#'oh but he's from mumbattan!!1!!“'
i love!!! pavitr!!!! best part about him is that the astv creators just said he's indian. he could be any type of indian and you wouldn't be wrong. maybe he's malayali. maybe he's from mizo. maybe he's from punjab. maybe he's tamilian. maybe he's from sikkim. you decide!!!!
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Can we get a sequel to the story of reader liking Pavitr, but Pavitr and Gayatri are happily together? Like Hobie or Gwen visit Pavitr and the reader meets them and they form a bond? romantic or platonic, reader just needs a buddy.
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Thank you for everyone who wanted a part 2! Also this is kinda a long one so…I still hope you enjoy. 🦦
@sh-tposter2021 @thebiggestsimpoutthere @ii01vp
Part 1
It had been several weeks since you learnt of Pavitr and Gayatri’s relationship, and it’s been just as long since you’ve distanced yourself from Pavitr. While his absence was greatly felt and while there were times where you felt like being a hypocrite and run back to him, you had to remind yourself of why you were doing this in the first place; for the betterment of your own health and to remind yourself of who you were before ever meeting Pavitr because once upon a time there were chapters of your life that didn’t involve him.
You had to frequently remind yourself that you’ll be fine without Pavitr as he was seemingly fine without you now he had the prettiest girl in Mumbattan hanging off of his arm to fawn over, and all without having to take into account of how you felt about the public displays of affection that’d pierce your heart over. And over. And over again.
And yet while you’ve lead yourself to believe that Pavitr has seamlessly moved on without you, what you didn’t know was that Pavitr had been wanting you to meet his other friends, Hobie and Gwen, for a really long time now and even went as far as to set up the whole thing; only for it to come crushing down on him days later when you walked away from him with tears in your eyes and a forced smile. So when the day of your supposed get together came, Pavitr genuinely didn’t know what to tell Hobie and Gwen when he saw them. He didn’t want to send them away, that would be considered rude and disrespectful of the time that they had both set aside to be here, yet he didn’t want them to stay if you weren’t going to be there.
Fortunately and unfortunately for Pavitr, Gwen and Hobie could tell that during the period between their last visit to Mumbattan and now, something had to have happened for Pavitr’s demeanour to drastically change. ‘So where’s this y/n you’ve been talking our ear of about?’ Hobie asked, looking about the room as though you were going to pop out at them.
‘They’re not coming,’ Pavitr solemnly told them, ‘I’d like to think we’re still friends but it’s been so long since I’ve last seen them, that now…now I’m not so sure. I don’t want to loose my best fiend but I’m pretty certain they don’t want to talk to me.’ Pavitr then looked between his friends almost helplessly as he fiddles with the friendship bracelet that you made him out of habit. ‘All I wanna know is what I’ve done and how I can fix it.’ Gwen stepped forward and pressed a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder. ‘I’m sure they’re not mad at you Pav but I’m assuming they just wanted a little space to themselves.’ She told him but it didn’t seem to have helped at all.
‘We can go look for them and get the answer out of them that way?’ Hobbie said but before Pavitr could answer, he was reminded that he had a date with Gayatri later. The thought of his beautiful girlfriend made all his daily worries seep away from his mind as though she was the cleansing he required, there wasn’t a day where Pavitr didn’t count himself lucky in being able to date the most beautiful, amazing, most funniest girl; and he never fails to tells her every day how happy he was to be with her and be able to have the honour of calling her his. ‘Oh I can’t, I’ve got a date with my girlfriend Gayatri soon.’ Pavitr told Hobie.
‘Then how about me and Hobie go talk to them on your behalf?’ Gwen pitched.
‘But we don’t know where they’ll be right now.’ Hobie countered. ‘We’d waste the day away trying to look for them like we’re a bunch of headless chickens.’
‘We might not be on speaking terms but I do know where they’d like to be whenever they want to be left alone.’ Pavitr pipped up before telling the pair of the exact location before they parted ways; Hobie and Gwen to look for you whilst Pavitr went on his date with Gayatri.
Following Pavitr’s instructions, it didn’t take Hobie and Gwen long to find you sat on your lonesome upon a barren rooftop aside from a few weeds and bunches of moss that were growing up and through the cracks within the concrete. One look upon your worn out face told the pair that whatever happened between you and Pavitr took it’s toll on you a lot harder then it did Pavitr; not that they were saying that he wasn’t suffering but he had Gayatri, whereas you probably only had Pavitr to fall back on in times like this but now you probably had nobody. Both Hobie and Gwen were very familiar with the feeling of having nobody in your corner, so it was fairly easy for them to recognise the signs.
‘Is that them?’ Gwen asked Hobie, watching you as you looked out over the liveliness that filled the streets below with the vaguest look upon your face. Hobie shrugs, ‘must be, otherwise Pav wouldn’t have told us to come here if that weren’t the case.’
‘They look-‘
‘Lonely, yeah I agree.’ Hobie finished Gwen’s thought before he started moving towards you when Gwen called out to him. ‘What’re you doing?’ She asks and he looks back at her and said, ‘being a descent human being.’ Before continuing on his way towards you;only to be joined by Gwen not a moment later.
You weren’t fully aware of their presence until you felt Hobie seat himself at your left as Gwen seated herself at your right, but even even then you didn’t have it within you to remove yourself, the company of strangers felt nice to your aching soul because after all humans are social creatures that thrived off of having company. ‘Hey.’ Gwen said, catching your attention first. ‘Hi, I’m sorry but I don’t believe I’ve seen either of you here before.’ You told her, not wanting to come off as rude. ‘You’re right but we’re just paying our friend Pavitr a visit but he’s on a date right now and told us to come hang with you.’ Hobie answered and upon hearing Pavitr’s name, you tensed; Something both Hobie and Gwen both took notice.
‘If you’re here to get me into talking to him you can think again,’ you told them rather sternly, ‘I ain’t getting my heart broken twice.’ You added softer this time as you rested your head atop of your arms that were atop of your knees that you had tucked tight against your chest. ‘What did you mean by getting your heart broken twice?’ Gwen asked, looking over at Hobie who was already looking at her. You chuckled humourlessly as you felt tears once again well up in your eyes, you genuinely thought you were past crying over him but it seemed as though the wound your heart sustained was still bleeding. ‘I had a crush on him, Pavitr,’ you began, ‘but it was obvious that he liked Gayatri more and I don’t blame him, she’s gorgeous, funny, cool, sociable, smart and sweet. It just got to the point where being with him while he was still openly pinning after her was physically hurting me and I didn’t want to complicate things all because I can’t regulate my feelings.’ You finished, feeling slightly better to have finally let it out rather then inside like you had.
So this was the thing that happened between you and their friend. You liked him to the point where you selflessly removed yourself so that your feelings didn’t jeopardise his dream relationship with Gayatri but in the process, you cut yourself off from the only support you ever had in your life and now you were paying the price by suffering through all your emotions on your own. ‘I’m sorry, neither of you should have to be on the receiving end of my grievances.’ You said after a couple minutes of silence, but that soon came to an abrupt halt when Hobie slugged his arm over your shoulder and brought you into his side as Gwen reached out to hold your hand within her own. ‘Don’t ever say sorry for things that ain’t under your control,’ Hobie started, squeezing your shoulder, ‘and besides we’re the ones who asked about it in the first place. So don’t ever feel as though you have to apologise for everything, alright?’ You hummed in response.
‘Hobie’s right, I’m sorry that I made you brought this up.’ Gwen told you, just about to let go of your hand, but you were quick to tighten your hold in a silent plea for her to not go as you shot her a weak smile. ‘It’s not your fault,’ you told her, ‘it was bound to come up and if anything I’m glad you did because had you not I was beginning to get scared that it would come out at the wrong place at the wrong time. So instead I should be thanking you, both of you and I haven’t gotten either of your names yet.’
‘Oh right, well I’m Gwen Stacy,’ Gwen introduced herself before gesturing towards the lad who still had you coddled into his side, ‘and this is my friend Hobie Brown.’
‘Hi.’ You said tearfully as a smile beamed across your face.
‘Hiya yourself.’ Hobie replied as he wiped away some of your tears. ‘Despite crying you’re heart out, you still find it within you to smile. Now that’s a power I ain’t ever seen before and I find it admirable because it tells me that not only are you selfless but strong too.’ He adds and you couldn’t help but feel more tears arise to the surface, causing you to avert you gaze. ‘I’m sorry.’ You said weakly as Gwen felt her heart break for you as Hobie held onto you tighter whilst softly shushing you. ‘Please don’t ever apologise for having emotions.’ Gwen told you as an idea popped into her head as she adds on, ‘would you like to getaway with us? Do something to take your mind off of Pavitr?’ You looked at her before looking at Hobie who, in his mind, had already taken you under his wing and was on board with whatever Gwen had in mind.
‘Only if it’s alright with you guys, I don’t want to intrude on anythin-‘ before you could finish your sentence, Hobie had already begun to stand up before then proceeding to dragging you up along with him, whilst also managing in keeping you under his arm. ‘It’s too late, you’re apart of us now y/n, there is no such thing as intruding in anything when you’re with us.’ Hobie states as Gwen caught up with you two with a smile on her face, revealing her gap tooth as she nudged your side. ‘Your stuck with us now, how terrible is that?’ She joked and you couldn’t help but smile back at her, feeling deep inside that everything was going to be okay now that you had Hobie and Gwen. ‘Yeah, what a terrible fate I’ve been doomed to.’ You joked equally.
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(I'm certain) I Know What You'd Say
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader Summary: Pavitr taking you to the tallest building in Mumbattan and feeding you vada paav + "is this a date?" + angst..?  Warnings: Unrequited Love, Pining, Platonic Relationship, Ambiguous/Open Ending (but not that ambiguous), Hopeful Ending, Low Self-Esteem, Reader POV, Negative Thoughts, Past bad Relationship, Italics indicate thoughts
Also read on AO3
🎶🎵I'd never ask you cause deep down I'm certain I know what you'd say You'd say I'm sorry believe me I love you but not in that way🎶🎵 Not In That Way by Sam Smith As usual, all Hindi words are Google Translated (pls don't 🔪 me) *Can also be read as Pavitr Prabhakar x lithro!reader
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Pavitr Prabhakar, aka Mumbattan's friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, swings smoothly from a lamp post and dives with a twril to land before you. A smile pulls at your lips. Show off.
"Ready, N/n?"
You nod, circling your arms around his neck. He secures one arm around your waist, holding you close to his chest, and aims his web at a tall building. 
"Hold on tight. 3.. 2..1! WhooOHOOO!" 
You squeal excitedly as he swings from building to building, navigating effortlessly through the traffic. It's like riding a roller coaster except you're swinging. You heart pumps faster from the adrenaline rush and you wind yourself tighter around him, almost crushing him in fear as he swings higher and higher. 
"Hey", he says gently removing unwinding your arm, "You can open your eyes now." 
What feels like forever has been only a few minutes when you find yourself on the rooftop of a skyscraper in the middle of the city. 
The view is picturesque but you don't get to appreciate it for long, busy throwing up in the corner. Pavitr winces and turns his face away, peeling off his mask as he sits on the edge of the terrace. 
Luckily you've brought water and you rinse your mouth, coming to sit beside Pavitr cautiously. 
"See? I told you it'd be fun!" 
"It is thrilling, but.. you sure we won't accidentally fall off? I mean..", your breathing picks up as you look below, "it's soooo high.." 
"Don't look down!"
Too late. The world around begins to spin as gravity calls for you. Oh no.. 
Pavitr pulls you back into safety and rubs your back in soothing motions. "Relax. I got'chu, N/n." 
"How do you do this everyday without getting your insides twisted!?" 
He shrugs as it's obvious. "I'm Spider-Man." 
"Yeah, because that explains everything", you sass, shooting him an unamused look. "Poor Gayatri, though." 
Pavitr flushes, eyes flitting everywhere but at you as he rubs his neck. "Uh, you're actually the first... she doesn't know yet.."
Oh, of course! You were the only one to know his secret identity. And not because he told you; you'd accidentally caught him crawl into his bedroom wall wearing the suit and you put two and two together. 
You set the street food you bought for this 'picnic' down. Seven vada pavs and two cardamom teas. 
"Did you just say I'm special?", you tease. 
"Nah, you're just lucky to catch me that night." 
You surprise him water to his face in playful retaliation, giggling. He reaches to grab your bottle but you keep it out of his reach, attacking him when he tries to shoot his webs. 
He laughs, trying to sheild himself, and, Gods, it's a beautiful sound. You stare entranced, the beautiful pink sunset painting a romantic backdrop as the last rays catch his wet hair, making it shine. The peachy colour falls on his tan skin and Pavitr looks ethereal. He wears that flirty smile that helps him charm his way out of chores, eyes sparkling and -wow, are you in a Bollywood movie? Surely, this must be a dream. 
Mmmm... <;3 
"I know, right!" 
His voice snaps you out of your reverie. What the hell, you were supposed to be in control of your emotions, not practically drool on your crush! 
"What?", you ask, hoping you didn't blurt out anything embarrassing. You have GOT to stop zoning out when he's right there.
His gloves are off and he holds a vada paav in each hand, stuffing both into his mouth. 
When did he-?
"The vada pav -Mmmm!", he moans with a full mouth, "this is The best food to ever exist! It's amrutha!" 
"All street foods are ambrosia for you." 
"No, no, this really is divine! Here, have a taste-" 
You let him feed you, enjoying it while it lasts with the painful knowledge that this won't mean as much to him the way it means to you. 
Your relationship was doomed to ever remain platonic but you will cherish these little moments of your unrequited love till the day you die, alone and still pining. 
Yeah... Pavitr has a girlfriend, who's none other than your mutual bestie, Gayatri Singh. Neither of them have told you yet, but it's obvious. The way they look at each other, always a twinkle in their orbs as they speak eye to eye -the love language of love. Little smiles, sneaky looks, inside jokes.. you feel left out, but maybe it is for the best. It's like, if you acknowledged it, then there will be no denying it and this love-castle you've built in your head will collapse. 
One-sided love is like the thorns in a rose: it hurts, but letting go means you can't admire the flower anymore. And, you've gripped the stupid thing with your whole palm and now you're bleeding. 
'It's not like anyone likes me, anyway', negative thoughts begin to plague you. 'I'm the odd one out, the outsider, the one that doesn't fit in. Invisible, unless they have a use of me.' 
Self-loathing was a dangerous wormhole and you only spiralled more into it as you recalled your ex. You had briefly dated another guy to take Pavitr off your mind but it ended poorly. Pavitr had been there for you then too but it did no good. What little self-esteem you had never increased after that. 
Realizing your eyes had moistened, you inhale sharply and look out into the city that never sleeps to distract yourself. 
You loved the night sky. Grandma always said that when people die, they become stars. Perhaps, one day, you'll be one too. Watch another poor soul like you pine over someone they can never have. 
A stray tear slips down your cheek and you're quick to wipe it away, hoping Pavitr didn't notice it. The last thing you want is for him to ask, because you know you'll blurt out your feelings and it'll be the end. 
You shake yourself out of it, pushing those thoughts away. Now isn't the time. You are here with Pavitr right now and that's all what's important.
"So cold up here." You shiver, rubbing your arms for warmth. He opens his mouth to retort when you cut him off. "If you say 'I can't control the weather Y/n', I WILL push you off." 
He just laughs. "Which King of Mumbattan's Streets would you rather", he asks, holding up another vada paav, "Pav or Pavitr?" 
"Easy. Vada pav." 
You snerk when he holds his chest in faux pain and reach for the snack, but he insists on feeding you. 
"I'm not trusting you at 200 feet high. Also, this is the last one so, we're sharing", he says and shifts closer to you.
Fingers slightly brush against each other, making you tingle and stop protesting as he feeds you again. Control, idiot, control! 
Even if he'll never treated you as a lover, it's okay, because just being next to Pavitr makes your day better. 
You sip your elaichi chai and watch the city in comfortable silence, welcoming Pavitr move closer. You mind goes on a fieldtrip when your shoulders touch and you try not to blush. Maybe even lean in a little, hoping he won't notice.. 
Loud honkings corrupt the quiet air as traffic increases in the city below you. You wonder what time it is, glancing at your watch and -OH MY GOD! 
You jerk and shoot up but lose balance, though Pavitr is quick to catch you before you slip and fall off the rooftop. 
"You okay there?" 
"It's past my curfew! Ma will take the broomstick out on me if I am not home in a few!" 
"Please, N/n, aunty is so sweet. You're making her look like a villain." 
"You're not the one who's gonna be grounded!" 
"Stop fretting, we'll be there in ten seconds tops." Pavitr assures you, packing up everything in record time and washes his hands. "Ready?" 
He circles his arm around your waist once again, holding securely and swings you home, reaching quicker than before. You land on the balcony of your house, surprisingly not puking this time, as he releases you gently. 
Neither of you move and he doesn't seem to let go any soon. Veins thrum in excitement.  
"We're early", he says softly looking into your eyes. 
The full moon is reflected in his orbs, the moonrays highlighting his features. You want to cry; such a beautiful, good hearted guy can never be yours. 
"It only took nine seconds." 
You can't help but blush at how his hands are still around your waist, loosened but still there, blood pumping hot under your skin. 
God, he's so close. 
He leans in, and for a moment you forget about everything as his intoxicating scent fills your nose. You beg the Gods to prolong this moment a bit longer. 
The sound of your mom yelling from behind the door breaks you apart. Pavitr pulls on his mask and jumps onto the railing, shooting his web onto a nearby building. 
The chilly wind blows through his hair and he looks every bit hero as he stands deific under the moonlight. 
"Thanks for the date, by the way."
His words take you by surprise. Hope fills your chest and you perk up, but quickly shut it down. 
It's not what I'm thinking; he doesn't mean it that way, he's joking. 
"It... was it a date?", you ask, slow and hesitant. You need him to say 'yes' but you're not sure what you'll do if he says 'no'. 
He's just kidding. Why did you even ask!? Why are you so stubborn that he'll like you back!? 
Pavitr's silence makes you anxious. His mask prevents you from seeing his reaction and you grow antsy, unable to decipher his feelings. 
And then, Pavitr's gone, leaving you to ponder over his words in the dark chilly balcony, alone. The city below moves about full of life yet you're frozen in place with your breath taken away. 
Hope you enjoyed it! Kudos and comments feed my fic dragon <3
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Oh good! Since you watched the movie already, these are the questions I would like to ask regarding The 40's reaction to it:
How do you think they'll react to Spider-Gwen's version of Peter Parker becoming The Lizard, his subsequent death, and Gwen being hunted down by her own father because of the misunderstanding?
How do you think they'll react to Miguel O'Hara's first appearance and seeing his performance as Spider-Man 2099?
How do you think they'll react to Spider-Gwen ultimately leaving her dimension after the terrible reveal of her identity to her father.
How do you think they react to The Spot's goofy behavior at the beginning and his attempts to become Miles' arch-enemy?
How do you think they'll react to Miles' growing tension with his parents as his activities as Spider-Man are getting in the way?
How do you think they'll react to Spot's multiversal hopping (Sony Venom's universe, LEGO, etc.), and the awkwardness of him saying his "holes"?
How do you think they'll react to Spider-Man India, his introduction, and his pet peeves of people saying "Chai Tea" and "Naan bread"?
How do you think they'll react to Spider-Punk aka Hobie Brown and his unique character design?
How do you think they'll react to The Spot becoming a multiversal being and his declaration of how he will take everything he loves from Miles, along with seeing a possible future of him decimating New York, murdering Jefferson, and even the Spider-Society?
How do you think they'll react to Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie's incredible teamwork in saving Mumbattan?
How do you think they'll react to the Spider-Society, and seeing many characters in different shapes and sizes?
How do you think they'll react to Miguel O'Hara's workplace being a "slow" descent to create a dramatic effect?
How do you think they'll react to Peter B. Parker's return and his 1-year-old daughter Mayday?
How do you think they'll react to the idea of "Canon Events", seeing the many Spider-Men losing their "Uncle Ben" figures, "Police Captain" figures, the idea that they're allowing these "canon events" to pass to avoid universal destruction, and how it could possibly exist for their own worlds as well?
How do you think they'll react to Hobie's refusal to call himself a "hero" in his opinion, heroes are "self-mythologize narcissistic autocrats", and how that would apply to the Spider-Society?
How do you think they'll react to Miguuel's backstory of losing his alternate self's daughter and dimension because of him "breaking" a canon event?
How do you think they'll react to Miles being able to outrun the entire Spider-Society, his battle against an enraged Miguel, the reveal that he was never supposed to become Spider-Man in the first place, and being blamed by Miguel for blond Peter's death, and him "doing his own thing".
Do you think they would pick up the clues that Miles landed in the wrong universe before he "glitches"?
How do you think they'll react to the reveal of Miles' father being dead in Earth 42, being strapped to a punching bag as it looks like he's about to be tortured by Earth 42 Aaron, failing to convince him that he doesn't have to be the Prowler and nearly getting his face smashed by the gauntlet, and being confronted by his Earth 42 counterpart, whose currently the Prowler?
In general, how do you think they'll react to the fact that the Miles Morales they were watching was actually meant to become a supervillain instead and that his Earth 42 counterpart is the one the became Spider-Man if it weren't for the collider of the first movie transporting the spider just as it was about to bit Earth-42 Miles in the place where Miles and his uncle were spraypainting. There's plenty of evidence that foreshadows this as seen in Into the Spider-Verse, Miles' spider-sense colors when he first meets blond Peter was green and purple before changing to red and blue, and how he smirks when looking out the window of his dorm when coming up with an idea of what to write for his assigned paper of becoming in the future and the next shows his uncle, Aaron, and the colors of his face during his confrontation with his Earth 42 counterpart having more purple than the red and blue. By contrast, Earth-42 Miles' visor was showing purple in color before zooming into Miles' face and the colors changing to red and blue, the fact that any purple being shines on Earth-42 Miles is more due to external sources showcases how his hellish environment has to harden him into becoming the Prowler instead of Spider-Man, and when he reveals his face to Miles, the blue and red coloring on the sides of his face is greater than the purple in the middle. For more irony, Earth-42's brief appearance in The Spot's recollection of the spider has him studying in a classroom, implying that he's a driven and hard-working student trying to make his living conditions better while Miles was blowing off his own homework to spray paint with his criminal uncle.
Would feel bad for both Peter and Gwen, as the former was pushed to the point while the latter is both terrified of her father, who was still trying to arrest her and still pointed a gun at her.
Some may understand the need to be brutal, but to do so to a teenager, and innocent one at that, is going too far. 
Would feel terrible for her because after the confrontation and how her father was still acting as an officer would break their hearts.
They would see him as trying a bit too hard, but are still wary since his ability can be very versatile.
Can’t help but feel sympathy for Miles, but they understand where his parents are coming from as well.
Impressed by his powers and the multiple dimensions, and will not try to laugh at him being awkward.
They would find him a really good person and glad to see he is doing so much to protect his home. (But would get a giggle over his pet peeves)
Some might be put off by it, but most of them would love it.
Would hate the Spot at this point, seeing that he is too far gone and would hope that the heroes can stop him in time.
Would be cheering for them every step of the way and would love how well they work together.
Find it a little bit awkward.
Be happy to see that he is doing better and is being a positive influence on Mayday.
They would hate the idea of it allowing those events to happen. They know that a universe “could” be at stake, but if they have the chance to change something, they can’t just stand on the sidelines.
A little taken aback, but given what they have seen of him thus far, it makes sense
They would understand that what he is doing is a trauma response, but everything that happened to him doesn’t hold up well in the face of everything that happened, since he doesn’t have sufficient evidence.
They would be impressed and then would be enraged by Miguel for trying to place blame onto Miles, calling it out as self-projecting.
Would be saddened to see that this is how Miles could have been and hope that he gets rescued soon.
They know it was an accident, but after seeing Miles’s journey, they are glad that he became a hero. Of course they are shocked to find out, but to see Miles making his own choices would make them proud.
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First off, hi! I love Hobie and Spiderverse in general, I've seen it twice and my favourites are Hobie, Pavitr, Mayday and Peter Parked Car! I have several headcanons that od love to share with you!
1) Hobie and Pavitr first bond over their mutual dislike for the British monarchy and government, but admit that the tea is really good.
2) Hobie is literally a Robin Hood to the people of Mumbhattan, particularly in the slums and poorer areas. He also helps May Auntie and he's one of the few people outside the immediate family that she trusts and respects.
3) Hobie and Pav come up with a plan to steal what Britain stole from the museum and to give it back. Its all sorted out; Mayday is the distraction and Peter Parked Car is the getaway vehicle. PPC has a booster seat specifically for Mayday.
4) Mayday has a toy called Spiderspider. He's a spider that was bitten by a radioactive spider and she refuses to sleep without him, even for naps.
5) Hobie is shortsighted and has half moon glasses for reading and sewing. He also loves to sew as a way to relax and he makes Mayday a battle jacket with acab in building blocks on the back
6) Hobie and Pav act like a couple and Mayday is their daughter. They do this without a hint of sarcasm and Miguel is both confused and not surprised.
I love all of these so much!! Especially the fact that you liked Peter Parked Car!!! (Honestly him and Lego-Spider-man are two of the good ones I trust them) and sdfdfkjdsf now I have headcanons of your headcanons!
I love tea and I love the idea that Hobie could be Pavi's 'tea plug'. He brings him all sorts of teas - English Breakfast would probably be something Pavi likes. They both probably have REALLY strong opinions when they learned Miles makes tea in the microwave and not the kettle (don't worry miles i do too)
OOOOOOOOO This is a good one!!! Especially since things are more drastic and somewhat hardcore in Hobie's universe, I could see him really really enjoying helping out in Mumbattan. Bonus points because Mumbattan is sunny. His patrols there probably put him in such a good mood - I bet Mumbattan is one of those universes that LOVE all Spider-people that come through
YOOOOOO THEM DOING THAT WOULD BE CRAZY Especially cause the news would be like 'how did these huge 2 ton statues from India disappear in 3 minutes'? And it's like easy, Hobie just picked one up and walked out. They're that strong that they can steal EVERYTHING back no matter how big. And it's like a modern mystery how like the entire West wing of the British Museum went missing in 15 minutes
SPIDERSPIDER SUPREMACY - I need a real spiderspider so the person it bites becomes Spiderspider-person lol
I love the idea of Hobie doing textile crafts so much because it makes so much since! I bet he does embroidery too, because it helps for patches. People probably think he doesnt wear his glasses out of embarrassment but in reality he probably would like them a lot and not want to damage them/lose them so he keeps them somewhere
HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE EPISODE OF SPONGEBOB!! - yknow the one with the baby clam and Patrick and Spongebob!! I need something like that with them oh my goodness - like Pavi walking around with rollers in his hair (only coconut oil, my ass - LIES) and Mayday on his hip. Suddenly Hobie is wearing an all-black robe with patches (doing dad-style WAY more stylishly than Peter), they get super into it and Mayday probably thinks its hilarious
Honestly all of these are so cute!! Especially the Hobie in Mumbattan one I love carefree Hobie Brown. He deserves it so much
(also sorry this wasn't proofread because i am counting spoons today)
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