#'yh yh he told her to sit on his face TUT TUT'
cwarscars-a · 1 year
sits in his lap.
he'd readied himself for contact - sat with knees apart and legs splayed; his crotch, a welcome place for her ass. not that he'd imagined his teasing would actually result in her taking him up on his offer. the slender curve of her body, a welcome warmth.
instinctively, he curls hands around her waist - holds her close, not as if they're colleagues but instead something more -
( something much more )
every movement oozes sexuality; from the drum of his fingers along her skin, to the shuffle of his groin beneath her. even his breath brings about a heat to the back of her neck - a whisper spoken through the curved corners of a smirk. words that tease skin with a shiver of suggestion -
"my lap's a good seat i'm sure-" he purrs, a laugh hard to hold when the flick of his tongue brings about the rest "but - my face is better."
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imagintheworldaway · 4 years
Anonymous asked: Hello! Can you do a Harryxfem! Reader where people see how Harry looks at the reader (calorie challenge- rematch (time stamp 27:17)) and the reader is so oblivious to Harry’s feeling for her because he broke up with his long-term ex last fall and she doesn’t want to read deep into it and just keeps telling people that they’re just friends even though everyone can see past the bull crap and keeps shipping them because they’re very similar and meant to be and after months of Harry pinning after her he tries to move on and go on dates (which fails but she doesn’t know that it’s not working out for him ) so she starts seeing someone and magically somehow end up together and become the “it” couple because of how blunt and honest they are. Sorry that was long! Hope you can write it thanks!
A/N Good gosh this is a long one. I hope you enjoy! Requests are open 
Sitting on the sofa next to Cal, snuggled in a mountain of blankets in Harrys apartment whilst the boys filmed a video was always fun. They were filming the 100,000 calorie challenge and it was JJ, Vik , Cal and Harrys turn to be eating the calories. We were sat watching JJ as he revealed he had absolutely failed the challenge to everyones surprise. The boys all started to complain as I giggled at the failure which was JJ right now. I felt a slight nudge on my side and Cal not so discreetly nodding towards Harry, I looked over at him and smiled but he averted his gaze from me and buried his head into the massive bear still complaining at JJ as it was revealed he had messed up the challenge even more by starting before the official time. 
After JJ’s little mess up they decided to make the fried mars bars, and I feel as though even saying it is cause for disaster. The boys were all crowded around the counter, just making a mess really, not much surprise there. I was happy in my own little world scrolling through instagram with the boys chatter in the background when I started to smell something burning and a mass amount of smoke from the boys. “Oh my god you idiots” I said matter of factly before grabbing the pan and holding it out the window, not wanting the apartment to stink of burnt mars bars as the guys tried to switch off the fire alarm. 
Once everything had calmed down I started to clean up as the boys ate the left over chocolates. “ you don’t have to clean up Y/N” Harry said to me as he bought over a plate to the sink. “Its ok I don’t mind, something to do at least” I smiled up at him. “You sure? I feel bad” he said scratching his shoulder and giving me an awkward smile. “I’m sure, go enjoy your food” I giggled pushing the boy away from me slightly. I finished up the washing as the boys chatted over their takeaways trying to figure out how many calories they were up to. I popped the remaining dishes in the dish washer and popped it on for the boys. 
Once they had finished Cal and I bid the boys goodbye and hoped in an Uber, we lived in the same apartment complex so it made sense that we shared rides just about everywhere. “Soooo” cal started tapping his his legs to the beat of the song that the Uber driver had popped on for us. i gave him a questioning glance as I sent my text to Harry, informing him I had popped the dish washer on and for him not to forget about it. “When are you two finally going to get together” Cal said peering over my shoulder and trying to take a peek at my texts with Harry. I just scoffed switching off my phone and turning my head to look at Cal. “Look he got out of a long term relationship not even six months ago, he just needs a friend right now, and that’s all I am, a friend, plus even if he hadn’t just gotten out of a relationship, well I don’t think he’d be interested in me anyway, like I said I’m just a friend” I shrugged to Cal giving him a half smile trying to cover the sadness which was evident on my face. “I don’t know Y/N if you ask me, or well any of the lads he looks at you like your a gift here gracing us all with your presence. like your some type of angel, he likes you, he really does, he’s just scared to ruin what you have” Cal stated as we hoped out the uber and made our ways into the lift. “Well I don’t want to sound rude, but I didn’t ask Cal, I don’t need my hopes being brought up just for it all to be speculation.” I stated matter of factly. “This is me, I’ll see you later yh?” I questioned Cal who just pursed his lips and nodded to me giving a small see ya. 
I really wasn’t trying to be rude but I had had my heartbroken so many times, and I don’t want to start getting my hopes up about Harry if it is just all speculation and some sort of narrative the lads were making up for themselves. I slumped down on my bed and posted a selfie on instagram asking people what they want to know about me. I wasn’t a huge YouTuber but I did have a large instagram following meaning the questions flooded in within an instant. There was the usual that I answered such as my favourite colour, what am I having for dinner, best place I had ever visited and so on. After a few more generic questions someone asked what my favourite picture was. I scrolled through my camera roll and found one of Harry and I at winter wonderland. we were both wearing Santa hats and he was giving me a piggy bag as I held onto a large teddy he had won me moments before. I captioned it ‘Christmas with my Bestfriend, look at how goofy he looks @wroetoshaw’ I giggled as I posted the pic remembering that day. it was a rare day off for the both of us and with Harrys break up still fresh I decided we should go to Winter Wonderland and just have fun. Which we did, it was one of my most treasured memories with him. He had taken his breakup so hard that I felt it was important that he had a friend around who could take the crying and emotions, someone to just cuddle with and forget about the world. And over the past few months I realised that my feelings for Harry had grown, but he was still hurting and there was no way that I was being any boys re-bound. 
I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to blaring light through the blinds of my lounge. I groaned to myself before getting up and trudging to my bedroom to sort myself out. i looked at my phone and I had a few texts from Harry. I smiled as I read them. 
‘Thank you! Almost forgot, you are honestly the best Xx’
‘You alive???? Xx’
‘Good night Xx’
‘Like the insta pic’
I furrowed my eyebrows at the last text. It was sent only minutes after the goodnight text and it didn’t have any of the kisses we usually put on the end of our texts to each other. I also hadn’t got a good morning text from Harry, that was particularly strange because I have always gotten a Good morning and Good night text from him for the past few months with out fail. I just shrugged it off before replying, 
‘Haha no problem! I fell asleep as soon as I got home I’m sorry :( wanna meet up later? Xx’
I smiled at my reply before going to my bedroom and changing to look more presentable. I checked my phone and it was almost lunch meaning Cal was coming over to film a video with me. just as I re adjusted my hair for the a millionth time I heard a knock on the door signalling that cal was here. “Hello stranger” I smiled letting him into my apartment with the array of crisps and snacks he had in his arms. We were filming a British corner shop mukbang whilst answering twitter questions. As Cal settled himself in my studio I helped by opening the array of snacks and cans of drink that he had bought for us. “Hey really weird question but have you heard from Harry today?” I questioned trying not to sound so desperate as to the whereabouts of the boy. “Uh yh messaging me all morning, think he’s got something on tonight. He not told you?” Cal looked up from the array of junk raising his eyebrows at me as I just shook my head in disbelief that he was ignoring me. As we settled in our seats and I turned the camera on I sent Harry a quick text. 
‘Hey have I done something wrong?? :( Xx’ 
The video was going amazing. Cal and I just naturally bounced off of each other and the questions the fans were giving us were quite juicy. “Alright, alright, I’ve got one. Y/N has Harry asked you out yet or is he still being a melt? From @CalFreezy” I giggled at the question and raised my eyebrows at Cal. “These are meant to be from Fans” I retorted to Cal telling him off a little. “Yh Freezy is your biggest fan he’s always nattering on about you and talking about you moving in with them when Harry gets the guts” Cal defended himself causing me to burst out laughing. “Well we all know Harry and I are friends, I love him very much but that’s as deep as it goes” I replied to Cals previous question from Freezy, slight sadness barely evident in my voice. “Is that the only thing that goes deep” Cal stated before bursting out laughing at himself and falling back in his chair ultimately falling off of it causing me to laugh. “Well that’s it for today guys thank you for watching and thanks to this idiot for joining me” I smiled at the camera before shutting it off and helping Cal from the floor. 
“You really need to stop that you know? You can’t force anything to happen” I said matter of factly towards cal as he nibbled on some Pringles. “You see Y/N I’m actually Cal from the future and I’m just stating facts” he gave me a cheesy grin as I tutted at him and rolled my eyes. I was taken out of my trance by a text from my phone. “Alright ditch me for lover boy” Cal called after me. I opened my phone to see it was from Harry but it wasn’t what I was expecting. 
‘Hey Y/N, we shouldn’t hang out anymore it makes Belle uncomfortable.’ 
“Cal what the fuck is this” I shouted to my friend. I heard the thudding of his feet and turned around to show him the message I had just received. He furrowed his eyebrows. “Belle Belle Belle Oh Belle, her really?” Cal scrunched his nose up at me. “Ummm elaborate, who’s Belle?” I pressed for him to release more info to me. “Oh Harry went on a date with her like three weeks ago, looks like it worked out, well for them I guess” Cal shrugged piecing the different parts of the puzzle together for me. “Oh, wow, so he is just gonna drop me like that, like I’m, I’m nothing, like i wasn’t the one there for him when he was mourning over his last breakup. Well that’s a kick in the teeth” I said starting to sniffle, tears threatening to break their way out of my eyes and my mood instantly dropping to nothing. “Hey no don’t cry” Cal said engulfing me in a hug, which I gladly melted into. “If he couldn’t see what he had with you then that boy is more blind than we all thought.” Cal reassured me rubbing my back. “Plus your make up looks too nice to cry it off” Cal said catching a stray tear from my face and making me giggle a little. “Oh Cal why can’t we fall in love?” I questioned sniffing and straightening out my clothes. “Because that would be like fucking my sister and that’s weird” Cal stated making me giggle. 
I don’t think anyone could quite get their heads wrapped around the fact that Harry was with someone new, especially because that someone was not me. For the next month I got fans tweeting me asking if Harry and I had broken up or if he had gone crazy. I also got sorry looks from my friends. Always being placed in the furthest seat away from Harry, always given excuses as to why I couldn’t come to shoots. It sucked majorly. And the worst part about all of this is everyone felt like they had to tread on eggshells around me, as if I wasn’t a fully grown woman who could handle these situations. 
I knocked on Simons apartment door before he opened it replying to someone about something. “Oh Y/N you alright” he said quickly closing the door a little. “Yh Talia said I could pop round and grab my camera that she borrowed.” I said smiling at the lanky man. “Oh yh well um come in, just be careful yh” Simon nodded at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and just nodded at his comment following him through to the living room. And as soon as I saw the tall figure sat next to Harry with an unimpressed look on her face I realised why Simon gave me such a warning. “Heyyyy Y/N Is here” Ethan called standing up giving me a hug making me giggle a little. “Yh Talia knicked my camera again” I stated smiling at the girl who blushed a little realising she still hadn’t returned my device. “Oh so that’s Y/N” a snotty voice said causing everyone to quiet down and all eyes turning in her direction. “Yup, the one and only” I smiled back at her trying to be as nice as possible. “Belle right? Nice to meet you” I smiled back at her trying to make conversation in the silent room. I rocked back and forth on my heels for a while, Belle gave me a good look up and down, narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips as if wanting to comment something. Before she could I saw Harry whisper something to her and she scoffed. “If I have an opinion I’m going to say it. And I have many about her” Belle said loud enough for everyone to hear whilst pointing at me. “Here I found it” Talia smiled at me handing me my camera before noticing the mood of the room. 
“Ok well, I will be off then, lovely to see you all and to meet you Belle” I stated the last part through gritted teeth before spinning around and making my way to the door. “Even worse from the back” I heard Belle try and whisper to I presume Harry. I stopped in my tracks and raised my eyebrows. The audacity of this girl, how dare she disrespect me in front of all my friends. I turned around to meet her eyes with a sickeningly sweet smile on my face. Before I could say anything though Talia butted in. “You know what, you do not talk to my friend like that, I have barely known you a month and I am so sick of you already, please leave before I do or say something I regret” she smiled at Belle joining me by my side and linking arms with me. Belle just looked around at everyone, with everyone just averting their gaze and waiting for something big to happen. All she did was huff, grabbing Harrys hand and storming out of the apartment with him. 
“Jesus Y/N what did you do to make him choose her, she’s like an angry controlling goblin” Ethan huffed as soon as we all heard the door close. “Hey, I got cut off a long time ago, ask him not me” I giggled before thanking Talia and leaving the apartment to go home. 
I was lounging around my apartment, Ethans words spiralling around my head. I decided tonight was for me. I popped on my favourite movie and rummaged through my freezer finding some ben and Jerrys and starting to scoff down the tub. This sofa must be super man or something because I had soon fallen asleep, I was only awoken by loud continuous knocking at my door. I regained my focus and gaged my surrounding before wrapping a blanket around myself and making my way to the door. As soon as I opened it I was pulled into a bone crushing hug. “I’m so fucking sorry, its you its always been you, I don’t know what I was thinking, I just needed someone to fill the void and she was ok for a week but I need you. You are all I need, all I want, please forgive me I love you” as much as I just wanted to melt into his arms I pulled my self back so that we were an arm lengths apart. “You best come in” I sighed. I finished the teas and made my way over to Harry, passing him his favourite mug of mine. I crossed my legs as we sat at opposite ends of the sofa in silence. 
“What about Belle?” I broke the silence, harry whipped his head up to look at me. “Look I’m so sorry she was a mistake and I should never have even given her shot. She’s so nasty and I could never forgive myself. This past month without you has felt like my heart was ripped in two. I’ve been so miserable and then when I saw you today I felt like I had been given a new chance at life. I get it if you hate me but I need you so bad and I cant live without you.” Harry opened his heart to me for the second time that evening. “You’re such a dummy Harry” I said with a sigh placing my mug on the coffee table. Harry looked at me as if he was broken by the words I just said. I just shook my head at him before leaning over and planting a soft kiss on his lips. The moment seemed to last forever. It was like in the movies when time slowed down and fireworks erupted around the couple who after all their trials and tribulations finally found each other. “I can’t help but love you Harry” I whispered only inches from his face as I pulled back for air, a sly grin on my face. Harrys arms snaked around my wait brining me into him for another soft kiss. i leant my head on his chest listening to his heart, thumping like it was going to break out and slap me in the face. “So what now” harry mumbled into my hair. I leant up so my eyes met his. “Well you will ask me on a date to a nice restaurant where we end up getting a little too drunk. Then we walk along the Thames, watching people walk by when at the perfect moment when the city goes silent you ask me to be your girlfriend and then we come back here and spend the night together. But with a little more physical activity than were used to” I grinned at him causing him to chuckle. “So you forgive me?” He said looking at me with pleading eyes. “God yes I forgive you, I could never be mad at you” I smiled at him. How could I? I did truly love him and it was as simple as that. 
After a few months, and the date Harry had promised, we told our friends and announced to our followers that we had finally decided to get together. apparently it was quite obvious as the boys had started taking bets as to when we would tell them about our new relationship. The fans seemed to love it as well, always receiving amazing and supportive comments on all of our posts and videos that we did together. Although we were young I think people saw how care free and happy we made each other. Most importantly how much we loved each other.
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hyukmark · 6 years
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↳ A Reader X Mark swimmer!au series in which Johnny’s little sister Y/N finally moves back to Korea after graduating high school in Chicago. A written/social media fusion au!!  ↲
A/N sorry that it's been a while I've been so busy with school and homework and sis,,, I'm exhausted
It had been around three months since Jaemin and Jeno had come out to you all, a week later they had told the whole swimming club, the girls included, that they were in fact dating. It was cute how welcoming everyone was to it, in fact Yuta had made a bet with everyone that they were together and ended up rich at the end of the day.
You and Kyungmi were best friends still, you and Hyosonn had also become closer and even Hyunjae made conversation with you. Jaehwa still was off though she put up with you more and both Eunjung and Chunhei seemed to be tolerating you too.
You had become closer with the dream team plus you, Mark and Lucas were practically inseparable now. You'd spend most of your days either at their houses or your own, being wrapped up in a quilt and surrounded by snacks as you'd sit and watch films together. You were mainly all together, the ten of you, including Kyungmi, just snuggled up either on the bed or on the floor and talking about life or how your days had gone.
"Y/N, when are you coming to our college?" Lucas had asked you once, you and Mark were sitting side by side whilst Lucas had taken up his bed with his long body.
You tutted, "Lucas I've already told you that they haven't accepted me yet! They're looking for a reference and don't really want to contact my old school in Chicago so it's taking even longer."
Mark glanced at you and smiled at your pout, "just turn up with us. They'd never know, you'd fit right in."
"Maybe..." You had trailed off, remembering what both your parents had told you.
You heard the bed shift under Lucas' weight as he flopped his head down next to yours, "a penny for your thoughts?"
You and Mark both burst out laughing, Lucas' serious tone entertaining the both of you more than it should have. "Dude!" Mark laughed, reaching over you and pulling him off of the bed with a thump, "that was so cringe."
"Ow!" He yelled, rubbing his head which he bumped on the way down, "hey Y/N looked troubled I only wanted to know why!"
"Idiots," you mumbled happily, this trio was the only thing which made you feel like you were still a kid, "it's just my parents, they don't want me going to this college just because two of my friends go there."
"But this college is like-- the best in Seoul?" Mark quizzed and he wasn't wrong, it was a super good school and you'd have wanted to go there even if you didn't know these two.
"I know, they want me to make a presentation of why I want to go there and they said if I mentioned any of you two then it's an immediate no," you flung your head back onto the bed, the stress of college was hitting you and you hadn't even gone to a single class yet.
"It's fine Y/N," Mark had whispered from beside you, "we can always help you make it, who else is better than two college students themselves?"
And that was when you first noticed your feelings for Mark Lee, that was about a month ago and he had kept to his word. He let you borrow his laptop and came round to give you quotes or photos he had taken around school. Lucas tried to help too but a majority of the time he ended up falling asleep in your bed, leaving both you and Mark to do the presentation yourselves.
Now though you were getting ready to go out to town with Mark and Lucas once again, Johnny was getting slightly suspicious of why you hung out so much but you knew secretly he was just being jealous.
"Y/N!" You heard him shout mid doing your hair, you hummed loudly in response, "where does mum keep the cereal?"
"I don't know Johnny, leave me alone I need to get ready!" You yelled back, you had gotten dressed and done minimal makeup but your hair took time and you didn't want to ruin it.
He knocked on your door, something he does to see if he's able to come in. You sighed but let him in anyway, "why are you going out again?"
You rolled your eyes, here we go again, "Johnny it's called having friends, you might not understand that concept but when you have them- you go out together."
"Ouch," he huffed, sitting on the edge of your bed, "but I mean, you never hang out with me anymore sis."
"Johnny," you finished the final touches on your hair then turned to face him, "I love you okay? You're always going to be the number one man in my life."
He looked at you skeptical, "What about dad?"
"Fine, maybe dad's a little bit more above you...you're a very close second though!" He smiled, opening his arms wide for you.
"Just stop growing up, okay Y/N?" You giggled, slapping his chest lightly.
"I'll see what I can do Johnny."
The sound of your doorbell ringing made the both of you jump, you quickly jumped out of Johnny's arms and ran to the door.
"Very close second, sure Y/N," Johnny muttered under his breath as he trailed after you.
"Y/N!" Lucas screamed pulling you into a hug, "you ready to get your shop on? You haven't eaten today right? We want to go to all those small snack bars and try something from each one!"
"Back it up buddy," Johnny deadpanned, coming up behind you.
Lucas quickly let go and hid behind Mark, everyone knew that Mark and the dream team were the only ones Johnny could tolerate being around you, Lucas would've been too if he hadn't been caught flirting with you by Johnny.
"Hey hyung, we will meet you at the club later alright?" Mark said, doing his usual hand shake with your brother.
"That's fine Mark, see you guys," Johnny hugged you one more time, "have fun Y/N, not too much fun though."
"Yh yh, see you oppa."
You closed the door behind you, giving the two boys in front of you a bright smile, "so who's driving today?"
Lucas gave Mark a light shove from behind him signalling that Mark would be your driver for today. The three of you walked down the few flights of stairs, saying anything random that came to mind and laughing about it like it was the funniest thing in the world.
You had gone to multiple shops already, not one of you had bought anything yet but you didn't need to, you were having enough fun chasing Lucas around the different aisles with Mark worrying behind you about being kicked out.
"I'm hungry," Lucas said out of nowhere, eying up the rows of restaurants and fast food chains.
"When aren't you?" Mark smirked, earning a punch in the arm from the taller boy.
"I'm quite hungry too," you mumbled as your stomach rumbled quietly, "should we go to that noodle bar?"
The boys followed your finger and nodded. You three walked over to the place, Lucas opened the door and immediately burst out laughing, "Jisung! LeLe! Kyungmi!" He cried, walking in further so both you and Mark could come in.
"What are you guys doing here?" Jisung groaned, Kyungmi and Chenle were sitting together opposite him. Kyungmi waved, telling you to bring a chair next to her.
Mark too a seat next to Jisung, you sat inbetween Kyungmi and Jisung and Lucas inbetween Chenle and Mark.
"How come you didn't invite anyone else?" Mark questioned, slurping up some of his noodles.
"Same reason you three didn't," Chenle teased.
"You know if you were born in 99 then you'd be able to come on our excursions too," you joked, taking a sip from your drink.
"And if you were apart of maknae line then you'd be invited with us too eonnie," Kyungmi poked you causing you to laugh at her cuteness, "What have you guys done today anyway?"
"Nearly got kicked out of a store thanks to these two idiots," Mark sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Mark getting kicked out of somewhere? That's unheard of," Jisung laughed.
"I know right? But I'm full, when you're all finished you wanna head to the club?" Lucas asked with a raised eyebrow, "I wanna race Y/N again."
"You're on pretty boy," you smirked, you weren't going to lose this time. With an extra three months training on your belt you were sure you could beat him now.
"On your marks," Chenle started, you slid your goggles down and made sure your hat was on tight.
"Get set," you readied up, smirking one last time at Lucas then concentrating completely on the water around you.
You set off with a backwards stroke. You blocked out everyone's yells and ignored the splashing of water that came your way as Lucas powerfully attacked the water. You blocked him out completely, it was just you and the water.
Not wanting to lose this time you tried to be even more in tune and to have a rhythm to your strokes. You were practically glaring at the ceiling as you sped down your lane.
You quickly flipped, using your legs to boost off of the back wall and transfered into a front crawl. This was your strong suit.
You quickly edited your rhythm in your mind, remembering to take an ample amount of air when you looked up from the water. Instead of the ceiling being the target of your vicious glare it was now the floor of the pool, and occasionally Lucas if you looked up in his direction.
Before long you hit the finish, flinging your head back out of the water you took the time to catch your breath before tuning in on everyone shouting at you.
"I can't believe I lost..." You heard Lucas pant beside you, his hand running through his hair. Wait, had you won?
"Eonnie! You stormed ahead of Lucas, that was so cool!" Kyungmi yelled as she ran across to you, almost slipping into the pool herself but Chenle steadied her from behind.
"I- I won?" You were dazed, of course you had wanted to win but you never expected that you would.
"Yes dumb dumb, did you not notice?" Chenle laughed, offering his hand to you to lift you out the water, "Lucas was so far behind you!"
"Is anyone gonna help me out?" Lucas grumbled, watching as Jisung also came to grab your other hand.
"I gotchu bro," Mark chuckled, lifting his friend out of the water, "you still raced well, I think that's your fastest time yet."
"Thanks man," he was back to his normal self now, the compliment making him less grumpy, "guess it's one to one now Y/N."
You shrugged, "we should have a decider one time, don't get hurt if I beat you again though."
Kyungmi made a series of 'ooh' noises and Chenle joined her, both finding fun in teasing the older boy.
"I think this loss means you should buy us food hyung," Jisung offered, also taking the time to bully him.
Mark doubled over laughing at Jisung's cheekiness, "he's got you there," he cackled, slapping his friends arm.
Lucas ran his hand through his hair again, his attention focused on you, "fine but you're all limited, Y/N though, you can have whatever you want babe."
"Ewwww Lucas is trying to flirt," Kyungmi scowled in disgust, standing in front of you protectively.
You glanced warily at Mark who had suddenly stopped laughing, "he always does Kyungmi, never learns even after I do this."
Lucas looked at you confused, "do what?"
You slapped the top of his head making him fall back at the sudden pain, "do that!" You howled, the smile returned to Mark's face and the younger ones started crying out of laughter.
"Now...last one to the cafe has to split the bill!" Jisung yelled, dashing towards the doors with everyone else following close behind him.
It seemed like everytime you were going to eat together, it always ended like this. You weren't going to complain though, you enjoyed it.
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