#( character analysis: harrison morgan. )
awalkoflife-arc · 2 years
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harrison morgan + an exploration into what it means to show up for the girl you love. ( senior prom edition featuring @seesgood​ )
              most memorable quote:  ‘ you’re always my first choice.’ 
  he’s looking at her like she’s the only one he sees — because she is. she always has been.
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ao3feed-romione · 2 years
Lord Harrison -Too-many-names- Potter: Behavioral Analysis Unit Recruit
Lord Harrison -too-many-names- Potter: Behavioral Analysis Unit Recruit by Kyria Thanatos
After graduating from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harrison 'Harry' Potter's celebrity status continued to grow, his notoriety even reaching offshore lands. Of course becoming one of the Auror Departments best recruit didn't help all that much. Unfortunately, trouble seems to find him as usual, with the rise in Death Eater-like activity both in Britain and across the world - Harrison finds himself in the US working with one of the most well known F.B.I departments in the world.
Words: 831, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Criminal Minds (US TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Severus Snape, Andromeda Black Tonks, Gawain Robards, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds), Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, David Rossi, Penelope Garcia, Jack Hotchner
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Blaise Zabini, Aaron Hotchner/Harry Potter, David Rossi/Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Crime Fighting, Alternate Universe, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Crossover Pairings, Rich Harry Potter, Practically Lord of Everything, Mary Sue, Smart Harry Potter, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Draco Malfoy, Auror Ron Weasley, BAMF Hermione Granger, BAMF Harry Potter, BAMF Draco Malfoy, BAMF Ron Weasley
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40976526
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agentsterling · 4 years
If you are a SHIELD agent, reblog and add your name and level to your department.
[If your department isn’t listed here, please add it. Try to keep it in alphabetical order. If you character is a head of department, please list it. Multiple heads of department is fine, we all have our own groups. This is just a fun way to track who is where so if, for example, you ever need a medic for a scene you can just look and see who you can contact. all added will be placed on a masterlist. The departments listed here were departments previously added about 5 years ago. Inactive blogs have been removed from the list to start over.]
Felicia Hardy | Level 4
Air Division:
Artificial Intelligence:
Counter Terrorism:
Field/Black Ops:
Akela Amador | Level 6
Food Services:
Hazel Brompton | Level 6
Foreign Affairs:
Human Resource:
Intelligence Analysis:
Erikson Sterling | Level 5 [Temporary Head of Department]
Germaine Shepherd | Level 3 
Internal Affairs:
Ainsley Harlow | Level 8
Emma Morris | Level 3
Elizabeth Riley | Level 7 / Orange
Grace Howard | Level 4
Public Relations:
Research and Development:
Jemma Simmons | Level 5 / Orange [Head of Department]
STRIKE/Mobile Field:
Vivian Harrison | Level 5
Superhuman Cleanup Department of Sanitation (SCUDS):
Ted Jones | Level 4
Undercover/Special Ops:
Amity Eavenson | Level 5 [Marksmanship Trainer]
Penelope Morgan | Level 7 [Head of Department]
Dean Winchester | Level 6
Wilhelmina Hammond | Level 4
A.C.E. - Tactical Field Equipment
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
FTWD 5x14: Analysis
Morning everyone! What did everyone think of last night’s episode? I liked it. It ended on a sad mote, though. 
***As always, spoilers abound for this episode below. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
There were two basic story lines. First, Morgan and Al, who found a place where Ginny and her group was holed up.
Secondly, there was Grace and Daniel who are on a supply run, but starting to head back toward the convoy.
Daniel and Grace:
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At the beginning, Grace tries to get a hold of some solar panels to take back to the convoy for the future. Solar panels = sun and sun/ABIBEL = Beth reference.
Also, Grace is listening to the audio version of Don Quixote. So I’m not going to do a major explanation of how this could be yet another Beth template. Maybe I will at some point, especially if they feature it more than once, but probably not this week. If you want to know, just check out Wikipedia and read the plot summary for Don Quixote. For now, I’ll just say that it’s kind of on par with The Wizard of Oz, because Dorothy is in a dream work of not-quite-true things, and there are things both in plot and in theme that can tie in well with TWD. The actual part Grace listens to talks about making war on those who are less chivalrous. So once again, I think they’re foreshadowing a major war here. Most likely with the helicopter people.
Then, Grace gets word from the convoy that the oil fields have been lost. She and Daniel decide to head back to the convoy. Before they leave, Daniel goes into a music shop and grabs a bunch of vinyl records. (“I can’t remember the last time I heard a record.” Edwards had vinyls at Grady.)
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On their way to the convoy, their truck breaks down. Daniel has an interesting line. He says he has a cat “with serious behavioral issues." It was a joke, but it was the “serious” that caught my attention. Obligatory serious/Sirius reference for this episode. Then Grace says there’s a bar nearby (alcohol reference) and they start walking toward it.
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Grace also says the moon is bright enough for them to go on foot. Just reminded me of both the moon we saw in Still, as well as this picture from 4b:
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As they walk, Daniel talks about Skidmark (his cat). He says Skidmark was all he had for a while. They would eat together, listen to music together, and for a while, it seemed like that's the way it would stay. Then Grace asks, "what changed?"
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Daniel doesn't get a chance to answer because a bunch of walkers show up. Trying to fight them, he accidentally drops the records all over the ground. The walkers stomp on them, breaking a bunch of them.
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What he said about him and the cat could easily have applied to Beth and Daryl at the funeral home. They were all one another had. They ate together, 
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listened to music together, 
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and for a while, it seemed like that's the way it would stay. 
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Daniel didn't say what changed, it was walkers that cut him off. With Beth and Daryl, what changed was that walkers got in, forcing them out of the house.
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And all this is being said while Daniel and Grace walk down a dark, forest road. Not unlike the one Daryl chased Beth and the Grady car down.
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I think the records being broken represent Beth being shot. Because Beth = music. The records are broken and left behind in the road. (In fact, even them leaving the truck behind might have been indicative of this. The transmission broke and they left it behind, planning to come back for it later.)
Then they go to the bar. It actually looks a lot like the bar from the country club. Take a look:
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And it gets better. Grace actually picks up a guitar and she Daniel sing together.
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This is interesting for a lot of reasons. 
1) Beth played a guitar in 5x09, right after Coda. And they did this right after the records were broken. 
2) The fact that they sing together. I thought it was kind of funny that Daniel said, "what makes you think I can sing?" And then he and grace harmonize together beautifully. Yeah, Daniel can totally sing. Ruben Blades is actually a grammy award-winning musician, lol.
3) It’s in a BAR.
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Then, suddenly, at the end, Grace got sick. She's been worried about getting sick from radiation poisoning and now it seems like it's happening.
Here's the thing, guys, I'm not sure I believe what they’re actually preparing us for here. My first thought when I saw she was sick was, "oh no! She's going to die. Poor Morgan." But I was surprised because I thought, after so long, that’s not where they would go with it. Grace feared she would die, but she has hope and I didn’t think she actually would. But, of course, now she's sick. So maybe they'll kill her off and that will suck for Morgan.
What if they aren’t going this way at all? When Daniel talked to Grace in the bar, he said, "there's no way any of the records would have survived, right?"
I hoped that at the end of the episode, they would go back to look for the records and we would find that one of two of them survived. Because if they represent Beth being shot, and Daniel specifically says that there's no way she could've survived, then it follows that some of those records should have survived because Beth survived.
So I'm thinking at some point Daniel will probably return and find some of the records were broken, but others of them aren't. Probably the one he specifically wanted to get for Charlie survived and he'll go back and get it for her. But we didn’t see that in this episode.
This whole thing about Grace being sick has a lot of callbacks to things we’ve theorized in earlier seasons of TWD. There was the virus arc in 4a. While people died at the prison, none of the main characters did. Sasha and Glenn were both very sick, but neither of them actually died from the virus. Something similar could be the case with Grace here.
And then there's the fact that they paralleled her and Morgan very heavily with Beth and Daryl at the mall. If this is going to follow Beth and Daryl’s template, but on a smaller scale, then since he left to be with Al, and she's been traveling with Daniel, this represents their trial separation. Now she's very sick and she may come very close to dying, but I’m willing to bet she won't. I could be wrong about that. Maybe that's not where they're going with it, but I'm just a little bit suspicious about what they're showing is here, given previous symbolism and parallels.
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More evidence this is a Beth analogy? I looked up the song Daniel and Grace sing together. It’s called End of the Line. It’s sung by the Traveling Wilburys, which was the group Daniel specifically wanted Charlie to hear. The singers include Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Tom Petty and (wait for it..) Roy Orbison.
He’s the same guy that sang the song Cry in The Cell, which was obviously about Beth and made Daryl, um, cry. They also featured one of his songs in S4 of TWD around Luciana. The fact that they’re using his music here again, and in a situation that’s so obviously a Beth analogy, is no coincidence.
Grace tells Morgan they were out of bar just past the 290 Junction. I won’t go into the details of why, but both 2x09, Triggerfinger, and episode 29, Home, have a lot of TD symbolism in them.
That's pretty much where we ended with Grace and Daniel.
Al and Morgan:
At the beginning, Morgan talked about his wife and Duane. He said some really interesting things. He said his wife hated the water. (Beth = water). While he talked about the wedding, he was changing a tire. I don't know if you guys remember this, but we've seen some major tire-coming-off-a-car symbolism tied up with Beth symbolism before.
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Then he started talking about Duane, saying that he wanted a dog (serious/Dog Star symbolism) and played baseball. That jumped out at me because remember the baseball bats we saw around Beth? I think that's significant.
They meet a guy named Tom who was part of the place that Ginny's group is occupying. He’ hiding from them.
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Tom has cuts on his forehead that look like Beth’s scars. This isn’t super compelling because they're smaller and are not scars, and on the opposite side, but they do look similar.
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The caps for the gas cans are green and yellow (with red gas cans). And when one of them gets left out and Al has to retrieve it, trying not to be seen by the horsemen, the one that’s dropped is yellow. Having it dropped outside a car and her reaching for it feels like a Beth parallel to me.
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It was very interesting to hear some of the things Tom had to say. He claimed Ginny’s group tried to kill him, saying it was his fault that things got so bad in the condo complex. He didn't know exactly what they wanted with his condo complex, but whatever it was, they didn't want him to know.
So obviously Ginny and her people are keeping secrets. You have to wonder why they kicked them out. What don’t they want him to see? Keep this in mind as we move forward, because I don't think we can trust anything that Ginny says to Morgan and Al the end of the episode.
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When they film Tom, he's drinking water bottle, which are major Beth symbols. He said, "I got lucky.” He said that about three times. He also said that when things first went bad, they used the pool in the condo complex to filter water (water reference; plus, Isabel said filtering water was exactly what helicopter group is doing), and they used a rooftop garden to grow vegetables (sounds a lot like Grady to me). But then he said eventually things went bad.
This part was especially interesting to me. He said the water went bad, they couldn't grow food, the fences failed, and the roof started leaking. It was then that Ginny's group showed up to “help” and take charge of things.
The first thing I thought of when he said the water went bad was last season when Negan escaped and drank bad water and started throwing it up. This seems to be a major symbol, and given that the helicopter group is filtering water, I feel like they’re foreshadowing that at some point, there isn't going to be any water. Either it will go bad, or there will just be a drought. Also, remember I said this morning I THIS ASK that TF running out of water in Them might have been a foreshadow. I think that's very true and I need to go back and explore that more, but the point is, this is the dominant theme.
The fence failing is reminiscent of times that’s happened at the prison and also in Alexandria. The roof leaking could point to the Hole in the Roof symbolism.
He said Ginny’s people told him, it wasn't about today. It's about tomorrow. We actually haven't seen today/tomorrow symbolism in a while. It was very prevalent during AOW in S8. We kept noticing people in S8 about “tomorrow” during that. I think that could tie into this, especially as both Morgan and Dwight, who were involved in AOW, are now in Fear.
Tom tells them that he got away and the people are looking for him, but he was forced to leave his sister, Janis behind. He wants to go back and get her because he's afraid Ginny's group will kill her. Morgan and Al decide to help him.
It's obvious Al wants to go into the complex to see if Isabel is there. Eventually Morgan gets her to admit this, and they sneak in to search for Isabel and Tom’s sister, Janis.
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I noticed an infinity sign above the Paradise Ridge sign.
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When Al and Morgan sneaked into the condo complex, Morgan stood next to a horse. It looked to be a brown horse, rather than black or white, but even so, if the horse represents him finding Beth alive, I think this is a significant symbol.
You could also look at it as a confirmation by itself. Maybe they focused on this here because it was trying to tell us that this group is what the horse he found in 6x16 symbolized. And the interesting thing about that is that he also found the sign that said, “you are still alive.” We’ve always thought that foreshadowed him finding Beth. So, maybe a hint that this group will lead to her.
There was also a blue cord that ran into the pool. I'm sure that probably has to do with the water purification. Being blue, it fits in well with @frangipanilove’s blue cooler theories.
Al films a board that has a list of their supplies on it. I'll just leave these pictures here and let you look at it. There's lots of things we seen before like tomatoes, baby food, peanut butter, etc. 
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She also saw a map with keys that showed were some of the settlements were. 
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Morgan goes into Janis's apartment (I'm assuming Tom told him where to go). All he finds is a dead guy in the close who’s turned into a walker. I didn’t know what to make of that until Morgan said Janis had taken care of the man who came after her.
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They’re saying that after Tom left his sister behind in the condominium complex, Ginny’s people did try to kill her. She's obviously enough of a badass to have taken care of herself. She killed the guy who came after her and put them in the closet. Subsequently, he turned into a walker. She was nowhere to be found. Ginny later said that Janis must've run off after Tom did.
So, we now have another missing character: Janis. We’re missing Sherry, Beth, Isabel, Heath, Rick, and now Janis.
@wdway​ pointed out something super obvious that I totally didn’t connect. Remember last week, they saved the girl at the gas station? She almost died but Wes saved the day at the last minute? Well, we never got her name, but I think there’s a good chance that is Janis. Just too much of a coincidence not to tie into this story line.
One other thing I wanted to point out about this situation. There was some weird camera angles, as though someone was watching Morgan in the room. I don’t think they were, but the way the camera almost seemed to be looking through the curtains at him reminded me of certain similar angles in The Red Machete.
Then there was the walker that came out of the closet when he opened the door. It reminded me, visually, of the walker that came through the door of the pet shop in 6x03 when Michonne opened it. It was kind of an identical situation. In both cases, they heard the walker banging on the side of the door, opened it, the walker came through, and they fought/killed them. In 6x03, Michonne ripped down a dog poster to let the walker out, so I’ve always seen that as a Beth/Sirius reference. The dog thing wasn’t present here with Morgan, but given all the other parallels in this episode, I feel like we should be associating the two. Not entirely sure what it means, but just wanted to point out the parallels.
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Al fell into the pool when the walker attacked her. Morgan jumped in to help. I'm not really sure what to make of this part. The fact that there was water involved in a massive way jumps out at me as important, but I'm just not sure how to interpret yet.
They killed the walker and came to the surface to find Ginny and her people surrounding them.
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They were taken indoors, and Ginny tries to convince them she’s super kind and forward thinking and “an open book.”
When and Morgan are sitting on the couch, was a pink blanket behind them. Pink theory.
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Also, Ginny offers them strawberry and apricot jam. Obviously, strawberries are Beth symbol. Apricot exactly the same as peaches but they're very similar. Also notice that Ginny eats it exactly like Daryl did in Alone, with her fingers.
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Another food analogy Ginny has is when she says, "spaghetti ain’t simple. It's usually messy." I’ve probably said this before, but I think spaghetti represents civilization. People living in a positive and civilized manner. That's why Herschel mentioned it during virus. It was his way of having hope for them making it through virus and going back to some semblance of normalcy.
Daryl ate it with Aaron and Eric because he was “trying” to be civil. Ginny's point here is that re-creating society is not going to be easy and it's probably going to be messy. Which is probably code for, she's killing people and doing all sorts of immoral things.
When Al asks about helicopters, Ginny laughs at her. She says that before taking the oil fields, they didn't have any gas. (I notice she doesn’t actually say “no,” however. Just implies it.)
To Al and Morgan’s surprise, she says she will let them go. She returns their stuff and walks them to the entrance and even lets Al keep her film.
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They also fix Morgan’s stick for him, which I thought was pretty cool. In a way, that might've been an analogy for Morgan finally being able to move on with Grace. He broke his stick and up till now he's been running from his feelings for her and holding onto the past. His stick is whole again, and he finally decides he doesn't need to do that anymore and contacts Grace.
So Ginny reacts in a way that’s the opposite of what they expected, and it seems to be that she's not part of the helicopter group.
Let's go back to what I said at beginning. Tom said they tried to kill him and that whatever they wanted with his condo complex, they wouldn't tell him what it was. They didn't want him to see it. Notice the Ginny didn't say anything about this or why they were looking for Tom after he ran off. If she's totally cool with people coming and going and her doors are open to Morgan's group all the time, as she claims, then why would her guys have been chasing Tom when he ran off? Why would there be a dead walker in the closet at Janis's place?
Also recall that Tom said when Ginny’s group showed up, they offered to purify the condo’s water for them. That’s EXACTLY what Isabel said her helicopter group was doing. No way that’s a coincidence.
So I don’t think we can trust anything Ginny says here. I think she's lying through her teeth, which means they may have helicopters. There must be some reason she's letting Al and Morgan go. Maybe she's hoping they’ll lead her back to their convoy so that she can attack them or something. I don't know. I also think it’s possible that at the beginning, the guys on horseback DID see Al and Morgan in the van (even though it seemed like they didn’t) and reported back to Ginny. It just felt an awful lot like she was waiting for them to me.
We'll just have to wait and see what comes of this, but I definitely don't trust what Ginny is saying and doing. It's all too easy and she has a sinister air about her.
Near the end, Al and Morgan take Tom with them and head back toward the convoy. Morgan comes to realize that, where he accused Ginny of living in the past and holding onto the past, he was doing the same thing by avoiding Grace. He decides he doesn't need to run away from her anymore and radios her. That's when he finds out she’s sick from Daniel.
I really hope Grace survives for Morgan sake. It would be nice for him to have a love interest.
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At this part, Al wears a red, blue, and green shirt. I just thought the colors were interesting.
Opening Credits Details:
The opening credits sequence was kind of interesting. First of all, it was at night and you could see the stars in the sky. (Sirius/North Star). The words saying “Fear the Walking Dead” were black instead of white. I think that could point to a couple of things. It could be black to show that Grace's radiation sickness is taking hold. I know sometimes when they test for radiation, they have little strips the turn black if radiation is present. I also wonder if the metaphor extends to the fact that they’ve come into contact with Ginny, and some things being set into motion here are going to end very badly.
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Finally, I couldn’t tell what was on the ground in the opening credits shot. It looked like little papers torn up on the ground. Actually, it’s the broken records. So obviously that was an important symbol for this episode. And, what do they represent? Beth.
That's about all I have for today. Definitely an interesting episode. I'm excited to see where it goes from here. What did everyone else think?
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sportsleague365 · 4 years
The historic 2020 NFL Draft has wound up and even in virtual form it was deemed hugely successful with record-setting viewing numbers. All the rounds went off without a hitch. Below is NFL.com’s Bucky Brooks’ analysis for every pick from the 4th to the 7th round by every NFL team. FOURTH ROUND 107)AKEEM DAVIS-GAITHER, LB, CINCINNATI BENGALS TheBengalsadd more speed and range to their linebacker group. Davis-Gaither led all Sun Belt linebackers with 23 QB pressures last season, so look for him to be deployed from an assortment of rush attacks from the second level. 108)SAAHDIQ CHARLES, OT, WASHINGTON REDSKINS Charles fell a bit due to some character concerns, but he has Day 2 talent. With the departure ofTrent Williams, look for the athletic Charles to compete for that starting left tackle spot. 109)JOHN SIMPSON, OG, LAS VEGAS RAIDERS (VIALIONS) Death, taxes, and the newRaidersregime drafting out of Clemson. Simpson will be a welcome addition forJosh Jacobsas he is one of the better run-blockers in this class. They are building a group of maulers up front. 110)DARNAY HOLMES, DB, NEW YORK GIANTS TheGiants‘ defense ranked in the bottom five in pass yards, completion percentage, passer rating and interceptions last season. Holmes brings some play-making ability (eight INTs in three seasons at UCLA) to a defensive backfield in dire need of it. The door is wide open for him to lock down a starting role early. 111)SOLOMON KINDLEY, OG, MIAMI DOLPHINS (VIATEXANS) TheDolphinstrotted out an offensive line that allowed NFL worsts in both run stuff rate and pressure rate last year. They continue to build up a wall for their offense with the massive Kindley. He may be a year away, but he adds some “dog” to that line. 112)JOSHUA KELLEY, RB, LOS ANGELES CHARGERS TheChargershave done a remarkable job developing running backs over the last couple of years.Austin Ekeleris a versatile playmaker, but he’s not a feature back. The local Kelley isn’t flashy, but he should emerge as a solid contributor for the Bolts. 113)TROY PRIDE, CB, CAROLINA PANTHERS One of thePanthers‘ top needs heading into the offseason was at cornerback. In a division loaded with big-time receiver talent, they were due for an addition to that group. Pride has some sticky man-to-man skills and he’s in a situation where he could have an early impact. 114)LEKI FOTU, NT, ARIZONA CARDINALS Fotu is a massive run stuffer who should be in an interesting competition withJordan Phillipsfor the starting nose tackle job. TheCardinalsneed to make sure they’re stout in the middle against the run-centric NFC West. 115)HARRISON BRYANT, TE, CLEVELAND BROWNS Baker Mayfieldwill have no shortage of pass-catching playmakers at the helm next year. Bryant is a talented flex tight end, but he likely won’t see many targets as a rookie. Does he take on a larger role if they decide not to re-signDavid Njokuafter the season? 116)BEN BARTCH, OT, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS TheJaguarshave a need for offensive line depth and Bartch is a high-end developmental tackle. The jump from Division III will be massive, but he has the movement skills to emerge as a starter in Year 2 or 3. 117)D.J. WONNUM, EDGE, MINNESOTA VIKINGS (VIA49ERS) TheVikingsare one of the top teams in terms of developing edge/pass rush talent. Wonnum doesn’t have an especially high ceiling, but he is a high-motor rusher who can be disruptive in a rotation. He should be a solid depth addition over the next few years. 118)ALBERT OKWUEGBUNAM, TE, DENVER BRONCOS The pre-draft rumors were that theBroncoswere going to place a premium on offensive speed and boy, were they spot on. After running a sub-4.5 at the NFLScouting Combine, “Big O” confirmed the athleticism he put on display in his film running away from SEC defenders. Like last year’s first-rounderNoah Fant, he is a speedy tight end with shaky hands, so it will be interesting to see how their similar skill sets play out in camp. 119)MYKAL WALKER, LB, ATLANTA FALCONS TheFalconsvalue speed and versatility at linebacker, and Walker fits that mold. His projection isn’t black and white so there is some extra uncertainty with his development, but coaches will find a way to get him on the field, whether it be on special teams or sub-package looks. 120)LA’MICAL PERINE, RB, NEW YORK JETS TheJetswere in need of depth at running back behind workhorseLe’Veon Bell. Perine isn’t a flashy runner, but he has a ton of the same traits that you see from consistent, productive NFL runners. Don’t be surprised if he’s one of the longer-lasting backs from this class when we look back years from now. 121)LOGAN STENBERG, OG, DETROIT LIONS (VIARAIDERS) Do you think theLionswant to shore up their run game? They needed an upgrade on the inside of their offensive line, and Stenberg is an effective run blocker who will have a chance to earn early reps. Don’t be shocked if Stenberg is the rookie favorite as he brings a tone-setting mean streak to the unit. 122)JACOB EASON, QB, INDIANAPOLIS COLTS The anti-Philip Rivers, Eason has the explosive arm to spray it to all levels of the field. Per PFF, he led the Pac-12 with 28 deep completions last year. His inconsistent decision-making and overall feel as a passer were major reasons for his draft position, but he has blue-chip physical tools. Until we hear reports of drastic development, there’s no guarantee they view him as Rivers’ heir. 123)REGGIE ROBINSON II, DB, DALLAS COWBOYS Between the departure ofByron Jonesand the fact that four of theCowboys‘ starting defensive backs become free agents after the season, they had to do a ton of homework on this year’s DB group. Robinson is another aggressive defensive back who adds versatility and slick ball skills. 124)ANTHONY MCFARLAND, RB, PITTSBURGH STEELERS This is a solid pick for theSteelers, who, whenJames Connerwent down with an injury, saw their run game struggle mightily. They are banking on McFarland’s best years coming ahead as he finished with under 250 career carries in college. However, the explosive flashes he showed when healthy should excite fans as he adds a dynamic complement to the other grinders on the team. 125)JAMES MORGAN, QB, NEW YORK JETS (VIAPATRIOTS) The backup QB situation in New York is suboptimal as none of the other passers possess the arm talent to reliably keep an offense on schedule ifSam Darnoldbecomes unavailable. EnterJames Morgan, who is one of the more promising developmental QBs in this class with his big arm and overall toughness. The Green Bay native is also accustomed to cold weather. 126)CHARLIE HECK, OT, HOUSTON TEXANS (VIARAMS) Heck offers theTexansswing tackle depth for a unit that needs competition. Houston must continue to build in front ofDeshaun Watsonto ensure his protection. TheTexanswill be looking to improve on the 49 sacks they gave up last year (eighth-most in NFL). 127)K’VON WALLACE, DB, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES Wallace is a solid cover safety who can also effect the game near the line of scrimmage. TheEagleshave looked to shore up their defensive backfield this offseason, and Wallace has a legitimate shot play a heavy rotational role or starting nickel job in 2020. 128)GABRIEL DAVIS, WR, BUFFALO BILLS What do you do when you build around your rocket-arm franchise quarterback? You surround him with field-stretchers. That’s whatGabriel Davisis as he consistently showed the vertical skills to run behind defenses and track the deep ball. He should add another big-play dynamic to theBills‘ receiving corps. 129)CAMERON CLARKE, OT, NEW YORK JETS (VIAPATRIOTS) Joe Douglas has invested a ton into theJets‘ offensive line this offseason. Clark is a small-schooler who likely doesn’t see live reps until Year 2 or 3, but there is starting upside down the line. 130)JAMES LYNCH, DT, MINNESOTA VIKINGS (VIASAINTS) Mike Zimmer loves to load up on depth on the defensive line. The ultra-productive Lynch could easily outplay his draft position as he had some of the most consistently disruptive film in this class. He will be a coach’s favorite early in his career. 131)RASHARD LAWRENCE, NT, ARIZONA CARDINALS TheCardinalshave looked to add young competition in the core of their defense. Lawrence moved around Dave Aranda’s odd front at LSU, so he brings decent value as a rotational end/tackle for theCardinals. 132)TROY DYE, LB, MINNESOTA VIKINGS Dye is an interesting player in that he is a bit of a linebacker/safety tweener with nice range and overall athleticism. He is an extremely tough team player who should be a regular on special teams as he develops into a subpackage box defender. 133)COLBY PARKINSON, TE, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS Parkinson enters a crowded room of talented tight ends in Seattle. The red zone specialist will need to show his speed, but his end zone rebounding skills are enough to keep him on the roster. He is a niche receiver who could benefit from learning the nuances behindGreg Olsen. 134)JAYLINN HAWKINS, DB, ATLANTA FALCONS Hawkins, who recorded nine interceptions over his final two college seasons, is a welcome addition to an Atlanta defense that recorded just 12 picks last year. This is likely more of a special teams addition next season, but there are promising ball skills to develop down the line. 135)KEVIN DOTSON, OG, PITTSBURGH STEELERS TheSteelers, who have a need at guard, get a nasty blocker who fits perfectly in their power-centric scheme. Dotson was dominant against Sun Belt competition and offers starting potential in Year 2. Great upside here. 136)BRYCEN HOPKINS, TE, LOS ANGELES RAMS (VIATEXANS) Sean McVay likes to field multiple tight ends in his sets. Hopkins is a good athlete with the potential to be a rock-solid No. 2 tight end for theRams, if they decide to part ways with either of their two main players at the position in the near future. 137)JOSIAH SCOTT, DB, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Jacksonville continues to rebuild its secondary with the addition of Scott. He flew under the radar this season, but he is a twitchy slot corner who shows enough toughness and physicality to survive against NFL size. He could be a surprise rookie starter. 138)L’JARIUS SNEED, DB, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS Kansas City lands one of the draft’s better sleepers with this pick. Sneed’s film at cornerback in 2018 showed a player who could start at the position in the NFL. He offers great versatility and depth to a secondary that needs it. 139)AMIK ROBERTSON, DB, LAS VEGAS RAIDERS (VIAPATRIOTS) Robertson could very well end up being the steal of Day 3. Sure, he’s small, but he’s a pit bull with big-time instincts, ball skills and athleticism. He’ll play inside in the NFL and don’t be shocked if he’s one of the standouts from theRaiders‘ 2020 rookie class. 140)SHAQUILLE QUARTERMAN, LB, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Quarterman isn’t going to impress many with his cover skills, but he’s a downhill thumper who can help the Jags’ run defense. Only thePanthersgave up more rush yards per carry last season. The leadership will also be welcomed in that locker room. 141)JOHN REID, DB, HOUSTON TEXANS (VIADOLPHINS) Houston waited a bit too long to address a need at corner, but Reid will have a shot to earn significant reps in 2020. He is small and will likely be limited to the inside, but he offers solid ball skills and athleticism to hang with slots in man coverage. Expect him to play a depth role during his tenure with theTexans. 142)ANTONIO GANDY-GOLDEN, WR, WASHINGTON REDSKINS Liberty finds its way to D.C. In all seriousness,Dwayne Haskinsis going to love Gandy-Golden’s hands, catch radius and run-after-catch skills. There will be a learning curve, but it won’t be surprising if he emerges as one of the team’s top targets by the end of the 2020 season. 143)BEN BREDESON, G, BALTIMORE RAVENS John Harbaugh’s squad dips into his brother’s talent pool at Michigan taking Bredeson, who fits theRavens‘ physical mentality on offense. He may not be a gifted enough athlete to emerge as a starter anytime soon, but he should be a high-end backup. 144)DEEJAY DALLAS, RB, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS Seattle values a backfield with specific specialties in each of its runners. Dallas hangs his hat on his versatility as a runner and blocker. He won’t eat up a ton of carries, but OC Brian Schottenheimer will find ways to deploy him in specialty packages. 145)JACK DRISCOLL, OG, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES TheEagleswill likely see some big changes to their offensive line group in the next year or two. Driscoll is a safe, depth guard or tackle for them. He’s battle-tested and technically sound enough to step up in a pinch. 146)TYLER DIADASZ, C, DALLAS COWBOYS (VIAEAGLES) Can a Wisconsin center replace another Wisconsin center? With the departure of Travis Frederick, Dallas has an obvious hole to fill in the middle. Biadasz is nowhere near the prospect Frederick was, but he’s good enough to carve out a starting job if he can stay off the trainer’s table. FIFTH ROUND 147)KHALID KAREEM, EDGE, CINCINNATI BENGALS Kareem is a physical edge-setter who fits the mold as an end in theBengals‘ four-man front. They lack great depth at the position, so this was a solid depth pick up in Round 5. 148)ALTON ROBINSON, EDGE, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS (VIAPANTHERS) TheSeahawks, who tied for the second-fewest sacks in 2019, have never been shy about loading up on pass rushers. Robinson should cement himself into their pass rush rotation sooner than later. His 17.0 tackles for loss and 10.0 sacks in 2018 put him on the map, and he’s looking to return to that same form with the ‘Hawks. 149)DANNY PINTER, OG, INDIANAPOLIS COLTS (VIALIONS) TheColtsare light on depth in their offensive interior. Pinter needs time to develop, so this is a good spot to take him. He has impressive range and coordination in space. 150)SHANE LEMIEUX, OG, NEW YORK GIANTS Dave Gettleman loves to build up front, and Lemieux will compete for a backup guard spot early in his career. He was consistent and reliable in college (started all 52 games) and has low-end starter upside. 151)JOE REED, WR, LOS ANGELES CHARGERS Reed is an intriguing slot receiver with a promising future, but his immediate value will be on special teams. TheChargersfinished 28th in kick return average last year. EnterJoe Reed, who amassed over 3,000 kick return yards and a 28.7 return average over his career. 152)KENNY ROBINSON, DB, CAROLINA PANTHERS XFL and West Virginia fans are familiar with Robinson’s playmaking skills from his safety position. After recording seven interceptions in two seasons at WVU, he showed the same ball-hawking skills when he leveled up into the XFL. He could turn his physicality up a notch, but his range and ball GPS should make him a favorite in the DB room. 153)COLTON MCKIVITZ, OT, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS (VIADOLPHINS) The49ersshuffled their offensive line around a bit last season, and they managed to survive. But competition breeds excellence and McKivitz’s mobility fits what they like to do. He is a solid depth addition who could even play guard if need be. 154)JASON STROWBRIDGE, DE, MIAMI DOLPHINS TheDolphins‘ defensive line was a mess last season, and their draft class reflects that. Strowbridge brings much-needed disruption and versatility up front. He is an ascending player who excited coaches with his flashes of dominance during theSenior Bowl. 155)TREVIS GIPSON, LB, CHICAGO BEARS (VIAVIKINGS) Chicago struggled to get to the quarterback last season (25th in sacks), and Gipson offers some developmental pass rush upside. He has intriguing size, length and speed off the edge to learn behindRobert Quinn,Khalil Mack, and company. 156)KEITH ISMAEL, C, WASHINGTON REDSKINS (VIA49ERS) TheRedskinshaven’t been comfortable with who they’ve fielded in the core of their offensive line recently. Ismael is well-coached and has experience at guard and center. He could push for starter reps by midseason in 2020. 157)DANIEL THOMAS, DB, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Jacksonville adds more depth to its rebuilt secondary. He offers some position versatility and should compete for a nickel role and work his way into special teams units. 158)BRYCE HALL, DB, NEW YORK JETS Hall is a zone-type corner with very good size and instincts. There is a chance DC Gregg Williams moves him to safety as he lacks ideal fluidity for a corner. Either way, Hall’s medicals played a large role in his draft slot, so he could wind up as one of this year’s surprises. 159)JUSTIN ROHRWASSER, K, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (VIARAIDERS) ThePatriotsgot a taste of what life is like without an automatic kicker whenStephen Gostkowskigot injured last year. Rohrwasser has big shoes to fill joining a team that’s arguably had the longest streak of reliable kicking in history. 160)NICK HARRIS, C, CLEVELAND BROWNS (VIACOLTS) Harris is another reflection in the change in tune for theBrowns‘ blocking scheme, as new coach Kevin Stefanski is bringing over more of a zone approach from Minnesota. Harris’ skill set fits in perfectly, and he should compete for a starting job in Year 2 or earlier. 161)TYLER JOHNSON, WR, TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS Much has been made of the “Big 3” weaponsTom Bradyhas at the helm in Tampa, but there isn’t much depth behind them. Johnson is a high-level No. 3-type who can contribute right away. 162)KHALEKE HUDSON, LB, WASHINGTON REDSKINS Washington’s linebackers have been underwhelming, and the unit has lacked depth for a while. Hudson is a rangy second-level defender who can play inside, outside or as a hang safety. Michigan’s 2019 Special Teams Player of the Year should be a staple on that unit as well for the ‘Skins. 163)KINDLE VILDOR, DB, CHICAGO BEARS TheBearsare desperate for playmakers in their secondary after recording just 10 interceptions in 2019 (T-26th in NFL). Vildor should bring much-needed ball skills (nine INTs since 2017) from the slot. 164)CURTIS WEAVER, DE, MIAMI DOLPHINS (VIAEAGLES) Miami finished dead last in sacks (23) last season, so shoring up the pass rush was a necessity this offseason. The Mountain West Conference’s all-time sack leader should be a welcomed addition to theDolphins‘ rotation. 165)COLLIN JOHNSON, WR, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Jacksonville adds a tall, basketball player-type to a receiving corps that already features plenty of speed and quickness. Look for the staff to deploy him as a red-zone weapon and chain mover. 166)QUINTEZ CEPHUS, WR, DETROIT LIONS All of Detroit’s top receivers are set to hit free agency in 2021, so this could be a long play for theLions. Cephus isn’t an explosive athlete, but he’s dependable and tough. He’s also great in the run game, which this regime will love. 167)JAKE FROMM, QB, BUFFALO BILLS Fromm is an interesting pick because he has very similar physical traits as current backupMatt Barkley. There’s a good chance the staff opts for the more affordable version moving forward. 168)JOHN HIGHTOWER, WR, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES TheEaglescontinue to inject speed into their receiving corps, landing one of the better field-stretchers available on Day 3. Hightower isn’t very well-rounded at this stage, but he is a solid developmental speed weapon who could see significant reps down the line. 169)HARRISON HAND, DB, MINNESOTA VIKINGS (VIASAINTS) Hand possesses the size, physicality and competitiveness Mike Zimmer likes to develop in his corners. TheVikingsneeded to shore up their secondary depth this offseason, and they have accomplished that. 170)BRODERICK WASHINGTON, DT, BALTIMORE RAVENS TheRavensbuild from the inside out, so there is no limit to the line depth they like to roster. Washington is a disruptive interior pass rusher who needs ample development in the nuances of the position to see significant game reps. 171)ISAIAH COULTER, WR, HOUSTON TEXANS Coulter is a developmental possession receiver with a wide catch radius and decent run-after-catch skills to separate himself from the pack. He won’t be ready until at least Year 2, but the size and natural receiving skills are promising for his chances. 172)JASON HUNTLEY, RB, DETROIT LIONS (VIARAIDERS) Huntley should be in competition for the team’s multi-purpose/returner job. He’ll need to shine on special teams in camp to make the roster. 173)DARNELL MOONEY, WR, CHICAGO BEARS (VIAEAGLES) Mooney is the type of receiver you like to take a shot on at this stage of the draft because he has the explosiveness to make enough noise to earn a roster spot. Unfortunately, he comes in with almost no return experience, and that may need to be where he shines to differentiate himself. 174)LARRELL MURCHISON, DT, TENNESSEE TITANS This is a solid landing spot for Murchison, who is an ascending player with explosive pass rush ability. TheTitanshave a need at defensive line depth, so expect coaches to take special interest in developing him. 175)KAMAL MARTIN, LB, GREEN BAY PACKERS Packersfans know all too well the struggles they’ve had at linebacker, but waiting this long to address the position doesn’t do much to improve on those deficiencies. Martin will get every chance to earn a significant role, but he’s likely just a special teams addition for Green Bay. 176)K.J. OSBORN, WR, MINNESOTA VIKINGS (VIA49ERS) The depth at wide receiver for theVikingsis average at best. Osborn isn’t adding much explosiveness, but he is a tough, reliable target. He hangs his hat on special teams, however, where he returned kicks and averaged 16 yards on punt returns last season. 177)MICHAEL DANNA, EDGE, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS Danna took a step back as a senior, but theChiefshope he can tap into the guy they saw in 2018 who recorded 9.5 sacks for the Wolverines. A team can never have too many edge rushers, and this is a good spot to gamble on his potential. 178)JUSTIN STRNAD, LB, DENVER BRONCOS Denver fans could be in for a surprise with this pick. Strnad is an excellent athlete whose draft stock plummeted when he missed the second half of last season with an injury. If he returns to form, he should compete for a starting role inside. 179)BRADLEE ANAE, DE, DALLAS COWBOYS Anae is one of the most polished pass rushers in this class from a technical standpoint. His athletic testing scores weren’t great, however, and it confirmed some concerns teams had about his explosiveness. Regardless, ask any Pac-12 offensive lineman how disruptive the 2019 All-American was last year and that will tell you what type of upside he has. Very strong value here. SIXTH ROUND 180)HAKEEM ADENIJI, OT, CINCINNATI BENGALS TheBengalsmay have waited a bit too long to address their offensive line depth, but this is a solid pickup. Adeniji isn’t ready yet, but he brings versatility as a depth guard or tackle. 181)NETANE MUTI, OG, DENVER BRONCOS Muti would have been long gone had it not been for his long injury history. He is a nasty punisher on the inside and should help the unit’s tone-setting ability if he emerges as a regular contributor. His film was one of the most fun to watch. 182)MICHAEL ONWENU, OG, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (VIACOLTS) Onwenu is a road-grader in the run game. ThePatriots‘ starting unit is rock-solid on the interior, but it needed some depth. He could learn from one of the game’s best run-blockers inShaq Mason. 183)CAM BROWN, LB, NEW YORK GIANTS Brown is a rangy linebacker with the type of pursuit speed you want in your special teams coverage units. That is where Brown will likely be prioritized for theGiants. 184)BRAVVION ROY, DT, CAROLINA PANTHERS Matt Rhule is familiar with Roy after coaching him for three seasons at Baylor. Roy is a surprisingly nifty one-gapper and, as a bonus, showed value blocking two field goals in college. He’ll get plenty of leeway to make the roster as a depth tackle. 185)BLAKE FERGUSON, LS, MIAMI DOLPHINS Ferguson was widely considered the best long snapper in this class. He’ll be the team’s third long snapper in three seasons. 186)ALOHI GILMAN, DB, LOS ANGELES CHARGERS Gilman should be a strong contender to win a job on special teams for the Bolts. There is some potential to develop into a subpackage nickel defender with his instincts. 187)DONOVAN PEOPLES-JONES, WR, CLEVELAND BROWNS This is solid value for a player with his combination of size, speed and ball skills. He should benefit from sharing the same practice field as two of the NFL’s best route runners inJarvis LandryandOdell BeckhamJr., as that is a major area for improvement for DPJ. 188)TYLER BASS, K, BUFFALO BILLS Stephen Hauschkamade a pedestrian 78.6 percent of his field goals in 2019. Bass looks to turn in better performances for an emerging scoring offense. 189)JAKE LUTON, QB, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS The Jags decided to play their hand in a sixth-round Pac-12 quarterback for the second-straight year, after the success they found inGardner Minshew. Like Minshew, Luton has decent upside and it’s not crazy to see a legitimate quarterback competition between these two at some point in 2020. 190)CHARLIE WOERNER, TE, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS Woerner won’t see a ton of balls thrown his way, but he is an outstanding blocker in space and could sneak his way into a heavy rotation in certain packages as an H-back. This could be a great value for a solid role player in a creative scheme. 191)BRADEN MANN, P, NEW YORK JETS Mann is the next in a very long line of Texas A&M punters. He has a booming leg and it wouldn’t be a surprise if he developed into a perennial Pro Bowler. 192)JON RUNYAN, OG, GREEN BAY PACKERS ThePackershave been known to take college tackles and develop them into pro guards. Runyan, a staple at tackle for the Wolverines, likely moves inside in Green Bay. 193)ROBERT WINDSOR, DT, INDIANAPOLIS COLTS Windsor is scheme versatile and shows enough power to create disruption in the run and pass games as a rotational tackle/end. He doesn’t have much of a ceiling, but this is a solid depth addition at this stage in the draft. 194)KHALIL DAVIS, DT, TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS Davis’ motor and explosiveness as a pass rusher will win coaches over, but consistency will be key. The Bucs don’t have much depth on their defensive line, so he is in a solid situation to make this roster. 195)JUSTIN HERRON, OT, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Herron is an easy mover possessing left tackle feet, where he played his entire college career. His draft card labeled him a tackle, but he could eventually move inside. 196)SHAUN BRADLEY, LB, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES (VIABEARS) Bradley has physical limitations, but his pursuit speed, coordination and intangibles give him more than a fighting chance to make theEagles‘ roster. He should shine on special teams in camp. 197)JOHN PENISINI, DT, DETROIT LIONS (VIACOLTS) Detroit had the fourth-lowest run stuff rate in the NFL last season, so it can use all the help it can get. Penisini is a gap-clogger who could find his way into the rotation early. 198)ANTOINE BROOKS, DB, PITTSBURGH STEELERS Brooks plays a physical brand of football and has great pursuit speed. He could be a difference-maker on special teams as he develops in coverage. 199)JORDAN FULLER, DB, LOS ANGELES RAMS Fuller has very good range from single-high alignment, but his vision and instincts are average, which limits his playmaking potential. His physical attributes are attractive, but he’s likely a depth/special-teamer at best for theRams. 200)QUEZ WATKINS, WR, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES (VIABEARS) FlyEaglesFly. That’s been the theme for theEagles‘ assortment of receivers in this draft. Watkins can do just that, as his 4.3 speed translates well on offense and as a returner. He is very raw as a route runner, so don’t expect much offensive production until later in his rookie contract. 201)JAMES PROCHE, WR, BALTIMORE RAVENS (VIAVIKINGS) Proche arguably has the best hands in this year’s draft class. He won’t make theRavens‘ track team, but he could emerge as solid possession depth receiver. If they need someone to convert a key third-down catch, he may be their best option. 202)EVAN WEAVER, LB, ARIZONA CARDINALS It was easy to find Weaver when watching Cal on defense — he’s in the frame on every single play. He’s a classic instincts-over-speed inside linebacker who does nothing but make tackles. His athletic limitations will make it tough for him to beat out many guys on the roster, but he should stick around for a long time as a back-up MIKE and special-teamer. 203)BLAKE BRANDEL, OT, MINNESOTA VIKINGS (VIASAINTS) Brandel is a college left tackle who could ultimately line up on the inside. Regardless, he provides some positional versatility for theVikings. 204)CASSH MALUIA, LB, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Maluia isn’t likely to see many defensive snaps as he lacks benchmark physical traits and diagnostic skills. However, he has good play speed and should emerge as a core special teams contributor. 205)JOSH METELLUS, DB, MINNESOTA VIKINGS Metellus has flashes of playmaking ability on film, which likely intrigued theVikingsenough to take a shot on his development. He isn’t a special athlete, but the energy and ball skills he offers are worth a flier. 206)TYLER DAVIS, TE, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS A high school quarterback, Davis saw just average college production at tight end. TheJaguarscould see some shuffling around in their tight end room in the next year or so, so Davis has a decent chance of emerging as a roster-able player off the practice squad. 207)ISAIAH HODGINS, WR, BUFFALO BILLS Hodgins will wow coaches with his ball skills and nifty feet for a bigger receiver. If he’s as consistent as he was in college last season, he has a real shot at making theBills‘ roster. 208)JAKE HANSON, C, GREEN BAY PACKERS Hanson was ultra-reliable in college starting four years at center and earning honorable mention honors each season. He’s tough and technically sound but will need to mature physically. 209)SIMON STEPANIAK, OG, GREEN BAY PACKERS ThePackerstake interior linemen in back-to-back picks. With some key 2021 free agents in that position group, they’ll be looking closely at the competition there. 210)PRINCE TEGA WANOGHO, OT, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES (VIA49ERS) TheEaglesgot nice value here if Wanogho’s knees hold up. The team has been looking to add competition to a tackle position that lacks depth and has some uncertainty. Wanogho’s talent is much better than a late sixth-rounder. 211)ISAIAH RODGERS, DB, INDIANAPOLIS COLTS (VIAJETS) Rodgers may be size deficient, but he’s speedy and has great ball skills. This is where you take a chance on undersized playmakers from lower-level programs. 212)DEZMON PATMON, WR, INDIANAPOLIS COLTS (VIAPATRIOTS) Patmon has nice size and 50/50 ball skills, but it will be tough for him to standout with below average separation skills. He’s likely a practice squad stash as he tunes up his patterns. 213)JORDAN GLASGOW, LB, INDIANAPOLIS COLTS (VIAPATRIOTS) A former walk-on, Glasgow was a special teams standout throughout his college career. He is also an extremely reliable tackler with great competitive energy. He’s a fringe roster guy with nice special teams upside. 214)FREDDIE SWAIN, WR, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS Swain will get camp reps in the slot, and he has good speed as a catch-and-run weapon. But his best shot at making a roster is as a returner on special teams. SEVENTH ROUND 215)MARKUS BAILEY, LB, CINCINNATI BENGALS Glaring injury concerns caused his fall in the draft, but Bailey is a very smart, instinctual linebacker you want on the inside. If he can stay healthy, Bailey should be a shoo-in to compete for a starting job. 216)KAMREN CURL, DB, WASHINGTON REDSKINS Washington is banking on Curl’s special teams ability to sign him to its active roster. He can add depth as a subpackage safety, where he shows solid range against the run and pass. 217)JAUAN JENNINGS, WR, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS The Niners add another big, physical slot receiver to their roster to compete for a spot in their rotation. Jennings is far from polished, but he has some “bully” to him that could win coaches over. 218)CARTER COUGHLIN, EDGE, NEW YORK GIANTS TheGiants‘ defense ranked in the bottom 10 in pressure rate last season, so adding any competition to their edge group makes sense. Coughlin has some length deficiencies, but he wins enough with his motor and quickness in the pass game to earn a roster spot. 219)GENO STONE, DB, BALTIMORE RAVENS (VIAVIKINGS) TheRavenslove to draft toughness and instincts and Stone has plenty of both. He isn’t the greatest athlete, but he proved capable of creating turnovers with his vision and smarts from the back end. 220)K.J. HILL, WR, LOS ANGELES CHARGERS Ohio State has pumped out some impressive route runners over the last few seasons and Hill is no exception. TheChargershope iron sharpens iron here asKeenan Allenshould provide a great example of how to win from the slot. 221)STANTLEY THOMAS-OLIVER, DB, CAROLINA PANTHERS ThePanthersturn in their seventh and final draft card with their seventh defensive player. Thomas-Oliver joins a defense that ranked 31st in points per game allowed last season. 222)ENO BENJAMIN, RB, ARIZONA CARDINALS TheCardinalspick up some competition for a reserve running back job right out of their backyard. Benjamin isn’t especially explosive, but he’s shifty and experienced in the receiving game. 223)CHRIS CLAYBROOKS, DB, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Claybrooks is undersized with marginal coverage technique and instincts, but his real value may be as competition for the return game. He has very good speed and has experience returning kicks. 224)COLE MCDONALD, QB, TENNESSEE TITANS McDonald’s athleticism and arm talent give him an edge for theTitans‘ backup job. He has time to sit behindRyan Tannehill, learn to manage an offense and clean up his decision-making. 225)KENNY WILLEKES, DE, MINNESOTA VIKINGS (VIARAVENS) This is a great spot to take a flier on a highly productive Big Ten defensive lineman. He lived in the opponents’ backfields (51.0 TFL, 26.0 sacks since 2017) and has one of the best motors in this class. He’ll be an easy player to like in camp, but how consistently can he match up physically vs. NFL talent? 226)ARLINGTON HAMBRIGHT, OG, CHICAGO BEARS Hambright was a college left tackle, but he will likely move inside where he is a better fit physically. Chicago needs to find upgrades to its depth inside during camp. 227)LACHAVIOUS SIMMONS, OG, CHICAGO BEARS (VIAEAGLES) TheBearsselecting guards in the seventh round with back-to-back picks says they want camp competition there. Simmons and Hambright will by vying for a bottom-of-the-roster spot. 228)STERLING HOFRICHTER, P, ATLANTA FALCONS TheFalconsneeded to upgrade this position after finishing 30th in net punting average last season. It’s Hofrichter’s job to lose in camp. 229)JAMES SMITH-WILLIAMS, DE, WASHINGTON REDSKINS TheRedskinshad the worst third-down defense last season, so no harm in kicking the tires on a traits-heavy pass rusher here. Smith-Williams has durability issues, but there is a chance he flashes enough in camp to make this team. 230)DUSTIN WOODARD, C, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Bill Belichick adds more camp competition for depth on the interior of his line. ThePatriotshave had decent success stashing late-round linemen on their practice squad for development. 231)BEN DINUCCI, QB, DALLAS COWBOYS The backup job in Dallas is anything but secure. The former Pitt Panther and 2019 CAA Offensive Player of the Year elevated a James Madison program using his arm and his legs (1,000-plus rushing yards since 2018). 232)CARLOS DAVIS, DT, PITTSBURGH STEELERS TheSteelershave a decent track record of developing late-round defensive players. Davis is inconsistent, but he flashes very disruptive reps that could help him carve out a role in theSteelers‘ defensive line rotation. 233)CASEY TOOHILL, DE, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES (VIABEARS) Toohill has good straight-line athleticism to win a job on theEagles‘ special teams units. There is some upside as a subpackage blitz specialist. 234)CLAY JOHNSTON, LB, LOS ANGELES RAMS New special teams coordinator John Bonamego will be looking for his special teams studs this offseason. Johnston has the tackling ability and fluidity in space to be one of them. 235)JASHON CORNELL, DE, DETROIT LIONS Ohio State isn’t a bad place to take a late-round flier from, especially with the offensive and defensive line. Detroit adds another body to compete for a depth role at end or tackle. 236)VERNON SCOTT, DB, GREEN BAY PACKERS Scott has decent size to go along with flashes of playmaking ability. He’ll get a shot at a depth role at safety or nickel in camp, but special teams will be where he earns his paycheck if he makes the team. 237)THAKARIUS KEYES, DB, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS (VIATITANS) Keyes has the type of length and athleticism that coaches take notice of as a late-round flier. He is worth stashing on the practice squad as he strings together the mental with the physical aspects of the position. 238)T.J. BRUNSON, LB, NEW YORK GIANTS Brunson is experienced and plays with a quick trigger, but he falls below the NFL baselines in size and athleticism. He’s a long shot to make the roster unless he shines on special teams. 239)DANE JACKSON, DB, BUFFALO BILLS TheBillsgot a solid value pick for Jackson, who plays with the fluidity and tenacity to excite secondary coaches. The cornerback room is a bit crowded, but don’t be surprised if he stands out on special teams in 2020 and works his way into the rotation in Year 2. 240)TOMMY STEVENS, QB, NEW ORLEANS SAINTS (VIATEXANS) Stevens isn’t a natural passer, but he flashed above average mobility and running skills during his career. There are some in the NFL that believe he can develop into an H-back and what better team to explore his options than Sean Payton’sSaints. 241)CHAPELLE RUSSELL, LB, TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS Russell has a chance to win a roster spot by showcasing his toughness and quickness on special teams. His defensive value is limited unless he shows drastic improvement operating in traffic. 242)JONATHAN GARVIN, DE, GREEN BAY PACKERS Garvin is an impressive traits-based player who thePackerswill look to develop on their practice squad. His length and test numbers project very well to the pro game. 243)CHRIS JACKSON, DB, TENNESSEE TITANS Jackson is a good athlete with NFL speed, but he’ll need to tighten up in coverage to get an extended look in camp. 244)NATE STANLEY, QB, MINNESOTA VIKINGS (VIASAINTS) Stanley’s size and arm strength will catch your attention. However, he will have a tough time landing a backup job in the NFL unless he cleans up his accuracy and decision-making. 245)RAYMOND CALAIS, RB, TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS (VIA49ERS) Anytime you’re equipped with Calais’ speed and versatility (all-conference RB, all-purpose player, and returner in 2019), you’re going to be one of the favorites to make your team regardless of draft round. Tampa Bay should be able to find a role for him early. 246)MALCOLM PERRY, RB, MIAMI DOLPHINS Perry will be making the transition from option QB to returner, but he was one of the more electric college players with the ball in his hands over the last few years. He has a good chance to flash enough in camp to earn a roster spot. 247)CHRIS WILLIAMSON, DB, NEW YORK GIANTS Williamson plays an aggressive, physical brand of ball that is valued on special teams coverage units. That will be his ticket to the NFL. 248)SAM SLOMAN, K, LOS ANGELES RAMS Sloman will be counted on to be “the guy” for aRamsteam that finished 28th in made field-goal percentage last season. 249)BRIAN COLE II, DB, MINNESOTA VIKINGS Minnesota added plenty of competition to its secondary in the draft. However, don’t be surprised if they look to convert Cole into a hybrid safety/linebacker. 250)TREMAYNE ANCHRUM, OG, LOS ANGELES RAMS (VIATEXANS) Anchrum is a seasoned developmental tackle/guard with big-game experience. He is accustomed to playing in heavy spread concepts, much like he’ll see in Los Angeles. 251)STEPHEN SULLIVAN, WR, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS (VIADOLPHINS) Sullivan is a flex tight end/wide receiver tweener who offers little else outside of pass catching. He isn’t ready to play yet, but coaches may want to stash and develop him into a specialty chess piece. 252)TYRIE CLEVELAND, WR, DENVER BRONCOS Some of Cleveland’s best highlights came on special teams. He is a tough, speedy receiver who has been highly inconsistent on offense, but his production as a gunner could be enough to sign him to the active list. 253)KYLE HINTON, OG, MINNESOTA VIKINGS Hinton was very productive at the Division III level and has enough athleticism for coaches to work with. He’ll need a couple seasons on the practice squad before he’s ready to compete for an active roster spot. 254)DERREK TUSZKA, LB, DENVER BRONCOS Tuszka has physical limitations, but he wins with great competitive energy and aggressiveness off the edge. There is limited upside there, but he could compete for a backup role down the line. 255)TAE CROWDER, LB, NEW YORK GIANTS The former running back (stuck behindNick Chubb,Sony Michel, and Elijah Holyfield) made the transition to inside linebacker and showed gradual improvement in each season. Mr. Irrelevant will have a tough time seeing the field early in his career unless he makes noise on special teams. The post 2020 NFL Draft: Bucky Brooks pick by pick analysis of Rounds 4-7 appeared first on American Football International. #2020NFLDraft #WashingtonRedskins #TennesseeTitans
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awalkoflife-arc · 2 years
harrison morgan + headcanons about caroline’s death in his tvd verse: ( note: harrison’s caroline is and only ever will be @seesgood​​ in this closed ship verse. )
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- as soon as caroline’s admitted to hospital, best believe he is by her side every single night; sleeping in the chair by her bedside, refusing to move even though the doctors and the nurses and even liz herself have told him to go home. he doesn’t listen to any of them because that’s his girl and they can all get fucked if they think he’s leaving her. therefore, the only explanation as to why he wasn’t there when katherine showed up was because it was a full moon so he physically couldn’t be there due to transitioning.
- initially, he doesn’t want damon to give her his blood because it’s damon and he’s already done enough damage. he’s in agreement with elena on this matter, but it’s bonnie who manages to convince both of them that it’s for the greater good. (!!!) he actually likes bonnie so he chooses to listen to her. he’s in the hospital room with caroline when she drinks damon’s blood. he won’t leave her alone with him or let her be vulnerable around him ever again. “ give her what she needs and get the fuck out. ” is his warning to the vampire. after she feeds on damon, he gets into the hospital bed with her and stays there until she falls asleep.
- he’s in complete denial about her death which then transcends into a state of shock. he blames himself first then blames all of her fucktard friends. he wants to murder matt donovan, tyler lockwood and her mother for not being there on the one night that he couldn’t be. harrison knows the perils of a supernatural existence and he mourns the loss of her humanity. she’s his best friend the love of his life and he doesn’t want this to be her reality, but ultimately, he’s just so grateful that she’s still ‘alive’ and breathing.
- he has a moment with bonnie in the disabled bathroom of the hospital where he completely loses his shit, falls to pieces, crumbles into a shell of himself and breaks down after his first visit to see caroline while she’s in the process of turning. bonnie tries to comfort him, but he leaves and doesn’t return until later that night when he can be alone with caroline. he brings her a selection of her favourite snacks, trashy magazines and one of his oversized hoodies, as well as a concealed water bottle filled up with a stolen blood bag. it’s during this time in the hospital that he reveals his secret to her, in the hopes she’ll feel less alone --- but also to promise her that she’ll never be alone in her immortality. “ you’re still my girl, babe. you’ll always be my girl. fangs or not. ” 
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awalkoflife-arc · 2 years
harrison still has nightmares about the death of his mother. specifically, they centre around how and where she was murdered. the blood. the weapon. the bathroom. it’s all extremely vivid to him. the trinity killer also makes an appearance, but his memories of him at the scene of the crime are less transparent. he often wakes up breathless, feeling as though he’s suffocating. his nightmares are worse if he’s taken any drugs prior to going to sleep. ecstasy and marijuana are the two he tends to stick to, but they’re only ever taken recreationally. a nightmare when he’s been high will lead to significant stress and panic when he awakens. 
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