#( <- with how big of an al pacino fan miles is it's a miracle he didn't name maxie something like this)
skylarbee · 5 months
what a distinguished gentleman 🐕
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sbboh · 3 years
Three heroic lions, one stupid boy
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It could have all been songs in street, it was nearly complete, it was nearly so sweet.
But it wasn’t to be, by the narrowest of margins. England didn’t lose the final on penalties because the three who missed were young, or because they were too focused on trying to feed kids, or even because the universe was punishing them for the behaviour of a minority of overindulged, under dressed fans corrupting the streets earlier in the day.
England ultimately lost, because as Al Pacino’s character says in his rousing speech in the 1999 film Any Given Sunday, ‘Life’s a game of inches, so is football. Because in either game, life or football, the margin for error is so small. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don’t quite make it. You find out life’s this game of inches, so is football. One half second too slow, too fast and you don’t quite catch it.’
Whilst Mr Pacino was of course referring to football’s American cousin, the words are especially relevant to Bukayo Saka, Jadon Sancho and Marcus Rashford. Three young men who had the nerve, the strength of character and the bravery to step up for the biggest moment English football has seen in over half a century. All three men were only inches away from their goal and it is worth remembering how many miles so many of their team mates were from beating Iceland just five years ago.
To give balance to an unbalanced situation, the national reaction to their misfortune has been both heartbreaking and heartwarming. They don’t deserve a shred of the abhorrent abuse sent their way. But it was lovely to see Kalvin Phillips run down the pitch to comfort Saka after his penalty miss and to witness the humanity of those in Manchester repairing the defaced Marcus Rashford mural.
With those you disagree, it is often to help to put yourself in their shoes to gain perspective. But those who boo the knee, why? Gareth Southgate made clear the reasons why the team were taking the stance that they did. If you’re an England supporter, you’re there to support the players representing your country. If for whatever reason you disagree with their actions, nobody is asking you to clap. But to boo those you are there to support, is almost as perplexing as those whose first reaction to defeat is to fire across abusive emojis at a player who has just lost the most important football match of their life in the most heartbreaking way possible.
It was a great shame not to win on Sunday, but there is always a silver lining. In an alternate reality someone would have released the lions from London zoo, Atomic Kitten would have been on course for number one and Nigel Farage would have scaled Big Ben dressed as a red and white dragon.
In the end though, to boil Euro 2020 down to an anticlimactic disappointment is to miss the point entirely. To host a tournament across 11 countries in the middle of a pandemic is a miracle, a stupid miracle but a miracle all the same time. Christian Eriksen survived, Italy thrived and Scotland once again nose dived.
Whilst each and every player representing England can hold their heads high, the one real disappointment is Boris Johnson. One stupid boy, as David Beckham was unfairly declared after the World Cup 98′ shootout is the perfect description for someone who has no qualities of a man, unless that man is a clown. His pathetic faux outrage at racism, after making racist statements himself in the past, only shows his complete absence of shame. As much as one of the long-term answers to our very clear racism is problem is education, we won’t achieve much in the short-term as long as he is in charge.
Priti Patel is no better and thankfully England defender Tyrone Mings absolutely tore apart her tweet condemning the racist abuse his team-mates received for the hypocritical mess it was. It is beyond hilarious now watching politicians tell footballers to stay out of politics, when this time last week they were lapping up every last drop of our footballing success for political gain.
England may not have got the trophy it’s people so desperately craved but they have gained a connection, a bond and a respect for a group of players who have a sense of humble pride often lacking in previous generations. We were all so desperate for the golden generation of 2002-2010 to win something but it wouldn’t have been as sweet as this group winning. And the exciting thing is this group have plenty of time. Perhaps the real victory here is that we don’t have just three heroic lions, we have 26 and that is something no trophy can substitute. It’s coming home, soon, we’re knocking at the door.
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biofunmy · 4 years
10 best shows, from ‘Locke & Key’ to ‘Little Fires’
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TV is starting off its new decade with “Little Fires,” primetime karaoke and the one-and-only Al Pacino. 
Broadcast networks, cable channels and streaming services are debuting new TV shows to try to start the year off right, and in the glut of content, 10 rose to the top right away. Some have A-list stars (Pacino, Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Washington, Daniel Radcliffe), while others feature young kids you’ve never heard of before. Some are comedies with elaborate musical numbers, and another focuses on the trauma incurred by the Holocaust.
Their common theme: Even remakes or adaptations feel like something we haven’t seen before. And considering that the new decade will bring us more TV than ever, it’s always refreshing to find something that genuinely surprises. 
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Jane Levy as Zoey in “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist.” (Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/NBC)
‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ 
NBC, preview Jan. 7 (10 EST/PST), premiere Feb. 16 (Sundays, 9 EST/PST) 
This sweet musical comedy has a slightly out-there premise that somehow works. Zoey (Jane Levy, “Suburgatory”) weathers an earthquake in an MRI machine and comes out the other end with the ability to hear other people’s thoughts through song. Someone who needs help? He or she sings The Beatles’ “Help,” complete with coordinating dance moves and instrumentals that only Zoey can see and hear. Levy’s charm – with help from an angelically-voiced supporting cast including Skylar Astin, Mary Steenburgen, Lauren Graham and Peter Gallagher – helps sell the concept, and there’s plenty of potential for the series to grow.
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Sidney Parker (Theo James) and Charlotte Heywood (Rose Williams) in “Sanditon.” (Photo: Simon Ridgway/PBS)
PBS, Jan. 12 (Sundays, 9 EST/PST) 
Jane Austen’s final, unfinished novel is brought to life in this miniseries, created by Andrew Davies, who brought us Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy in the 1995 TV version of “Pride and Prejudice.” Based on just a few dozen pages of the author’s writing, “Sanditon” introduces a new Austen heroine, Charlotte Heywood (Rose Williams). Miss Heywood learns her own naïveté after arriving at the burgeoning seaside resort of Sanditon, a place full of capitalist intrigue and romantic scheming. As usual in an Austen story, Charlotte has a male foil worthy of her wits in Sidney Parker (Theo James), and a trusted female confidante, Miss Lambe (Crystal Clarke), Austen’s only black character. 
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Ben Mendelsohn as Ralph and Cynthia Erivo as Holly on “The Outsider.” (Photo: HBO)
‘The Outsider’
HBO, Jan. 12 (Sundays, 9 EST/PST)
Stephen King’s 2018 novel is the basis for this horror murder mystery series starring Ben Mendelsohn as a detective investigating the horrific murder of a young boy in a small Georgia town. All signs point to high school baseball coach Terry Maitland (Jason Bateman) as the killer, but other evidence indicates he might have been miles away during the attack. The traditional detective/murderer narrative quickly gives way to a much creepier, more layered supernatural story. The cast also features the great Cynthia Erivo (“Harriet”), whose character offers a more nuanced take on the case. 
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Eshan Inamdar and Priyanka Bose in “Little America.” (Photo: Apple TV+)
‘Little America’
Apple TV+, Jan. 17
This episodic anthology series from the husband and wife duo behind “The Big Sick” (Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon) revolves around the lives of American immigrants. Each episode tells a different immigrant story, all based on real people featured in articles in Epic magazine. The short, subtle installments cover issues surrounding immigration, from deportation to undocumented status, but it’s not just about political buzzwords. The series paints deeper portraits of its subjects’ lives, which include the world of competitive squash, baking chocolate chip cookies and taking an Alaskan cruise. That all the episodes are based on true stories lends the series an emotional punch that only sometimes borders on mawkish.
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Awkwafina as Nora in “Awkwafina is Nora from Queens.” (Photo: Comedy Central)
‘Awkwafina is Nora from Queens’
Comedy Central, Jan. 22 (Wednesdays, 10:30 EST/PST) 
If you’re missing “Broad City,” Comedy Central has found another millennial-themed series to fill the hole in your heart. Awkwafina, a standout in comedic films like “Crazy Rich Asians” who earned rave reviews for her more dramatic turn in last year’s “The Farewell,” brings her considerable talents to this sitcom about a listless woman in her late 20s living at home. If you’re not a fan of Awkwafina’s comic style, this isn’t the show for you. But her brash, raucous humor feels like a natural fit for Comedy Central. 
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Daniel Radcliffe and Karan Soni in “Miracle Workers: Dark Ages.” (Photo: TBS)
‘Miracle Workers: Dark Ages’ 
TBS, Jan. 28 (Tuesdays, 10:30 EST/PST) 
Swapping a corporate version of heaven for the stink and swords of the Dark Ages, this sequel to last year’s “Miracle Workers” puts the same cast in new roles and a new setting. There’s not much relating “Dark Ages” to the original series other than the sly comedic tone (period and modern jokes about medieval executions, nuns and worthless college education abound). But the actors, including Steve Buscemi, Daniel Radcliffe and Geraldine Viswanathan (“Blockers”), are so good together that it doesn’t matter. 
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Connor Jessup as Tyler and Emilia Jones as Kinsey in Netflix’s “Locke & Key.” (Photo: Christos Kalohoridis/Netflix)
‘Locke and Key’
Netflix, Feb. 7
Despite its roots in many different fantasy and horror stories, “Locke and Key” – based on the comic books by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez – is its own distinct beast. Three siblings move to their family’s creepy, ancestral house after their father is murdered, only to find it filled with supernaturally powered keys and a malevolent force. Part haunted house story, part family drama and part murder mystery, “Locke” is instantly gripping, with a downright deliciously cackling villain and compelling kid actors trying to be heroes.
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Rob (Zoë Kravitz) in “High Fidelity.” (Photo: Phillip Caruso/Hulu)
‘High Fidelity’
Hulu, Feb. 14
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Hulu offers a gender-flipped adaptation of Nick Hornby’s novel (previously made into a 2000 movie starring John Cusack) starring Zoë Kravitz as Rob, a New York record-store owner who recounts her top five heartbreaks. The series retains the film’s narration, but spins things forward to expand the story. Changing Rob’s gender and making her bisexual also gives the series more relationship dynamics to explore and drama to chew on so it doesn’t feel like simply a rehash of a perfectly good movie.
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Al Pacino and Logan Lerman in “Hunters.” (Photo: Christopher Saunders/Amazon)
Amazon, Feb. 21
Al Pacino comes to the small screen for this hugely ambitious series executive produced by Jordan Peele. “Hunters” follows a diverse group of Nazi hunters in 1970s New York City as they uncover a network of hundreds of the war criminals living in the U.S. who are conspiring to bring about a Fourth Reich. Also starring Logan Lerman, the series is gorgeously and evocatively wrought and devastating to watch. “Hunters” swings between thriller and horror show, and is as gruesomely violent as its concept would indicate. But it also doesn’t get lost in that violence, and finds emotional truths in its depiction of the long tail of trauma from the Holocaust.
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Mia Warren (Kerry Washington) and Elena Richardson (Reese Witherspoon) in “Little Fires Everywhere.” (Photo: Erin Simkin/Hulu)
‘Little Fires Everywhere’
Hulu, March 18
Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington anchor this series based on Celeste Ng’s best-selling novel about two families in 1997 Cleveland suburb of Shaker Heights, Ohio. Witherspoon is perfectly cast as Elena, the ultimate 1990s-era working mom, with rigid, conservative ideas about what she wants from her kids, her husband (Joshua Jackson) and her seemingly idyllic community. When wandering artist Mia (Washington) and her daughter Pearl (Lexi Underwood), move into Elena’s rental property, the two women’s lives (and their children’s) intertwine. Their cultural values clash instantly, and the audience is left wondering how they might relate to a crime committed in the very first scene. The series brings its picket-fence world to life in excruciating detail, and pits two heavy-hitting actresses against each other, to great effect.
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spunsugarj2fantasy · 7 years
Tag Game
OK @mooseintheocean, thanks for the tag! 
FYI sometimes I overshare...so enjoy or skip, whatever floats your boat!
85 Questions:
1. drink: tea, mainly herbal
2. phone call:...I'm assuming this means last phone call I made? Husband
3. text message: to co-worker, wishing him a happy bday
4. song I listened to: last one was Leonard Cohen "You Want It Darker"
5. last time I cried: when @mooseintheocean told me to watch the Kodaline "Brother" video...last week sometime? :)
6. dated someone twice: well I married him, sooo... yeah?
7. kissed someone and regretted it: no...but I have regretted NOT kissing someone
8. been cheated on: no, thank Chuck, can't imagine the pain
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: yes, though I'm not sure if it was actual clinical depression or just a really rotten year from hell 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: surprisingly no.  I've been drunk and tipsy, but I have never (yet!) thrown up due to alcohol...though never say never. 
three favourite colours:
12. black, although technically it's not a colour 
13. green
14. purple
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yes! you know who you are!!! :D
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yes, may times
18. found out someone was talking about you: yes
19. met someone who changed you: well, this may sound silly, but THIS!  ALL of this here! I was a closet J2 fan before I met some awesome people right here!  Now I can openly talk about everything and they won't think I'm totally crazy.
20. found out who your friends are: I kinda always did.  I've been besties with my bestie for 27 years, and still going strong.
21. kissed one of your tumblr followers: virtually via emoji yes. irl no, haven't had the pleasure.
22. how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life? None. (YET!!!!) Like I said, never say never!
23. do you have any pets? no :( but I wanna!!!
24. do you want to change your name? already did, when I got married.  First name, no, I kinda like it :)
25. what did you do for your last birthday? my co-workers had a lovely lunch and cake for me, husband took me out to dinner, I went out with my friends the next day.  At this point in my life, my BDay is basically just another excuse to see everyone :)
26. what time did you wake up? 6:30am, BLECHHHHH! NOT a morning person.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? reading fanfiction.  Yeah Jo, me too, lol.
28. name something you can’t wait for: OCTOBER!!!  S13 and meeting J2 again!
29. when was the last time you saw your mum: two days ago
30. what are you listening to right now? Jensen Ackles acoustic version of Simple Man
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom? yes, but over 5 years ago.
32. something that is getting on your nerves: fanaticism. entitlement. inconsiderate selfishness. idiocy/stupidity. willful blindness. and stupid drivers.
33. most visited website: Twitter, Tumblr, GroupMe (LOL), AO3
34. hair colour: dark brown
35. long or short hair: long
36. do you have a crush on someone? yes?...ahem, YES.  And yes, my husband knows.
37. what do you like about yourself? hmmmmmm...please hold....
...please continue to hold...
...I'm friendly! As far as features go, my eyes I guess.
38. piercings: yup, a few...9 in total.
39. blood type: I actually have no idea...may be a good idea to find out.
40. nickname: Oh god... here we go... Magda, Maggie, Lenka, Madzia, Magzz, Meg, Psupa, Sweetie, Magoo, Morwa, ok seriously, I think that's enough, no?
41. relationship status: Married. Hitched. Ball and chained! :D
42. zodiac: Cancer, July 20th.
43. pronouns: she or her...possibly answers to YO! as well.
44. favourite tv show(s): Supernatural (duh!!!), X-Files, Firefly, The Borgias, Game of Thrones, The Blacklist, Eyewitness, Black Sails, Lucifer
45. tattoos: nope, though I have some interesting ideas...
46. right or left handed: right handed
48. sport: Me no.  But I like watching hockey.
49. vacation: next bit of time off will be in October for SPN Con
50. pair of trainers: I assume you mean shoes, yes.
more general:
51. eating: oatmeal, raspberries and vanilla milk for breakfast.  And tea.  GALLONS of tea.
52. drinking: vanilla milk atm...and tea.  GALLONS of tea...is there an echo in here?
53. i’m about to: get my ass off Tumblr and actually get some work done.
54. waiting for: 5:30pm when I can go home :)
55. want: really? u got enough room in here for this??? I'll keep it short: EVERYTHING.
56. get married: been there, done that, didn't get a tshirt, but still have my dress. 
57. career: well I AM working right now (literally! supposed to be) and I like my job, so I'm pretty happy
58. hugs or kisses: BOTH!!! AND snuggles AND hand-holding AND hot sex AND flirting AND porn ... OK I stop now.
59. lips or eyes: both, ALL OF IT, especially if you're Jared or Jensen
60. shorter or taller: well, seeing my answer above, so I'd say tall please
61. older or younger: if you mean life partners? I don't really care.  It's the fit & chemistry that matters, not he age...WITHIN REASON of course!  My husband is 5 years older than I, if that helps.
62. nice arms or nice stomach: ME? Neither, especially not the stomach part (see #48 where I don't do sports).  In other people...both are nice but neither is absolutely necessary and lack of either or both does not automatically warrant rejection or dismissal.  The outer shell is important, but not as crucial as the inner mush.
63. hookup or relationship: well, seeing as I'm married, I'd have to say relationship.  (with the occasional hook-up thrown in?  My husband and I are adventurous, LOL). 
64. troublemaker or hesitant: mostly reserved and hesitant, I try to avoid or resolve conflict as soon as possible.  Until someone stupid pisses me off on purpose, then it's all hell breaks loose.
have you ever:
65. kissed a stranger: yes
66. drank hard liquor: yes
67. lose glasses/contact lenses: I have not lost either. I kinda need them so I take good care of them.
69. sex on the first date: depends.
70. had your heart broken: yes, though he totally didn't do it on purpose!!! I had the extreme misfortune to fall for a gay man.  Nothing either of us could do about it.
71. been arrested: no.
72. cried when someone died: yes.
73. fallen for a friend: yup.  See #70. 
do you believe in
74. yourself:  sometimes
75. miracles: sometimes.
76. love at first sight: not Love. Intense attraction, lust, chemistry, strong magnetic pull, yes.  But Love grows from getting to know someone.  At first sight you only see the outer shell.  You may really like the look/touch/taste/smell of the outer shell, but it's what's inside that engenders real Love.
77. santa claus: I'm waaayyy to naughty for that. 
78. kiss on the first date: depends...(see #69)
79. angels: hmmmmm....I believe in supernatural and extraterrestrial beings... it's a big universe and it's be an awful waste of space if humans were the only beings around.  I also believe in human angels.  Those selfless human beings who share their light with others, hoping to change the world for the better.
80. eye colour: green.  sometimes hazel, depending on what I wear.
81. favourite movie: WOW...OK, I'll try to narrow it down.  All the Harry Potter movies, all the Lord of the Rings movies, A&E Pride and Prejudice (miniseries), pretty much all the adaptations of Jane Austen books, most versions of Jane Eyre, Dark City, Merchant of Venice (2004 Al Pacino version), there are lots more that I won't list of this will be miles long.
82. height: 5'7
83. siblings: two younger half brothers
84. favourite season: I don't like weather/temperature extremes so spring or fall
85. sexuality: Bi for sure, possibly Pan - though that's only theoretical atm.
OK, that's it.  If anyone needs any clarification just ask!  :D
Dear Followers: if you want to do this, feel free, go nuts, tag me so I can see!
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