#( my heart is a cathedral / ghosts sit in the arched marrow of me ) * character study.
arcvenus · 7 months
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joph takes to wearing the color red after the first blood had been spilt by cain in murdering his brother. she had never seen blood before then, but she liked its rich, vibrant hue, so very different from the pristine divinity of heaven. she finds a morbid sort of beauty in it, like an art piece.
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arcvenus · 7 months
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here's some notes on joph to ease interaction,
as the archangel of wisdom, amongst other things, she taught language to mankind. thinks humans are just so neat, very fond of lilith (and then eve) when she was made. she's prone to curiosity, values knowledge above doctrine.
after lucifer was cast out for the very same beliefs she held, she grew cynical and decided it is what it is. has been minding her business ever since.
runs a boutique in heaven, the interior of which is grand & covered in stained glass. having designed various uniforms for the exorcist angels over the centuries under a strict supply contract, she is aware of the exterminations. doesn't care too much, or at least would not say so out loud.
goes down to hell, illegally, often, to pick up shit like fabrics and books and whatnot, because a lot of it is forbidden in heaven.
wine. she's the wine aunt. angels technically are forbidden from consuming alcohol except communion wine. she has it every day, she's just that devoted <3
will find the beauty in anything. after all, nothing is more beautiful than holy suffering, the blood & body of christ, etc. she's a lil deranged :) pinching the cheeks of all your demons as we speak.
in jo's alternate fallen verse, set post-finale, she ultimately decides to take a stance against heaven's leadership after so long of biting back her opinions and refusing to partake in the kingdom's politics. she's not thrilled to be in hell bit hey, she finds it pretty in a morbid sort of way. probs strikes up a deal with someone because.. she has no clue what she's doing.
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