#'you know damn well why i couldn't tell you...it's hard' TERESA PLEASE
lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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spiraling again
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newmih · 3 years
"Don' t die please!"
Minho x reader(crush?)
Newt x reader(best friend)
AN: I had a hard time writing and the ending and I feel like it sucks. But I plan to write a sequel with maybe a happy ending for Minho and Y/N. What do you think about it?
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We were free. Even if it wasn't quite what I imagined freedom to be, it was worth it. No more labyrinths, no more grievers, no more W.I.C.K.E.D. Before us stretched freedom as far as the eye could see. Yes, in an apocalyptic world, full of danger but I was with my friends, my family and that's all that mattered.
I must admit that the fear of being attacked by a group of cranks kept me awake many nights in a row. I tried to hide this big lack of sleep from the group and I thought they had swallowed the lie but I guess not. Newt finally figured it out. Because he was my oldest friend and because he had always taken care of me, he finally forced me to lie down in his arms and rock me. Sleep finally overtook me and before I left for dreamland, I looked in the direction of a certain former Asian runner and saw an expression on his face that I had never seen before. I couldn't tell what it was really but I assumed it was anger.
Thomas got up and started to look at the horizon for a good fifteen minutes now. As for me, I don't even know what woke me up, maybe Newt talking in his sleep.
"What are you looking at? "His slight movement of the shoulder proved to me that he had not heard me arrive, he was probably too immersed in his thoughts.
"The horizon, well, what's over there. If you look closely you can see lights. I only hope that they are not cranks because it is our only chance to survive. "
Panic-stricken, I could hardly speak properly. "Thomas? Thomas! "I shook his shoulder to try to get him to turn around. After a grunt from him, I yelled, "There's a storm coming right at us and it really doesn't look gentle! "
He finally turned around to look at me, looked up at the sky and a few seconds later yelled at me: "Help me to wake them up. Quickly! "The task that was simple on paper became more complicated to execute. Minho was a very deep sleeper. Seeing that the others had already run away, I had no choice but to yell in his ear.
" Damn Minho! Do you want to die or what? Hurry up and wake up or I'll leave you here to die! " He woke up with a start and I took his arm to follow me. He was in a state of alert but he didn't understand anything of what was happening. Tired of hearing him ask questions, I finally took the little breath I had left to answer him.
"It happens that the biggest thunderstorm I have ever seen in my life is coming, and when you say thunderstorm, you say lightning, and we are the only high spot in the whole fucking desert! " When his brain finally kicked in, he accelerated and didn't give my poor legs time to keep up. He was almost carrying me when we joined the group.
It was cars that we passed first and then buildings soon followed. We had finally reached a shelter. It seemed so far away when Thomas and I were looking at it...
A building taller than the others rose up in front of us and it was the first one still standing in the city. Newt yelled to the group to go there to protect themselves but good news rarely comes alone, lightning started to strike. By reflex, I bent my back but not everyone had the same idea because I saw with horror a lightning hit Minho.
The race had ended up separating us so luckily for me I was not close to him. As soon as Thomas saw Minho lying on the ground, he turned around to carry him with me. Together we managed to pull him into the building.
"It's a good thing the door isn't locked. "I nodded my head and once the adrenaline had subsided, I finally realized the gravity of the situation. I had lost control of my body for a while when the tears started to flow. With screams, my heart was aching and this pain was like no other pain in the world.
"Minho... I beg you, don't die! We need you... I need you! I swear that if you die I will resurrect you to kill you myself! "When I didn't get any reaction from him, which wasn't very surprising, I put my head on his chest and continued to sob. Nobody spoke anymore since we understood that Minho was dead. The silence was occasionally interrupted by a grunt. "Fripman, will you stop making that noise, please? I'd like to mourn the love of my life quietly and it's really annoying.  -I'd love to, but it' s not me. "
Our eyes had finally gotten used to the darkness and the look I shared with Newt made me shake, or maybe it was another sob... My short reflection was interrupted by a horrible scream that made us all jump. "-There are cranks in the building! "The first to react was Thomas, as usual. He whispered to us not to shout at the risk of informing the cranks of our position. However, although the first shout seemed far away, the second came from a monster a few feet away.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!  There are echoes more? "As if to contradict Teresa, a violent pressure on my arm made me turn towards the one who had grabbed it... " Minho! " Thomas, who was as close to him as I was, didn't wait to understand the reason why before taking his best friend in his arms. "My God! I swear that if you do that again I will kill you myself... With the help of Y/N of course. "
Newt was also relieved to have his friend back, but he had not forgotten that a bunch of brain-eating zombies were close by. While I was also hugging the former runner, he was starting to make a plan with Fripman and Teresa. Getting up and moving was already a good idea. Putting his plan (can we call it a plan?) into action, he took two steps forward before returning to the starting point faster than I thought possible.
The screams multiplied and became louder. The cranks were in the building in front of us. Just when I thought we were not going to make it, the lights suddenly came on and I and the others realized that the cranks were actually bound in chains. A woman appeared in front of us.
"You are making a lot of noise. Follow me. -Why would we do that? -Maybe you'd rather stay with them? "
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