#( can you tell i despise Bayo3? )
wiitchtime · 2 years
another bayo3 rant
while I don't mind viola as a character I do hate how on the nose they kept pushing who her parents is, the game treated that as her only character trait and forcing it down our throat cause we HAVE to care because she's going to be the next mainlead for the next game cause shes BAYOS DAUGHTER and people saying she looks familiar when she doesn't? how the fuck would she look familiar -- you could be a carbon copy of your parent but you'd be shocked how incredibly different you can look after modifications like her hair, clothes, piercings and other. she doesn't look like them, plus they had no reason to trust her in the beginning and bayonetta and jeanne trust her way too quickly, but the one thing that is done right is how cold and rather distant she is with viola early interactions lile her sighing and rolling her eyes at her which is an interesting echo to her past with Bayonetta1.
why feel the need for a new protag anyway when kamiya said he could make like 9 games only to kill her fucking off to shove a new character who we have no connection or built up to, cause Viola didn't even earn her title at all and they are literally riding her heritage for justification. They literally rub that in our faces by making her wear Bayos glasses and Lukas scarf which doesn't let her be her own character and making that her stable. Their daughter. It's bad. It's really fucking bad.
So much for making her own identity which Viola kept fucking pressing through the whole game.
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