#( RK900 Conan) they tried to make you a monster
imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
Sweethearted Security
(Nines x Reader)
A/N: here's sum good ol fluff for the hardass we all love. I was gunna say sorry if its ooc but then i remembered he doesn't have a canon personality lmao
You were the adopted child of a very wealthy and highly powerful family. Normally any other family of your status would keep that little secret hidden at all costs. However your parents were quite public and open about the idea. It made the public think they were generous people. Again, unlike other families like your own, they actually were good people.
However kind they were, they still managed to acquire enemies of their own. Most of them being jealous of your families success. So naturally, you and your family were in constant danger with threats of assassinations. Your life moreso than your parents, considering you were the heir to the family wealth and also the perfect bargaining chip.
After the attempt on your life that nearly succeeded, your parents set out on a mission to find you the best body guard money could buy. And the best they got indeed. With enough promises of donating extreme amounts of money to the DPD, the captain finally gave in. Now, your family was the proud owner of your very own RK900 android.
He wasn't exactly the gift you thought you'd recieve on your 18th birthday. Quite honestly you were scared of him, despite the fact his sole purpose was to protect you. But that fear of him only lasted a couple of months before you got used to him. He wasn't given a name so you decided to call him Conan, and if you didn't know any better you'd think liked that choice.
Now you were well in your 20's and yet your parents insisted on keeping him around for your sake. Not that you were arguing to get rid of him per say. You were actually quite fond of his presence. When he was around you knew you were basically untouchable. You even swore that he seemed to form a sort of personality too, something he'd deny if you asked.
Even though he was programmed to do whatever you asked him to do, you still did most things for yourself. You didn't want to use him, no matter how many times he tells you that he's just a machine. That wasn't the case in your mind. He was more of a person than most the people you've met at all the social gatherings your family forced you to. So you made it a rule to yourself to never treat him like a maid, and if you do, pay him for it. Not that he'd ever accept the money. At least you could say you tried.
However there was one exception to that rule, and that was when you were sick. Which happened to be in the predicament you were in now. You woke up in the morning with the classic sore throat and stuffy nose that  felt dry and yet was runny at the same time. In other words, you felt like absolute garbage.
The moment you left your room you greeted by Conan, as always. He took one look at you, seemingly scanning you, before narrowing his icy blue eyes.
"You're sick," he deadpanned.
"Yeah, no shit," you shot back, sarcasm evident in your nasally voice.
"Then you should be going back to bed to rest," he said, taking a step infront of you to block you from going anywhere else.
"Yeah well I need the bathroom so," you trailed off as you easily stepped around him.
You didn't have to look at him to know his eyes rolled at you. One of his signature actions you've noticed.
After tending to yourself in the bathroom you left said room and tried to head downstairs. Emphasis on tried.
"And where do you think you're going?" you heard from behind you, already all too familiar with the voice of your bodyguard.
"Going to make some coffee," you replied although it sounded more like a question.
"No you're not. You're going back to your bed to rest. I'll get you whatever you need," Conan said, more like demanded.
"Conan, we talked about this. I don't want you running around doing shit for me when I'm perfectly capable," you said with a long sigh.
"I'm aware. However you aren't 'perfectly capable' at the moment. Therefore I suggest going back to bed, otherwise I'll take you there myself," as he spoke his lip quirked up into a slight smirk, knowing he'd won.
"Conan..." you whined.
"(Y/n)," he said in a warning tone.
"I'm serious, I'm fine. I'll just get some coffee quick and then I'll-"
"As you wish," he suddenly cut you off before leaning down and carrying you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing.
"Conan!" you squeaked, causing a small cough to escape you.
"I did warn you, you decided not to listen," you could practically hear the smug smirk he wore as he carried you into your room and plopped you down on your bed.
"You know I hate it when you do that," you huffed, your mouth forming a pout.
"And you're aware that I don't really care," he sassed.
You rolled your eyes at him and crossed your arms over your chest childishly. When you met his eyes again you swear you saw a flicker of amusement in his usually hard steely hues.
"Now, if you're done being difficult. I'll go and make you a cup of herbal tea."
"But I want coffee," you whined, dragging out the 'e' sound for far too long.
"Herbal tea is healthier than coffee. It'll also help sooth your throat. Besides, you should really avoid ingesting excessive caffeine. Like you have been doing for the past several weeks," he spoke with the matter-of-fact tone he knew you hated.
Once again beating you in one of your many squabbles.
Sighing, you finally gave in,"Fine, whatever."
With that, Conan left the room to go fetch you your tea. He'd also make sure to bring back the bottle of cough syrup as well. He also had the thought of adding honey to your tea, for some added sweetness.
No one would ever be able to figure it out on their own, but Conan actually quite enjoyed taking care of you when you're ill. Or taking care of you in general. Being your protector. Of course, if you ever confronted him about it himself, he'd simply feign ignorance or straight out deny it. The good old 'just a machine' excuse. But that's all it was at this point, an excuse, because of you. Truth was over the years he had been at your side he had grown attached to you. He loved you, not that he actually realized it yet.
It took him much longer than his predecessor, Connor, to figure it out but he was capable of feeling. Of course, he still hasn't quite accepted the fact yet. Or show any signs of him being a deviant around anyone who isn't you. But hey, you just excited you saw even the slightest of signs really.
To everyone else he was still the same stone faced, emotionless, empty monster wearing humans skin. A machine ready to strike at a moments notice with no intentions of mercy upon anyone who dares face him. In many ways he still was that.
Conan liked to think he was able to keep that facade even infront of you, but you saw when that mask slipped. Hell, you knew he was capable of it even before he did. But to see it was something you'd never forget, and something you were excited to see more of. You of course never said anything about it though, wanting him to come to you when he's ready.
When he returned back to your room he was pleasantly surprised to see you laying in bed, scrolling mindlessly through your phone. You actually listened to him. It wasn't a particularly rare thing for you to do and yet it made his biocomonants feel all fuzzy. It was a feeling he had grown to cherish only because it was caused by you.
Once you noticed the android enter your room you sat up and scooted back so your back was against the backboard. Conan held out the mug of tea and you gingerly took it. The mug was emanating a warmth that was just hot enough to not burn your hand. And you had to admit, the tea smelt pretty nice.
"There, I trust I won't have to force you to drink it?" he asked almost playfully.
"Yeah yeah I bet you'd love that wouldn't you," you smirked before blowing on the tea a couple of times.
You were just about to take a sip before Conan stops you as he pours a spoonful of the opposite of sugar, "Before you drink your tea you should take this."
Before you had the opportunity to take the spoon for yourself, Conan was already holding the spoon in front of your mouth. You felt your cheeks starting to flare up and you looked up at him with wide eyes. He only stared at you expectantly. Before he spoke up with some some snarky remark you quickly leaned closer to take the spoon in your mouth and swallow the syrup. When you leaned back you averted you eyes from him awkwardly.
"Now you can enjoy your tea," he chimed with satisfaction.
You quickly brought up the mug up to your face and gingerly took a sip. You'd hope that Conan would think the heat in your face was caused by the hot beverage and not because of him. Conan might have been new to the whole understanding human emotions thing, but he was by no means clueless. (Unlike his predecessor) He knew exactly what he was doing.
After taking your first taste you hummed at the pleasant sweetness. He must have added honey, your favorite. Your lips curled up into a small smile.
"Thanks Conan," you said sincerely, smiling up to him.
"Of course, (Y/n)," he replied with a slight bow of his head.
Your smile widened and paused just before taking another sip of your tea, "you're uh excused by the way."
With another nod Conan left your room. It wasn't long before he returned with an old paper book in hand, must have gotten it from your Dad's library. He then took a seat in a chair by your side on your right, opening to the page you assumed he left off. You never got why he liked to read books when he could probably download the whole thing in a matter of seconds. But you never spoiled his hobby. It was nice to watch as his striking blue-grey eyes glided across the paper. He almost looked at peace. Almost.
His eyes flicked up to meet yours and you immediately looked down into your mug. Your cheeks were darkening in embarrassment. It wasn't the first time he had caught you staring, and it probably wouldn't be the last either.
"I recommend you try and sleep after you've finished. The more rest you get the faster you will recover," Conan said, cutting the growing awkward silence.
"Yeah, yeah," you waved him off, no longer having the energy to argue with him.
Conan's attention went back on his book, the tiniest of blink and you'll miss it smiles gracing his features. Meanwhile you tried to keep your attention on your phone as you slowly finished your tea. Emphasis on tried. But you just couldn't stop your eyes from glancing up at your favorite android. It wasn't your fault Cyberlife made him so perfect.
Eventually, you finished your tea and oddly enough you felt very tired. You placed the mug on the end table beside your bed before a yawn escaped you.
"You should rest," Conan said, not looking away from his book.
"You drugged me didn't you," you squinted at him, your lips pursing.
Conan looked over at you with a blank expression, "No, but if that's what it will require for you to rest then I will."
You couldn't stop the smile from spreading on your face and you rolled your eyes playfully. You knew he was only kidding and it wasn't an actual threat. Then again, maybe it wasn't. Either way, your soft chuckle at his maybe not joke made him feel nice.
"Sorry to spoil the fun but I think I'll pass," you said as you laid in bed and got yourself comfortable.
Conan only rolled his eyes at you before returning his attention back to his book.
Luckily the cough syrup was enough to allow you to easily fall asleep without any interruptions of coughing. You were out like a light for a good few hours. But as the medicine slowly wore off, your coughing became more frequent. You were also sniffling more often as well. It was when Conan heard soft whimpers fall past your lips when he set down his book and went to get you more cough syrup. He could have just waited until you officially woke up, but he didn't see the point in needlessly making you suffer longer than required.
Once he returned to your side, he gently shook your shoulder and softly called out your name. It didn't take more than a few moments before your (e/c) eyes fluttered open to meet his ice cold ones.
"Conan?" you mumbled sleepily.
"My apologies for waking you (Y/n), but I think it would be for the best if you took more cough medicine," he informed you slowly so your waking mind could understand.
You nodded in agreement and replied with a little, "okay."
You sat up slightly as he opened the bottle of the thick deep red liquid. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you tried not to think too much about the strong, very unpleasant, taste. At least it worked well. Just like before, Conan guided the spoon to your mouth but this time you didn't hesitate to take it.
"Good, now you can go back to sleep," Conan said, an almost tenderness to his voice you thought you imagined.
At his okay you plopped back down. Conan took this as his cue that he was excused but just as he turned to leave your side he stopped when he felt a tug on his jacket. Looking back, he raised a brow in question.
"Is there something you need, (Y/n)?" he inquired.
"Can you lay with me?" you asked, half asleep.
Conan didn't respond right away, he just stared down at you. At the lack of an answer a small frown tugged at your lips and you let him go, assuming his answer was no. So you layed back down, mumbling a short apology.
When you closed your eyes you heard a soft sigh, that you knew was unnecessary, before the mattress next to you dipped under new weight. Your eyes fluttered back open and you were delighted to see Conan laying next to you. He was watching you from the corner of his eye as you scooted closer to his form.
All you did was lay next to him for a short while, testing the waters. You honestly never thought he'd let you get this close to him. Let alone lay with you. It was nice. But you were becoming more sleepy and wanted maximum comfort. So, in a fleeting moment of bravery you shifted to rest your head and an arm on his chest.
Immediately you felt him tense underneath you, and you half expected him to push you off. But to your surprise, he placed a hand on your back and slowly traced up and down your spine. It was a comforting action that made you subconsciously snuggle up closer to him.
Conan never ceased his fingers that traced your spine, telling himself it was for you. Even when he presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head, he told himself it was just to make you feel better. But when he ended up brining up his free hand to pet and play with your hair gently. It was hard to convince himself the action absolutely for his own enjoyment. After all, you had been asleep for at least five minutes at that point.
"Sleep well, my heart."
A/N: short (at least by my standards) n sweet. Love to see it. But i feel like my writing is garbage. Like I feel like i keep using the same words and phrases n shit. If anyone could lemme know if im just overthinking it or not please leave a comment or dm me or something! Hope y'all enjoyed 💙
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program-800 · 5 years
Exploring RK1700: Part 3
Final part of a rudimentary exploration of RK1700. Usual warning for obvious results given the small size of the pair; data scraped in end September 2019. Additional warning: since there are only 360 fics examined, topic modeling results shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Likewise, the attempt to pull out the descriptors of Connor/RK900 is still very preliminary.
Overall this part is really exploratory - a lot will be refined once I get around to collecting the larger Detroit corpus. 
Click here for Part 1: publishing frequencies by month (overall and broken down by rating). Click here for Part 2: network visualisation of character appearances, network visualisation of Connor and RK900’s other relationships. You’re at Part 3: (attempt at retrieving) main topics in RK1700-tagged fics, a preliminary look at how Connor and RK900 are being described in tags.
(ATTEMPT AT RETRIEVING) THE MAIN TOPICS IN RK1700 FICS When we have a collection of writings, we may assume that there are some common themes underlying them. We can retrieve these themes by qualitative coding and close-reading. But if we have a really large set of writings (think: in the thousands, at least), that’s where quantitative topic modeling may be helpful. 
There are of course certain trade-offs with the quant route - for example: definitely, we need a large enough collection for the model to learn properly, topics may not really end up being ‘topics’ in the intuitive sense (topics are more like words that commonly co-occur together), ‘junk’ topics may come up, vanilla models can’t take into account syntax and other features like sarcasm. There’s a lot more that I won’t discuss here, but those are points to note if you’re checking out the results below. (edit 18/10/19: fixed an error in code and topic modeling results. unfortunately a fic got deleted by the time of re-scrape)
Preprocessing In brief, I removed stopwords (really common words like ‘the’), removed names (identified with the help of the Stanford NER parser), and kept only nouns and verbs (used the Stanford POS tagger). Then I lemmatised (e.g. imagining/imagined → imagine) the kept words with spaCy’s lemmatiser. 
I came to a problem: do I take one story as one document, or split the stories up by chapter (i.e. one chapter as one document)? One story one document issues: only 359 documents for modeling, topics might be harder to capture especially with very much longer fics. One chapter one document issues: 1379 documents for modeling (still a small collection), not sure if topics might end up getting too influenced by fics with way more chapters vs one-shots (especially since this is a rarepair).
In any case, both routes didn’t give me very good results. For now I’ll show the one story/one document results, but expect the one chapter/one document route to be better with the larger Detroit corpus.
Topic modeling I performed non-negative matrix factorisation for 18 topics (topic selection method following [1]) on a TF-IDF weighted matrix. Words had to appear in at least 14 fics and no more than 35% of the 359 fics to be included in modeling.
Results Table 1 shows the 16 topics and the top 10 words for each topic. I tried to derive a topic label subjectively based on the 10 words shown; you can see it’s a bit difficult to do so with these results. So again, since the results aren’t great, don’t take them too seriously.
Table 1 16 topics retrieved from 359 RK1700 fics
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We can see that a lot of these topics are really quite broad - as I expected going the one story/one document route. Quite notably we’re missing the alphas/betas/omegas despite all the smut. Still, a number of the topics do make some sense so I’m going to hold out hope for better results on the larger Detroit corpus.
HOW ARE CONNOR AND RK900 DESCRIBED? I relied on the ‘other’ tags supplied by the authors for this. More results may be gotten if I parsed the content of the fics themselves, but I wanted easier text to start off with. In fics, descriptions may be longer, e.g., ‘Connor may be deathless but he is still a terribly shy android.’ Connor is deathless, terribly shy, and an android - but it’s not that easy to automatically parse out versus tags which tend to be shorter, (e.g. ‘shy boi Connor’; Connor is a shy boi).
I examined only tags which contained ‘Connor’/RK900 tags. So many names for RK900 - so, Conan, Conrad, Nine, Nines, Niles, Richard, RK900 were taken as him.
Pulling out the descriptions 1) e.g., sexy!Richard → RK900 is ‘sexy’. This is easily done with regular expressions.
The next few instances rely on Stanford’s dependency parser. They’re no comprehensive list of how descriptions may be written, but are the ones I’ve been working on so far:
2) e.g. awkward RK900 → RK900 is ‘awkward’. Very typical adjective use. 3) e.g. Connor is anxious → Connor is ‘anxious’. Different way of organising the adjective, but very capturable. 4) e.g. bad-ass cop Connor → Connor is a ‘bad-ass cop’; Connor is being described by another noun (that may/may not be modified further by adjectives, etc)
Descriptions of Connor and RK900 Remember how limited the tag pool I worked on was. Most of these tags don’t have a count of above 1 or 2. I also didn’t distinguish from which fic they came from; so if a fic contributed to, like, ten 1-count Connor tags, I didn’t check in this instance (though I doubt any RK1700 fic has so many Connor/RK900 descriptor tags?).
Let’s get on with the results and (if you read RK1700) you can check how much they agree with how you feel about Connor/RK900’s characterisation within RK1700. Counts in brackets.
Top 5 descriptors for Connor: deviant (27), human (15), trans (13), bottom (11), adorable (8) Top 5 descriptors for RK900: deviant (23), protective (13), soft (10), top (9), human (9) Shared descriptors for Connor and RK900: badass (2,1), bad at feelings (3,1), bottom (11,4), caregiver (1,1), cute (1,1), demon (1,1), deviant (27,23), dominant (1,1), drunk (1,1), human (15,9), jealous (2,4), knight (2,1), poor (2,1), protective (2,13), serial killer (1,1), sex worker (1,1), socially awkward (2,1), sub (2,1), top (5,9), trans (13,3), worried (1,1)
Now, let’s look at the remaining descriptors for Connor/RK900. Note that all these tags have a count of 1~6, so don’t put too much weight into them individually. But perhaps collectively they may provide an idea of how Connor/RK900 are usually written within RK1700?
Other descriptors for Connor: machine, omega, power bottom, angry, dark, oblivious, abused, android, asexual, big bro, clumsy, cyberlife, cyberlife tower, cyborg, dark, desperate, dorky, first proper ai-equipped android, florist, gender diverse, innocent, inquisitor, insecure, little red riding hood, lutece twin, model, mute, naive, needy, nerd, nosy detective, nugget, oblivious, really gay, siren, slutty, soft boi, submissive, thirsty, thorsty, weak for pleasure, wendigo, witch, yandere
Other descriptors for RK900: alpha, possessive, socially inept, vampire, prince, actor, alien, anxious, assassin, awkward, big brother, clingy, detective, deviant leader, disaster gay, dom, dragon, famous, idiot, introspective, jock, lil bro, longma, low empathy, merman, minor, monster, naval officer, nerdy, non-binary, outlaw, photographer, russian-speaking, sad, shark tooth, slightly possessive, smooth as butter*, spicey, supportive, switch, unique, vampire, white knight, wolf *this is an issue I’m still working out; the original tag was smooth as chunky peanut butter which has pretty different implications
To me (feel free to disagree), the characterisation of Connor (based on this limited pool of tags) seems to lean a bit more to a more sub angle, whereas RK900 has generally is kind of more dominant. 
And - that’s it for now!
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