...I've always wanted to attend one
Akamari: I was thinking we all could go as one big family....
Sakura(smothering her as she hugs Akamari): yes...that would be awsome...
Sauske: your smothering her Sakura...
Sarada: mom I don't think she can breathe...
Boruto: she's turning purple
Sakura(realizing): oh I'm sorry Akamari....(releasing her) you know how grandmama gets carried away
Akamari(gasping for air): its.....fine....I'm.....ok
Sarutobi: so when is the movie event mom?
Sumire: I believe at eight o'clock tonight...but we need to find a place...
The twins(taking a challenge): don't worry everyone...we will find the best spot for us to watch the movie event leave it to us
Sarada: but its two hours from now guys...don't you think it's too early....
The twins(running off): bye mom will see you guys later...well meet you there once you guys head home to change!
Sarada(mad): wait....you two need to hold it for a second....don't just run off!
Naruto(getting up to leave): well I guess you heard the boys...let's clean up and we all meet up at the outdoor theater
Kawaki & Sumire: yeah that's great
Sarutobi: awesome
Sakura & Sauske: we'll be there
Souske: would love to...that's if I have the energy...Akamari kicked my butt
Boruto & Sarada: yeah it would be a lovely evening
Naruto & Hinata: yeah well go as well
They all clean up and head home, they all arrive thirty minutes before the outdoor theater starts
Kawaki(to Naruto): you made it dad...where's mom...
Hinata(behind Naruto): I'm right here...just a little behind my husband
Sumire(admiring the outfit): your dress looks lovely the color is perfect on you
Hinata: thank you...you look amazing as well
Kawaki(grabbing his wife's hand): should we go find the twins to see where we sit (telling Naruto) come on dad let's go....mom you too
Hinata: yes sweetheart
They arrive at the spot, they see Akamari already there with the twins and Sarutobi
Sarutobi(waving): mom, dad, Mr and Mrs Uzumaki...over here is this the best spot or what
Naruto: wow nice we even have an uphill advantage so we can see perfectly...you guys did amazing
The twins: thanks...we told you we would find the perfect spot
Saphire starts crying....Akamari asks if she can hold her
Sumire: sure...she's all yours
Akamari(grabbing Saphire): thanks I'll be close by...(to kawaki) see you Kama-kun have fun....and enjoy time alone
Kawaki: your acting as if I'm bor....
Sumire(interrupting): we'll be fine....you can go ahead
Akamari: ok you two bye
She walks off with the baby, moments later the Uchihas come with Boruto and Sarada
Boruto(looking around): wow what a crowd that many people for an outdoor movie
Sarada: honey it's an outdoor movie....its different from going to a theater
Sakura: but its amazing its walking distance from the lake
Sauske: it guess it will be nice to enjoy a movie outdoors
Naruto: come on Sauske...enjoy the moment..its outdoor air...you know
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