#( magnusmodig . ) \ / I remember a shadow. living in the shade of your greatness .
mischiefmodig · 2 months
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Old Prompt \ / @dancingxflames \ / not accepting
A vivid memory
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He was so young when it happened. When the entire world that he knew shattered all around him, leaving him with broken pieces that still cut him to this day. He couldn't have been much older than 540 (though to most humans he would have appeared 13).
All of his upbringing there was always a singular truth. That he was a son of Odin, and that meant that just as his brother had so too would Loki have the All-Force. A power passed down from the first Aesir, Buri. A sign of the royal heritage, each wielder is completely unique in the power's manifestation.
Thor's power was obvious enough, even at birth there was no doubt that Thor was a descendant of such a rich history. Loki's path, however, was not so clear. Certainly, he had affinities for sorcery with what little his mother had shown to him. But Loki knew there was more- he was promised that there would be more.
He was simply a "late bloomer" as they called it. Yes, his health was not great when he was younger but that did not mean he could not ever get stronger. For hundreds of years, he had contented himself with sorcery. He read every book, every scroll, every piece of knowledge about the All-Force. Hungry for the understanding of why his took so long to manifest.
Thor had done his best to aid. He would help Loki find information, and ask questions of father, as much as Loki studied Thor and all of the facets he possessed. But there was always the question: why did Loki have none?
Loki's hope was fading as more questions were left unanswered, or worse in the fog of uncertainty. It wasn't until Loki had overheard a conversation between Mother and Thor that thee truth began to settle upon him.
In a last desperate battle to make himself worthy of the legacy of his family, he fled to the forest where he would throw himself into battle - for there was another truth to be observed. The all-force did not let it's wielder die so easily. A storm had begun, soaking the earth beneath his feet. But no wind could stop him. No thunder would scare him from what he had to do.
He couldn't be this. He couldn't be broken - a failure of a son, the weakest link in his family's chain. He was a son of Odin too, so why was he the one born wrong?
But the storm did stop him. Before Loki could finish the fight he had begun, his target was defeated by the other aesir. Thor snatched Loki away. They fought in the mud and bushes as the storm continued to rage on. But Loki was weary from flight, and injured from the fight before hand. All Thor had to do was pin Loki down enough to get him to stop. The brother begged the younger to cease this madness. Among this, something died inside of Loki.
He was broken. He was weak.
Nearly everything was a blur to him in his mind. But he always remembered what it felt like to be helpless to his own nature, and when he decided he would never let that happen again.
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mischiefmodig · 6 months
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oh no there are two of them...
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mischiefmodig · 9 months
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( accepting ) Walk down memory lane \ / @seirosu asked: 🎀 ― a childhood memory.
Take a deep breath. This was the moment.
He had been practicing with Mother all week. Every day until he thought he might bleed from his eyes ( this was an exaggeration, he knew. ) but the pressure was greater than ever had experienced before. It was his big moment to show Thor what he could do.
It was an ordinary night ( except for Loki's surprise ) and the boys were settling in for their routine storytime. Thor had unceremoniously collected every pillow and blanket he could find and together they built themselves a mighty pillowed fortress! Impenetrable by the cold castle floors.
The story they had chosen was a favorite. Full of adventures, bandits, and heroics of the fictional lands that brought so much joy to the little princes ( no more than 500 years old at least. ) It made them eager to one day become great heroes themselves.
The young prince Loki had cleared his throat, placing the book carefully against a spare pillow so that he may look upon it at a moment's notice. He looked tentatively to his brother, fidgeting with the stitches along the edge of his blanket - a realization that Loki was expecting him turned his attention away and back to the task at hand. And thus the story began.
Loki's voice was quiet at first. So unsure, so very nervous. More than usual as doubts crept into his mind of whether or not he could pull the feat off. Occasional looks at Thor caused him sadness as Thor would get distracted by the fort. An argument shortly followed but was quickly subdued.
He continued again, and this time he made it to the action ( their favorite part. ) Loki spoke louder, with more confidence. Animating his body to the flow of the words of the story. More glances to Thor revealed that he had captured his attention fully. Loki could only smile wider upon the realization. This was it, this was the moment.
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❝ Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. The ground trembled around the hero. His armor shook upon his body, but was it the beast? Or his own fear. From the deepest darkest place came glowing golden eyes towering above him. Starting upon him before releasing a mighty ROOOAAAR~ ❞ From Loki's hands came a golden ( tinted green ) flame, much like the fire breath of a beast.
Though the illusion was harmless, Thor gave a shout upon the sudden disturbance - but soon surprise gave way to awe at the little brother who'd brought the story to life! Loki's smile was bigger than before continuing to create waves of fire before the beast had been slain.
Loki had done it! He'd performed the illusion with success and Thor was as impressed as Loki sought him to be. The boys laughed and chatted away the rest of the night about the endless possibilities that Loki could do, that he could learn! Oh what a wonderful gift Loki had, Thor was so proud.
How was he ever going to top this in his next story?
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mischiefmodig · 1 year
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magnusmodig asked: "she wouldn't want us to fight."
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The bitter cold pain coursed through him. Loki had stirred the fires stated the obvious. He could never understand why Thor lowered himself to such an agonizingly pathetic degree. Who did this woman think she was to him?
It didn't suit the throne - Thor was never good enough. Thor was to blame.
( It had to be his fault . )
He put him there when he didn't deserve it.
( His cause was just. Loki deserved the title . )
He should've been there. He could've done it. Everything. All of it.
The weight of his brother pushed against him. The thought of his words. Loki knew them true. Mother...
( Weakness. Loki was always weak . )
The one he denounced. He had betrayed her and now she was gone. Memories of her love still lingered. Thor couldn't be right, and yet, he lost the drive to continue. How jealous he was of that trust.
"Well, she wouldn't exactly be shocked..."
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mischiefmodig · 1 year
Tag Dump
( ic . ) \ / prince of asgard . rightful heir of jotunheim . odin son .
( ooc . ) \ / legend of D. B Cooper .
( dash comm . ) \ / I'll have that drink now .
( crack . ) \ / puny god .
( answered . ) \ / you may bring your urgent to me .
( queue . ) \ / the sun will shine upon us once again .
( meme . ) \ / the god of mischief .
( hc . ) \ / you think so little of me ?
( musings . ) \ / burdened by glorious purpose .
( albums . ) \ / another relic locked in a vault .
( music . ) \ / mothers lullabies .
( magnusmodig . ) \ / I remember a shadow. living in the shade of your greatness .
( odin . ) \ / birthright was to die .
( frigga . ) \ / trust my rage .
( thor . ) \ / I'm here .
( loki . ) \ / your savior is here .
( laufey/jotunheim . ) \ / the stories of monsters children are told .
( asgard . ) \ / the rightful king . betrayed .
( thread . ) \ / starter call .
( thread . ) \ / closed .
( thread . ) \ / open .
( thread . ) \ / drabble .
( saved. ) \ / have you come to gloat ?
( aevum isles . ) \ / this is madness .
( tva . ) \ / love is like a dagger .
( hiddleston . ) \ / where's the pudding .
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mischiefmodig · 1 month
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Old prompt \ / @magnusmodig \ / not accepting
“ i told you before. i’m not gonna let anything in this world nor the next harm you. “ (flashback flashback ;;v;;)
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With tears from his eyes that stained his blotched cheeks and sniffles of his running nose, Loki looked up with as much courage as his heart could muster. Above him was Thor, his light, his best friend, his brother.
It hurt so much, the scrapes and bruises but worse was the rejection he felt reaching out to follow in the games. The laughter the fingers that pointed at him for being so small. So fragile. He would not survive among them for a minute.
That was when he came. Thor descended upon the bullies to fight on Loki's behalf. And certainly, did far worse to them than they had done to Loki. Once they had fled, he turned his attention upon the little brother. Gentle hands, no longer fists, cupped his cheeks to wipe the tears away. His voice, once loud and angry now spoke with that same confidence but with kindness and love.
Loki choked back his sobs, filled with hope that chased the darkness of his mind.
❝ ... do you promise? ❞ he asked. Everything was so much bigger than he was, but when he was with Thor he never felt small.
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mischiefmodig · 6 months
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What are you hiding? prompt \ / @magnusmodig
asked: some things are just better left unsaid. (regarding hypnum !)
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❝ Tch... typical. ❞ He huffed in defiance. A poison crept on his tongue from hundreds of years of the same old excuses and feeble attempts at hiding the cracks.
Every time Loki would get a glimpse of what lay beneath the constant too-perfect surface of the man, Thor would cover it up with poor craftsmanship and even worse excuses. And every time Loki would pry. He would ask. He would attempt to be what any other being would consider a good brotherly quality, helpful. Useful.
But every time Loki was met with closed doors. Met with commands that put him in his place or simply to leave the suffering being alone. Loki never understood what gave Thor the gall to cast him away.
( It broke his heart. How could he make Loki do nothing to ease him? Why wouldn't Thor admit he was hurting and broken? Was it truly so evil to be like Loki was? )
Loki clenched his fists, shooting the moon a darkened glare. ❝ You may fool yourself, but you cannot lie to me. There are plenty more words that need to be said. ❞
He turned on his heel to walk away. Agitated... but mostly troubled. What he saw in Thor's dreams brought to him a realization he could not forget so soon. He feared for Thor... and what his dreams told him.
❝ If you're simply too cowardly to speak then you may as well say that instead. ❞
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mischiefmodig · 8 months
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Old Prompt \ / @magnusmodig asked: "it’s a fine thing when the little pig teaches the boar a lesson."
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Loki Squinted. Perhaps he could take offense to the language choice, however he recognized the sentiment easily enough. Being the younger was no choice of his own. Something beyond his control. A simple fact of life.
Certain expectations come with being the secondborn he was not even the secondborn at all he was to be as they both were royals. Well-behaved, proper mannered. But he was to always be behind. Always to follow and never to lead. A 'just in case'. But what did that matter when the firstborn was already good strong enough?
Loki found himself agitated, choosing to stay focused on his own task. He would not be patronized for displaying his own strengths.
❝ Hardly. When the boar is being foolish. ❞
The oldest should just know better.
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