#( made a new palace with help of my friend rena sdvdbh)
jokaito-a · 6 years
ren’s palace: mansion of perfection
24th of february - 24th of march
rentaro amamiya shibuya trainstation mansion perfection
when you gain all the keywords, shibuya’s trainstation changes to a big mansion, a part of it obscured by mist above. there’s only gray colours, and you hear inhumane growling. from the outside, it looks extravagant, but it gives off a haunting vibe. there’s a big gate, one which makes you feel small. it feels like a prison. behind you there’s a forest of which leads directly back to the real world, but it’s hard to get through it. it’s snowing, and it never stops.
going inside, you see a staircase that is in the form of a reversed y. taking the stairs you notice the doors that leads to beyond is locked. above you there’s a chandelier, full of spiderwebs but yet in pristine state outside of that. there’s blood that drips from the ceiling, but unless they hit anyone, they disappear before they hit the ground. 
now you have to go downstairs again, and sneak through the door that’s on the right. there you’ll enter a hallway filled with paintings, but all of them are crossed out with red paintings. below you see the reason why they died, but all seem to lead to a common theme: they were the previous palace holders excluding futaba and sae. go down further to enter the room.
there you’ll see a small dining room, but no one is there. at least, no one who’s really alive. you’ll see the bodies of ren’s parents sitting at the table, their corpses limb over the furniture. thinking of sneaking past won’t help since they’ll suddenly stand up, pointing a weapon at you to get you away from their perfect son. you’ll have to battle them, and the only spells they can’t resist is those who’s ren’s lover specializes in. if he doesn’t have any, they’re weak against curse.
when you defeat them, you gain a key. this key can be used to unlock the next room, which has a staircase. going up, you enter another hallway. at first this one seems normal, just containing some small vases, shadows, and whatnot, until you reach the end of the hall. the door exchanges itself for a painting, one where a drowning ren is shown. second laters, hands grab your leg, and you’re dragged down below.
now you’re the same level as before, but beyond the wall of where the earlier staircase is. next to you is a safe room, and it contains a priest who will heal you the first time you enter it. the safe room is where originally the flower store is, and the room has red roses, but they’re wilting.
going on to the next part, you open the door on the opposite end of where you stood first within the level, and you enter a cell. there are all of of ren’s enemies, tortured, and their limbs cut off to be used for rituals. enemies will largely ignore you if they’re the one doing that to the former palace holders. continue on to find yourself in front of a locked door. a puzzle now has to be solved. the key is to go back to the safe room where the priest is, but there you’ll find a cognition of sae. a mini boss fight ensues, and a certain tactic is needed to defeat her before she hands you over the key. now enter the locked door.
open the door of the room teleports you to the start of the inside of the mansion, but now the key goads you to go up. there you go upstairs again, and are led to the left room. there you walk into what is supposed to be ren’s room, but it’s... rather empty. only a bed and a book on it is there. grabbing the book will at one point show a staircase, and it leads you to somewhere higher than you’ve been to before.
above you see a huge set of doors. opening it you’ll see the insides of a church, a funeral going on. there you see various family member of his putting a rose on a casket, the one being another ren. they mourn the death of his reputation, wishing to bury him to no longer eye the disappointment. at one point his cousin, who has come late, will see you at the door, and a boss fight stars where he calls you ungrateful because you ruined the rest ren deserved. defeating him will make the rest of those who attend ren’s funeral afraid of you, but they’ll murmur more about how they find ren even more disappointing now, only the lover of ren truly mourning him.
stepping beyond the place you enter a huge library. rows upon rows you find books, but they all just have a black cover. opening them will reveal their titles, and it reveals ren’s self-loathing. it ends with his idea to create eden with the rest of the thieves. a case shoves itself to the side, revealing a safe room.
a staircase now appears in the middle of the room, but when you think it’s a calm room, not entering the safe room first is a mistake. the staircase slowly melts underneath your feet, and it traps you and then the floor flips, throwing you down below.
now you’re below, and in a room full of paintings. the more you travel through it, the more they becomes longer, and one final painting stretched out enough to reveal a claw at the bottom. an enemy climbs out, and it attacks you instantly.
after you defeat the enemy, proceed to the next door. opening it reveals another staircase, next to it a safe room, and you have to climb it up a long time. paintings on the right shows the rise and downfall of ren in a way of lucifer, but worse; in the final painting, his nightmarish, despairing face because of abandonment appears in the final painting in front of the door leading to the treasure room.
when you open the door, you see an empty room with merely a chair, behind it the treasure. once the calling card is send. entering this place again will show you the treasure is no longer there within the room, but a new door is unlocked. a warning enters your mind, but it’s too cryptic to understand.
open the door, and you’ll find yourself in a room with a huge alter. the phantom thieves are playing loudly a symphony, one of which can inflict you with despair if you listen too long to it. 
there you find the shadow ren, he who’s called helel in the palace, suffering a way akin to how he did in the interrogation room. the difference is that it is done more a martyrish way, he being praised like some sort of god; the shadows beg for their god to bear them knowledge, to show them the path to the light. once the enemies are done with him, he’s drowned in a bath full of rosewater... and he arises more beautiful than before, but he becomes uncanny. the shadows dress him in majestic clothes. he walks to his throne; a crown is put ontop of his head. afterwards he’s touched, loved by the shadows, and his eyes glow gold now. he’ll talk now to the thieves, offering them to join him. rejecting him leads to the boss fight.
mini boss fight happens first with the cognitive, weaker phantom thieves. the lover of ren goes to his side, helel kissing them with his mouth bloodied to make them stronger. insults from the cognitives will be launched to their real selves. defeating them will lead to helel snapping, appearing, and fighting them afterwards. WEAK TO: curse REPELS: bless
in his more humane form, he’s dressed in a victorian-style outfit with holy themes attached to it. a rose is in the chest pocket of his coat, and he has a glow around him. he wears a mourning veil. his hair is neatly styled.
once transformed into his shadow self form, he’s an an angel with black wings, an adonis with his crown and treasures. he has three faces, two partially obscured by long, shaggy, and thick hair, coming out of it like screaming statues. he’ll wear a royal attire with shades of red, black, and golden edges, an outfit inspired by satanael. he has fangs and horns, eight eyes that are gold will see you everywhere, predicting every move as ren sees the world in algorithms.
upon his defeat, he’ll crawl to the defeated cognitive thieves, apologizing for being a failure of a leader. whispers of his voice call him out, and they boom and become louder and louder. you can grab the treasure and go, or comfort him and he’ll give it willingly. the treasure takes the form of an invitation to the ball. once received, helel will teleport them away to the front of the palace. outside in the real world, the treasure is revealed to be an old puppet ren got from his father.
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