#'you've seen /one/ depiction of autism. but it affects each of us individually in unique ways. if you've met one autistic person you've met
bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
Hi Quil! I have some really fun news. 
I just found out that there’s a new musical (based on a documentary) called How to Dance in Ohio, and it’s all about 7 young autistic people and them preparing for a dance. And something else that’s really awesome is that all of the autistic characters are played by autistic actors. I haven’t really listened to a lot of it so far, but as an autistic theatre kid it’s super cool to hear about. 
Ok, I just listened to the four songs that have been released so far and I think my favorite is “Building Momentum”. It’s very energetic and fun to listen to! But I think all of the songs are worth listening to. 
(Oh, and speaking of music, I listened to the two songs you recommended last time and I thought they were cool! They both sound spooky and I really like the atmosphere they give off.)
Anyway, I probably won’t be able to see it anytime soon, but I was super excited to hear about it (I was stimming the whole time) and I thought since you’re also autistic you’d be interested!
I also found this video if you or anyone else wanted to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpm6-6_uxgo 
I hope you enjoy! 
- Amethyst
Amethyst! Hello! Took me a minute to get around to this, so there’s a few things that’ve changed (like the whole musical is out now I think? at least the whole album is available now). Thank you so much for sharing it though--I don’t think I would’ve find out about it otherwise, and it’s so wonderful to hear about things like this
I watched the video and am listening to Building Momentum currently. I also love musicals--though my partner’s the theater kid, not me. Seeing autism represented by autistic people is always so...it’s like a hearth. The concept of a hearth, if that makes sense. And seven openly in one place!! I’ve seen a few scattered (been debating watching heartbreak high purely for quinni, don’t know much else about it), but that’s the most in one place I think I’ve seen.
It’s just!! woo!! autism can be a lot to deal with sometimes, but I (personally) would chose it again and again, so this is so cool to learn about.
Also, amused myself because I went “hmm, a musical about going to a dance? dances aren’t really my thing. they’re such stressful, pointless social functions where I don’t know what to do and am surrounded by noise and people--” and then realized how exactly fitting that reaction was. 
(also speaking of music and musicals. if you haven’t listen to epic the musical PLEASE do it is so good i’m obsessed atm. of course you don’t have to just saying. that would be my next rec if you haven’t heard it yet)
i hope you’ve been doing well! didn’t mean to let this sit so long!!
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