#( int: enzo )
enzoadeluca · 28 days
closed starter for @alarakcplan location: the boardwalk
With the sun hanging low in the sky, most of the crowds had made their way down onto the beach for the headlining acts, leaving a hungry Enzo to join one of the shorter food lines. Between the blistering summer heat and all of the alcohol he'd consumed, it was probably just about time the man sunk his teeth into something more substantial than the fries he'd consumed around lunch hour.
"Sorry, do you know if this is the line for tacos or the winery?" he asked the woman head of him, trying to decipher where the two lines had somewhat converged. "I definitely need one of those things more than I need the other."
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bvlladonnas · 5 months
closed / @acosmicdisappointment, for enzo location / that damn car
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           ꒰ა  ♡  ໒꒱  --— "  so  what  ice  cream  are  we  getting ? i  want  strawberry.  "  ximena  says  it  with  a  giggle  the  second  she  ducks  into  the  car,  setting  her  bag  on  the  floor  by  her  feet;  she'd  brought  her  crochet  stuff  this  time,  knowing  she'd  probably  be  out  decently  late.  plus  she'd  told  enzo  she  could  teach  him  and  he'd  seemed  excited,  "  and  you  better  not  speed  while  i'm  in  the  car. or go  on  your  phone  while  you're  driving.  i'll  jump  out  and  make  sure  everyone  knows  it  was  your  fault.  "  unfortunately  she'll  never  be  able  to  stop  scolding,  even  when  she's  trying  to  look  cool  and  fun  in  front  of  a  boy. 
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lvciano · 2 years
when: 27 september 1924 where: the vincelli mansion - drawing room who: @lorenzovincelli
a year is plenty of time to remodel an entire room but every time luciano comes in here he half expects it to look as it did - either before or immediately after the brain matter belonging to erik’s father was smeared against the soles of his shoes - and not shiny and new for the denizens of new orleans. but, he supposes, a bloody massacre immortalized would be hard to explain to vera’s new playtoys and uncomfortable at best for the rest of his family to experience. he’d seen worse in france.
sniffing, luciano nudges the fireplace with his shoe - unimpressed with the new rounded edge that replaces the previously sharp corners, as if his parents were ‘child proofing’ their home - and plucks his flask from inside his jacket as he turns to enzo. “i’m not a fan of the remodel.”
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scofflawed · 2 years
when: 27 september 1924 where: vincelli mansion - the snug who: @lorenzovincelli​
hugo dislikes all of the vincelli children equally. first and foremost for being vincellis and, from there, personally biases kick in. the oldest with a name he ought to remember if only because he’s a cop and there’s a special place in both hell and hugo’s heart for cops. the big dumb brute luciano grates his nerves simply for being what he is. vera, the only one with brains, for being the only one with brains. and last and most certainly least in the family but greatest in hugo’s despisement stands lorenzo - who hugo wouldn’t even remember existed if not for the fact he’s been making his brother’s business, and therefore life, suffer as of late.
the only person allowed to cause his brother stress is, naturally, hugo.
hugo sinks the black 8 ball to win five hundred of enzo’s ‘hard-earned’ dollars and smiles blandly across the pool table at him. “you don’t play your brother much, do you? i would have thought he’d taught you a few tricks.”
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zophistication · 2 years
when: 27 september 1924 where: the vincelli mansion - elsewhere who: @lorenzovincelli​
“oh dear. wrong turn again.” big, unfamiliar houses aren’t friendly to socialites slightly more than tipsy on champagne. somehow a trip to the bathroom has found her trying to find her way back to the party goers and only ending up further. she can barely hear the music from here and the last thing she needs is for someone to find her looking like a snoop when she’s sincerely lost. turning to head back the way she’s come, zosia stops short at the sight of someone else in the hallway. her face crinkles into the telltale expression of ‘i dont know you am i supposed to know you’ and she steps closer. “darling, are you lost, too? we could be lost together. or perhaps you know where you’re going and can help me back.”
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r0bita · 8 days
Princess Knight headcanons, speculations, and observations, because I have nothing else to do right now. This post got longer than intended.
Much... much longer...
Kingdoms and regions.
Even though both Goldland and Silverland are fictional, they may possibly be the fantasy counterparts to real European medieval/renaissance era kingdoms. Both England and Italy are mentioned in the manga as seperate locations, so it's safe to say that neither Goldland nor Silverland are situated in either of those countries.
A lot of French influences are found in Takarazuka revue and Takarazuka also inspired Princess Knight, among many other stories and characters written by Osamu Tezuka. By that logic, it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume that the main character's homeland, Silverland, is probably based on France. Aditionally, the French pronunciation of Sapphire is Saphir, a masculine word/name in the language. The word "sapphire" in general is a masculine word in romance languages. With that context in mind, it makes Sapphire's gender/naming less suspicious both in reality and in-universe.
Goldland is possibly based on Germany or even the Holy Roman Empire. Additionally, Franz and Heinrich are both german names. Franz, is the German version for "Francis", meaning freeman, frank, or Frenchman (interesting...). Heinrich is the German version of Henry, meaning home ruler or enclosed ruler (very interesting...).
Despite being from an another kingdom (exiled from birth?), Capt. Blood was raised most of his life in Italy (I keep thinking Sicily. If Goldland is the HRE then maybe??? Italian states, the papacy, and the HRE were not always on good terms throughout history. I shouldn’t over think this part too much...). Not surprisingly, he would be fluent in regional Italian, as well as multiple languages and dialects due to his upbringing by nobility and as a sea voyager. Italian varients of Heinrich/Henry would be Arrigo, Enrico, or Enzo, so those could probably be the names he grew up with. As a pirate starting off from the Italian coast, would he call himself Capitano Sangue or Sanguigno?
Hecate's family lives in Mt. Resin (no real mountain by that name seems to exist, as far as a quick internet search can show). It's possibly located within or near the alps, making the location close enough to both kingdoms possible real word locations. I also get a Spanish/Iberian vibe from Hecate and Mephisto and Madame Hell, like characters from a Francisco Goya painting.
I'm surprised there isn't a Bronzeland (unless it was mentioned in the old Ribbon Knight/Princess Knight anime and I completely missed that?)
However, I definitely remember the anime bringing up three sacred treasures in the form of Gold, Silver, and Bronze orbs/bells by the finale. Maybe there were hints to a third kingdom that never got fully addressed?
Characters Observations and Headcanons
Plastic's retains some of Sapphire's experiences on account of the heart switch situation. Maybe even some emotional responses... *cough* and her romantic interests *cough. Even though he proves to be very competent and more mature than he seems, he often worries that he still doesn't have a lot to show for in spite of EVERYBODY agreeing he's a very dependable and trustworthy person.
I'm pretty sure Hecate is the type to break the fourth wall if she wanted. She'd be the type to reference famous actors and popular movies in public. She could totally predict the future, and only choose to use that power for silly reasons.
Incidentally, both Plastic and Hecate are both on the same boat when it comes to their parents and circumstances. Both Plastic and Hecate's parents insist that what they do is for their children, even when their methods are clearly wrong and both Plastic and Hectare are insistent that not only are their parents actions unnecessary, but that it's more for their selfish wants than for their children's needs. Also the coincidence that they were both born/created without "hearts" is an interesting topic.
Franz and Sapphire are both characters that, because to their upbringing, have trouble figuring themselves out and fully trusting others. They are confident in their abilities, but not so much in believing they are worthy of them because of the high standards they must uphold. Thankfully, they are both sword maniacs and absolute dorks around each other, and in general. They'll be fine.
Sapphire functions by giving herself comands. "If I must be a boy, I will be a boy." "If I must be a girl, I will be a girl" "If I must be strong, I will be strong", etc. This is pretty effective up until something disrupts Sapphire's concentration or is simply to overwhelming for her to handle alone. Once something doesn't go as planned, she needs to regain her composure and that often means switching off from whatever she's focused on. This can be frustrating for her, because switching off leads to her getting distracted and it makes her feel vulnerable. This leads to Sapphire often being very defensive and nervous when allowing others, especially strangers, close to her and allowing them to help her.
Franz heavily values honesty, openess, and reassurance, which is both a blessing and a curse for him. He's too dependent on taking other people's words to heart and does not handle mockery and dishonesty very well. This may also be why he is incredibly curious (to the point of being obsessed and nosy at times) and isn't shy about admitting when he doesn't know everything. However, he also has a tendency to be self-deprecating at times which comes in conflict with his need to look competent. He won't allow people to call him a fool, but that doesn't stop it from calling himself a fool often.
I am frankly under the belief that Franz is nearsighted, has a habit of staring off, and prone to laughing fits when he gets surprised, nervous, and even upset at times, much to his uncle's frustration and constant training in etiquette (that last one may very well be true based on his responses to sudden information in the manga).
I'd also like to believe that before deciding to become a pirate, Blood was probably set to possibly become a surgeon, or more likely a physician, either arranged by his adoptive parents or possibly by himself. This is just a personal hc I have due to Capt. Blood's original novel and movie counterpart, Dr. Peter Blood, who started out as a surgeon before he took to piracy.
Madame Hell and Satan. Worst couple.
Madame Hell and Mephisto. Power couple.
Satan could care less about his kids. Mephisto would spoil them and spoil them more. Hell is the actually the more responsible one when it comes to keeping an eye on Hecate, even if she can barely keep up with her daughter.
Oolong and Friebe, coolest sibling duo. It's not a headcanon, it's a fact. (Franz and Blood wishes... No, seriously. Franz does wish they were that in-sync, but life isn't fair and neither is his uncle...)
Speaking of Franz's uncle, Duke Chanell. It's not outright stated, but it is implied that he is his maternal uncle, stating that he raised him after his mother died. If Blood is the illegitimate child of the previous king of Goldland, this may add more to why he has a strong dislike towards Heinrich, who was probably a baby when he sent him away. Franz's uncle is depicted as harsh and greedy. But from a bigger picture, it does make sense why he would go towards extreme lengths for his nephew, possibly the only child left by his sibling, the queen. Even though he is the one ruling the country at the moment, he clearly prefers that Franz to be the one to succeed him then giving it to the elder brother, and is deeply upset about Franz pursuing The Flax-haired girl ,Sapphire, and getting forcibly engaged to Hecate.
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daxwritesstories · 11 days
High School AU Snippets 2
[A/N]: This AU has almost zero plot, so you don't need context anyway.
Cyra glares at Roman and walks up to him, closing the space between them.
CYRA: You can’t be weird around her, okay? She might be a lesbian and I don’t wanna scare her off.
Roman puts his hands up defensively.
ROMAN: Wasn’t planning on it.
Cyra glares even harder, leaning in close to Roman’s face. 
CYRA: You have to promise me.
ROMAN: Okay, I promise.
ROMAN: Cyra was gushing about you the other day.
CYRA: Hey!
ACE: She kept saying you’re pretty.
CYRA: What the fuck? I said that in confidence.
ROMAN: Well, that was your first mistake.
Celia laughs.
CELIA: It’s okay. I know I’m pretty.
Cyra climbs on the kitchen counter and opens the cabinet. She reaches into the back and pulls out a bottle of Fireball.
CYRA: This is Roman’s, but he’ll probably forgive me.
RIKKI: Probably?
Cyra hands the bottle to Rikki so she can climb down.
CYRA: Well he can’t be mad at me for trying to cheer you up.
RIKKI: I guess so…
Cyra manages to climb down without falling.
RIKKI: Where are the shot glasses?
CYRA: Ah shit!
Cyra turns around and starts climbing on the counter again. Rikki laughs at her.
RIKKI: Dumbass.
ACE: How much did you two drink?
RIKKI: Probably too much.
Rikki crouches down on the couch and does a somersault on it.
CYRA: I don’t remember how full the bottle was when we started.
ROMAN (from outside): Ace! Are we smoking or what?!
ACE: Change of plans!
Roman walks into the house.
ACE: We’ve got two drunk teenagers.
Roman looks pissed when he sees what Ace is holding. He stomps over to him and grabs the bottle.
ROMAN: Goddammit, Cyra! This is mine!
CYRA: It’s mine now!
Roman takes a few threatening steps towards Cyra. She screams and runs away. Roman chases her around the island a few times before he stops.
CYRA: You can’t catch me, bitch!
JAYCE: Wanna hear something funny?
ENZO: What?
JAYCE: Cyra was drunk-texting me last night.
Enzo laughs.
ENZO: Didn’t you reject her?
JAYCE: Yeah, but she doesn’t really give up. You know how she is.
ENZO: No, I don’t, actually.
JAYCE: Come on. She flirts with everyone.
ENZO: Not with me.
JAYCE: Just wait. She’ll get to you eventually.
ENZO: Why don’t you just hit? It’s not like Cyra’s asking you to date her.
JAYCE: Because I want to date someone. And besides, I kind of already did, if you count that one time.
ENZO: You didn’t like it?
Jayce sighs and starts packing the bowl.
JAYCE: It was just weird. Cyra’s fucking weird. It felt like she was just using me for her own amusement.
ENZO: I don’t see a problem with that.
Jayce rolls his eyes and Enzo laughs.
Cyra is standing in front of her open locker. She’s staring at the multiple pictures of Ace that she has taped to the inside of the door. She’s also holding a sheet of stickers.
She glances down at the sticker sheet and starts peeling off one that says “Queen” in pink letters. She then sticks it above one of the pictures of Ace, carefully making sure it’s in the perfect spot.
ENZO: Hey, Cyra!
Cyra flinches and drops the sticker sheet on the floor.
ENZO: Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.
Cyra bends down to pick up the stickers.
CYRA: All good. I just wasn’t paying attention.
As Cyra stands up again, Enzo tries to look inside her locker.
ENZO: What are you doing?
Cyra slams her locker shut before Enzo can see the pictures.
ENZO: You’re bi, right?
CYRA: Oh. Yeah.
ENZO: How did you, like, know?
Cyra looks at Enzo like she just realized something. She smiles deviously.
CYRA: Why are you asking?
Enzo groans in annoyance.
ROMAN: What do you want?
CYRA (through the phone): This guy I know is asking me a question and I don’t know the answer so I’m phoning a friend. 
ROMAN: Shoot. 
INT. School hallway - Morning
CYRA: How did you figure out that you wanted to fuck guys?
We hear Roman sigh on the phone. 
INT. Cyra’s house - Morning
ROMAN: You know I don’t normally wanna fuck guys, right?
CYRA (through the phone): But you do sometimes. 
Roman rolls his eyes. 
ROMAN: I guess. 
CYRA (through the phone): This is my friend Enzo! He has a crush on Jayce.
INT. School hallway - Morning
ENZO: Hey!
CYRA: What?
We hear Roman laugh through the phone.
INT. Cyra’s house - Morning
ROMAN: You mean that kid who was at our house the other day? Come on, man, you can do better than that.
Cyra raises an eyebrow at Enzo.
CYRA: Does that help?
Enzo sighs.
ENZO: Not really…
CYRA: Well… Thanks anyway, Roman.
ROMAN (through the phone): No problem, jailba–
Cyra hangs up before Roman can finish the word.
CYRA: Sorry I couldn’t be more help.
CYRA: Hi, Ara!
ARABELLA: I changed my mind. Just use my full name.
CYRA: Aw, but it’s such a mouthful.
Arabella sits down.
ARABELLA: I’ll show you a mouthful.
ARABELLA: I just ran into the hottest goth girl in the bathroom.
CYRA: A goth girl?
RIKKI: I didn’t know goths still existed.
CYRA: Says the emo girl.
RIKKI: You’re literally still in your scene phase in high school.
BUCK: Sup?
SETH: Hey, man.
Max rolls his eyes and starts looking through his binder.
SETH: So, do you guys wanna just divide up the work again?
BUCK: Yeah, it’s easier that way.
MAX (flatly): Sure, whatever.
We cut back to Cyra, Arabella, and Rikki. Cyra nods toward the boys.
CYRA: The gay boys are fighting.
ARABELLA: Huh. Hey, is this assignment due tomorrow or Wednesday?
Rikki’s eyes widen.
RIKKI: Fuck, it’s due tomorrow.
CYRA: Seth!
Seth turns around again, looking annoyed.
SETH: What?
CYRA: When is the assignment due?
SETH: Tomorrow.
CYRA: Shit!
MR. LI: Cyra, language!
CYRA: Sorry!
Cyra throws the front door open and marches into the house, followed by Rikki and Arabella.
CYRA: What’s up, fuckers?!
Roman, who is sitting on the couch watching TV, looks over his shoulder at the girls.
ROMAN (sarcastically): Oh yay, the fireball bandits are back.
CYRA: Yo, that would be a sick band name.
RIKKI: Oh my god, let’s start a band.
Roman eyes Arabella as the girls walk toward the kitchen.
ROMAN: Who are you?
ARABELLA: Your worst nightmare.
Arabella walks to the living room and stands directly in front of the TV. She bends forward and furrows her brow, examining Roman.
ARABELLA: How old are you?
ROMAN: Thirty-two. You’re blocking the TV.
ARABELLA: Watching TV is bad for you.
ROMAN: Don’t care, bitch. Move.
CYRA: Don’t be fucking rude, Roman!
Arabella puts her hands on her hips defiantly.
ARABELLA: You can’t tell me what to do.
ROMAN: Yes I can. I don’t care if you’re a kid, I’ll kick your ass.
Roman’s threat doesn’t faze Arabella.
ARABELLA: Tell that to my steel-toed boots.
Roman laughs and Arabella frowns.
ARABELLA: What’s so funny?
ROMAN: I like her, Cyra!
CYRA: Ace is a crossdresser. A really hot one.
Arabella smiles.
ARABELLA: You like crossdressers?
CYRA: Yes, but that’s not why I like him.
Roman laughs and Cyra points at him.
CYRA: Shut up!
CYRA: This is fuckin’ rigged.
Arabella laughs.
ARABELLA: I didn’t take you for a sore loser, Cyra.
Ace gives Arabella a confused look.
ACE: Really?
Rikki doesn’t respond, just huffs. Roman finishes rolling the joint and hands it to her.
ROMAN: You need to talk about it eventually.
Rikki snatches the joint from Roman’s hand.
RIKKI: Or I could just keep ignoring it and then one day I’ll die.
RIKKI: I was already telling Cyra that I don’t have anyone to move out with. And I’m not living alone.
ROMAN: You could always move in with us.
Rikki smirks.
RIKKI: No thanks. These past few days have already been bad enough.
CYRA: Did you sleep?
VIR: I did for a couple hours. But, I mean, who needs sleep anyway?
CYRA: I feel that! Just give me a few hours every couple of nights and I’ll be fine.
VIR: We’re both gonna die young.
VIR: What did you do last night?
Cyra smiles deviously at Vir.
VIR: What? What?
CYRA: You have to guess.
Vir thinks for a moment.
VIR: Hm… Was it something bad?
CYRA: Yes.
Vir thinks again.
VIR: Shit, that doesn’t really narrow it down.
CYRA: Are you seeing what I’m seeing?
Vir looks around. We see a quick pan shot of the tables. Prince and Hayden are sitting together and chatting. A table away from them, Jayce and Enzo are eating together. Jayce is glaring daggers at Hayden.
VIR: You mean Jayce being thirsty and mad?
Cyra walks into the house.
CYRA: I’m home early!
There’s no response.
CYRA: Hello! I skipped school! Someone come yell at me!
ROMAN: Look, Cyra, I’ll make you a deal. You let me play my game in peace and I won’t tell Ace that you ditched class.
Cyra rolls her eyes.
CYRA: Okay, fine.
Cyra leaves the room and Roman puts his headphones back on.
Cyra is lying on the couch, looking at Social Bunny on her phone. We see her phone screen as she scrolls through the posts.
JAYCE (post): Whoever named frogs was so right. Those sure are frogs.
Cyra laughs at Jayce’s post and types out a comment.
CYRA (comment): Your mind is really something else, kiddo.
RIKKI: Who you texting?
CYRA: I’m cyberbullying Jayce on Social Bunny.
Rikki laughs.
RIKKI: Not again!
CYRA: I can’t help it!
CYRA: I got to see this side of him that I’ve never seen before. It was like he was daring me to try and impress him. It was… intimidating.
VIR: And, let me guess, it made you love him even more?
CYRA: Exactly!
CYRA: Did you ever have anyone like that? Someone who changed your entire perspective on life? In a good way, I mean.
ACE: You’re asking if I’ve ever been in love?
CYRA: Yeah!
Ace thinks for a moment.
ACE: No. No, I haven’t. I’m kinda heartless. I tried to warn you.
CONNOR: My brother and I moved here when I was fifteen, so I’ve been living with him ever since. He’s cool with parties as long as we don’t get too crazy.
Celia giggles.
CELIA: What’s “too crazy”?
CONNOR: No idea. I guess we’ll find out.
CYRA: But you have ulterior motives.
ROMAN: No I don’t.
Cyra frowns at Roman. He just shakes his head at her.
ROMAN: You’re not that hot.
ARABELLA: Is that it?
CELESTE: There’s more, but I’d like to hear your first impressions.
Arabella thinks for a moment, trying to come up with something that will impress.
ARABELLA: I’m getting both cosmic and eldritch horror vibes.
CELESTE: Hm… If by “vibes” you mean atmosphere and theme, then yes, I agree.
Cyra is sitting on the kitchen counter, next to the fridge. She opens the fridge for a girl who walks up to it. The girl giggles and Cyra smiles at her. The girl takes a cooler from the fridge and raises it to Cyra before, leaving. Cyra closes the fridge and watches as the girl walks away.
A guy with dyed-blonde hair, wearing balloon pants and a crop top, walks into the kitchen.
CYRA: Want a drink?
TONY: No thanks. I don’t drink.
Cyra nods.
CYRA: Good on you. My roommate always tells me to never drink.
TONY: That’s good advice. 
Tony glances at the fridge. 
TONY: I don’t remember Connor telling me that he hired a fridge bouncer.
Cyra smiles and looks Tony up and down. He notices the flirty look in her eyes right away.
TONY: Oh, I’m too old for you.
CYRA: That’s never bothered me.
TONY: I’m also aro-ace.
TONY: I’m twenty-three.
Cyra nods.
TONY: And you?
CYRA: Fifteen.
TONY: And how old is your roommate?
Cyra smiles.
CYRA: I have two.
TONY: The one who tells you not to drink.
Cyra glances around.
CYRA (casually): I wanna go dance.
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rabattbutikse · 1 month
Sterlings illusioner om Chelsea krossas
Sterlings lycka är enkel, och hans sorg är också enkel. När Sterling gick över till Chelsea var hans idé helt enkelt att hjälpa laget att vinna mästerskapet. Chelsea var för grymma mot Sterling under den nya säsongen, och hans billiga fotbollströja nummer 7 gavs till Pedro Neto av huvudtränaren Enzo Maresca.
Chelseas beslut var väldigt enkelt, de städade upp spelarna på ett extremt sätt. Chelseas tillvägagångssätt var mer direkt än Barcelonas. De tillät inte spelare att delta i förstalagets träning, och de tillät inte heller spelare att komma in i lagets cafeterian. Barcelona använde tidigare den tidigare huvudtränaren Ronald Koeman för att städa upp spelare, men Chelsea fråntog spelare direkt all verksamhet. Premier League är inte en särskilt stor liga. Förra säsongen lät Manchester Uniteds huvudtränare Erik ten Hag inte Jadon Sancho komma in i cafeterian. Nu har även Chelsea följt Manchester Uniteds tillvägagångssätt, och de hindrade även Sterling från att delta på träningar och komma in i cafeterian. Även om Sterlings agent ifrågasatte Chelsea så har hans kontrakt inte gått ut. Men Chelsea gav inget svar, och laget skulle bara köra enligt beslutet.
Huvudtränaren Enzo Maresca meddelade offentligt att Sterling inte fanns i startelvan. Han skulle inte bry sig om en spelares situation. Chelsea har trots allt för många unga spelare, och huvudtränaren Enzo Maresca har för många spelare att välja mellan. Sterling är inte längre en viktig spelare för Chelsea. Han har ersatts av unga spelare. Vid 29 års ålder har han fortfarande en chans i karriären. Han kan inte slösa bort sina framtida möjligheter i Chelsea. Chelsea Matchtröjor är ett skämt för Sterling, och alla hans vackra fantasier om laget krossas. Sterling kommer inte att välja att återvända till Manchester City. Han måste seriöst överväga valet av nästa klubb.
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trojanyheter · 4 months
Chelsea värvar en 44-årig engelsk mästartränare
Chelseas rekord förra säsongen var inte bra, och huvudtränaren fick oundvikligen sparken. Ett land kan inte vara utan en kung för en dag, och detsamma gäller för klubbar. Huvudtränaren är den mest oumbärliga delen av laget. Efter att Chelsea sparkat huvudtränaren, vem behöver spelarna som bär billiga fotbollströjor leda? Enligt det officiella tillkännagivandet från Premier League-jätten Chelsea blir Enzo Maresca Chelseas nya tränare.
Enzo Maresca är 44 år gammal och var en gång mittfältare. 2020 fungerade han som Manchester City U23-huvudtränare och uppnådde utmärkta resultat och gick in i allas synfält. Enzo Maresca har också varit i flera lag. Förra säsongen ledde Enzo Maresca Leicester City tillbaka till Premier League på bara ett år. Därför såg Chelsea värdet av denna tränare och skrev på ett 5-årskontrakt med honom med en 1-års förlängningsmöjlighet, som kan vara upp till 2030. Här säljer vår officiella hemsida Chelsea tröja, välkommen att konsultera.
Enzo Maresca skrev på ett långtidskontrakt med Chelsea och betalade även en utköpsklausul på 10 miljoner euro, vilket räcker för att visa Chelseas förtroende för Enzo Maresca.
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marcellocorazzini · 7 months
Il nuovo evento di CSA Farm Gallery.
Gianni Maria Tessari/Enzo Bersezio – Incontro – Scritture Dal 7 al 23 Marzo 2024 –  Dal Mercoledì al Sabato dalle 16.00 alle 19.30 Atelier Bersezio Via Vanchiglia 36 – int. cortile  – 10124 Torino (IT) Scritture! L’uso creativo della scrittura apre nuove possibilità di interpretazione nell’arte contemporanea e così è anche per Gianni Maria Tessari e per Enzo Bersezio. Nell’arte…
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realdelvalle · 1 year
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patricia villalobos ( @patvlls , inactividad )
hiatus vigentes :
alex : jiseok lee ( @jise0k ) hasta 07/06
vale : cleo rhodes ( @cleorhodes ) & lucas jenkins ( @lucasjenkins ) hasta 02/06
agatha : gala torrenegro ( @galavs ) hasta 30/05
peligro de unfollow :
ignacio lara ( @iglaras ) +1 int.
alondra sayyed ( @alsayyeds ) +2 int.
kasiani báthory ( @kasianis ) +1 int.
lee minsoo ( @lminsoo ) +3 int.
jett walker ( @jettrz ) +3 int.
enzo byrne ( @byrnez ) +3 int.
21 de 26 cupos ocupados.
faceclaims liberados
camila morrone
macarena garcía romero
bárbara lopez
censo de población: 
actualmente real del valle cuenta con ( +1 cta en espera ) 36 habitantes .
contamos con 5 cupos disponibles para personas interesadas en integrarse al grupal.
anunciamos tambien que al pasar siete días con 6 cupos sin ocupar, el grupal procederá a tener los 20 cupos únicos iniciales.
los personajes en peligro de unfollow tienen 24 horas para llegar al mínimo de actividad para seguir en el grupal.
todas las listas se encuentran actualizadas ( rostros ocupados , personajes , blogroll , locaciones )
muchas gracias por seguir con nosotros en el proyecto ! tenemos aun muchas sorpresas preparadas para todes. tengan un buen domingo ♡
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enzoadeluca · 28 days
closed starter for @tomashernandcz location: beach / near mainstage
In a sea of country music fans, Enzo did his best to search the crowd for a familiar face, hoping that at least one of his friends was roaming the festival grounds. Most of the boys had simply rolled their eyes when he'd asked if they were attending the music festival, so the sight of Tomas standing near the beer tent came as a welcomed surprise. Especially considering the fact that he was in need of a refill. "Damn, Hernandez, are you lost? I didn't know you were a Cash Henley fan." With a sly grin, the Enzo gave the man's arm a playful bump before turning his attention toward the festival volunteer, who had already armed themselves with a new can for his consumption. "Can you make it two actually? Thanks. Keep the change."
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liketrojor · 1 year
Erling Haaland vinner sin första Premier League-titel i karriären
Chelsea-spelare ställde upp för att applådera när de såg den titelvinnande ceremonin som hölls av rivalen Manchester City. Bara Manchester City och fansen var glada på platsen, och den blå billiga fotbollströjor representerade lycka. Erling Haaland är stolt över att vara en del av laget, som tar sin första Premier League-titel i karriären.
Valet av proffsspelare är mycket viktigt, och slutet av den här säsongen har lyft fram många problem. Erling Haalands flytt till Manchester City var helt klart rätt, inte bara har han vunnit Premier League-titeln den här säsongen, han kommer även att tilldelas Premier Leagues guldstövel. Erling Haalands tidigare lag, Borussia Dortmund, förlitade sig på spelarövergångar för att driva klubben. Alltför många spelare hade inte tur i sina karriärer efter övergångar. Erling Haalands tidigare lagkamrat Jadon Sancho flyttade till Manchester United, och hans insats i laget fick inte mycket uppmärksamhet från fansen. Även om Jadon Sancho spelade tillsammans med Erling Haalands idol Cristiano Ronaldo tidigare den här säsongen, så är han ingen starter som huvudtränaren kommer att använda. Efter att Erling Haaland misslyckades med att gå över till Real Madrid valde han slutligen att gå över till Manchester City. Han träffade Pep Guardiola, den bästa huvudtränaren i fotboll, och han och hans lagkamrater firade att vinna Premier League-mästerskapet vid prisutdelningen.
Manchester City tröjor är redan en symbol för Premier League-mästerskapet, och laget har vunnit tre ligatitlar i rad. Även om Manchester City hade många spelare ledigt förra året så hade spelaravgången ingen större inverkan på laget. Chelseas Raheem Sterling kunde bara ställa upp för att se sin tidigare lagkamrat lyfta Premier League-trofén igen, och Enzo Fernández stod i kö för att se Argentinas fotbollslandslagskamrat Julián Álvarez vinna Premier League-titeln. Erling Haaland njöt av fansens applåder och jubel vid mästerskapsceremonin och han delade också glädjen över att vinna mästerskapet med sin pappa Alfie Håland.
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trojatrycknamn · 2 years
Vinn Qatar World Cup Trophy, en kamp för Messi snarare än av Messi
Denna söndag, det sista kapitlet 2022 Qatar World Cup, duellen mellan Frankrike och Argentina, som mer än någonsin lockar uppmärksamhet och förväntningar hos fans som bär fotbollströjor Argentina. Detta är inte bara en kamp av Messi, utan en kamp av alla fans och alla Argentina -spelare som sammanfogades på grund av Messi!
I Qatar, under varje argentinskt spel, såg vi fansen klädd i blå och vita tröjor dominerade publiksektionen, de flesta hade på sig fotbollströjor Messi, och så många barn klädde Messi tröja barn. De tittade inte bara på spelet, de deltog, med jubel, rop och sjöng för att ge ett bidrag!
Det argentinska laget har aldrig varit så förenat. Enzo, de Paul, Martinez, etc., alla spelare konsolideras av Messi. Du kan säga att de kämpar för Argentina, men jag skulle säga att de kämpar för Messi. Messi är en så sällsynt hjälte att alla skulle känna sig så lyckliga att ha chansen att kämpa för honom. Vi önskar och de kommer att vinna Qatar World Cup -trofé genom att besegra den yngre mannen i fotbollströjor Frankrike!
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ofanya · 4 years
starter for @cavanagh​
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– “OH, THANK GOD YOU’RE BACK,” ANYA SAYS. she’s crouched by the bunk bed, staring down figaro who’s in the back corner, practically tucked behind the bedpost. “ he won’t come out. and i was worried...is that something he normally does ? perhaps...is he ‘just chilling’ ? ” she makes air quotes with the slang, “ or is something wrong ? ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years
starter for @cavanagh​
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– “HI!” SHE GREETS CHEERFULLY, sitting down at the lunch table next to him. she’s sort of declared them best friends since he visited this summer, so he’s now subject to her company at will. “ how is your first day on the job going ? mine’s been busy, i don’t really know anyone in my intern group so...i’m just trying to get to know them all, i don’t know how i feel about it. but i think it’s going to be really fun... ” she trails off, “ anyways, you were saying ? ” 
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