#( c: mcnt )
kyjennr · 4 months
listen you deserved so much more love on stranger things. i know it was their goal to kill off billy but it was done so unfairly... they could have at least kept you for part of the next season! @mcnt
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cfhllnd · 5 months
so what's been going on with you lately? any new projects we need to be aware of? tell us all the things man, what's keeping you busy and away from all the social settings? @mcnt
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grntgstin · 5 months
okay going to be honest with real talk here buddy, i will forever be angered with the fact that they killed you off of stranger things. billy was an epic character and there was so much potential for him. i was one of the few rooting for him to survive. @mcnt
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cammends · 4 months
have you ever come here before? whether it's for work or just pure self enjoyment? is there something that you're hoping to see while we're here? @mcnt
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