#( . so what happened to him is rather vague lmao lmk if you wanna plot !!
stillsolo · 1 year
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@alootus 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 :: " are you going to tell me what happened to you tonight? "
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      𝙷𝙰𝙽 𝚂𝙾𝙻𝙾 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙼𝙾𝚄𝚃𝙷 𝙰𝙽𝙳 — 𝙲𝙻𝙾𝚂𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝚃 ,  the pinch of his eyebrows tightening abruptly as shifting fabrics and diffuse light falling overhead revealed a truth he instantly grasped was best left alone.   karlini silk, huh?  hazel eyes blinked up from where he rested half-sprawled on the dirty pavement.
in truth, this planet bore an unsettling resemblance to nar shaddaa, the smuggler’s moon, a wretched haven where the vilest of criminals sought refuge from the law-abiding societies of the core worlds.  even the faint chemical odors adrift in the carefully synthesized air brought back disconcerting recollections of the moon’s towering vertical cities, jarring reminders of a life he had all but abandoned — except, coruscant wasn’t nar shaddaa, and slipping up here might not carry the same lethal consequences as it would on the hutt’s moon.
but it was still dangerous, if not more so in its own right.
for within coruscant’s sprawling expanse resided not only the quintessential lowlife criminals found in the darkest recesses of the galaxy, but also the social elites—individuals wielding immense political power and wealth, capable of pulling whatever strings necessary to maintain their advantage.  these politicians, with their impeccably groomed appearances and mouths stiffened into a rictus, were somehow everywhere, adorning the sides of colossal corporate edifices and holographic advertisements hovering at every skylane intersection… which was why han wasn’t all too surprised to see yet another politician before him now, speaking to him in dulcet tones, as though she actually gave a kraat about anyone but the citizens of her homeworld.
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this was all for show, wasn’t it?  why else would a political figure bother wasting her precious time on some down and out, luckless corellian mechanic?  han sent a surveying glance around the bustling market plaza, searching for the telltale gleam of a holoimager lens, or the elusive figure of someone operating an audio telescope… not the wisest publicity stunt, given their crime-ridden location.
fortunately for her, han solo was a decent man—at least on most days.
❝sweetheart,❞ solo drawled, albeit not unkindly, before wincing as warmth trickled over his lips and down his chin.  he hastily wiped at his face, smearing bright red streaks over engine grease-stained cheeks.  ❝you’re a real sight for sore eyes ’n all, but… this place ain’t kind to your sort.  it’s best you head home.❞  coruscant’s lower levels weren’t a place for anyone, let alone a rather petite young woman who han would wager his last stack of credits he’d seen in recent holo-broadcasts.
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