#( lyd: vicious mockery nat20 let's go )
vanbredevoort · 6 months
Lydia, my ego is hurt, I need my daily ego boost. I was rejected by this damn woman once again. Imagine I want to settle after 600 years for an HALF elf and she keeps gushing about her godess of darkness instead. Tell me I am pretty
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"Lady of Sorrow guides us---
I'm kidding you are beautiful amazing astonishing smart capable regal elegant and what does she know tho, she was in a cult, i smell pyramid scheme right there, BE YOUR OWN BOSS AND BRINGER OF SHADOWS, ASK ME HOW kind of stuff and also did you look at the company she has? a teddy bear with rage issues, a wizard who dies of 1d6 'Being my ex girlfriend's leftovers' damage, a man with daddy and evil-devil-mommy issues, a toad with somehow similar rage issues, a giant who smells of bear crap, and a fucking vampire who doesn't die OR shine with glitter under the sun. preposterous.
also her hair is horrible."
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