#( i was stressing bc i've never cut it this cl ose and i cant think ;  u;
rkheejin · 5 years
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• • • bringing to the stage dna + bbom bbom w. minho & kyulkyung ❪ 0:00 — 1:55! ❫
     it's odd how okay she is, how easy it is for her to accept defeat towards her own personal goals this time around, yet another week going by with her name being nowhere near the top of the ranks— deep down, heejin believes she knew it'd turn out like this ( with every episode, results get tighter and tighter, outcomes easier to predict, and despite the motivation she has to break through the ceiling as she'd done once before, she understands the hurdles that entailed. she understood that, no matter how hard she worked, there would always be someone else working just as hard, if not harder ).
     she hates the predictability, hates how stagnant the top seems to be, but heejin is no fool— those at the top, for the most part, are there for legitimate reasons. a bitter taste settles on the tip of her tongue, hidden by a honey smile.
     maybe it's me.
     it's a fleeting thought, one that hits her from the shadows of her mind, and it's all heejin can do to push it far away as she steels herself. rarely were there ever times where the brunette felt any sort of doubt in herself, in her capabilities, but every once in a while, they'd appear. they'd fester in times like this, her mind restless with dissatisfaction, hoping to take grasp and knock her far down from where she knows she's should be.
     silently, she's grateful for the crowd that surrounds her, the judges voices breaking through the self-induced haze she hadn't realized was there, and she tunes in just in time to catch the names of her two new partners for the coming weeks' performances.
     there's a sense of instant intrigue, relief washing over her, and there's no point in denying her luck any longer— minho and kyulkyung, two powerful competitors, both of whom she'd had her eyes keenly trained on almost from start. immediately, any festering worries she'd briefly let cross her mind fade into the background, and for a moment, all heejins mind can conjure up are visions into next week. if she's meant to win, meant to earn praise as part of a team, the brunette was more than confident that it would be with this trio.
     she can feel her fire begin to rekindle, growing with intensity, morphing into something far greater than the simple heat it'd diminished into.
     she would stand a better chance now.
     the atmosphere is easygoing, open and inviting the longer the three of them are sat together, and heejin feels more at ease than she'd originally thought she'd be.
     oh, the wonders something as simple as having good food to bond over could do.
     it's a location unfamiliar to her, just as unfamiliar as her partners are, but the brunette has never been one to shut herself out from anything new— maybe that's why she says what she does, words leaving her after very little contemplation once she'd made decent progress on her plate, her willingness to do whatever it took for the three of them to secure the best results they could pushing through entitled pride.
     "over these last 4 performances, all i've done is sing," she starts, eyes flickering smoothly between her older companions, fingers idly playing with the straw in her cup of water. "it's what i'm best at, so it made sense for me to focus on showing off my vocals, but i don't want people to think singing is all i'm capable of doing." she stays silent for a moment, thinking before she continues. "i'm open to trying whatever ideas will work for all of us— singing, dancing, whatever it may be...just don't make me rap."
     heejin is sure that, had her partners been anyone else, she might not have brought up the idea of potentially putting herself so far out of her comfort zone, but it was a thought that had been weighing on the back of her mind the moment they'd decided to spend this time together. they were different than her— their performances were different than hers, valuing contrasting skills when it came to their strengths thus far on the show, something she'd taken note of easily. while she'd been paired with rappers before, heejin hadn't been paired with any of the dancers ( they were a whole new territory this far in, one she couldn’t afford to get lost in ).
     while it seemed somewhat daunting, she was well aware that an opportunity like this could help show off another side to herself, one that wasn't strictly rooted to her vocals.
     with that in mind, it’s easier to put aside her worries. if she was the one who needed to bend a little in order for their team not to break, so be it— she would bend as much as she could if it meant they'd have the best chance at success.
     walking through the halls of sphere entertainment, she feels a plethora of emotions swirling in the pit of her stomach. heejin is excited, eyes searching up and down each hall they passed, taking in just how professional and experienced everything feels. she's determined, motivated to work her hardest, kyulkyung by her side as the two make their way to their appointed practice room. she's expectant, ready to experience only a fraction of what she knows is to come not much farther down the line ( the only difference, however, is in location— sphere wasn't her end goal, but being there was interesting, enlightening on what to expect when royal came for her ).
     she's anxious, eyes darting with every turn of the corner, waiting to see if, by some chance, she'd catch sight of painfully familiar purple locks traveling down the other end of the hallway ( heejin isn't sure what she wants more— to see younger now, or wait for a better time. her confusion had only grown the longer things seemed to drag out, but that doesn't stop her from wanting to keep a watchful eye out for signs between bathroom and water breaks ).
     heejin shakes her head gently. she needed to stay focused— for now, her private life could take the backseat.
     what couldn't be put off any longer, however, was minho. for as early of a bird as heejin tended to be, it had surprised her when she'd heard he had shown up before her and kyulkyung, waiting patiently for them in their borrowed, shared practice room. she was happy, though, taking his early eagerness as his determination to do well and practice hard. it was something she was inspired by, a quality she couldn't help but feel admiration for, and it only reaffirmed what heejin already knew— she had good partners.
     just as they had already proven themselves to be good to her, she would prove to be just as good to them. they deserved that much from her, if not, more.
     from the very moment they properly begin their practices, there's no shortage of enjoyment.
     the earliest incident? walking in on minho all done up in his fanciest clown wig— it had been quite the sight to see so early in the morning, heejins eyes still puffy out of dwindling tiredness, and for a moment she'd thought she'd been dreaming. it had only been once her pink-haired companion addressed it as well that she realized it was real.
     her eyes had widened considerably, any semblance of sleepiness gone from her body, brows raising in question, and it's all she can do to fight the giggles that threaten to leave her. she can only vaguely process the other girls' words, barely latching on to her question ( how long have you been sitting there like that? a valid question, one heejin wanted the answer to as well ) before she finally lets a laugh out.
     "you're an interesting guy..." is all she can say as she'd set her bag off to the side, casting a glance at herself in the wall mirror, and it isn't long until they start.
     as time goes on, heejin finds herself warming up more and more to the reality of cameras following their every move.
     it's different, more uncomfortable at first, knowing anything they did, any interactions ( good or bad ) within their own group or the other trio they were made to share with would be recorded and possibly shown to the public. she's not sure what to do, where to look, how to speak— before, when everything was recorded on-site, it was easier to prepare herself beforehand, to get herself into a certain mindset and put on the best image of herself. now, there's none of that.
     there are no breaks, no timeouts to recollect and strengthen the mask. no, now was the time for blunt honesty, a time for viewers to see everything that goes on behind the scene.
     she's the most plain she's ever been, makeup-less, hair thrown up into a loose ponytail for as much comfort and ease as possible, oversized comfy clothes finishing the look, and it's certainly the softest version of herself the public could ever hope to see ( she's sure that, had she worn her glasses instead of contacts, that would have added only to the image, but glasses would have been too inconvenient for now ).
     but, as time goes on, the cameras seem to fade into the background.
     they become an afterthought within the rooms pleasant, hardworking atmosphere— it shocks her, then, when her hair is all messed up thanks to some experimentation with props, that minho and kyulkung act as shields, keeping her new and odd look out of shot, helping her fix herself, and heejin can't help but laugh the whole time.
     running her hands through her hair as she finished fixing herself, makeshift goggles still in hand, heejin can't help the smile that persists her on her lips at the olders actions, and it's then she thinks they aren't just good anymore— she thinks they’re amazing.
     sat between her partners comfortably, heejin can't help but feel excitement creep up her spine. she's restless, both eager to perform and nervous for everyone to see what it is the three of them have come up with. it's weird, her foot tapping to a gentle, silent rhythm as she waits, eyes seeing ( but not really picking up ) others take the stage and show off what it is they've prepared— for as long as she could remember, heejin had never found herself letting her nerves wind her up this much, but the longer she thinks, the more it all makes sense.
     it's nothing like what she's done on the show before, nothing like what she's done ever, a performance she would have never thought of doing on her own.
     despite this, though, she's happy— happy that her team had been able to come up with something so fun, while also managing to balance out different ways in which they'd all shine while sharing the stage.
     letting her eyes fall on the two separately as their names are called up to the stage, heejin wholeheartedly believes that, regardless of her nerves ( regardless of if they also felt nervous ), they would do well.
     taking the stage, their voices ring clearly as they give introductions. "hello! we are the royal court!"
     once they're given their queue to begin, they take their positions, and as heejin settles herself before the makeshift vr headset that had caused such a funny ruckus during practices, their track begins.
     the performance is a rush, one full of fun and expert timing, and by the time it ends, heejin no longer feels the nerves she'd had before the start. no, all she feels is satisfaction, gratitude towards the other two who stand on stage with her, having given it their all to ensure nothing but the best was shown on stage. reflecting, she can say she'd given it her all as well— when it came to her vocals, there was nothing for her to really worry about, her voice having been strong and stable, just as it always was. her biggest worry had been more towards the end.
     dance had never been her forte, but she could only hope her pleasant attempts were recognized.
     it's with a wide smile and heavy breathes that she exits the stage.
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