#( &. — ZATANNA+LORI 001 )
butiamsmiling · 2 years
Lori was feeling more than a little sluggish that morning. Her body was cradled tight in her duvet, burrito style, and somewhere in the distance a dog was yaping. No matter how often she tossed and turned she couldn’t seem to get comfortable enough to fall back asleep. The sunshine leaked through the gap in her drapes and fell squarely on her nose as it climbed high in the sky. She shifted till her back was to the window and its intrusive light, tugging the portion of the duvet that had naughtily fallen open back over her eyes. She fully intended to settle back into a few more minutes, nay, hours of sleep. But life’s a bitch and so was her alarm clock. Two minutes later, it blared to life and yanked her back awake. Cursing into the folds of her comforter, Lori shifted, sticking an arm out of and snatching the damn thing up, preparing to fling it across the room when the sound of her door opening stopped her violent intentions. She listened with her brow wrinkled as gentle footsteps padded across the floor and to the window, where she heard the definite sound of curtains being drawn. Her eyes was quickly inundated with light, and she cringed away automatically.
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“What…the…FUCK!” her voice became louder with each syllable, eventually becoming a roar. Lori was clearly not a morning person. She pushed the blankets away and leapt up, her face pinched in irritation and her stringy ink-black locks coiled in an elaborate tangle down her sides. She examined the room for the perpetrator and there she stood there, the light streaming in through the window giving her figure an angelic glow. “Zatanna FUCKING Zatara, have you lost your fucking mind,” her glare dimmed by the dispersed tendrils of hair obstructing her vision. It was one of her distinguishing traits, the foul mouth and the sharp glare, and Zatanna was getting the heat full notch. “Do you know what time it is?!” She brought the clock, still clutched in her fist, closer to her face, her eyes narrowing at the flashing green digits. “Fuck me, 9! 9 in the morning!” the tone of her voice had reached epic portions by this point, she turned the clock to face Z so she too could grasp the absurdity of the situation. 
They went through this procedure almost every morning; occasionally Lori was more subdued and simply grumbled under her breath as Z ushered her out of bed. This was how most days went. Of course, Lori was perfectly aware of the reason Z decided to cruelly wrench her from her slumbering comfort. She'd let her slack off the last few days of training, but she'd agreed to get an early start to compensate. However, between the time she verbally committed to the task and now, waking up in the wee hours of the morning, her determination had entirely dissolved and utter lethargy had sunk into her aching bones.
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“I love ya Z, but if you don’t shut the curtains and exit the room in the next five seconds I’m going to knock you right onto your perfect little ass”
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