#( Sillaya✨ )
bluezenzennie · 11 months
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notes, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻 (no pressure)
I prefer wearing flowy clothes over skin tight clothes. My skin starts itching when the fabric gets too close to my skin and I feel like I can't breathe.
I really, really, like sitting in my tree swing and let the fresh air breeze make me feel like a wind chime, song softly flowing through the wind and out to the world.
Anything that makes sounds like windchimes, small bells, big bells, crystal clear clinking sounds that chime and sound pretty, makes my brain feel like it's being washed with cool water. I also crave having said things that make said sounds.
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