#'not ready for parenthood yet' for kids and teens okay sure pass on that. for adults though....
marzipancloud · 9 months
In regards to the list going around about having pro-choice vs pro-life parents,
I think it's a cope for pro-choice people to say they know they're wanted.
A child of pro-lifers knows they're wanted unconditionally. A child of pro-choicers knows their existence is/was conditional.
My parents wanted me regardless of:
My ability or lack thereof
My health or risks to it
My sex
My birth's impact on their jobs, lives, whatever
This fills me with confidence that my parents will choose me no matter what happens in my life. They won't decide I'm too costly or interfering with their careers or too disabled.
Can you imagine being the younger sibling of someone your mom aborted for being disabled and then becoming disabled yourself? Your mom aborted because she didn't have money back then and then goes through an economic crisis when you're young? She aborted to keep the bio-dad happy and now she has a new bf who doesn't like you? So on.
And yeah, your mom would say "it's different. I chose you", but we also know it's not "you" she chose, it was the favorable circumstances you happened to be conceived in 🤷‍♀️
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Moving Forward: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU)
With all the kids dressed in their finest for prom slammed right into Steve and his emotions. Sure, this wasn't the first prom that Oliver was going to, but this time, he wasn't the date. It was his prom for his senior year of high school. And Steve couldn't help but be overly emotional.
Steve was glad to know that he wasn't the only one as the rest of the parents dabbed at the corners of their eyes.
"They're so grown up now," Roberta sniffled.
"I know," Maria echoed, blowing her nose.
Lightening the mood, Roberta teased, "And you're starting over."
The group looked over at Maria's newest family member. The little boy tried to join the teens and followed Tony around like a little puppy. It reminded Steve of how his kids had been with their cousins and how the littles acted too. He could only imagine what Maria's new wife, May, was going through seeing she had parenthood thrust upon her after her late husband's brother passed, leaving the six year old entrusted to her.
"Peter!" May called, crouching so she could be eye-to-eye with him. A kind smile was on her face and whatever she told the little boy excited him and got him to forget the older kids.
"Can we go yet?" Tony impatiently asked while Pepper fixed his black bowtie. Playfully the alpha shoved him, and the omega corrected, "I mean, are we all ready to go?"
"Better," Pepper approved, flipping her loosely curled strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder. Facing the parents, she noticed how her mom, Elaine, moved so she was holding her camera up, and the alpha teen fixed a large, toothy grin on her face.
All the while, Tony couldn't take his eyes off her. Not that Steve could blame him. It had been obvious for years that the omega had a crush on the independent alpha. And with her in a lovely navy blue silk gown that complimented her pale, freckled skin, Steve knew that tonight, Tony wouldn't be the only one staring.
Quickly, Steve racked his brain to remember all the different pictures they had taken in case there were any they had forgotten. Some poses with just the prom goers. Some poses with the teens and their siblings. Some with just the siblings. Some with the parents. Some with the whole families. Some more of the prom goers.
Admittedly, they had enough pictures to fill more than one album. But he wasn't sure if he was ready for them to leave just yet.
New tears springing to his eyes, Steve sniffled and turned into Bucky. The alpha was feeling that same bittersweet excitement, and he didn't hesitate to comfort his omega. Holding him tighter and kissing his temple to appease both of them.
As Rhodey fixed his cufflinks, he glanced over at Steve. His brow quirked as though he was going to ask Steve if he was okay. It warmed Steve's heart that the alpha – and all of the other teens – cared so much about him. In exchange, Steve gave him an affectionate smile because he adored all of the kids just as much.
As Oliver climbed into his date's car, she waved at them. Steve and Bucky weren't too familiar with the girl, but figured that she couldn't be too bad. After all, the omega had some good choice of character. Plus, Steve found comfort in knowing that he knew to use protection.
Rhodey, Rhodey's date, Tony, and Pepper climbed into the back of the SUV with the boys taking the far back since they were in pants. There was a lump of emotion forming in Steve's throat as he stood on the front porch, watching them leave. Through the bond, a harmonious melancholy paved the way for their longing.
"At least we have five more," Bucky teased, sniffling.
Roberta wiped her own tear-stained face, "I'm glad I've got grandbabies because lord knows that this is harder than the first go around."
"Definitely harder," Elaine agreed, hiccupping.
Maria wrapped her arms securely around May, and that alone was enough to show that she was appreciative that Tony was no longer a single child. And Steve was happy for them. For all of them. They deserved to have more love in their lives.
Watching the triplets run around the front yard playing with Peter, Steve smiled. Their squeals and – at times – exaggerated ew's filled the air around them, but none of them seemed to mind. Roberta relaxed on the porch swing beside Steve while the newlyweds sat on the porch steps.
"Who's up for a barbeque?" Bucky asked, clapping his hands together to gain everyone's attention.
"Ooh, me!" Roberta stood from her seat, "What do you want me to do?"
"Impromptu-que," Maria lamely joked, causing May to theatrically throw her head back and groan in faux exasperation.
Steve could only chuckle. Reminded of him and Bucky. Only his husband had better jokes. Never thought I'd say that, Steve laughed again.
As the party moved to the backyard, Steve couldn't help but quietly take it all in. Knowing that this was exactly where he was meant to end up in his life. That all the blood, tears, and hardships paved the road that brought him here. And he was so very, astronomically thankful.
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