#(   verse.au   )   /   ▼   could go monster hunting   !
callsigntrixx · 2 years
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"Sure, yer weapon's cool. But I can make it better."
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callsigntrixx · 2 years
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"Sooo, I know what yer gonna say: Cameron, you're supposed to be working on your assigned tasks." She actually managed to dull down her accent for that speech, but it returns just as quickly. "But I got thinkin' -- microwaves and televisions and things like that can interfere with radio signal, y'ken? Like, when yer listenin' t' the radio, but ye reaaally want some popcorn, but the microwave makes yer radio sound all funny? Atlas is basically a giant microwave."
@caeloservare​ // ❤
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callsigntrixx · 2 years
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If there's some sort of volume guidelines on base, no one felt the need to tell Cammie about them. She, meanwhile, is perfectly content to have her music loud enough to drown out the outside distractions. If anyone has a problem with it, they can just eff out of her lab, now couldn't they?
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callsigntrixx · 2 years
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"What, ye never heard of a whetstone? Myrtenaster's blade's chipped t'shite." The blade in question is sitting on Cammie's project table, her schematics blown up on hard-light screens. Despite the rather accusational words, the girl's tone fails to sound nearly as scolding. "Repairing that auld cylinder while I got 'er, too. The one ye got now sticks." 
@tornhellfire​ for weiss schnee // ❤
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callsigntrixx · 2 years
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"Wai-Wai-Wait--" Cammie's hands shoot outwards, fingers spread as she tries to silence the creature's explanation. "You're tellin' me that all that nonsense 'bout gravity dust bein' the thing t' hold Atlas off the ground is all just bullshit?"
A pause. "...Chase totally owes me 10 lien."
@damnbrosius​ // ❤
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callsigntrixx · 2 years
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"If'n the training deck's too... intense fer ya, I got an alternative." She had been eavesdropping again. Consider it her nasty little habit. That and the cussing. Other than those, she's a perfect angel. "We call it the rainy day program. Well, some've us. Others call it a game. Either way."
With a grin, she holds out a pair of VR goggle to match the ones already on her head. "C'mon, you look like ye could use some downtime."
@unlockthestars​ for jaune arc // ❤
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callsigntrixx · 3 years
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"I'm jus' saying, there are design changes we could make to the AK-200s to make them more effective. Sure, they might be sleeker and have better AI, but I got some footage of some drunk guy rippin' one's damn head off."
Is anyone even listening to her? Unlikely, and so she exhales an irritable mutter, "Nae t' mention updating their antivirus software, obviously."
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callsigntrixx · 3 years
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( I suppose this is less headcanon, and more an AU explanation, but I don't have a fancy banner for that. )
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Born and raised on a small farm in Vale, Cameron 'Cammie' Macloud was always more invested in the technical aspects of protecting the Kingdoms than actually being a huntress. Applying and being accepted into Signal Academy, Cammie soon discovered that she was in the wrong field: while she exceeded in weapon development and manufacturing, her own fighting and interpersonal skills left much to be desired. She dropped out of the Academy in her second year, despite the encouragements of her teachers, in order to pursue her hobbies.
When the opportunity arose to join the Atlesian Military as part of their research and development team, Cammie leapt at the chance. Despite her age, she has poured herself into her work with pride, working alongside some of the greatest minds in the Kingdom: improving weapons for huntsmen, helping to develop the Atlesian Paladin program, and generally working to do what she can to protect the future of Remnant.
Name: Cameron Macloud Age: Early twenties Citizenship: Valian Residence: Mantle, though she works in Atlas Occupation: R&D for the Atlesian Military Aura: Neon Green Semblance: Undiscovered. Weapon: None, despite the fact that she builds weapons as a hobby.
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callsigntrixx · 2 years
@courtclover​ // ❤
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"Guess I jus' don't get it: yer team's top Atlas priority. You're some a' the best huntsmen in th' kingdom, yet yer fightin' with... a fishin' pole?"
Yes, that's right, it's time once again for Cammie to try and convince the Grimm Fisherman to upgrade his weapon. While not a huntress herself by any stretch of the imagination, weapons have always been a passion of hers -- she works to perfect those used by the military, upgrade the ones that come to her from other kingdoms. She's had her hands on nearly every weapon that the Ace Ops possess ( Bree still coming to her way too often for upgrades ) but she still doesn't get Clover's.
"...C'mon, Lucky Charm. Wha's the story?"
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callsigntrixx · 3 years
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@unlockthestars​ asked: “ i’m fine, i’ve had worse. ”
quotes i found on pinterest sentence starters pt. one // accepting !!
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If it wasn't for the dead-serious expression on his face, she'd almost have thought he was making a joke. As it was, Cammie still manages a nervous little laugh, just trying desperately not to make the fact that she currently had her hands inside of the General's pseudo-ribcage any more awkward than it already was. Normally, when she did this kind of maintenance on people, they were anaesthetized.
"Considerin' half yer body is like this, I'd guess a little piston wear hardly even registers as a problem." And there it was, the familiar taste of her foot in her mouth. Quickly, she stumbles to recover, "But, while I'm diggin' 'round, I'm gonna replace some a' these outdated titanium pieces with carbon fiber -- 'bout half the weight, so y' should notice a difference!"
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callsigntrixx · 3 years
@destinedmuses​ ( for Harriet Bree ) // ❤
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"Dinnae if y'know this, but it's already impressive 'nough we made it so your pants don't catch fire when y'use your Semblance... an' now yer wantin' more upgrades to Fast Knuckles? I know the Ace Ops get priority but..." Harriet's weapon wasn't one of Cammie's design, but she'd done her share of tune-ups here and there. It wasn't that she was unconfident in her abilities... just concerned about the why.
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callsigntrixx · 3 years
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@wiltmeadow​ asked: “ um.. that’s my emotional support knife collection. ” - atlas v. probably !
quotes i found on pinterest sentence starters pt. one // accepting !!
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"Tha's... no' exactly a normal thing for a kid t' say." Never mind a rich, spoiled rotten, had-the-world-handed-to-them-on-a-silver-platter kid. Which was not to say that rich kids didn't need emotional support, but... seemed to Cammie the Schnee's were rich enough to pay an actual therapist.
Still, she can't help the way her gaze wanders over the aforementioned knife collection with curiosity. Hey, she was a weapons tech -- blades and knives were something of a passion of hers, as well. "Which one's yer favorite, then?"
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callsigntrixx · 3 years
@aettangr​ // ❤
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"Doc Weller and the General say yer a bit of a tosser, y'ken." There's no real need to tell him as much, but she can't quite be bothered not to say it. Wasn't much like Ironwood to be so openly annoyed by... anyone, so it was saying a lot that she could even tell how he felt about his old friend.
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callsigntrixx · 3 years
@popolaroleplayhub​ / @lonelyschneeprincess​ // ❤
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"Oy, heiress!" The technician calls out, waving a hand over the crowd moving about Amity Arena. Running over to skid to a stop in front of Weiss, Cammie beams brightly, "Caught the end a' yer fight, yesterday! Pretty impressive, what y'did, tossin' yerself in there like that. Dinae think anyone else would've."
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callsigntrixx · 3 years
@polarityisms​ // ❤
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Okay, so there are stars in her eyes. PYRRHA NIKOS. As if there was a soul in Remnant who wasn't at least passingly familiar with her, right? Four time Mistral Regional Tournament winner, an absolute beast with a javelin. Be chill, Cammie, be cool.
"I watched all of yer fights at Sanctum!" Yeah, totally cool.
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callsigntrixx · 3 years
tag drop
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