#( margaretmulgrave : 001 )
earlharcourt · 2 years
CLOSED STARTER ||  Duke of Marlborough ( @margaretmulgrave ) LOCATION || Blenheim Palace
The drive from Mayfair to Blenheim Palace would take Richard at least two or three hours travel time but it was hopefully worth the trip. While on the drive, Richard had his calling card ready with his name, title and family seat and he spent the majority of the time traveling fiddling with it. The last time he proposed, Mathilde’s mother was over the moon with the match and her father could so clearly see that his daughter’s heart belonged to Richard’s. His intentions were true then as they were now but it was hard to not think of such a time as he made his way to meet the Duke. Richard would have preferred to meet Margaret’s father in a more social setting but with Whistledown’s latest issue, that had put a damper on things. Hopefully it will all work out in the end. 
As his carriage pulled up at Blenheim Palace, Richard suddenly felt so incredibly small. Margaret certainly hadn’t boasted enough of her family’s seat and if she were here, Richard would have said how it envied even the queen’s residence and there were no lies within his words. The estate’s lands were kept in pristine condition and while his eyes enjoyed the view, Richard had to look up at the actual palace, taking a deep breath before he entered the building. The footman led Richard to the library where tea was poured as he waited for the Duke to arrive. He could not find it in himself to take even a sip of tea with the nerves but if the duke came to see he hadn’t taken a sip, would he think it was a snub? Despite Richard’s better judgment, he ate two biscuits despite not being hungry and drank half a cup a tea. He started to pace the room when the door opened and his heart started to pound violently against his chest. Richard was fiddling with the brim of his hat when the duke saw him for the first time. Richard hardly seemed like  the confident man he wished to be his first impression but he could do nothing to change it now. “Your grace,” He greeted as he bowed before looking the man in the eyes. “I hope I have not disturbed your day too much.” Richard stood, waiting for the man’s response eagerly hoping he had not brought such imposition to the man’s home but the matter could hardly wait.
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lordedmund · 2 years
late july 1800 / late afternoon / st. james’s park
Truly, Edmund had picked his time to go out and paint poorly, for, as he had realised upon setting up his easel under a somewhat secluded willow tree, St. Jamese’s Park seemed to suddenly be flooded with an abundance of young people, their eager parents and servants looking to promenade. He should’ve known better, most parks were to be avoided during the afternoon - but Edmund simply couldn’t help it, the light was far too good to let it go to waste. 
And it was entirely to hot and dreadfully boring to remain indoors any longer, so he had packed up his supplies and had made his way down to the park. Edmund was eager to paint but he seemed to be interrupted the second he attempted to touch his brush down onto the canvas. Old friends from Oxford with their new wives, friends of his mothers’, cousins - he could not remember having quite this many - there was always someone demanding his attention.
It was exasperating. He had already moved his easel further away from the treaded path, where it now stood comfortably in the shade of the old willow tree. Edmund glanced down at his watch - a whole two minutes without another interruption, he noted, ready to attempt his first brushstroke once more.
Interrupted once more, however, by a rustling noise behind him. With a deep sigh he whipped around. “Surely, if I would have longed for company I would have promenaded, would I no-” He caught himself halfway through as he recognized the face before him, a faint blush raising to his cheeks. If anonye had a talent for utter embarassment it was sure to be Edmund. He cleared his throat. 
“Lady Mulgrave. My apologies, I was under the impression that you were another one of my cousins looking to annoy him. You are clearly not - I do apologise.”
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earlharcourt · 2 years
CLOSED STARTER ||  @margaretmulgrave​ LOCATION ||  Gunters
In the aftermath of the Queen’s ball, it was as predicted. The Ton was a buzz with retellings of who danced with who, which members of the Ton didn’t turn up or were excluded. It would all quieten down in a week or so but even still, Richard could not go anywhere without someone seeking some sort of rumor or clarification. All he would give was a pleasing comment and a pleasant smile before Richard made his escape. Already ladies had tried to perfect the art form of marrying above their station while fortune-hunting men were on the lookout for a favored daughter with a dowry to match. 
Richard had hoped that he would have some respite from the talk at Gunters. Part of him had hoped that most men had overindulged in merriment to court the ladies but he was wrong. Flowers were being ordered as well as the poor servants carrying gifts for others, the Ton was certainly going to be busy today. Richard was busy stewing over the different chocolates and candies that Gunter had to offer. He never really had a sweet tooth so he was a little over his head this morning. “Miss,” Richard asked the lady standing next to him. “I hope you wouldn’t mind extending some help to a man who is a little overwhelmed with choice?” The blonde haired woman did not look too much younger than Richard though hers was not a face he recognized.
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