#( c: Peter )
devirtute · 8 months
@courtesons asked: 3 M/M/M either [dario/your choice/peter parker] or [peter hale/derek hale/your choice]
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tony liked showing off his inventions, almost as much as he liked showing off his boys. when the opportunity to show a local witch just how good enough peter was with things in his mouth, he jumped at the idea. he let the man go first, watching the younger one suck him off. "that's my boy." iron man started stroking himself, licking his lips as he walked closer to them. dario rested one of his hands behind peter's head, grinding his hips to help him out. "you are right, he's eager to please."
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mrstvrks · 9 months
"Quit making faces at yourself in the mirror." Tony walked in and gave his son a look, draping his own tux jacket over one of the chairs. He motioned for him to spin around to face him. "I told you years ago I would bite my tongue and let you dress in a way that would allow you to freely express yourself when it wouldn't negatively reflect upon me, but I'm putting my foot down at the wedding." Tony glanced up to catch Peter's gaze and smirked, smoothing the collar down and fixing the buttons. Tony came up to stand beside him when he turned him around, facing the mirror, once he was finished. "See? You look good." ; @spideyboyspideyboy
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satin-bliss · 9 months
The Gala was mostly a distraction from what actually mattered, Satin should have been training, and preparing for the games. Instead here he was, chatting with sponsors, and even worse his nipples were incredibly uncomfortable because of the piercings forced on him by his Stylist. Glass of water in hand, he managed to escape a conversation with people who seemed more interested in his suit, than his skill. Finding his way to a table, it was already occupied by the boy from District Ten, Peter.
Satin remembered his reaping, as he did with all his competition. Peter was so far one of the Tributes that Satin deemed the biggest possible threats outside the other Careers based on looks only, now it was just time to asses if his personality actually backed up his looks, or if this one would break under the pressure and die in the Bloodbath. Smiling at the other as Satin finally acknowledged him.
"Your outfit looks not nearly as stupid as mine. Tell me your Stylist give you any unwanted body modifications or have they let you keep your dignity somewhat?"
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vicedmuses · 3 months
@courtesons asked: 23 m/m yago/spidey (gotta give him both spideys now)
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if he could be rewarded for bedding spider-men, he would've won some type of prize by that point. this time, they didn't even wait until they were in private. they were still outside, surrounded by trees in some park in queens. the villain moved his head down from the hero's hair over to his left cheek. "did the other one tell you just how good i was in bed? make you want a taste of your own." yago smirked a bit as he saw him start to tease his member. "y'know, if you don't get to actually sucking it i'm going to have to get forceful with you..."
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ofemeraldosborns · 1 year
@webbfluid​​ liked for a starter. 
Harry kicked the door to Peter’s apartment with the heel of her boot, too busy juggling all the chinese food she’d ordered to be able to use her hands. She had spoken to Peter on the phone that day whilst she was in the lab and he had sound...odd. She couldn’t quite lay her finger on it so she’d employed the time honoured New Yorker method of showing up with takeout so at the very least, he wouldn’t be alone. 
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When he didn’t answer, she kicked again. “Pete, I can see your shadow moving around in there, open up before I start gossiping about your business loud enough for the neighbours to hear!” She declared in a sing-song voice. 
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glcriouspvrpose · 11 months
It was well into the night when Loki found him on the rooftop. When they got back to the tower, things happened so quickly that it took them a moment to realize Parker wasn't around. "This is all a little predictable, don't you think? Moping on the rooftop in the middle of the night." But there was no heat behind his words, nor was there a hint of his usual teasing. Loki wordlessly sat down beside him on the edge, letting his gaze linger on the skyline for a few silent moments. "He's okay," he eventually said in a softer voice, breaking that quiet. "The reactor had a malfunction. He's awake and down in the medbay getting bitched at by Banner. Who has managed to be more terrifying in human form. Somehow." Loki tore his eyes away from the city below them and looked at Peter. He gently nudged his shoulder. "Are you okay?" ; @spideyboyspideyboy
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vicedcanons · 5 months
@courtesons asked: M/M 3 [Your Cap/Your Choice]
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somehow, not having any missions to go on or danger in the city was making the two of them restless. captain america could only pitch so many training sessions before he didn't know what to do with spider-man anymore. it was nearing to be the middle of the night and they were the only two in the tower. after going on and on with his stories of when he first became captain america, he realized that the sleepover was taking a turn for the naughtier. steve wasn't going to fight it though. instead, he stripped down to his underwear and let the younger man explore his body with his mouth. when he got to his chest, cap grabbed the back of peter's neck and smirked down at him. "damn, how long have you been waiting for this?"
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torxnn · 6 months
@goddamnmuses liked for a starter
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"So..." Torunn began as she turned to look at Peter, who was apparently hanging out of the avengers facility for the day. "I know you rely on your strength and sense. But have you ever actually done training sessions in self defense?"
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silvcrignis · 2 years
Sorry but I’m curious 😂 Why does Pan call Claude a ‘Puppy’
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((Okay BEFORE I hand this over to the ginger menace himself. Never. E v e r apologise for asking for more info or just stupid stories about these dumpster children. Those are my favourite things to answer. Anyway. Go on, Penis.))
"Oooooh, I'm SO excited to explain this m'gonna IGNORE that! Well. It's actually kinda a FUNNY story."
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"It actually all started with this anime I took to watching on the Isle... Dun really REMEMBER the name of it BUT what I do know is that the main character reminded me ALOT of someone I knew.... Y'see NOT many people REALISE that Puppy has the best nose out of ALL of us! Like even people who walk quietly or fly can't sneak up on him because he can SMELL who's walking up behind him. Also really helpful for TRACKING, which he does do sometimes & YES he does the sniffing thing. He also GROWLS & snarls a LOT, specially when he's frustrated. He has the same like claw fingernails as that character & Puppy whacks Victor the same way the guy from the anime whacks the lil fox guy! & the guy from the anime is like... Part DOG, he's got lil doggy ears on his head. But if you have ever seen Claude Frollo tilt his head & widen his eyes, you understand EXACTLY why I call him “Puppy”. Also he really, REALLY hates it when I call him Frollito so PUPPY is the SAFER option."
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beryl-roll · 1 year
where; the cottage whomst; peter @xkilljxy​
“So, I’m thinking of selling my place in London. Someone’s got to watch the sheep while you’re away, after all.”
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void-botanist · 1 year
'How well would your OCs do against a cockroach' Tag
Taking @touloserlautrec's open tag! I'll leave this an open tag too.
Winchester crew (TFA)
Dez: just watching it. Probably trying to identify it on the network. 0% concerned.
Syndy: ugh you have to smash these, they're bad news. [misses like five times and then manages to smash it into the engravings on her feet] Peeeteeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Peter: it's okay I'll have these cleaned up in a sec. Oh look, there's another one. Let me-- oh, never mind, Tulip [his dog] just ate it.
Zel: believes the cockroach is too fast to squish, therefore it is, no matter how carefully she approaches it with a shoe (it would be Zalen's shoe if he ever wore anything that wasn't heels. This delicate procedure requires surface area).
Anni: chasing it around furniture trying to capture it in a glass while running through all the possible reasons there could be a cockroach??? in her house???
Julian: sighs and manages to stomp it on the first try.
Hoven: stares at it and wills it not to come any closer before he can make Julian deal with it.
Urma: climbs on the table and calls Anni.
Nicea crew
Declan: immediately decides this is above his pay grade and goes to find someone else to deal with it.
Cady: cockroach trapper extraordinaire. The cockroach is now living its best life over in the woods and it better stay there.
Rodney: he should do something about this. And he will. Probably. When he's done watching it in horror and not moving an inch.
Isabel: tries to smash it, misses, enters rage mode. It will not escape her. She will be waiting (and reasoning out whether she has brought the cockroach with her snack habits or it's unrelated).
Spinder: concocting a plan to hit it on the first try with whatever is closest to him, but it vanishes while he's thinking about it.
Tristan: not at all worried about getting up close and personal with the cockroach but still having a bad time trying to catch it or even squish it.
Tatya: in true cowgirl fashion, herds it out the door.
Bo: is anyone looking? No? They grab it off the wall and stuff it into their mouth.
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kingkendrick7 @outpost51
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devirtute · 8 months
@filterbroken asked: 21 MM from peter for matt!
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the two of them had been busy on patrol for what felt like the entire night. matt didn't know if they were even going to get a moment to relax. apparently, peter had ideas on how to do just that. "i didn't know you were going to be so good with that mouth of yours." his hips rolled as his shirt was popped open. he let the young hero worship his body all that he wanted. "i would've ended patrol early if i thought it was going to lead to this."
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mrstvrks · 11 months
🚗 for our muses to travel or go on a road trip together ; @spideyboyspideyboy
Tony took a trip out to one of his dad's properties that he still had. He was looking for something specific for one of his suit upgrades and wanted to look through Howard's labs to see if he could find something similar to what he needed. Knowing Peter had been more than a little stuck in his head the past few weeks, Tony took him along. After everything, he wanted to spend some one-on-one time with him anyway. "Find anything interesting down here?" Tony questioned, finding him in one of the labs. Tony turned on the lights, looking over at the place that still looked somehow untouched from the last time he'd seen Howard here. "I think he was even more disorganized than me."
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mimickingmoth · 2 years
The hallways were crammed and uncomfortable. Squeezing through the onslaught of bodies, Moth just barely managed to push her way through until she found a doorway nook to hide in. Just until the crowds died down a little. What she didn’t seem to realize was that someone was already also hiding there. Slowly, Moth’s dark eyes moved from his chest up to his perfectly sculpted face and she cocked her head at him. “Oh.” She found herself saying. Peter. 
It had been a while since she’d seen him and there he was. Standing in front of her like they’d never spent any time apart. Her light in the dark. Part of Moth wanted to catch him like a firefly and keep him trapped in a little jar. For her and only her to enjoy his light. Unfortunately, she’d never known how to express herself. Her eyes darted to the crowd of people all walking in the hall before she looked back to Peter. Carefully, Moth spoke again. Trying to make conversation this time. “Too many people.” She noted to him. 
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smoslilguys · 1 year
“Oh- don’t mind me. Just finishing up here.” Cardinal smirked, tossing his can of red spray paint to the side and looking over his handy-work. The bat-symbol, now covered in red paint. “What do you think?” He asked, cocking his head and holding out his fingers to frame it like an artist checking out his handy-work. “The red represents all the Robins he gets killed- or nearly killed, in my case. I only died for two minutes.” 
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downthecove · 1 year
@filterbroken asked: 13 m/m from peter for matt!!! <;3
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hiding away while the world continued to go into a frenzy because of spider-man's identity was interesting. matt told may that he would take peter to a motel off the road, one where people rarely frequented and news hardly ever made it out there. after about a week, the two of them seemed to be getting restless. it didn't take long for the lawyer to feel the younger man working up his body as he laid down on the bed. "so i shouldn't have complained we only got one bed?" matt teased while he pushed himself up by his elbows. he rested against the headboard and let peter do whatever he wanted. "this is a strange way of paying your legal fees."
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