#'nope nah nuh-uh no not losing my only little brother we're leaving nOW--' to protect him and stop him from falling in her footsteps
hyaciiintho · 1 year
AU idea for Sherlock — *ahem* Brainrot.
Send me an AU and I'll tell you what my muse would be like in that AU | ✿
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Sherlock had long ago accepted that he was mad ever since he was young. Impressionable child as he was, Mycroft had always insisted he ignore the childish IMAGINARY friends that he so consistently conjured up, so much so, that Sherlock learned to pretend he didn't see them.
Before they had moved from their old mansion, he had met Jon, a tenacious companion who seemed to attach himself to Sherlock more persistently than the rest. They became best friends, but after his mother's passing, Mycroft took Sherlock away from the mansion Jon inhabited, leaving Sherlock to never see him again.
Imaginary friends were supposed to follow you, weren't they?
Sherlock never once dared utter a word of the things he saw to his brother after they moved. He was, after all, supposed to be recovering from such delusions, the Holmes brothers both fearing that he was his mother's son, through and through.
Yes, all of these phantoms were but conjurings of a sick and weak mind... or were they...?
Curious over seeking the truth behind his mother's passing, it was discovered that perhaps she hadn't succumbed to a simple mental illness. A dairy left behind revealed that she shared many a similar experience as Sherlock: The many imaginary friends she thought to have had, being blamed for the doings of said imaginary friends, and reportedly speaking to thin air when she insisted someone stood beside her.
Further research proved fruitful when the discovery of a special tool that had been gifted to his mother, one left abandoned and long ago forgotten in the attic above: A camera that was said capable of capturing the images of the dead.
It was hard to deny any of it as truth.
Not when Jon suddenly came back into his life, proving that perhaps there was more to the mystery than Mycroft had let on.
Yes, it would seem that Sherlock Holmes was, in fact, his mother's son.
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