#( 🦄 ) why would anyone even buy an xbox. ( *PS4 SPIDEY VERSE )
killypool · 2 years
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there are... quite a few verses related to the deadpool canon movies and the mcu (which will become canon eventually, right?) along with many canon divergent verses. each interaction may vary in verse depending on several factors: your preferred verse, if you'd like to encourage a romantic ship, your knowledge of deadpool canon, etc.
main ( see here for summary of the dp & dp2 movies )
open to anyone shipping: closed to vanessa during dp1 2014 - 2018 age: 39 - 43 follows wade at any point during the two movies.
open to anyone shipping: open to anyone 1993 - 2008 / 1993 - present age: 18 - 33 follows wade ONLY during his time in the military or in a canon divergent verse in which he is not dishonorably discharged and stays in the military long term
open to anyone shipping: open to anyone 2008 - 2014 / 2008 - present age: 33 - 39, 33 - present follows wade prior to meeting vanessa and acquiring his powers. wade works as a mercenary in japan, morocco, germany, and spain before moving back to the united states and working within sister margaret's ( 2010 ). continues until meeting vanessa in 2014 or is canon divergent in which he does not become sick and does not meet vanessa
open to anyone shipping: open to anyone 1991 - 2022 age: who the fuck even knows divergent possibly in backstory. honestly i've barely read any comics, and having this verse exist is to hold me accountable to eventually reading them. if you're interested in roleplaying in a comic canon verse, please let me know which comics specifically you'd like to write in.
question mark
honestly i use this tag when i have no fucking clue
deal with the devil
closed to @deathfcrged and penny's other muses shipping: closed 2018 age: 43 canon divergent in which wade seeks out the underworld after losing vanessa to bring her back to life.
dying factor
open to anyone shipping: open to anyone 2014 - 2022 age: 39 - 47 canon divergent in that wade's healing factor begins to fail and wade finds himself struggling to stay alive
government workshop
open to anyone shipping: open to anyone 2008 - 2022 age: 33 - 47 canon divergent in that wade does not gain his powers in ajax's workshop after battling cancer. wade is horribly injured while in the military and is sent to a government owned workshop where he is turned into deadpool.
open to anyone shipping: open to anyone 2010 - 2025+ age: 35 - 50+ canon divergent in that the timeline of dp / dp2 canon is altered to fit within the mcu timeline. wade becomes deadpool in 2010, and is recognized as a potential threat ( or potential ally ) by nick fury. unless otherwise plotted, wade is not involved in the events of avengers (2012). during the events of captain america: winter soldier, wade begins taking several anonymous hits out on hydra agents and briefly meets the winter soldier. the events of deadpool 2 take place prior to civil war, and wade inserts himself into the drama to stand on captain america's side. wade is desperate to prevent the sokovian accords from being finalized in an effort to save russell and prevent russell from becoming a ward to the state once more. during the fight, wade is arrested alongside the other members of team cap and is held prisoner with the mutant collar once more until he is freed. following this, he keeps his distance from the avengers whenever possible. wade largely avoids many of the conflicts in infinity war, but after surviving the snap, is desperate to find someone to join along with during the events of endgame. post endgame? who even knows.
ps4 spider-man - insomniac games
open to anyone shipping: open to anyone what year does ps4 spider-man even take place? age: 30+ probably background taken almost entirely from the government workshop verse. wade's mutation into deadpool was a result of a military workshop owned by norman osborn. with his entire body scarred, wade is desperate to figure out the man responsible for his experimentation and mutation and even more desperate for a cure for his ugly appearance. may or may not include wade living a double life - using his medical knowledge gained in the military, wade enters nursing school and works in the local emergency department to pay bills, working as a vigilante under the name deadpool.
open to anyone shipping: open to anyone 2014 - 2022? age: 39 - 47 canon divergent in that wade is unable to escape ajax's workshop and is used as a mutant soldier. for who? no fucking clue. but we can figure that one out together.
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killypool · 2 years
I’m only here for 12 minutes but continuing on the ps4 spidey verse that no one asked for, I’m gonna work on a meta thing about how wade would fit into the game.
he’s a dlc and spidey meets him as Deadpool and finds that DP is searching for the person responsible for his mutation. If SM helps investigate, DP stays as an ally and offers help and certain weapon upgrades.
if SM refuses to help him, DP continues searching for the person responsible (Osborn) and starts going on a killing spree partially fueled by his mutation and partially due to an unknown tumor causing damage to his frontal lobe.
is SM doesn’t help, he’s forced to either let the rampage continue or try to take down DP himself
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killypool · 2 years
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@octvindustries said: “Well, you need to get some new friends.”
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❝ listen, just because i wear a red suit and run around new york doesn't mean i'm chummy with nypd - ❞ the ever loud sirens sang tirelessly below them, policemen looking as insignificant as vintage toy soldiers from the vantage point of the tower. even taking an elevator, it'd be minutes before anyone interrupted them. ❝ besides, tentacles, i'm not here to stop you. i'm here to cut a deal. ❞
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killypool · 2 years
unformated rambling under the cut pertaining to wade in verses like ps4 spidey where he has a secret identity and works specifically as a nurse as i talk to myself through the explanation of why he would be a nurse, how despite being part of human experimentation to become a mutant he would continue working in a medical field that could potentially constantly trigger him, and how his career as a nurse and his ego follow a similar trajectory. 
aka i’m a nurse, i think way too fucking much about this man, and i fucking love identity reveal tropes. also, stormi you look just like mommy baby
trigger warnings for just medical stuff in general, mentions of his mother’s cancer and treatment and eventual death, mentions of injuries he’s seen during his time in the military, human experimentation/torture, etc.
OH HUGE THING I FORGOT i also like this verse because wade can be much younger because 46 is pushing it, old man. in this verse, he could technically be any age, but early 30s feels most appropriate, and also is a much more reasonable age for shipping or just in general interactions with others.
starting off, it’s very reasonable for wade to have an interest in medicine in general. he regularly skipped school to stay with his mom while she was in the hospital or treatment centers. he spent 3 years from her diagnosis to her death as involved in the process as he could be. his mom was on the highest pedestal in the world, and he felt as if it was his responsibility as man of the house (even at 11 years old) to try to help her. still processing the trauma and associated guilt from her time with wade’s father, she wanted to make up for his rough start in life by letting him do what he wanted and letting him be involved. she knew her eventual passing would devastate him, and she was doing whatever she could to help him cope. those three years allowed wade to see the kindness people in healthcare show to the people they’re caring for, and there’s a huge basis of respect and admiration.
after her passing, wade isn’t entirely sure what direction to go in life, but foster parents and social workers mention how joining the military would be his only option at paying for an education - which wade isn’t even entirely sure he wants. but wade begins to glorify the military and the soldiers and the chance to be a hero, so he enlists and doesn’t look back (for the first 14 years at least). 
here, it’s literally just a coin flip. on one hand, wade would likely not want to return to school, especially with his success in the military, and he doesn’t need to return. in the majority of verses, wade doesn’t return to school because the military fulfills all of his goals and aspirations. he’s able to join the special forces without needing to return to school because there’s no immediate desire to become a commanding officer. and his dishonorable discharge occurs before he considers education.
on the other hand, if wade spends an extended time period not deployed, he’s going to get restless, and returning to school might be the thing to keep him occupied. wade wouldn’t be interested in classes just to pass time at this point in his life. even if history or literature or similar was interesting to him, he would want a specific goal to achieve, and achieving a nursing degree and nursing license is something that i can easily see him focusing on. 
during deployments, receiving injuries and seeing injuries occurs all too often and becomes all too familiar. there’d be a curiosity - if they can stitch up my leg, why can’t i? it’d be easier for me to do it myself. 
now wade has something new to focus on, something he thinks will honor his mom, and something that he would always find useful. at this point in time, wade does want to be a hero. he’s a soldier - and a fucking badass one at that. ever since joining the military, he’s excelled at everything he’s done, hyperfocused on being the best. there’s pressure put on him to be the best, to be extraordinary. at this point in time, nursing is one of the most respected professions in the country. here, he has a way to continue to be extraordinary outside of the military. his ego fucking loves it. he talks back to doctors, he gets every certification and credential he can, he’s the best at placing IVs, he’s the strong guy everyone calls on to help move and reposition patients. he could fit in perfectly at the emergency department - sarcastic, smart as fuck, and confident. 
then comes the kidnapping. or similar. in ps4 spidey verse or similar, wade is either kidnapped by the workshop to be experimented on, or is critically injured while deployed and sent to the workshop from there. either way, wade goes from respected special forces operative and nurse to a human experiment. 
either injected with a serum to activate latent mutant genes or injected with mutant genes directly, wade ends up mutating into his form as deadpool. ajax is still the one responsible, and still the first person wade goes after to try to find a cure for his own appearance. 
but this wade didn’t willingly go to be experimented on. wade wasn’t desperate for a cure to cancer. wade was a regular guy with a pretty fantastic life who had everything taken from him by fucking monsters trying to create super soldiers. 
wade’s hatred of his appearance is almost entirely cosmetic. he’s vengeful, but compared to wade during the movies, he isn’t ashamed of himself. in the movies, wade loses his grip on his sanity long before he goes into the workshop. by the time wade was diagnosed with cancer, he had already had all of his accomplishments stripped away by the military. he hated himself. he was just a slimy mercenary who was a little too good at putting bullets in skulls. he saw himself as a monster, and wanted to survive and overcome his cancer solely because of vanessa. 
this wade still thinks of himself as a hero. this wade still wants to earn the admiration and approval of others. this wade is still proud of himself. he wants a cure for his appearance, yes, but he also wants to completely uproot the entire operation of workshop and experimentation and the rich assholes behind it (cough. osborn. cough). 
so wade takes on the mantle of deadpool while maintaining a secret identity and continues his job as a nurse because it’s all he has left. his new mutations wouldn’t fly during army physical exams, but he can work at the hospital without suspicion, though his appearance is still a sore spot for him. 
and ideally, i’d love to develop this verse where wade still does end up struggling with morality as he realizes he has the power and strength and drive to eliminate targets the way he was taught in the military without orders. he still has the temptation of killing targets instead of capturing them to be put up for trial. and as this evolves, wade’s view of himself as a hero and himself as a nurse as a hero cracks. 
after spending more and more time as a nurse, he no longer sees himself as a hero. he sees himself as the person that has to triage patients, who plays a hand in who gets what treatment. he has to watch patients leave the hospital because they can’t afford treatment or can’t afford to miss work and there’s nothing he can do. he realizes administration and legalities prevent him from being able to make a real difference to some people. 
as for whether or not he would be triggered in the constant medical environment, it’s a toss up. it’s something that could be developed for him to have issues with, or it could just be repressed and shoved to the back of his mind as he focuses on taking out the people responsible for the workshop
god i hope no one reads this far but tldr (for myself later) these are the differences in this verse (verses?) and dp canon verses
wade is forcibly placed in the workshop while serving in the military. he does not choose to be experimented on or mutated into dp.
he still views himself as a hero or as having the potential to be a hero. he doesn’t hate himself. he doesn’t assume everyone else hates him.
he works to maintain a secret identity because after his mutation, he lost access to all of his friends and support and is trying to establish something to fight to keep. he works as a nurse in an emergency department - and has the potential for interactions with other injured heroes.
he’s insecure about his appearance, but it only goes skin deep. he doesn’t originally think of himself as a monster
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