#( ahfdsj hope you dont mind me tagging. I can always remove that. )
jojoingjoseph · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. ( Depends on how you look at it?? I believe he’s pretty strong. )
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. 
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. ( part 2 and supporting role in part 3 )
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation? GOOD (usually.) / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I follow it up to a certain point and break off to another AU/Divergence entirely. From how I write it, either Joseph never married or he did marry Suzi, had Holly, then divorced to be a single father. Everything pretty much falls into that Eyes Over Heaven multiverse (when not in a ‘singular AU’ where it simply follows events during or post BT/ AU’s) where Joseph’s more or less aware of meeting doubles of himself/people he usually comes across. He always seemed like a guy who knew more than he let on despite how much he goofs off y’know? I thought I’d play around with that shtick for both the good and bad parts of being privy to that sort of knowledge.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  He’s always been a trickster for starters, the man with the plan and even though it looks like he’s not taking anything serious; chances are high it’s all a clever front. He’s not your typical scrawny protag that only has their wits as opposed to brawn, more like he’s got the best of Both worlds with having muscle and brains to back it up into a fine combative technique. He’s prideful yet not to an annoying fault and though he can be reckless at times, it’s often a carefully made set of moves especially when it comes to putting himself in front of friends and family. A few years has given him some much needed maturity and I do believe he’s at a relatively decent spot though that’s not to say he isn’t absolutely hesitant to pull his usual gimmicks of pranking people and being an overall pain in the ass just to be an asshole. Joseph’s got a good head on his shoulders, a decent enough heart, and naturally he’s a spitfire sort of guy who knows how to get the job done when push comes to shove.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — Joseph may feel more depressing or not as lively at times simply due to previous encounters with muses in the overarching EoH verse. He’s sarcastic, apathetic at times, and even downright a complete Asshole when he’s really not having any of it. He’s grown more reclusive in some ways and this can put off people expecting the usual ‘ arrogant funny guy Joseph ‘ fandom likes to portray him as. Part of having Divergence is having these changes to the muse that pretty much shaped them into the portrayal they are today even if all that summarizing is hard to adequately explain to new people with fresh muses bearing familiar faces. In short, it can be pretty daunting for new writing partners to know the history my portrayal of Joseph has gone through in shaping minor to moderate bits of his personality and thinking over the years and that does make it hard to reach out more often than not along with how I see him as using that brain of his more as opposed to being a meme-y sort of guy who shows off 24/7. He’s got aches, he’s got pains, he’s got some chips on his shoulders and he can get overly stubborn with certain things.
Don’t even get me started on the fandom. It’s alright they like a certain portrayal of Joseph but... Good fucking lord people. The guy is more than simply being the man who cheated on his wife and had an affair with another woman.. and tbh I don’t agree with that canon in the first place. Take it as you will but I’m not gonna humor any sort of cheating gimmicks with my portrayal in regards to the ‘canon’ of this blog.
What Inspired you to rp your muse?   —  My ex was the first one who suggested I take up writing Joseph from JJBA. They noticed how much I enjoy smart characters with a mouth on them and what do you know, it was a match made in heaven for me to write Joseph. I originally didn’t think he was anything remarkable when I first saw him than thinking he’s the same old ‘ big muscled meathead ’ trope but he proved me wrong and I’ve never been more happy. The fact he’s not your typical ‘ Pure hearted ’ protag and actually isn’t about using some dirty tricks just gives him more fun to play with.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  He’s one of my favorite muses to do. He’s funny, snarky, witty, an overall pleasure to write usually on any given day. It’s especially wonderful when other people join in and mayhem all but unleashes itself on the dash with Joseph usually caught in the middle of it. For better or for worse, he’s always got something to say whether or not he’s moving his lips. Music tends to help the most for setting a mood I want with him and Joseph usually does all the work while I write it down. He’s just... wonderful, man. He is my Muse.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice? YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.  ( Half and half, sometimes I need to jot something down or I have this idea stuck in my head but usually I try to “ show it ” and not tell it unless it’s asked for/needed clarification ooc. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. 
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. ( ahsdfj he’s canon divergent.. I sometimes worry on whether I’m still maintaining the core of his character in response to various factors/situations but I’m usually feeling good about him on any given day. )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( Usually, the words tend to flow but lately its been hard due to outside and inner factors. )
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Yes and no. If I ask for it, I’m all ears and I want to hear more ideas on what I could try my hand at or spend some time thinking on it. Now if that criticism comes out without me asking for it? No. If you have a problem with how I write my rendition of Joseph, I’d kindly say for you to make your own blog and write your own muse to make yourself happy instead of coercing me to cater to your ideas.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  Of course! It gives some good ideas to write upon when the inspirations there. Joseph’s always been a pretty wordy guy unless he’s having a really off day ahsdfjgn. Seriously, he doesn’t shut up when he gets going.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  No. I write my Joseph as I want, you write your Joseph as you want. It’s alright for us to disagree, just have the respect to not shove your ideas down my throat and I offer the same respect in turn. Besides, why not play around with that EoH ?? Or Twins verse, really anything can happen and those differences can be fun to explore in parallel universes or what have you. That’s one of the big perks of writing in a multiverse way.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  As I said.. make your own blog and make your own Joseph. No one’s forcing you to interact with me or me to you. You can’t please everyone, y’know? I am open to discussing things when I ask for it, if not.. please do not engage with me on this. I am not keen to change how I write my idea of Joseph as I feel the way I write makes it fun for me.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  I’d rather not see any of it and I will refuse to talk or look at the person/people/posts in question. Dealing with the early days of making this blog and how much people legit ragged on him left a perpetual bad taste in my mouth so I’d rather avoid all that jazz if you will. People are free to hate on Joseph as with any character but chances are I’ll block the posts/people won’t don’t take the hint and move on with my life, end of story.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Of course, I may have taken Honors English but I still mess up when I’m basically one-shotting replies and drabbles.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I believe so, I try to converse as I can with my social energy being abysmal. If anything, I’m slow as fuck to reply ooc ;w; 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: Stole it from @despairforme​
Tagging: Ahhh.. fuck. Do it if you want. 
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