#and if you get an abortion i think you should never have children 🤷‍♀️
marzipancloud · 9 months
In regards to the list going around about having pro-choice vs pro-life parents,
I think it's a cope for pro-choice people to say they know they're wanted.
A child of pro-lifers knows they're wanted unconditionally. A child of pro-choicers knows their existence is/was conditional.
My parents wanted me regardless of:
My ability or lack thereof
My health or risks to it
My sex
My birth's impact on their jobs, lives, whatever
This fills me with confidence that my parents will choose me no matter what happens in my life. They won't decide I'm too costly or interfering with their careers or too disabled.
Can you imagine being the younger sibling of someone your mom aborted for being disabled and then becoming disabled yourself? Your mom aborted because she didn't have money back then and then goes through an economic crisis when you're young? She aborted to keep the bio-dad happy and now she has a new bf who doesn't like you? So on.
And yeah, your mom would say "it's different. I chose you", but we also know it's not "you" she chose, it was the favorable circumstances you happened to be conceived in 🤷‍♀️
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