#'or maybe kaz was like nikolai: a boy with an unquiet mind...a man in need of perpetual challenge'
fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
Kaz 🤝 Nikolai: two men who can't back down from a challenge and have dead older brothers, larger-than-life reputations, and girlfriends who're cooler than them
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timeandspacelord · 1 month
"Or maybe Kaz was like Nikolai, a boy with an unquiet mind, a man in perpetual need of a challenge."
He is bored, your honor
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beatrix2712 · 1 year
Kaz’s gaze was cool. “If someone wants it, I can sell it. It’s as simple as that.” Maybe, thought Zoya. Or maybe Kaz was like Nikolai, a boy with an unquiet mind, a man in perpetual need of challenge. He’d decided the base was a puzzle and he couldn’t resist finding its solution.
Rule of Wolves
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elisegeese · 2 years
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“Or maybe kaz was like Nikolai, a boy with an unquiet mind, a man in perpetual need of a challenge” -Leigh Bardugo, Rule of Wolves
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 months
Things Kaz canonically does in the two years between Crooked Kingdom and Rule of Wolves:
(presumably) massively expands the Dregs' territory
buys Pekka's old club (the Emerald Palace) and completely renovates it, turning it into The Silver Six
massively expands the Crow Club to the point where it's "three times the size of every other establishment on the block"
builds an underground tunnel that goes from the Crow Club to the Geldstraat, where the Van Eck Mansion is
takes Jesper out on jobs with him often enough that Wylan has jokingly banned Jesper from answering the door when he knocks
learns about Ketterdam's Suli laborers and picks up additional knowledge of Suli culture
keeps up with Inej's whereabouts and helps her take out slavers
expands his information network to the Kerch colonies
is on friendly enough terms with the King of Ravka that he taught Nikolai how to pick locks and Nikolai feels comfortable personally writing him a letter when he needs to steal the titanium from Kerch
disguises himself just to follow people around on the streets
was planning to steal the titanium from the military base anyway just for fun
And that's just the stuff we see from Nikolai's and Zoya's incredibly limited perspectives during their Ketterdam sidequest
I 100% agree with Zoya when she thinks that "maybe Kaz was like Nikolai, a boy with an unquiet mind, a man in perpetual need of challenge" because ROW makes it so obvious that Kaz is bored and incredibly restless in his success. Someone get our boy a new life's purpose and a subscription to a long-running unsolved mystery podcast stat
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beatrix2712 · 6 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 54 notes - Mar 28 2023
“Would you?” asked Wylan, his chin jutting forward. “Trust someone with that knowledge, with a secret that could destroy you?”
Yes, thought Kaz without hesitation. There’s one person I would trust. One person I know would never use my weaknesses against me.
- Crooked Kingdom
2. 36 notes - Mar 23 2023
Inej had wanted Kaz to become someone else, a better person, a gentler thief. But that boy had no place here. That boy ended up starving in an alley. He ended up dead. That boy couldn’t get her back.
I’m going to get my money, Kaz vowed. And I’m going to get my girl. Inej could never be his, not really, but he would find a way to give her the freedom he’d promised her so long ago.
Dirtyhands had come to see the rough work done.
- Six of Crows
3. 33 notes - Mar 24 2023
“Why won’t he just say he wants her back?”
“You’ve met Kaz, right?”
- Crooked Kingdom
4. 30 notes - Feb 18 2023
“Go somewhere you’re wanted.”
“That’s hardly limiting,” he said. “ Alina, I’ll be back to fetch you for dinner, but should you grow restless, do feel free to run screaming from the room or take a dagger to her. Whatever seems most fitting at the time.”
“Are you still here?” snapped Baghra.
“I go but hope to remain in your heart,” he said solemnly. Then he winked and disappeared.
- Ruin and Rising
5. 26 notes - Mar 25 2023
She could feel the press of Kaz’s fingers against her skin, feel the bird’swing brush of his mouth against her neck, see his dilated eyes. Two of the deadliest people the Barrel had to offer and they could barely touch each other without both of them keeling over. But they’d tried. He’d tried. Maybe they could try again.
Crooked Kingdom
6. 24 notes - Mar 23 2023
He hated that Inej had seen him this way, that anyone had, but on the heels of that thought came another: Better it should be her. In his bones, he knew that she would never speak of it to anyone, that she would never use this knowledge against him. She relied on his reputation. She wouldn’t want him to look weak. But there was more to it than that, wasn’t there? Inej would never betray him. He knew it. Kaz felt ill. Though he’d trusted her with his life countless times, it felt much more frightening to trust her with this shame.
Six of Crows
7. 24 notes - Mar 23 2023
“I don’t want your prayers,” he said. “What do you want, then?” The old answers came easily to mind. Money. Vengeance. Jordie’s voice in my head silenced forever. But a different reply roared to life inside him, loud, insistent, and unwelcome. You, Inej. You.
Six of Crows
8. 21 notes - Mar 24 2023
Jesper pointed his gun at the scholar’s chest. “Move.” “Jesper!” his father said. “Don’t worry, Da. People point guns at each other all the time in Ketterdam. It’s basically a handshake.” “Is that true?” his father asked as the scholar grudgingly moved aside and they shoved the heavy desk in front of the door. “Absolutely,” said Wylan. “Certainly not,” said the scholar. Jesper waved them on. “Depends on the neighborhood.”
Crooked Kingdom
9. 20 notes - Mar 31 2023
Kaz’s gaze was cool. “If someone wants it, I can sell it. It’s as simple as that.”
Maybe, thought Zoya. Or maybe Kaz was like Nikolai, a boy with an unquiet mind, a man in perpetual need of challenge. He’d decided the base was a puzzle and he couldn’t resist finding its solution.
- Rule of Wolves
10. 19 notes - Mar 24 2023
Inej thought of Kaz’s pale trickster hands, the shiny rope of scar tissue that ran atop his right knuckle. Van Eck could break every finger and both of Kaz’s legs and he’d never say a word, but if his men stripped away Kaz’s gloves? Inej still didn’t understand why he needed them or why he’d fainted in the prison wagon on the way into the Ice Court, but she knew Kaz couldn’t bear the touch of skin on skin. How much of this weakness could he hide? How quickly would Van Eck locate his vulnerability, exploit it? How long until Kaz came undone? She couldn’t bear it. She was glad she didn’t know where Kuwei was. She would break before Kaz did.
Crooked Kingdom
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