#( ft. benjamin anak bandi. )
moonglowmagic · 1 year
Who: @readbentweenthelines
Where: Ben's House
“Thanks for well….” Dilan gestured to the bed that wasn’t hers that she was sitting up in after spending the night in it. “I don’t usually do this just life has been a lot recently so...” She rambled on and ran a hand through her messy slept on hair to try and calm it down. “Good stress relief.” She added. Leaning her elbows on her knees as she looked over at him. “I would offer to get you a balloon or a thank you card but seems a little formal for this whole transaction.” Dilan joked, before getting out of bed and grabbing her clothes off the floor. “So maybe just a thanks and I’ll see you around?” 
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moonglowmagic · 5 months
Who: @readbentweenthelines Where: The Town Square
"Thanks for meeting me for coffee." Poppy said as she handed Ben over his order and took a seat next to him. "So should I even ask how you're holding up? I mean considering what we know is coming next." Tucking her hair behind her ear as she looked over at him. "You know if you want I don't mind giving you a charm or starting a look out squad for you. I'm sure Bri is probably already organizing the Ben protection group." She joked playfully. "But leader to leader. I'm here if you need any backup or if there's anything I can do."
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moonglowmagic · 8 months
Who: @readbentweenthelines
Where: Campus
Poppy was tired after the last meeting, but rather than just give up and wallow like she wanted too; she decided to try and make amends for her wrongs. Sitting on a bench as she waited for Ben’s class to end, she picked at her sweater. When people came out of the classroom and eventually she saw Ben, she stood up. Walking over to him with her head hung, she gave a half wave. “Hey, can we talk? I wanted to apologize for your nose.” Tapping her own nose nervously. “I’m really sorry, Ben.”
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