#( god this whole music video is just .... looks that eden would ABSOLUTELY wear )
Mind Over Matter
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Chapter 1: I’ll Be Seeing You Down Every Road
December 2017
Alison Whitworth was getting cold feet, which proved to be a trend with her recently. After dumping her loser of a fiancé a month ago, she has been a mess. It was sad really, that tosser completely didn’t deserve Alison, and yet somehow he had twisted her to believe it was he that was too good for her. That is absolutely bonkers considering Alison was London’s sweetheart actress. Though, here she was locking herself in her bedroom right before we were to leave for her first night out since the break up.
   "Ali don’t do this right now. We’re all ready to go,“ I said as I knocked on her door. I could hear moving about within, but no response came. Leaning my head against the door as I continued, "You agreed to this, and you cannot back out now. Everyone will be there tonight, and I’m sure everyone is looking forward to see the Alison Whitworth back in action. No one can be the life of the party like you, remember that. Yeah, you could be that again.”
     It was quiet. She was probably thinking about her options, and I hoped she would listen to me. Everyone would be disappointed it I ended up showing to this party by myself. Mostly because I’m just the little sister of the famous Alison Whitworth. Though I had know most of her friends, I wouldn’t really consider them friends to me. If anything, they were friends by association. I was friendly to them and hung out with them when I attended events with my sister, but I would never hang out with any of them individually. Alison’s friends weren’t really my scene. All of London’s socialites seem to run together, and with them came publicity and social media, which don’t mesh well with the low key lifestyle I preferred.
    “Eden, I can’t,” she said so quietly. “It doesn’t feel right without him.” I knew if I didn’t stop her soon that waterworks would follow.
    “Oh that’s bullocks. You know he hated your friends, Ali. Towards the end, he basically made you stop seeing them.”
    “Still, it’s just different, and I don’t know if I can handle it.”
    I scoffed at that, “You are the strongest person I know and it’s ridiculous that you don’t think you can handle this. The Alison Whitworth I know would walk out this door and have a night to remember because she wouldn’t let some bloke who broke her heart stop her from moving on.” I stood there for a second as silence filled house. I stood there hoping my somewhat inspiring speech took effect on her.
    “Okay. Okay! Just give me five minutes,” she yelled through the door. I felt a pat on my back was deserved, but just smiled to myself as I made my way downstairs.
   I heard Alison moving about as I went downstairs. Not only was I proud that Alison got the courage to step back into the single world, I was in much need to get wasted tonight. It’s so hard to find time to go out and just have fun when Uni feels like it’s slowly killing you in coursework.
    The crowd was what you expect. Many of London’s socialites gathered around sharing drunken stories from across the globe.  One of which I was currently listening to. I stood with Alison, arm in arm, as we listened to Nick Grimshaw tell of his latest drunken escapades in New York City last month.
   I had already downed enough shots of vodka to where ensure that I would be hungover tomorrow, so as Nick told me a particular part of his story that very scandalous, I lost it laughing very loudly. Nick really knew how to tell a story, and on the multiple occasions I had been out with him, he always knew how to make me laugh. I turned to Alison exchanging knowing glances of how crazy Nick was.
   "I’m telling you, it was fucking mental, Alison,“ he said. "You should have been there.” For a second I was worried that Alison would snap, seeing as his stories had taken place a couple weeks ago when Alison was still in her post-Alex depression.
  She waved it off. “Yeah, I know. This past month has been a complete waste.” Her drunken state probably the reason she didn’t take it to heart.
  One of Alison’s friends, Drew, started to go on about some people I didn’t know, so I thought I’d excuse myself to get another drink. The club was pulsing with music as I made my way through the VIP section to the bar. As much as I loved to go out to the general area and get lost in the crowd, the VIP section was very more chill. I went up to the bar before taking a seat on a stool.
  “What can I get for a pretty girl like yourself,” the bar tender asked as he made his way towards me.  
   "Jack and coke, please,“ I smiled as I tapped my fingers against the counter.
   "Alright. Coming right up for you,” he smiled back as he went to go mix my drink. I sat there playing with my bracelets as I waited. Soon, I heard a multitude of loud cheers coming from behind me. I turned my head to see what all the commotion was about.
  I spotted everyone’s happy faces turned to a new person entering the section. There in all his glory was Harry Styles. He was much talked about across the country, the globe; really, it seemed like you had to be living under a rock to not know who he was. Though, he was a couple years younger than Alison and most of her friends, he had become really near and dear to them. They always spoke of him with dearest affection, but I had never met him before because he had always been away with his band and then with his movie and new solo endeavors.
  Being in the same room with him now, I found an attractiveness in him that I hadn’t seen before. Of course I had only seen various pictures and videos of him from Alison, but this was different. His smile seemed a thousand times more vibrant as he said hello back to everyone, and as he stood there in black jeans and a button up with some pattern I couldn’t see, with the buttons only half way up, I understood what all the hype was about him. His short hair beginng to slightly curl again as his younger quiff of hair seemed to be returning.
   I watched him for a little longer as he joined Alison, Nick, and the group they were conversing with. A voice snapped me out of my trance as I turned back to the bar. “Here ya go miss,” the bartender said as he put my drink out in front of me. He was swiftly thanked before I hopped off the stool and made my way to return to Ali.
  When I got back to Ali, Harry had moved onto other friends. I smiled as Ali saw me and threw an arm around my arm as I sat down next to her. “God, Eden you seem to grow up and get prettier every time I see you,” Pixie said as I sipped my drink.
  “Thank you really, but you say that every time I see you,” I smiled, as she laughed.
   "Well, you can’t expect any less from the Whitworth sisters. You genes were bound to be golden from your parents. I mean gorgeous people like that don’t make ugly children,“ Nick chimed in. Alison and I laughed as the common conversation of our parents came up.
Our mother was the famous model, Jamie Strolin, who married the legendary singer, James Whitworth. The eighties were really crazy times. Surprising through all the years of partying and definite hard core drug use, my parents remained together, but not without a few major bumps along the way. God knows I’ll never forget when Mum and I, not even eight years old, were shopping at Waitrose, and I spotted the newly printed tabloids with headlines of my father’s alleged affairs with ‘exclusive’ pictures entailed. My mom was horrified, shielded me away from them and tried to explain that people made lies about famous people just for fun.
I almost believed her, but it was too late. Through friends and other magazines I saw the story and I saw the pictures. Albeit being blurry, I knew that they were true. My parent always vehemently denied the allegations, seeing as that wasn’t the only time either of my parents were accused. I tried to believe them, always, but deep down, I could never forget that first time I read my parents’ dark secrets splashed against front pages.
   "Yeah, I sure thank my lucky stars for that. This face is the reason for my career, and god knows where I’d be if I didn’t have it. Couldn’t possibly imagine myself in some career having to do with smarts. Everyone knows I don’t have those,” Alison said. I rolled my eyes as she doesn’t give herself as much credit she deserves with how smart she is.
   "Oh shut it Alison. We all know you are brilliant.“ I spoke out as everyone nodded along. Name a person that could memorize a script and nail it perfectly quicker than Ali. You couldn’t.
    "Eden, you’re studying fucking economics of all things. That needs brilliance, not being an actor,” Alison bit back.
    “You’re the one with all the talent though.”
    “Oh don’t sell yourself short, Little Eddie. I’m sure you got some hidden talents somewhere,” Nick winked at me when he spoke the last part. A smile made its way on my lips as I rolled my eyes. “Maybe it’s that eye roll, seems pretty perfected to me.”
     Alison and I seemed like the classic one with the brains and one with the talent. On a couple levels that could seem true, but I think we are each more than that. Alison always finished as one of the top students in her class at every performing arts school she attended. She understood how to get by with good grades. I had just been determined to work hard my whole life. I had no other interests like acting that distracted me from my studying.
   My eyes roamed around the space. It was dark but flashing lights made it possible to see everyone. I found him easily from the floral sheer shirt he was wearing, bunched up on his forearms and exposing his upper chest.. He was in a conversation with some people who I hadn’t known the names of. I focused on him a little more and his facial features became more defined. I had seen pictures of him in papers, but even in the dark setting we were in now I could tell that they didn’t do him justice.
     He must have sensed someone watching as his eyes lifted to mine. Ah damnit, I hate when this happens. My breathe caught in my throat as I realized I was caught. I turned back towards Alison still talking about whatever project she was about to start working on.
    “And guess who they is starring as the lead male,” she started. “Bloody Bradley Cooper. Can you believe it.” This wasn’t the first time I had heard of this, but every time I was reminded of it my heart hurt a little. Bradley Cooper is a major love of mine. I usually don’t get star struck when meeting people seeing as I grew up with celebrities, but if I ever met Bradley, I would lose my mind. So, you can see my growing anxiety and hope that a crossing between us soon.
Yes, yes. Of course, I know he is with one of the most beautiful women in the world. Honestly, I have just as big a girl crush on Irina than I do on Bradley. Also, you could forget the genetically perfect baby they had about a year ago.
    After a few seconds lately, I spared another glance in his direction. Lift my eyes slowly to him, much to my surprise, his eyes were still on mine as those around him continued to talk. I think the slightest of smirks graced his lips as we looked to each other for a couple more seconds.
   "Eden, what do you think?“ Nick said loudly.
   My head turned back to the group as I saw all eyes on me. "What,” I said completely confused.
   Nick sensed something was off and looked in the direction I just was. A moment of realization hit his face as he figured out I was doing. “You were watching Harry!” He exclaimed.
   I could feel heat rise to my cheeks, and I struggle for an excuse. “I was not!” Brilliant, probably the worse excuse I could use. I hoping that I didn’t just sound like a six year old in front of Alison’s friends, denying the obvious truth when caught with the hand in the cookie jar.
   "You were too,“ Nick smirked and I rolled my eyes but struggled to stop a smile from enveloping my face from embarrassment. "Don’t worry love. Many find themselves star struck with the beauty that is Harry Styles.”
    The smile couldn’t be stopped as everyone laughed. At this point in the night, I thought it would be better to just let it go. So I laughed along with everyone.
     "What does little Eden have some interest in little Harry?“ Alison snickered as she elbowed me in the ribs.
      "Please. Like I would ever want to get involved with someone like Harry Styles,” I replied. “Don’t you know me better than that.” I sneered back. A smirk graced my lips as I tilted my head to one side.
      It was a principle of mine which I have stuck to very well. Don’t get involved with celebrities. For one, I don’t have time for a relationship in general, so when you add in the pressured life of a celebrity, I don’t think I would be able to handle it. I’ve seen the pressure that Alison had to endure with all her past relationships. It was a side effect to her dream, and I was determined to steer away from that situation.
       "You really ought to rethink your morals, Eden. Harry Styles could show you a good time,“ Nick chimed in. My mouth dropped open in mock shock at his blatant comment, and a roll of the eyes was enough of a response from me. “Ahh, yes that eye roll is you hidden talent.” At that, I flipped him off
    I was surprised. I wasn’t easily surprised, but when I found Alison sneaking her way into the bathroom with a fairly attractive guy, I was surprised. She was most definitely piss drunk, but I thought this could be good for her. The only way to get over somebody is to get under someone else.    I stood by myself, leaning against the wall, off in some corner of the VIP section. After Alison first made acquaintance with whom she was currently shagging, I decided I needed a little break. The alcohol really starting to take affect on me as everything was kind of hazy. Tonight’s event will prove to disastrous tomorrow when I have to try to get up and do school work. My brain hurt just thinking about it.   "You know staring isn’t polite,” a deep voice spoke out. I rolled my head to the side to see who had come to talk to me.    Harry Styles was standing in front of me. Normally I think I would be a little nervous. Who wouldn’t be nervous, but right now I was really relaxed and decided I could roll with the banter he was making.    "Who’s to say I was staring,“ I answered as I looked over his face. Even in the dark surroundings, I could make out somewhat of his green eyes. Not often do you see someone with green eyes like his.   His posture was relaxed. His hands tucked into his extremely tight jeans, while I could finally make out the floral pattern on his shirt. Pink and red flowers spread out the expanse of his shirt, contrasting the dark black of the sheer material. Surely if anyone else in this room tried to wear it, I doubt they would be able pull it off like he did.    "I think you were intently staring at me,” he said as he laughed. I bit my lip to keep from smiling.     “That didn’t stop you from staring back did it?” I raised a brow at him.    "I suppose you’re right,“ he smirked. "So are you a new friend of Grimmy’s? I haven’t seen you around at parties before.”    "No, not really friends with anyone. Decided I would crash a party tonight,“ I said seriously. He laughed as he crossed his arms, leaning against the wall to the right of me.    "Security must be getting really loose these days.” He said, with a raise of an eyebrow, clearly not buying my act but playing along.     It was my turn to laugh and shake my head. “I’m Eden.”     His mouth made an ‘o’ as the connection formed in his mind. I was trying hard to stop thoughts of how attractive his pink lips were, as confusion spread over his face. "You’re Little Eden? I definitely did not even recognize you. Alison makes you out to be like young teenager or something, and I hadn’t seen pictures of you two in a while. I always just assumed you were much younger.”     I turned towards Harry so we were facing each other straight on, though both leaning against the wall. "Of course she does. I think she still sees me from my young teenage years, which is not the kind of stories I would like her tell seeing as how I was very embarrassing that young.” He smiled as he listened. His smile was captivating to say the least.    "Well she definitely paints a misconception.“ I nodded before pushing off the wall.    "She’s mental,” I said. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it happened, but I could have sworn Harry’s eyes trailed down my body as I took a step away from him. It made me thank my lucky stars that I wore my little brown suede dress that shamelessly stopped high on my thigh just below my bottom with my favorite black heels that I felt made my legs look really long.    "That’s very true. I know she has been growing through a hard time, and it was nice to see her somewhat back into her element tonight.“ He pushed off the wall and came to stand in front of me. Only because of my  heels did we appear to be eye level with each other.    "Yeah, it is. I took this night to come and support her and somewhat to get away from my coursework, but that’s besides the point. She had a great time tonight,” my eyes fell from his face to the floor as I smiled, provided of the first step my sister achieved. “She looked beautiful tonight.”     “She always does though.” He commented.     “You got a thing for my sister, Harry?” I joked.     His head tilted backwards after he let out a loud laugh, causing myself to join in laughter. The conversation came easily. He truly seemed like an easy going guy that everyone made him out to be. It’s seemingly why he was part of my sister’s friend group seeing as he had that star quality, to be able to walk into a room and completely takeover. Not in a bad way. It’s just like everyone knew he was the guy to pay attention to.       “No, I love your sister, but we are just friends.”     “Good. Because then I’d have to find out your intentions and all that shit.”     “Do I look like the kind of guy that could ever have bad intentions?” He scoffed.     “According to every tabloid in London, you do.” I raised an eyebrow.     “Oh please. You know from your sister that those are all shit. None of it’s true.” He shook his head. His lips went into a tight line.     I couldn’t hold it in as I let out a laugh. Having gotten a little worked up from this conversation, it appeared he was taking me seriously. “I’m just kidding. God, with what Ali and all her friends say about you, it’s like you have never done wrong in your entire life.”     “Yeah right. They probably all gather together just to talk about my life and what I’m fucking up now.” A small spread across his face. I couldn’t help but reciprocate it.     “I have to admit I’ve attended a few of those gatherings,” I smirked.      My eyes found his, which were already on mine. We both broke out in laughter, as I kept my eyes on his face. His head tilted back and his eyes crinkled because his laughter just overcame his face.      "Yeah well I guess distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?“      "Oh you could definitely say that. I think they have been counting down the days until you came back to London, especially after doing the Victoria Secret show. All they could talk about was how ‘you fucking smashed it,’” I used my hands for air quotes on the last four words. He smiled as his hand raised to rub against his jaw. I had to tell my self not to watch his hand against his jaw, which I was becoming increasingly aware of how defined it was. “What did you think about it,” he stately comely. A look of amusement in his eyes as to how I would answer. “Well, I opted not to stay up until four in the morning to watch due to the fact I had breakfast with my parents at nine the next morning.” I paused. “That didn’t stop Ali, though. She’s obsessed with the yearly show.” Harry let out a small laugh. “But, from what I saw on youtube the next morning. It was really great.” Harry had a wide smile grace across, obviously still not use to hearing praises of his recent endeavors. “I cannot imagine though its too hard to sing around the most beautiful women in the world.” “It is actually so much pressure. What if I mess up? It would be in front of, like you said, the most beautiful women in the world.” “Oh no trust me, you crushed it and I bet you had all those women fawning at your feet.”     There was a couple beats of silence — Harry held a look of content after hearing positive intake of his past performance. His silence also seemed to assure me in my assumption that the women were happily all over him. I looked at him a few seconds longer, as he looked at his shoes, and I realized I was actually in fact very tired.      “I’m sadly sobering up and becoming very sleepy, so I think it’s about time I make my exit with my sister. It was nice meeting you Harry.” I put my hand on his chest as I said the last sentence. His muscles were felt under my touch.    "Bye Eden,“ he breathed quietly as I looked backed to his eyes. There was a kindness in them that I found comfort in. Maybe it was why so many had considered them to be good friends with Harry. His whole personality was inviting.    I nodded as I turned to walk away. After a few steps and against my better judgement, I turned around. He was watching me, as his eyes rose from my legs to my face, "Staring isn’t polite, but you looked really good tonight as well.”    He smirked as I turned around for the final time to find Alison, hopefully not planning on bringing home the boy she shagged in the bathroom. That would be quite the awkward ride home. Alison Whitworth Returns to the Night Life Scene   The paps almost didn’t believe their eyes or cameras when Alison Whitworth appeared at 27 Lux nightclub late Tuesday night. Of course, Whitworth was joined by her date for the evening, her little sister Eden. Eden appeared to turn away from pictures or questions, seeing as she is a student at UCL. Sources told us that Eden pushed Alison to make her first appearance back out after a full month since her breakup with movie star, Alex Smith.    A source tells us, “You would think that since she dumped him, she would be over him by now, but Alison is still so cut up over him. Seeing his face plastered all over news articles with his new fling have got her questioning everything and how it went wrong.” Alex seemed to move on quickly, being spotted with his new British model, Daisy Watkins, only four days after news broke that Alison had ended their engagement.     So, we can’t be more elated to see Alison back to her spot as reigning British socialite. We were also told the night was filled with fun and laughs (and loads of alcohol, of course). Alison and her sisters were joined by Nicholas Grimshaw and his squad whose squad goals rival Taylor Swift’s we must say. Not only to be completed by the Harry Styles who appeared later in the night but definitely brought much life to the party that rockstar he is.    Harry too seemed to have a good night, we are told he spent part of the night away from the crowd spending time with a mysterious brunette from the club. These insides seemingly confirm the long speculated split between Camille Rowe and Mr. Styles himself. The two were linked a few months back after being spotted together going out and dining together. Maybe now, Harry has a new girl to take out.
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