#*ring ring* hello shinra hr id like to report TWO people for harrassing each other on company hours dslkngkdsg
cwarscars-a · 1 year
sits in his lap.
he'd readied himself for contact - sat with knees apart and legs splayed; his crotch, a welcome place for her ass. not that he'd imagined his teasing would actually result in her taking him up on his offer. the slender curve of her body, a welcome warmth.
instinctively, he curls hands around her waist - holds her close, not as if they're colleagues but instead something more -
( something much more )
every movement oozes sexuality; from the drum of his fingers along her skin, to the shuffle of his groin beneath her. even his breath brings about a heat to the back of her neck - a whisper spoken through the curved corners of a smirk. words that tease skin with a shiver of suggestion -
"my lap's a good seat i'm sure-" he purrs, a laugh hard to hold when the flick of his tongue brings about the rest "but - my face is better."
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