#( && broomsticks and cooking ;; melinda talks )
galaxydrcaming · 1 year
@lcnelylcves​​ (Melinda and Miles)
Grief was a funny thing, there was that time where an event had recently happened and you were given that time to grieve, there was the weeks and months after where you had to start trying to function again even if you still felt like you were dying inside, and then there was this kind, where after years, the thought of that person was something that Melinda had learned to stop crying over every five seconds and instead would bring a smile to her lips, remembering all the good times they had together before the attack. 
She saw him in Phoenix’s face and the way he acted so it was easier now to smile than to break down, so it’s a surprise to her, the way she’s acting right now and experiencing a new level of grief. It had only been a few minutes ago, but she had been walking towards her home from the nearest clothing shop and when she had caught the sight of something up above falling quickly down and nearly onto a random father and son across the street from her, she had moved quickly into action, using her magic to orb the item into her hands as she drops it and runs over to them, wanting to make sure they were okay and understanding the fact that the older guy had frozen in shock in that moment, but she wasn’t going to explain what happened. 
The sight of the two reassuring the other catches her breath and Melinda only manages to keep it together long enough to watch them walk away before her shoulders began to shake and a sob escapes her, without another thought, she crouches down and buries her face in her hands, finally letting herself grieve over someone long gone.
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
“Hey, I don’t go running around calling women bitches. Just witches. Killed plenty of evil guys too. Don’t be so gender normative.” Miles and his dislike of witches, it had nothing to do with misogyny; he knew his sister was an excellent knight, even without ever seeing her in action, because why wouldn’t she be? “All witches are cheaters, there’s no such thing as a good witch. All of you are dangerous. Cheating at school, hexing exes, blood sacrifices. I’ve seen it all. So I think I’m in a pretty good position to judge the very thing that decided to kill me.” Sure, Miles had killed witches. But if they hadn’t gone around hurting people, he wouldn’t have needed to. “Don’t worry too much, I’m not a magic cop anymore, but there are some around. The second you slip up… well, I’ll say bye now, since you won’t be able to say it with your throat torn out.”
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"You could have fooled me." She responds back, not hesitating to add a little bite to her words as she glares up at him. "Considering the fact that again, you know nothing about me, I wasn't trying to be gender normative, it's a gender neutral term in my world." Melinda points out with a roll of her eyes. "Clearly you haven't seen it all, I don't do any of those things, yes, not all witches are good, but we have a name for that, warlock and I'm sure as hell, not one of them, you may not believe me, but it's my own fucking truth, I know who I am." She snaps back, taking in a deep breath and rubbing her forehead in frustration. "Look, I'm sorry you died over a witch, but not every witch will be like that, I protect the innocent and help save their world, all whilst keeping magic on the down low, it's what my family stands for." Hearing his next words, she clenches her jaw and takes a step forward to snarl up at him. "Magic cop, seriously? I've met wannabe demons far scarier than you, and for your threat, I would never slip up, but just be warned that if any of your little friends does try to do something, I won't hesitate either, I'm not going to let them kill me just so they can do the same to my child."
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
.。.:*☆ Aunt Phoebe? That sounded odd in her ears. The witch was confused enough to forget about the item in her hand for a moment, at least, until Melinda continued to explain herself.
“Oh…. yes, I still do remember that,” Phoebe nodded eventually. “Wasn’t sure if this version of the future would come true or not, but well, here you are.” A chuckle followed the statement. “And, the odd thing is, we seem to be almost the same age currently. Like, you are no little girl, and I am no old cat lady… which I am thankful for, really.” Another chuckle. “And? Do you know if any of the others are here, as well? or will it only be you and me for now?”
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There's a visible look of relief as she realizes that her aunt does remember that time incident, she had no recollection of it of course, but thankfully, the family told stories when there was time. “If I recall correctly, you guys thought that Wyatt was..well, me, until he was born so I can understand that, but third time’s the charm, I suppose.” She jokes with a small laugh and shake of her head. “Spoilers, but I can tell you that you will not be some old cat lady, aunt Phoebe. As of right now, it’s us, my son, Phoenix of course, Chris, and Aunt Paige.”
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
the sound of his name made peter snap his head up, looking at melinda and pulling his focus away from the waffle house he had been building to the amusement of her son. “whaaat? me, not listening? i’m the best listener,” pete said, sitting up straight to prove it. “you think i can’t multitask? i can build a waffle house and pay attention... you were talking about... well you said --” he paused for a moment, trying to rack his brain. “okay i’m sorry, i didn’t hear a thing. but to stop you orbing me, look how cool this waffle house is!” he gestured to the waffles, which were now half destroyed because as soon as peter’s attention went away from them, her son had grabbed a fistful to eat.
Raising an eyebrow at him, she presses her lips together in order to not let a laugh escape, honestly entertained by the two building a waffle house. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I was taking care of two children." She teases, a burst of laughter now escaping when she sees Phoenix grab some of their creation to stuff into his mouth. "A true masterpiece has been demolished, what a shame, and for the record, it wouldn't stop me from wanting to orb you." 
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galaxydrcaming · 9 months
"Power hungry monsters is something I know at least a little of. But nothing quite as terrible as demons must be. Your world sounds like an interesting challenge. And you might not agree but that just makes you wrong. You are brilliant." Lyra smiled brightly at their friend before lightly running a hand over her wrist. "The running theory is they evolved powers out of necesity, because the silvers were shitty to the reds at least in my old home kingdom for centuries, but no one really knows for sure how it happened. But ultimately it was a good thing."
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"Is that just a universal thing then? Because if so, I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that." She genuinely comments with a shake of her head, worried about what her friend had gone through in her world. "Challenge is one hell of a way to describe my home, but we got through it somehow, my family is notorious for kicking demons asses on a daily basis." Mel states as she smiles at the compliment, but doesn't counteract it this time. "Honestly if I were a red, I'd be petty enough to want powers too." She admits with a laugh and shrug of her shoulders. "How was it a good thing?"
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galaxydrcaming · 11 months
“Demons?  Sounds horrendous.”  Lyra cocked her head, curious about her friend’s world.  “That’s really cool though.  It doesn’t surprise me that you’re spectacular in your alternate life too.”  Holding out her arm, she tilts her hand back to show her much paler veins poking up.  “It’s literal.  If you cut me I’ll bleed silver, not red.  It used to be an indicator of who had powers and who didn’t, but Reds developed them to.  It was...complicated.  This world is much easier to navigate.”
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“Oh, you have no idea. They have ruined our lives in so many ways, and unfortunately, they’re never-ending.” Mel explains as she shakes her head, pushing away the thought of how she lost her fiance. “Believe me, I’m not spectacular, but thank you for thinking so.” She laughs and scrunches up her nose slightly. “That’s really cool! Huh..that’s interesting, maybe they had someone silver in their family lineage? Really? Your world certainly has me curious.”
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galaxydrcaming · 1 year
vax  smiled  softly.  “he  has  a  good  mom.  he’ll  know  better.”  he  knew  because  his  mom  raised  him.  vax  didn’t  want  to  think  about  the  person  he  would  be  if  his  father  had  raised  him.  his  mother  was  kind,  and  expected  kindness  from  her  children.  he  always  thought  the  other  was  kind  like  that,  surely  her  son  would  be  too.
 “cheer  up.”  vax  nudged  as  he  got  started  on  the  pasta.  “you  aren’t  going  to  die  an  old  maid  with  a  bunch  of  cats,  mel.  i  don’t  know  much  about  much,  but  i  do  think  good  people  find  good  people.”  after  all,  he  found  vox  machina,  hadn’t  he?  he  wished  that  kind  of  luck,  that  found  family  for  everyone,  but  especially  his  friend.  “we  should  go  out  soon,  go  to  the  bars,  set  you  up  with  a  nice  person.  i’ll  be  your  wingman.”  he  teased.
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Melinda smiles sheepishly as she looks down and nods in agreement, hoping that he was right. "You're a good friend, Vax, you know that?" She asks, honestly hoping that he did know that. With a small sigh, she grabs a pillow and puts it in front of her, resting her chin on it. "Okay, but having a bunch of cats doesn't sound like a bad idea, old maid or not." Melinda admits with a laugh, her smile faltering for a moment as she remembers something. "The women in my family never had the best of luck with men, unfortunately, but sure, once I'm free and have a babysitter for Phoenix, we can do that! How will you be my wingman though, what would be your approach there, because now I'm curious."
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galaxydrcaming · 1 year
“Demons?  Sounds horrendous.”  Lyra cocked her head, curious about her friend’s world.  “That’s really cool though.  It doesn’t surprise me that you’re spectacular in your alternate life too.”  Holding out her arm, she tilts her hand back to show her much paler veins poking up.  “It’s literal.  If you cut me I’ll bleed silver, not red.  It used to be an indicator of who had powers and who didn’t, but Reds developed them to.  It was...complicated.  This world is much easier to navigate.”
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“I can confirm, it was horrendous, they didn’t care about anything or anyone so long as they had power.” She states bitterly with a sigh, knowing that she shouldn’t have to worry about all of that now since they thankfully, weren’t here. The compliment does cause a smile to appear as she laughs. “I might not fully agree, but thank you, Ly.” Mel says as she looks down at the veins and raises her eyebrows. “Okay, but that’s really cool, I wonder how a red could have developed them, maybe a silver ancestor in the past? I understand complicated, believe me.”
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galaxydrcaming · 1 year
Seamus reached over to bop Phoenix’s nose, smiling. “Of course he is, I’m the coolest.” He joked easily as she got seated before sliding her a menu. The Irishman knew exactly how confusing it was getting memories back, so he made sympathetic noises. “That’s always a lot. But we’ve all been there.” Since Dean was his favourite person, Seamus wasn’t even embarrassed when Melinda saw straight through him. “We’re just friends because he’s never realised I’m in love with him. Watched him date everyone but me, so I know he’s not into me like that. But he’s the best friend I could ever have, nothing ‘just’ about him.”
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"Or so you think." Mel teases with a laugh as Phoenix says something about juice and she hands him over his sippy cup. "Yeah, in a strange way, it's comforting to know that you're not the only one feeling that way." She muses as she listens to his explanation, frowning slightly and shrugging her shoulders slightly in response. "What if he doesn't think you like him so he hasn't tried to ask? What if the two of you could meet each other halfway?"
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
Paige was taken aback hearing the other woman call her “auntie”. She was about to ask which of her sisters was her mother, but then her question was answered. Piper was the cook of the family, so clearly she was Piper’s daughter. She felt kind of bad that she couldn’t remember the girl, but she was relieved that she didn’t seem to bent up over it. “It’s nice to meet you, Melinda, and Phoenix,” the dark haired woman told her with a smile. “I should be getting an actual break in like an hour if you wanna stick around. I’d love to talk to you and get to know you,” Paige wanted to be able to get to know her niece, but she was pretty much always working.
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A flicker of sadness shows up in her facial expression, but she quickly conceals it knowing that it really isn't her aunt's fault, so at the suggestion, she nods her head enthusiastically and laughs as Phoenix bangs his hands excitedly on the table. "It's nice to meet you too, and I think that's his way of agreeing with me." She muses with a scrunch of her nose. "Yeah, that's alright, we can hang out here, there's a lot to catch up on."
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
“It’s pretty handy, I won’t lie about that.”  Lyra chuckled a little before listening to her explain, even if she didn’t understand all of the term.  “A witch? That sounds interesting!  I’m a Magnetron.  Means I can manipulate metal essentially.  There’s a lot of random details of Silver blood and power hierarchy and all that jazz, but I’m a pretty powerful one.  That’s all that’s important.” Lyra shrugged before laughing a bit at her teasing. “I wouldn’t doubt it.  Just…tried to get my head on straight once I remembered everything.  But I’m good now.  And yeah, memories are restored.  I’m gonna take a leap and guess that you have yours back too?”
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"I certainly wouldn't mind being able to use that kind of ability to fight off demons back home, I can say that for sure.” She muses with a laugh, though she was already pretty content with telekinetically orbing objects onto the bad guys. “Yeah, my family and I come from a long bloodline of it, we’re good ones of course, warlocks tend to be the bad ones. Silver blood? Is that a literal thing or just a cool different label?” She curiously asks and waves a hand. “Yeah, no, I definitely get that, I was the same way too for a hot minute there but I adjusted quickly enough and with Phoenix here, I’m just glad that no demons are out here trying to get to him. I do!”
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
Chris didn’t usually take Birdie to campus with him, but Rory had needed some rest, and he’d been delighted to spend a day with his daughter, even if she was sleeping in the stroller right now. “Come on, sleeping baby.” He protested at how loud Melinda’s voice was, even as he reached out to shove her shoulder lightly. “I only just got here, I’m not torturing my child with a full day of study, don’t worry. But she’ll probably end up loving it, she is half me.” He adored Birdie, it was obvious from the way he smiled down at her.
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At the protest, she glares up at her older brother for a split second before her expression immediately softens to the sight of her niece, her hand reaching up to rest on her mouth as she tries to conceal the small squeals of joy at seeing her. "Oh, I can't even pay attention to when you've got this bundle of beauty right in front of me." She muses with a grin, gently bumping her shoulder with his. "Phoenix misses you guys, he was talking about wanting to play with you just the other night."
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galaxydrcaming · 3 years
Melinda loved Halloween, she embraced the stereotypes even before she remembered who she was, so of course she was going to go to the special feast, not to mention that her sister was a headmistress, and if there was one thing that Melinda could be known for, it was that she was always there for her family. As she snacked on one of the treats that the feast had been offering, she tilts her head slightly, staring up at the haunted house. "Do you know how fun, but insane it would be if there were actual ghosts in there?" She questions towards whoever is nearby, and when she does fully face them, her eyes light up. "Mason! Oh, I'm so glad that it's you that I was directing that towards, the poor people here would think I'm mad." She remarks with a laugh.
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galaxydrcaming · 3 years
With a collection of papers and her huge planner all smushed together in her arms, it isn't a surprise that the brunette is seen struggling as she starts her walk down the street, her place wasn't too far away, but as she got closer to her destination, she stumbled on something and nearly crashed into someone, turning quick enough that she starts towards the ground, but she orbs away for a moment, coming back a second later. "Oh, that would have been painful." She remarks, looking up at the other with a surprised look. "Sorry about that! Are you okay?"
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galaxydrcaming · 3 years
Short heels knock against the ground as Melinda made her way around campus, hoping to find some of her friends so that they could all go out after class and get something to eat, but as she ventured further, she saw a tall figure nearby and stopped in her tracks. "Chris?" Her voice calls out, and as she gets closer, she beams up at her older brother. "Hey frankenstein! How long have you been here?!"
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
Mason loved Halloween. It was always fun, not needing to hide his forked tongue and letting everyone think he was just really clever with the special effects. Although Lydia hadn't seemed as interested, he'd still come by the haunted house. He'd been recruited by Chris to help out for a bit, and now, he was off duty. Searching for a spot to shimmer out, he paused when someone spoke to him, only to get excited. "Mel! Hi!" So glad to see an old friend, he hugged her quickly. "Oh, I'm just glad you're not threatening me, Chris got all weird about me at first. Oh, and no ghosts, but plenty of real magic. Your brother went all out." The Halliwells had been there his whole life, caring for him, helping him keep a balance with his powers, so they were like a second family to him.
Returning the hug, she laughs softly and pulls away enough to get a better look at her friend. "Let me guess, he thought you were a demon in disguise?" She asks and shakes her head. "Whilst I can't blame him for the worry, he really does need to relax sometimes. I love that though! It's always a fun time when magic can be used and there's no personal gain attachment other than pure joy and fun."
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