#( i'm not the best at writing geeta for sure but lol this was fun to write- )
tierra-paldeana · 8 months
You're not the Boss of me... are you? 一 「Drabble」
Length: 1563 words
Characters: Rika, Geeta
Verse: Naranjuva Academy
Summary: The day Rika and Geeta met.
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The dawn touched the hills and greenery of South Province’s Area One as Geeta made her way to Naranjuva Academy. It was quite a long way over, knowing she had to traverse Poco Path, leading into Los Platos, and finally make her way over to Mesagoza following the marked dirt path, but she didn’t mind the length of the stroll at all. She took it every day, enjoying the smell of the fresh grass of the fields and the salty air that’d come from the nearby ocean, and wouldn’t change anything about it.
As she walked, she couldn’t help but sometimes take deep breaths, taking in the scent and sound of the nature all around her, as well as the warmth of the rising sun on her uniform and skin, with her Academy hat protecting her eyes from it. 
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But today… something would change.
On her way to Los Platos, there was always a small river she had to jump over, and although the size wasn’t significant, her fellow classmates often complained about it, as there had been more than one case of someone accidentally tripping into it or/and hurting themselves. As her class representative, she had already issued a complaint note to her teachers on behalf of the rest of students, and was told they’d be looking into it. 
Upon making a descent further into the route, from a distance, she noticed that they’d already patched up the problem by making a small bridge for students to cross through. It didn’t seem very sturdy, but just enough to cross without any issues. And that’s what she was planning to do, but…
She heard a sound. The sound of someone throwing a Pokéball up into the air and catching it several times. Curiously, her hands released the brittle wooden rails and she took some steps back to look for the source of the sound. And that’s when she looked up and saw a figure seated atop a tree. 
It looked like a student of the Academy, judging by their attire. They were looking away, their pose hunched over with an arm resting on their thigh, gloved hand holding a long and thick stick, while their free hand was indeed throwing the Pokéball up and catching it in their palm. They seemed to be waiting for someone… but the tree branches obscured their face.
‘’Hey. Shouldn’t you be heading to school?’’, inquired Geeta, which caused the person to turn their head and stop playing with the capsule.
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‘’Huh? Who’s talkin’?’’ replied the voice back. It sounded feminine, but slightly deep. 
Before the dark-haired young lady could answer, she watched as the other suddenly took a big leap out of the branch they’d been sitting on, effectively showing themselves to her.
And it appeared that they were a girl her age… and a rowdy looking one for sure. Her clothes and skin had quite a bit of dirt on them, sporting a couple of bandaids on her leg and arm. She took a questioning look at Geeta with a raised eyebrow. Geeta herself didn’t remember seeing this girl before.
‘’Did you get lost, by any chance?’’
The question made her laugh.
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‘’Nah, I just don’t go to a school for losers’’, she said, the knuckles of the hand holding the stick resting on her hip while the other went back to fidgeting with her Pokéball. Such a comment took Geeta aback a little, who crossed her arms with a stern expression.
‘’I fail to see why it’s for ‘losers’, as you say. I’m a class representative there and I can tell you, you’re missing out on important lessons.’’
‘’Class representative?’’, the girl asked mockingly, before guffawing once more. ‘’Oh, excuuuse me, señorita! Are you gonna call the teachers if I don’t show up? Nahaha!’’
Unbeknownst to Geeta, this student had been skipping classes since day one, and gave the teachers hell whenever they attempted to drag her back, to the point that they’d already given up on her. Even still, Geeta knew this girl had… something. She wasn’t quite sure what, but she had the feeling she’d been at this for an extended period of time. 
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‘’¿Señorita?’’ Geeta plainly and calmly replied. ‘’I’m Geeta. What’s your name?’’
‘’Name’s Rika, if ya’ care so much, señorita’’, she insisted, before pointing at her with the stick she was carrying. ‘’And for the record… ya’ ain’t the boss of me.’’
The gesture caused Geeta to walk back a bit and for Rika to laugh again, seeing the annoyed surprise on her face.
‘’I might not be, but this isn’t how you should treat your classmates’’, she responded while physically moving the tip of the stick away from her face with her hand. Rika rested it atop her shoulder with a smug look on her face, as if she was holding a bat.
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‘’Oh yeah? Say, how about you battle me then? If you win, I’ll consider goin’. But if you lose… I’ll keep that dumb hat of yours, missy.’’ Upon saying that, she tapped the underside of it with her stick, making Geeta hold it down by the brim so it wouldn’t fall off.
Anyone else would’ve either cried, gotten extremely mad, or run off at this constant teasing, but all it did, for Geeta, was to increase her curiosity towards her. And there was still a while until the school gate opened, so why not amuse herself a little?
Let’s go, Wooper!
Go, Glimmet!
‘’What even…?!’’
That was the sound of Rika’s voice as she ran over to her defeated Wooper, who was no longer able to fight. She could barely believe it… Granted, she hadn’t seen a Pokémon like Geeta’s before, but it looked so tiny and harmless that she was expecting it to be small fry. But man, did it pack a punch, especially after raising its stats with Ancient Power… Her Pokémon really didn’t stand a chance. Dumbfounded, she thanked her little buddy before letting him go back to his Pokéball.
When she lifted her gaze, her eyes met Geeta’s as she stood before her with her own capsule in her hand and a subtle, but satisfied smile on her face.
‘’Well then, Rika. I guess that settles it, no?’’
The green-haired girl blinked, not sure at all how to feel. She’s had many students of the Academy sent by the teachers to chase and challenge her, and had beaten every single one of them. Heck, she’s even had teachers go after her to try and drag her back to school, some with much higher leveled Pokémon than her, to no avail. And yet… this random girl she’s never seen before, who claimed to be a class representative, had just put an end to her winning streak, just like that. 
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‘’If you came to school, you’d learn there’s strength in numbers. Even if you had beaten my Glimmet here, you still would’ve had my other two Pokémon left to fight.’’
To be fair, Geeta was beyond surprised, and a little disappointed, that Rika was only carrying one Pokémon with her. She was expecting her to carry at least a couple more, but… it seemed she was mostly bark and hardly bite. Still, her attempt at trying to appear tougher than she actually was made the dark-haired girl chuckle, and Rika couldn’t help but furrow her brows, a pout visible in her mouth as she tapped her foot in annoyance.
‘’I’m sure that was just dumb luck…’’, she scoffed, but Geeta offered a smile so friendly that Rika oddly began to feel a bit… childish for behaving like this. Slowly, her expression softened, until suddenly it did a 180 and she laughed. 
‘’Y’know what? Not half bad. Not half bad at all, missy’’, she said, tucking the Pokéball hand in her pocket, while she rested her stick on her shoulder once more. ‘’I’mma be fair, that’s the first time someone’s beaten me.’’
‘’Is that so? That’s… interesting.’’ Geeta wasn’t actually sure if she was lying or not, but after considering the fact that she looked like the kind to have been living like this for quite a while… she decided to believe her. ‘’But at least I get to keep my hat.’’
They both laughed, and the initial tension around them seemed to slowly melt away.
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‘’Yeah, you can keep it. Never been a fan of the hat, I look like a dumbass if I wear it, but… it looks good on ya’, I’ll give you that’’, Rika said, pointing at her with the stick, this time in a much more approving and less invasive manner.
‘’Oh? Thank you’’, replied Geeta politely. ‘’Does this mean you’ll come to school then?’’
Rika’s trademark pouty lip made a comeback.
‘’I said I’d consider it…’’
‘’Hehe. I’m sure you won’t regret it, Rika. It is thanks to the lessons they teach that I’m as strong as I am, but even now, I got much to learn. Maybe you’ll be able to get on my level if you start attending.’’
‘’Heh. We’ll see about that. I definitely want a rematch, so I’ll think about it-’’
But before Rika could finish her sentence, Geeta suddenly turned around and ran off in a way that screamed ‘race you there!’, crossing the small bridge in direction to Los Platos.
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‘’What the-!? Oi! Wait for me…!’’
And follow her she did.
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