#( jamedea: shop talk. )
soundsofwinter · 7 years
shop talk
Borgin and Burkes was only a hop away from his uncles’ jokes store, the charmed, pranking merchandise giving way to bloody cards and inconspicuous ropes. It was certainly not a shop that was appropriate for children. James stepped into the store with his hands in his pockets, warmth rushing to his flushed seek as he left the brisk winter cold for the heated, darkened and expansive room. The shop was under new ownership. James hadn’t thought that Burke would give up the store for anything, no matter his age. Medea Nott, an old classmate, was rather young to be a store owner, but her efforts were already evidenced by the new look and layout. 
His fingers ran along one of the masks on the wall, jolting backward when the mouth snapped shut on his thumb. “This has to be a work hazard of some kind,” James mused, addressing the woman that was standing next to the register, calmly removing the fleshy digit from the jaws of other otherwise inanimate object. “Do you have any merchandise that isn’t liable to case bodily harm or is that just part of the fun?” Working with dangerous substances wasn’t unusual for him, but the experiments at the Department of Mysteries were far more controlled, contained, all in the name of discovery. 
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