#( im garbage and on a sideblog i Already Hate This
theythemsam · 5 years
(Hello, I’m back, I did watch 5x04, but I didn’t take notes cause I watched it with friends, but it’s a good one, I love Stoner!Cas and Lucifer!Sams colorscheme is... nice) 
spn 5x05, liveblog, collected posts (all 11 of them) or as i like to call it: What If Your Fav Celebrities Just Like Straight Up Killed You Huh? Would That Be Fucked Up Or What?
Haunted cars are good actually
#they just make for a really interesting story ok? Although I already really like this episode
 I love Dean being a nerd for Hollywood horror stories… god, what a nerd! Like he doesn’t even need to look anything up, he just knows!
 UGH, so im just there like: aww Dean is actually cute sometimes, he has his scenes and then like the next scene right after he ruins it by using creepy and disgusting con artist tricks
#dean I am still coming for your goddamn kidneys, just you wait you piece of garbage
 Sam is the smartest cookie! He just… learned Spanish in college… I love my smart boy!!!
#like he speaks fluent latin obviously English enochian now ASL and probably more? #if sam had a tumblr hed have a langblr and a booklr and also a sideblog for serial killer stuff
 I Will Punch Dean In The Dick
#which is every part of his body cause Dean is a dick #yeah the apocalypse got them all riled up. Yeah we all know who’s fault that is! #like two episodes AFTER he said that the apocalypse is not sams fault but also his #fuck I hate dean I hate him so much #hypocritical abusive asshole
 And the fact that Sam doesn’t get to fight about it or be angry, he’s just supposed to suck it up and take it sucks so much!!!
#listen I didn’t mean to be a bitter sam girl but the show gave me no other choice lmao
 On the one hand: it’s cute that sam is a super fan of ghandi, cause it works for his character, but ghandi is a fucking asshole
 Sam in his blue scrubs and with the orangish background is a really nice color combination :333
 Sam being a botany nerd is also so good!!! I love my geek boy!
 Aaaand I love the House of Wax references :D
 Also im glad Dean apologized for his bs and realized that Sam isn’t solely responsible for the apocalypse. You know what that is? Growth. (or you know it would be if it stuck in his brain similarly to the idea that… maybe not all monster bad huh… nevermind gotta kill all and also Sammy u idiot started the apocalypse cause slutty with demon!!!)
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aviision-a-blog · 7 years
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