#( kravitz vc: yeaaah that tracks for me. dsfkljsd  kaz vc: stop fucking killing me maybe??? )
absolutionlacuna · 1 year
why did the author kill you off?
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Morals=Mortality. Every story has themes, with lessons within those themes. Your death was in service of one (or more) of these, your life made forfeit in favour of imparting wisdom... or what the author presented as wisdom. Were you too kind? Too trusting? Too forgiving? Did a cruel author kill you to prove that happy endings do not exist? Or were you too proud to ask for help? Too angry to let the past go? Did the author hold a mirror up to the protagonist, showing them your death where the reflection was supposed to go? On one hand, your death is pitiable, for it does not belong to you. On the other, you have been granted a gift many spend their whole lives searching for: A purpose. May you find comfort and truth within the circumstances of your demise (and may we all).
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crimed from: @godkilller​​
do a crime: @thuganomxcs​​ & @strifeblade​​ & @chxmpionofjustice​​ & @universestreasures​​ ( for aichi ) & @demon-slayer-kaiden​​ & @blossomingbellflower​​ & @feudalfell​​ & @jigokudo​​ + whoever else wants to!!
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