#( clucktales: corben. )
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@clucktales​ said ;;  Fenton would suddenly have a hand land on his shoulder, fingers digging in painfully tight. "Hey buddy." Corben grins, standing behind the small duck. "we need to talk."
answered ;; unprompted
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                    Fenton immediately ducks at the sudden hand on his shoulder. Not that it stopped the physical contact from happening. In fact, it might have just made it worse as the rooster behind him tightens his grip.
          “ Apologies, sir, but um, do I know you? I am usually quite well off at remembering faces, but I can’t say that I can place yours. ”
                              Or that grip.
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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"you know, I never thought Gandra would go for a mother of three." Corben says. He clearly looks unimpressed. "full of surprises now, isn't she?"  / @clucktales​ 
▬▬▬ ☾☆      Well, right off the  bat  that  was  a  red  flag  to  Della.  She  didn’t  know  who  this  guy  was  but  clearly  he  knew  Gandra --  unless..  This  had  to  be  her  ex.  It  put  Della  on  high  alert,  the  duck  stiffening  suddenly.  She  wasn’t  afraid,  but  she  wouldn’t  underestimate  him  either.  But  things  hadn’t  escalated  yet  &&  she  wasn’t  going  to  be  the  one  to  do  it,  even  if  him  knowing  these  things  meant  that  he’d  been  watching.  That  meant  she  needed  to  warn  Gandra  about  him.  From  what  she’d  been  told  about  her  past  relationship,  she  never  wanted  him  to  be  near  her  again.
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                                  ❛  If that surprises you, then maybe you don’t know her as well as you think you do, buddy.  ❜
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decanard-a · 3 years
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Manhandling sentence starters  ☠ - slam my muse into a wall @clucktales (Corben)
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The wall was brick, Fenton could tell even though he couldn’t really see it from how close he was. His face was smashed into it and he could already feel blood leaking at his temple. 
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Stronger than that though was the feeling of panic swarming through his whole body. The last time he had been slammed into a wall, despicable acts had occurred. He starts struggling immediately without even knowing who’s holding him there. Of all the days that Doctor Gearloose had to upgrade the suit. “Let go!!”
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calisotamuses · 3 years
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Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
@clucktales​ said: “I want you to know that it’s okay to cry.”
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Her chest was aching, heaving as she tried to keep from breaking down. Why did he have to be back? Why did it have to be now? She was just trying to live her life. She’d been recovering, doing better! And now here he was, literally backing her into a corner, looming over her like he always used to.
But this time, she had her own personal defenses. She’d made sure he would never hurt her again, no matter what. Already electricity was crackling up her arms, despite how terrified she felt.
But she was not going to let the tears fall. Not this time.
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“You could have killed him, Corben! He means everything to me and you attacked him! Why are you doing this?! We’re done!”
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calisotamuses · 3 years
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@clucktales​ said: "aw you're pretty used to being thrown around, aren't you?"  Corben grins down at her.
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Gandra scowls up at the rooster, taking a couple of steps back, bristled and tense and absolutely ready to bolt if she needs to. Or if she can. What had she ever seen in this jerk?
“Don’t act so proud of that, you jackass. I didn’t exactly want to get thrown around. You just decided it would be a fun time.”
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calisotamuses · 3 years
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@clucktales​ said: "hey Gandy." Corben says grinning down at her. "how's your boytoy?"
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Of course he had to show up. Couldn’t she just live her life without him hounding every waking minute of it? The little hen immediately takes a few steps back, her feathers ruffling in agitation.
“He’s not my boy toy- don’t you dare talk about him like that. And anyway it’s none of your business how he’s doing. And stop calling me Gandy- I hated it when I lived with you and I still hate it now. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work and I’d rather do that without you interrupting me.”
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calisotamuses · 3 years
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random writing prompts pt. i.
@clucktales​ said: “ do what you’ve been told. ”
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“...fuck you.”
She hated how her voice shook when she said that. It had been years, she had ways to defend herself, she wasn’t his anymore. But still she shook, hands trembling balled into fists at her sides, shoulders curled forward as her tailfeathers fluffed and fanned.
It was the last thing she wanted to do: show him any hint of fear. But the way she leaned away from him, how her breath quickened... everything was plainly there for him to see.
Corben still, no matter how hard she had tried to escape what he’d done to her, held that golden chain she could never seem to break.
“You can’t just boss me around anymore!”
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calisotamuses · 3 years
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@clucktales​ said: After his unfortunate... injury, Corben had lost track of his hen. But it hadn't taken too long to find her again. Making sure that her attack rooster wasn't nearby, but he made sure to never lose her. If she thought, they were over, if she thought she could just WALK AWAY from him, she was dead wrong. They were over when HE said they were. And he reminded her of that. All the note read was "I don't like your new hair, Gandy. You should grow it out again." slipped into her apartment mail slot
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Honestly Gandra was having a good day. They’d gotten over a huge problem they’d been dealing with at the bin, and she’d gotten to actually work with Dr. Gearloose on something. She had a lot of respect for the older chicken, and actually getting to work with him was a lot more exciting than she’d ever admit to Fenton, even if he asked.
She had just gotten back to her apartment, grabbing her mail before heading inside, locking the door to sort through. Her brow lifted, tipping her head to one side. This was just... folded, with no name written on it. Maybe from one of the other tenants?
It was when she unfolded it, reading the few words on there, that her stomach felt like it dropped into her feet, her back pressing against the door as she slid down to sit on the floor.
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“Oh my god.” Her knees tucked up to her chest. She was going to be sick, she could feel it. “Oh my god. How the- how could- it can’t be, oh god, oh god...”
She really should call someone. Fenton, or Drake, or anyone she knew at the bin, but her arms felt numb from her fingertips to her elbows, her vision swimming as her stomach churned.
What was she even supposed to do now?
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