#( lupercalia 002 )
aeliamaia · 7 months
who: @bishophart where: Lupercalia
Being in the Lupercalia fieldgrounds again was an odd feeling, here she stood with her humanity in hand and with a woman that she had been kissing on this day last year. Growth had quietly found her and yet she found her monstrous impulses still existed, she still craved to devour flesh, magic and violence still called to her. She wanted to see how her fighters were doing, if going rounds at Dante's had served them well. She notices a fighter by the pen watching the all fighters gauntlet. "What do you think of the fights so far?"
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safiyebalik · 7 months
who: @netteliax where: Lupercalia
It had been a day of fighting hellhounds and kelpies, wiping the sweat from her brow, she grinned. It was a pity that she lost but she was in public and so had to keep a good spirit for the crowd. While leaving the arena, she shot a cold look in Octavian's direction -- she hated losing and he was a growing problem. As a Keeper, she choose to remember all of the war and so getting her hands bloody helped to keep her mind clear, a fighters instinct that removed every obstacle that was on the field. She spots Nettelia wrinkling her nose at the warm beer and runs to catch up. Happy that the Archdruid is there. "Are you playing in any games?"
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asukaskerian · 4 years
monthly word count
TOTAL: 8 792 words. Hm. Okay. POSTED: nothing! WIP: -Bleach: Ichigo/Grimmjow/his fraccion ABO (347 words but i did unfuck some things. this chapter is being very difficult. just die already, mayuri.) -Naruto: Tobirama breaks time to save his baby bros (12 words sobs. it was supposed to be a oneshot. why can't i finish it.) -Bleach: IchiHimeNelGrim suburban OT4 (345 words. oh god so stuck. this is an easy sweet flirty AU. why.) -Bleach: grimmichi psychic wolves (155 words, end of ichigo scene, now i just need grimmjow scene and the chapter will be complete... so, halfway there.) -Bleach, grimmichi superheroes AU chapter 2 (2 693 words, ALMOSt complete. :O) -Naruto: madatobiizu group marriage ABO chapter 4 (4 218 words hohohohoho) -Naruto: madatobiizu group marriage ABO discarded POV that didn't stall me as i mourned it too hard to write its replacement for once!! (1 002 words. sad re: discard but okay.) Lupercalia is on february 15th so I should finish the bleach psychic wolves chapter. also i'm missing maybe two lines of wrap-up for the superheroes AU chapter 2... hmmmmmm. otherwise it's mainly madatobiizu ABO at the moment. i don't know when i'll post chapter 2 because while it's super interesting atm this is the kind of fic that i feel is gonna stall on me for seven months at some point and it's a high-effort one so i'd feel bad about that. >_>;;; so i want a buffer and not to get people used to monthly chapters or something.
-- grimmichi ABO -- Finding his balance at his back, more than close enough to feel the hot wash of his power, Grimmjow goes from incredulous rage to an odd, giddy burst of -- relief? satisfaction? Fuck, it's heady. It's -- (Oh, he's breathing on Kurosaki's nape, he could -- touch? Grab. Bite.) But the painted fuck makes a displeased clucking noise, and Grimmjow remembers that he has no intention to humor Kurosaki's stupid protect-everything instinct. -- Grimmichi superheroes AU -- Karin's eyes narrowed, going between the two of them with suspicion and wariness that hadn't even been there a minute ago, while keeping an actual supervillain company. Ichigo narrowed his eyes meanly. "I already know he's here, you don't need to keep any more secrets from me." Ichigo bit down on Zangetsu's growl. "Think he wants to do the 'touch my sister and die' routine," Pantera drawled, amused, his head tilted on the pillow just enough to bare a hint of throat. That didn't read as surrender at all, only as teasing, as a dare he knew nobody would take him up on-- 'Zan?' 'He would fucking deserve it if I did,' his alien tapeworm growled lowly back, their mouth watering at the thought of flesh parting between their teeth and blood and a scar. Karin hesitated before handing her cards to Ichigo, eyes flicking between the two of them. Ichigo sighed. "We're not going to fight. He'd bleed like a stuck pig on my mattress, again." "... Fine." She gave Pantera a gimlet stare. "Your one and only warning, grungy -- Ichi fights fair, but I don't." Ichigo waited to hear her stomping all the way down the stairs before he opened his mouth, and was beaten to the punch by Pantera, who was running a thumb across his hand of cards thoughtfully as he watched him. "She's got powers, don't she." ... Had Ichigo thought he was out of the lake of adrenaline? More the fool he. It was like being dunked through ice into a polar sea. 'How the fuck??' was barely louder than 'kill him now / he thinks she's a threat kill him now.' He licked dry lips, tried to find the least incriminating answer he could, only managed an unsteady "What?" Pantera rolled his eyes. "She didn't get nervous until she had to leave you alone with me. She ain't stupid, but she's too fucking sure of herself. She's got powers, you don't." A quick raking glance, assessing. "Or at least not enough." Ichigo opened his mouth, closed it. Well. Technically... Well. -- MadaTobiIzu ABO -- If he went to their bedroom to get undressed first, it would only be more putting it off, wouldn't it. He knocked, then slid the bathroom door open. "Room for one more?" He tried on a smile. Madara looked all loose and flushed, head rolled back over the lip of the tub, hair piled up in a ridiculously huge bun, toes floating up. Maybe it would just be a relaxing time, with some shop talk sprinkled in... Oh. There was a little wooden tub bobbing along in the bath with Madara, carrying a sake bottle and two cups. His throat tightened. "I'm sure I can keep from accidentally drowning you," Madara replied, waving a hand indolently at the wide square of a bath. Izuna blinked, laughed. They could have fit a litter of five adult men in there, or almost. The bath back home was a round tube they had to take turns in. But there were only two people in their household. Taking turns was not that much of an issue. "And drowning me on purpose?" he asked with a faint, vaguely choked-up smile. Madara smirked back, eyes closed, head still tilted back. "That's a risk you'll have to take." Izuna undressed, forcing himself to take his time folding it all nicely because he was going to regret it later if he creased anything; sat on a stool and twisted up his topknot into a silly loop to keep it out of the way, and poured water down his back. Now he kind of regretted not coming in earlier with Madara, though. Maybe they could have scrubbed each other's back. The water sloshed up and over the sides when he slipped in. He tried not to upend the floating tub as he made his slow, careful way to Madara's side and sat. The water was so hot it left his skin tingling.   "Haven't done this in a while, huh," he mused, nudging against Madara's feet. His brother cracked his eyes open to give him a warning look. "We could have if you would only keep your toes to yourself. Why do you need to sprawl like this?" ... Because Izuna wanted to touch him? He made himself bat his eyelashes, turned his voice syrupy-fake. "Because I love you?" Madara narrowed his eyes a little more. "Uh huh." Izuna laughed. What else could he do.
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