#( ive said some of this stuff before but ugh moras so weird and complicated and makes my brain itch
stolememory · 1 year
The idea that Mora is actually, by creation, the void or the absence in a sense, of truth or fact really fuels me. It was created from the tossed out ideas of creation, therefore making their essence at its core opposites of factual reality. Because it is that which was never adapted to reality and truth.
Also might be what makes them an abyss, ink stain, what have you on the various things he tends to. The fate tapestry the biggest one that comes to mind, I've discussed this before but I'll link that again HERE. In general aspects of reality he is unviewable, because reality was never provided the 'eyes' to view what was decided as non-existent.
Also honestly? Mora seems to love his spheres more than he actually embodies them.... he hoards, he consumes and collects. It's not about spreading knowledge, its about obtaining knowledge, memories, fates, etc for him. They are the black hole of which all info comes to, not a great fountain of which to drink and nourish from. Even those that obtain from Mora it is not for the sake of representing the true spread of knowledge but rather for the gain of more in return for the crumbs of what it has already consumed.
Mora is a conceptual void, in comparison to those that embody physical voids. The obstruction of memory, the blotting of history, the consumption of knowledge. In the end, you are left with nothing
As he describes himself, "the riddle unsolveable. The door unopenable. The book unreadable. The question unanswerable." The only answer that satisfies this is 'nothing'. An unsolveable riddle has no solution, a door unopenable is not a gateway, a book unreadable is blank, a question unswerable is one without an answer.
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