#( it's so old I was still just sending you asks as “anise anon” when we started it xD; )
thosetaleskids · 4 months
@talesofourworlds / from (x)
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"I didn't exactly ask for this, either! OW, be careful, that stings!"
She appreciated that he was trying to help, in his way... but that didn't mean that Anise was happy about the quality of said help, or about the situation in general. She'd been lagging behind the rest of the party - give her a break, her legs were shorter than anyone else's, and even she got tired sometimes - when some of Arietta's monster friends had taken the opportunity to pounce her.
She'd put up a valiant fight, sure. But even so, the attack had separated her from the rest of the group; one of the ligers had knocked her down from Tokunaga and scratched up her right shoulder pretty good, and as she'd recoiled from that she'd misstepped and taken a tumble down part of the cliff and sprained her already-wounded shoulder by landing on it.
The ligers hadn't pursued; she hadn't seen Gloomietta with them so she had probably just commanded them from afar. But that was where Asch had found her, lying in a battered heap there.
If she'd been in a better mood, Anise would have made sure to tease Asch again for his temper reminding her of Luke; but right now her thoughts were in too much of a mess to come up with something suitable. Probably a good thing, too, if the way Asch abruptly drew his sword was any indication.
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"Hey, WHOA--!"
She raised her uninjured arm in a vain attempt to block the blow-- which turned out a moment later to not have been aimed at her at all. Still, Anise yelped as he stabbed the weapon into the ground beside her... before she caught on to what he was doing.
"...oh, right."
She could indeed feel the seventh fonons doing their thing; the sprained muscle in her shoulder felt like it was easing itself, and her cuts at least stopped leaking blood even if they didn't exactly close themselves up or anything. Still hurt when she experimentally shifted her shoulder, however, and Anise gave a wince.
"No, usually I'm too cute to get into this much trouble. Guess Gloomietta really has it out for me, huh?"
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