#'the third degree burn probably won’t kill me' omg xD
Summoner/Felicia C-S Support
Written by @drizzled-wind
(y/n): Let’s see… If I place the lancer here, then they can tank the sword unit, letting the green mage live…
Felicia: Hello, (y/n)! You’re working awfully hard today!
(y/n): Huh? Sorry, I lost track of time. Is the meeting still going on?
Felicia: Nope, it ended a few minutes ago! But I thought I’d bring you some tea, since you’re so focused.
(y/n): Thanks, Felicia, I appreciate it. *sip*
Felicia: (y/n), are you okay? You look kind of pale…
(y/n): *cough*…I-I’m fine. Um, who made this tea?
Felicia: I did! Everyone else was busy, so I tried my best. Is it alright?
(y/n): Oh, totally. It’s the best I’ve ever had, actually. Haha…
Felicia: That’s great! I’m so happy I was able to help. It’s always nice to feel like I’m pulling my weight.
(y/n): Don’t worry, Felicia. Every hero here matters.
Felicia: Still, I like carrying on my maid duties here! Is there anything else I can help you with? More tea? Or I could do laundry? Here, I’ll take your- Ahh!
(y/n): Woah!
Felicia: Oh, (y/n), I’m so sorry! I got tea all over your beautiful cloak!
(y/n): Don’t worry, Felicia, the third degree burn probably won’t kill me. But, uh, I’ve gotta go. Alfonse wanted me in another meeting and I’m pretty sure I’m late.
Felicia: A-alright. Could I make it up to you later?
(y/n): You don’t have to. But if you insist, we can meet later. Sorry, but I’ve got to run.
Felicia: Oh, okay. Bye, (y/n)!
[(y/n) and Felicia have reached support rank C.]
Felicia: Hmm, (y/n) said to meet around here…
(y/n): Hey, Felicia.
Felicia: Waah!
(y/n): Careful! Here, let’s sit down over here.
Felicia: Thanks, (y/n)… Sorry for tripping again.
(y/n): It’s no problem. So, what were you saying the other day? I’m sorry I had to leave you hanging then, but it’s been pretty busy around here lately.
Felicia: That’s what I wanted to talk to you about! Since I got summoned, I haven’t had to perform any of my usual jobs, and I think I’m getting kind of lazy. I want to help you, so how about I be your maid?
(y/n): Felicia, there’s no way I could accept that. In my world, only rich people have maids. I’m nowhere near qualified. Besides, I don’t have anything to pay you with.
Felicia: Pay? Maids don’t get paid. Besides, (y/n), I’m the one offering! You’re qualified in all of our eyes, and I want to do my part!
(y/n): Hmm. Let’s make a deal. You can be a maid if you want, but as soon as you feel tired or frustrated, stop. I’ll participate as well, since I can’t force you to work for me in good conscience. I’m still hesitant about this as it is…
Felicia: Don’t worry, (y/n)! Being a maid is what I do!
(y/n): If you’re sure.
Felicia: Yay! Alright, what do you want to work on?
(y/n): Um. We could do the cooking for the barracks today.
Felicia: Sounds good!
(y/n): …
Felicia: What’s wrong, (y/n)?
(y/n): This soup is certainly… flavourful. What did you put in it?
Felicia: I couldn’t remember all the ingredients, so I just sprinkled a few other things in there. I hope that’s alright…
(y/n): It’s different, that’s for sure. I guess we should serve it, since we don’t want to waste food.
Felicia: Look at us, cooking buddies! I’m glad you’re with me, (y/n). It makes this so much fun!
(y/n): Heh. I suppose it is kind of fun.
Felicia: I’ll carry the pot to the mess hall! Woah, it’s heavy…
(y/n): W-wait, Felicia, no!
[(y/n) and Felicia have reached support rank B.]
Felicia: Time to carry these to the sink!
(y/n): Woah, Felicia! Don’t try to carry that many plates at once! I don’t think we have the gold to buy more again…
Felicia: I’m alright, (y/n)! I just need to keep my balance…
(y/n): Here, let me take some of these. We wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.
Felicia: Ah, thanks…
(y/n): There we go, safe and sound. Thanks for bringing the dishes back, Felicia.
Felicia: Hey, (y/n)?
(y/n): Hmm? What’s up?
Felicia: I’m just thinking…
(y/n): Tell me what’s on your mind. Maybe I can help.
Felicia: Well…alright. Why do you tolerate me blundering around you all the time, even if you know I’m going to mess up? I’m not elegant or anything. I’m nothing but a nuisance to you. If my sister were here, you’d replace me with her in a heartbeat. She’s a much better maid.
(y/n): …Whether that’s true or not, I would never replace you like some object. Sure, you may trip while carrying a cup of tea, but that doesn’t make you any less of a person.
Felicia: But I’m useless at doing my only job…
(y/n): Being a maid is not your primary job anymore, Felicia. Now, you’re a Hero of Askr, summoned by me to fight bravely in the war with Embla. You’re not defined by your mistakes. You’re defined by your heart.
Felicia: My heart?
(y/n): Just look at everything you do. You brought these dishes back because you knew most of the soldiers eating here just came from a difficult battle, and couldn’t muster the strength to do it themselves.
Felicia: !
(y/n): Even though you spilt it, you offered to bring the pot of soup to the mess hall because you saw that I was too fatigued from heavy training that day to lift it. You volunteered to wash my cloak because you saw how many days I had gone without sleep, and it was your way of telling me to take a break. You’re pure of heart, Felicia, and that’s all that matters to me.
Felicia: (y/n)… Helping people is the most important thing for me. I…woah!
(y/n): Careful!
Felicia: Ah, thanks for catching me… I’m really happy, (y/n). Thank you for everything!
(y/n): No need to worry, Felicia. I will forever appreciate you for everything you do.
[(y/n) and Felicia have reached support rank A.]
(y/n): Hmm. I wonder if Felicia is around. I have something nice to tell her.
Felicia: Hey! (y/n)!
(y/n): There you are! I have some really good news for you.
Felicia: Really? What is it?
(y/n): Everyone has been telling me how much you’ve improved. They’re saying that you’re more deadly on the battlefield and more precise in the kitchen. I’m really proud of you.
Felicia: Ah! They’re saying that? I’m so embarrassed…
(y/n): Don’t be. You deserve the praise. You’re the most hardworking person I’ve ever met.
Felicia: Th-thanks, (y/n). Um…can I tell you something?
(y/n): Sure, anything.
Felicia: Well, you’ve been a constant source of inspiration to me since I came here. Every day, I looked up to you and aspired to be as hardworking as you.
(y/n): Felicia…
Felicia: Even when I messed up, I thought about you comforting me and saying it was alright, and I drew my strength from that. (y/n), you’re so important to me.
(y/n): You’re important to me too, Felicia.
Felicia: Th-then…would you do me the honour of accepting this?
(y/n): What a pretty box - all decorated with snowflakes.
Felicia: Since I’m from the Ice Tribe and all, haha…
(y/n): Oh, a ring! It’s beautiful, Felicia. Does that mean you’re asking..?
Felicia: Yes! I love you, (y/n)! I love you so much! You’re always so supportive of me and I love you for it.
(y/n): I love you too, Felicia. You always know when I’m tired, and you always take care of me out of the kindness of your heart.
Felicia: I’m so happy! I’ll love you forever!
(y/n): And always.
[(y/n) and Felicia have reached support rank S.]
Confession quote:
Felicia: You are the one who sees through my faults and loves me for who I am. Even the ice of my tribe couldn’t melt my love for you!
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mihanada · 6 years
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
(back to masterpost)
This chapter was almost the end of me, ok. We have established that I need to get Wei Wuxian to turn me into a fierce corpse to survive the rest of the story.
Chapter 57: Poisons (Part 2)
“All of a sudden, Lan WangJi’s tear-streaked face, reflecting the firelight, flashed within his mind.”
that’s all I’ve got to say about that.
“We’ve got so many sects. Can’t we join together and…”
Just you wait! It’ll happen! Man, all this foreshadowing...A nice move, actually, because this would be foreshadowing if we had a linear narrative. Too much foreshadowing as you go along the story has a tendency to make the plot look too forced and everything contrived, but in this case it it’s not really foreshadowing since we have known the outcome for ages already.
“Shixiong!!! You’re alive now!!!”
“Wei WuXian, “What do you mean I’m alive now? I’ve never died to begin with!”
This reminds me of that one meme. That “Stop talking about me like I’m dead!” one.
ah, kids. it’s like ‘lol don’t go killing me off!’
The shooting kites day in and day out part gives off a ‘trapped in limbo’ feeling really well I have to say.
“If I went out, Madam Yu’s gonna whip a whole layer of skin off me.”
You’re too good at foreshadowing, Wei Wuxian. Too good.
On the other hand, we can totally see yet again that everyone in this world exaggerates corporeal punishment but you can never be too sure of when they’re actually serious!! how nice.
Ah, more martial problems...please get these two some marriage counseling. and family therapy for the whole group.
“What a shame that our swords don’t have that much spiritual energy yet. If they could sheath themselves, then nobody would be able to use them.”
“Jiang Cheng, “If you cultivate for another eighty years, then maybe it’d be possible.”
Suibian apparently does this after Wei Wuxian dies which is how Jin Guangyao outs him to everyone. According to Jiang Cheng, this shouldn’t be possible unless you cultivate to a very high level, so it must not be very common.
Wei Wuxian’s sword actually manages to do this though!
“Don’t let them hear anything we say that could be used to hold against us.”
Funny to hear these words coming from you, Wei Wuxian. See, he can be serious! When he was younger, he was especially more impulsive and carefree with his words.
“Wang LingJiao, “Of course. I didn’t have the time to come have a seat inside the last time I came to give out orders. Please.”
I kind of want to know what becomes of this woman. But I also want the satisfaction of reading her death for the first time, if the story tells us outright. Hey, at least we know who survives this conflict or not right?
I don’t know if I could survive a straight through narrative not knowing which of the secondary characters would live and which would die horrible deaths (and which villains made it out or not).
“last time I came to give out orders” though. like, damn. ultra level of disrespect.
“Sure, then, why don’t you go inside?”
I love Madam Yu’s responses. We may not have many ladies in this story, but at least we have badass ones like Madam Yu to make up for it!
“JinZhu and YinZhu stood behind her, both wearing light smirks on their faces.
YinZhu replied, “There is no tea. Get it yourself if you want any.”
And her maids! Awesome battle maids who apparently always wear armor.
I guess there really are no servants in the Jiang clan’s immediate household to serve tea lol. Jinzhu and Yinzhu sure as hell aren’t going to do it, and neither is Wei Wuxian xD that’s all they’ve got. (i’m sure they have others we don’t see. I wonder if this is a thing or they’re just saying this to spite Wang Lingjiao)
“As the person saying this, you’re a servant as well, aren’t you?”
I’m glad we get Wei Wuxian’s commentary still even though he isn’t running his mouth.
“Madam Yu, however, seemed to deeply understand the phrase ‘servants should be what servants ought to be’. Glancing at Wei WuXian, she happened to concur, responding loftily, “That’s right.”
She really does not like him. xD
“Shooting down such a kite is actually implying ‘shooting down the sun’! He wants to shoot down the sun!”
Youngest shidi, you will be immortalized and your sacrifice will not be forgotten!
remember! The war against the Wen sect is called the ‘campaign to shoot down the sun’ aka “Sunshot Campaign”. And the game that the kids in normal villages play is the same shooting down the kite game with the symbol of the sun on the kite, imitating the Sunshot Campaign.
on a more serious note, I know people who draw these wild, conspiracy-theory level conclusions from something very innocuous and it’s actually quite scary. They can’t be reasoned with, either. Just gotta roll with it unfortunately.
“Seeing that such a woman dared to make up stories of Jiang FengMian right in front of them, flames bursted from within Wei WuXian, “You…”
I actually don’t have many reactions to this part because I was just screaming silently at this part and it continues throughout to the end lol.
Ahhh, Wei Wuxian was going to defend him, but then he gets hit.
“Zidian had turned into its whip form, sizzling between her hands of cold jade.”
Remember how just using Zidian around Wei Wuxian’s leg caused a burn in the early chapters? Apparently this damn whip is nothing to scoff at and a really powerful weapon, and he gets hit so many times with it, too!
you understand why she’s doing it. At the same time, you can feel that she’s not 100% reluctant to do it either and it’s kinda scary.
then you also really feel the kids’ panic. Jiang Cheng who can’t do anything to stop it, but also of course really really wants his mom to stop whipping Wei Wuxian! and Wei Wuxian who urges him to get away and not get involved so nothing happens to him, too.
it’s just a really messed up scene and ARGH
“In the past, although Madam Yu had always come at him with harsh words, she had never truly been cruel to him. The most that he’d been through were two or three strikes and being grounded.”
This little bit is important!
But it also doesn’t give a clear answer, which really gives these characters some realism.
Madam Yu, for all her yelling at him, never hurt him badly (this is exactly where Jiang Cheng gets his parenting skills from I’m dead bye). But Wei Wuxian doesn’t have negative or resentful feelings towards her even though she has never accepted him for as long as he has been there, so he is an unreliable narrator.
Then we get this scene where it seems like she has no hesitation in whipping the skin off his back with a really powerful weapon ok. What you can’t tell (since this is from Wei Wuxian’s pov) is the degree to which she means it. She could be a good actress, at the same time she could have been lenient before because of Jiang Fengmian (who always came to let Wei Wuxian out of punishment early). Or she could have been like Jiang Cheng to Jin Ling later and scream about beating him without ever actually meaning it (lol though Jiang Cheng has never hit Jin Ling, still, can you not threaten to break his leg).
We do know that she isn’t cruel enough to enjoy it, though, and there is a limit to what she deems acceptable (cutting off hands is obviously not acceptable)
“Young Master Wen is kind. He wouldn’t do something as cruel as chop off both of his legs. If only his right hand is chopped off, then he wouldn’t ever care about this again.”
see, like, this is why I’m glad we already know the outcome of these events broadly. xD
if you think about it from the characters’ perspectives, this is really fucking scary!
What! Cut off his hand? And if you don’t...? they’ll probably try to wipe out the whole sect or burn it to the ground like the Cloud Recesses!
“Jiang Cheng fought out of the arms of JinZhu and YinZhu. He crashed to his knees, hovering over Wei WuXian, “Mom, Mom, please don’t…”
oh, Jiang Cheng...I have feelings about this guy omg. no wonder he gains an inferiority complex and then as sect leader becomes a ball of Extra and anger issues who won’t stop until he catches Wei Wuxian!
He’s always second best, feels like his father doesn’t love him because of Wei Wuxian yet it’s not like he hates Wei Wuxian either. Then, through neither of their faults, Wei Wuxian is the brave one and Jiang Cheng gets to do the leg work. And when things turn serious, there is nothing he can do at all to save Wei Wuxian who he does obviously care about. for all the ‘you’re going to be the next sect leader, act like one!’ stuff, when it comes down to it there wasn’t anything he could do.
“Fabricking? What’s fabricking? And he suddenly realized, It’s abricating!”
this was nice to lighten the mood a little. only a little though.
“JinZhu, YinZhu, quick, go close the doors. Don’t let the others see the blood.”
see what I mean by ‘you can’t tell if she really means it?’ and the glory of a limited third person narrative done right: based off the description of her actions, it’s difficult to tell.
If it means saving the sect, I think she would absolutely cut off his hand, but only with a greater threat hanging over their heads. Well, this is because she sees him as a servant, of course she would never so readily, no hesitation or lack of composure, do the same to her son.
“Wei WuXian felt fear arise, Don’t tell me that she really is gonna chop off one my my hands?”
One of the times he does show fear!
However, this is where his sacrificial side which is really damn worrying comes in.
“Let it be, then! If it’s in exchange for the peace of the sect… a hand is just a hand. Fuck, if worst comes to worst I’ll just practice the left-handed sword from now on!!!”
It’s probably part of his personality somewhat to be self-sacrificing, or at least be willing to put himself in harm’s way to do good or the right thing. But it’s also highly tied to his upbringing/view of himself. As he states in the last chapter, he doesn’t see himself as Jiang Cheng’s equal. On this, he agrees with Madam Yu: he sees himself as their servant. A servant who is very close to them, yes, and super casual borderline rude, but he doesn’t see himself as Jiang Cheng’s brother.
On a subconscious level, this can really mess with you. He values his life and wellbeing, of course, as most people do. But it also allows his sacrificial nature to rear its head and for him to rationalize that it’s okay to allow himself to get hurt but not others.
Of the things that seem to get Madam Yu to stop/snap, mentioning Jiang Fengmian is one (It was all fine until he had mentioned Jiang FengMian.)
The supervision office is another.
And this is the final straw: “But seeing how obediently you followed my orders and how your personality suits my taste, I’ve still decided to give this great honor to…”
Madam Yu is a lady with a lot of pride. She endured it up to this point, kept swallowing her words, but finally she just snaps. It’s an accumulation of all the stuff that happened, not one thing in particular.
“You look at its owner before you hit a dog! You barged into my sect, and you want to punish my person in front of my face?”
Here’s the last part reveals something more about her true feelings here.
So, here we see her pride, which extends to her servants and not just the two that have been with her since she was young. She doesn’t like Wei Wuxian, she always thinks he should be disciplined more (or at least she says she does), but in the end of the day he is her servant and what right do others (especially another servant) have to punish people of her sect?
“Then let me teach you what superiority and inferiority means! I am the superior, you are the inferior!”
but, man, at the end of the day 57 chapters was worth the wait to finally get such a strong female character like Madam Yu.
This damn chapter was such an emotional rollercoaster omg.
(quotes from ExR’s translations)
← back・onward →
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