#'well I've had one(1) very small rectangle of this extremely delicious dark chocolate and now I gotta PUT THE REST AWAY ;n;'
blujayonthewing · 11 months
because I am and always have been a big square my total data points for this are now exactly two, so I don't know what is actually normal in this regard, but as someone whose first foray into Edibles was gummies that very much taste like they are full of weed (Bad) I was recently furious to discover that the chocolates I decided to try instead are fucking delicious and I could have been enjoying delicious chocolate instead of grimacing through ~all natural fruit juices and eau de stank~ every time I wanted a relaxing evening
anyway this evening I'm infuriated anew because I'm putting together a grocery order and wanna buy chocolate for myself as a little treat, and I've realized that the specific chocolate experience that I really want, flavorwise, is this blackberry dark chocolate that I can't get without weed in it
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